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Save NielsPilgaard/a06e4ab379e0eef35a0f33a94177eee2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Enigmatica2Light 1.1.1 to Enigmatica2Light 1.2.0
- In Control!
- Loot Capacitor Tooltips
Actually Additions (went from ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r145.jar to ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r146.jar):
* IrresoluteArkia: Solid experience no longer drops when doMobLoob = false.
* IrresoluteArkia: Black quartz blocks and black dye oredicts updated.
* Cascading would gen should be less prevalent. May be fixed entirely.
* A few more references to CF have been localized.
* shejery: Added ko_KR.lang
* Crushers and powered furnaces can now be forced into the "on" state with a redstone signal to avoid block updates.
* The Coffee Machine now uses the oredict "cropCoffee" for valid coffee beans.
Advanced Rocketry (went from AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-128-UNSTABLE build -128 for 1.12.2 to AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-136-UNSTABLE build -136 for 1.12.2):
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-136-UNSTABLE build -136 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-136
* [ Filled data sticks no longer stack, #1543](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-135-UNSTABLE build -135 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-135
* [ Don't print invalid when no dimension is provided to the set command, but tell the user what property was set](
* [ Add multiblock tooltip to rocket building blocks](
* [ Fix spelling error in config, configs may need to be updated for 'seperation' -> 'separation', see #1544](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-134-UNSTABLE build -134 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-134
* [ remove debug code introduced in 8620cf94d25c9cf5569937f7d348772fbb851120 that causes O2 vents to always be full](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-133-UNSTABLE build -133 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-133
* [ Gas giants should have gasses by default](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-132-UNSTABLE build -132 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-132
* [ Resolve edge case on doors (only works on 1 currently) resolves #89](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-131-UNSTABLE build -131 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-131
* [ fix observatory recipe](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-130-UNSTABLE build -130 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-130
* [ fix crafting issue with iron rods, #1517](
* [ fix typo, closes #1516](
AppleCore (went from AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.1.4.jar to AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.2.0.jar):
NOTE: There was an [important bugfix released in v3.1.5]( If you want a safer version to update to (since v3.2.0 is only an update to the API which no mod depends on yet), then [use v3.1.5 instead](
API: Add ExhaustionEvent.ExhaustingAction event ([#132](
* Allows control over when/how Minecraft modifies a player's exhaustion based on what the player does (jumping, sprinting, breaking blocks, etc)
Fix AppleCore accidentally modifying health regen
* In 1.11, health regen was changed to add more exhaustion for each heal tick, but AppleCore was never updated to reflect that change. See [](
Astral Sorcery (went from AstralSorcery-1.12.2-1.10.11.jar to AstralSorcery-1.12.2-1.10.12.jar):
Changed patreon integration to automatically query updated patreon information.
- Add sky-check ignoring gamerule (astralSorceryIgnoreSkyCheck)
- Fixed cave illuminator spawning lights on higher y-level than itself
- Catching JVM errors during blockstate deserialization (no more Exu2 crashes...)
- Fix crashes when using a trait-recipe without additional outer items
- Make sure gateway teleporations actually point towards another gateway
- Change research lookup to use fallback always-false progression instead of missing player data
- Fix dangling recipes from JEI reload are not removed
- Fix itemphysics rendering being broken again (credit to CreativeMD)
- Fix effectAmplifier for ritual effects not adding additional cycles to effect executions
- Fix crystal pickaxe not being able to mine redstone ore with proper speed
AutoRegLib (went from AutoRegLib-1.3-24.jar to AutoRegLib-1.3-26.jar):
- Fixed tools not having proper tool classes (wiresegal)
Better Advancements (went from BetterAdvancements-1.12.2- to BetterAdvancements-1.12.2-
[[d425d73](] changes how textures are used and when recolouring is applied, #24 (way2muchnoise)
[[ad21cb6](] bump versions (way2muchnoise)
[[21b79d3](] fixes textures of titles on wide screens, fixes #56 (way2muchnoise)
Better Builder's Wands (went from Better Builder's Wands 0.13.0 [MC1.12; rev 267] to Better Builder's Wands 0.13.2 [MC1.12; rev 271]):
Better Builder's Wands 0.13.2 [MC1.12; rev 271]:
Minor changes:
* Be better behaved so that Thermal Expansion isn't Thermal Duping.
Better Builder's Wands 0.13.1 [MC1.12; rev 269]:
Minor changes:
* Make a call to an additional method on block placement.
Better Questing (went from BetterQuesting-3.5.291.jar to BetterQuesting-3.5.296.jar):
Fixed entity selection list not being sorted
Fixed entity selection preview being tilted the wrong way
Fixed the inventory and quest keys not closing questing GUIs
Fixed visibility property not writing default value to JSON file
Removed font size changes until some scaling issues are resolved
Added new option to resize quest icons to be non-square
Changed out GUI theme hooks for a more flexible implementation (may break some expansions, sorry)
Fixed a soft lock in the quest line designer
Fixed integer overflow error in smooth scrolling
Fixed new JSON themes registering IDs incorrectly (you'll need to select your theme again)
Fixed line stippling mask not being read out of JSON themes
Fixed submission stations displaying the wrong task after selection
Fixed potential resource leak in JSON file IO
Reduced minimum supported Forge version back to recommended build 2768
Mostly the same as 292 with these additional fixes:
Fixed edit command taking two attempts to apply in newly created worlds
Fixed designer tools breaking horrendously when returning from a previous edit
Fixed designer tool buttons not properly showing the active tool when returning
Select/open tool is now pre-selected when opening the designer for the first time
Fixed NBT conversion calls being incredibly slow (speeds up file IO)
Fixed vanilla related bug with incorrect string widths after bold formatting
Fixed file browser not being able to switch drives
Fixed file browser incorrectly sorting files based on case sensitive names
Fixed slow ore dictionary lookups for tasks and item rendering (less TPS impact)
Fixed backups failing to save due to missing directories
Fixed errors and occasional crashes due to client side race conditions when quest data is updated
Fixed task and reward editor listings not being sorted
Fixed quest lines not properly centring on the canvas when opened
Added search functionality to task and reward editor listings
Added claim all button to quest line screen
Added zoom-to-fit shortcut button to quest line screen
Added slight smooth scrolling and smooth zoom to quest line canvases
Added an all new JSON theme loading system with much more powerful capabilities
Removed many deprecated registry calls and methods (expansions WILL need updating)
Better Questing - Standard Expansion (went from StandardExpansion-3.4.151.jar to StandardExpansion-3.4.154.jar):
Updated to support BQ 3.5.296
Fixed potential NPE crash in FTBQ importer
Fixed debug spam from crafting tasks
Fixed item retrieval tasks erasing or ignoring party progression
Fixed retrieval task detection breaking on the first empty slot
Fixed fluid tasks no supporting multi-tank containers
Fixed fluid tasks no handling stacked containers properly
Added missing group detect option to fluid tasks
Added Manhattan (TaxiCab) distance option to location tasks
Reduced minimum supported Forge version back to recommended build 2768
Fixed choice reward not immediately updating the GUI claim state
Fixed advancement task editor not sorting advancements
Fixed party progression bug in retrieval tasks
Fixed a significant portion of performance issues by moving tasks off the tick event
Fixed incorrect conversion of settings from HQM command rewards
Added item interaction task type
Added entity interaction task type
Added entity tame task type
Added option to invert the distance requirement of location tasks
Added search bar to advancement task editor
Added several more supported conversions to the HQM importer
Added an all new FTB Quests importer (this took a long time to reverse engineer)
Converted all themes over to the new JSON system
Blockcraftery (went from blockcraftery-1.12.2-1.1.0.jar to blockcraftery-1.12.2-1.2.0.jar):
* Added lighting functionality - click on a blockcraftery frame with glowstone dust to make it light up like a torch!
* Reworked frames - now they burn to fire and are destroyed by explosions
* Added Reinforced Frames - almost completely resistant to explosions and resistant to fire, no matter what block they look like
* Added sounds to clicking items onto frames
* Added Chinese Localisation (thanks to SeanChengN)
Bookshelf (went from Bookshelf-1.12.2-2.3.575.jar to Bookshelf-1.12.2-2.3.577.jar):
* Added gson type adapters for common types in modding. - Tyler Hancock
* Added the data loader code to bookshelf. - Tyler Hancock
* Added some helper methods for working with biome dictionaries. - Tyler Hancock
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Jonathan McManus
* Varitek
* Pongo Sapiens
* Darkosto
* Added graceful fail state to texture saving, and added a check for reallllllly big images. - Tyler Hancock
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Jonathan McManus
* Varitek
* Tristan McMahon
* Pongo Sapiens
* Darkosto
Botania (went from Botania r1.10-359.jar to Botania r1.10-360.jar):
Botania r1.10-360.jar:
See [](
Building Gadgets (went from BuildingGadgets v2.6.3 to BuildingGadgets v2.6.8):
BuildingGadgets v2.6.8:
Full Changelog: [](
* Added settings to the radial menu for rotation, mirroring, undoing, and anchoring. All operations that can be performed by a keybind can now be performed via the radial menu.
* A Building or Exchanging gadget can now rotate/mirror its selected blockstate (using either its new keybind, which is not set by default, or using the radial menu).
* Example: Selecting a stair block, then rotating it.
* Separated rotation/mirror keybind (not set by default) from range (still default of R).
* Raised the energy costs in recipes to 4000/1000 from
* 400/100 in the pulverizer and fluid extractor [Thermal Expansion]
* 1600/400 in the crusher [Immersive Engineering]
BuildingGadgets v2.6.7:
Full Changelog: [](
* The copy/paste gadget can now mirror pastes, as well as rotate them. Sneak while pressing the keybind that previously just rotated them to mirror them left-to-right instead.
* Added/changed radial menu functionality/aesthetics:
* Converted text-based settings controls to icon-based ones.
* Prevented mode strings from rendering when the cursor is not over its corresponding slice.
* Added range slider.
* Allowed gadgets to bind Simple Storage Network networks as a remote inventories (you can only bind the Storage Network Master block).
* Dense construction blocks now drop 1-3 (configurable) construction paste items.
* The process of generating construction paste is now as follows:
* Craft a construction powder block.
* Convert the powder into a dense construction block by either placing it in the word next to water, or using one of the following machines:
* Fluid Transposer [Thermal Expansion]
* Hydrator [Cyclic]
* Moistener [Forestry]
* Get paste from the block by either:
* Breaking it, yielding 1-3 paste.
* Using machines:
* Convert it into dense construction chunks (1 block -> 4 chunks):
* Pulverizer [Thermal Expansion]
* Macerator [Industrial Craft 2]
* Grinder [Applied Energistics 2]
* Crusher [Mekanism]
* Crusher [Immersive Engineering]
* Crusher [Actually Additions]
* Convert the chunks into paste using any of the machines listed in step 3 (1 chunk -> 1 paste).
* Nearly every ingredient of every recipe now uses the ore dictionary.
* Templates can be copied to the clipboard from template items, as well as copy/paste gadgets in the Template Manager GUI.
* Remote networks are now only wrapped once build/exchange/undo operation, rather than twice per placed block.
BuildingGadgets v2.6.6:
* Allowed gadgets to bind Applied Energistics 2 networks as a remote inventories.
* Added gadget modes for:
* [all gadgets] raytracing fluids
* [building gadget] placing in or on blocks
* More German localisation
* Refined Storage network IO now respects security permissions.
* Fixed destruction overlay rendering bug when in F1 mode.
* When in connected area mode, the destruction gadget now does nothing when set to 0 depth, just as it does otherwise.
* Allowed destruction overlay render cache to update when the side of the observed block changes.
BuildingGadgets v2.6.5:
- In addition to extracting items from bound Refined Storage networks when using the building/exchanging/copy-paste gadgets, items can now also be inserted into them when using, and undoing the use of, the building/copy-paste gadgets.
- The Template Manager now displays a special Error-Message if someone tries to paste a link instead of JSON-Data
BuildingGadgets v2.6.4:
* Drastically improved rendering performance of Destruction Gadget in Connected Area mode when set to a large area
Chisels & Bits (went from chiselsandbits-14.30.jar to chiselsandbits-14.31.jar):
Fix issue with creative clipboard not persisting between client launches.
Chunk-Pregenerator (went from Chunk Pregenerator V1.12-2.0 to Chunk Pregenerator V1.12-2.1):
Chunk Pregenerator V1.12-2.1:
Fix patch for 2.0 Release fixing all bugs that were reported.
Version 2.0:
- Fixed: Crashing with the Preview Feature when generating to many dimensions after each other.
Colytra (went from colytra-1.12.2- to colytra-1.12.2-1.1.1.jar):
* Added
* Config option for separating colytra in crafting table [[#15]](
* Toggle feature for bauble elytras [[#17]](
* Added
* Chinese localization files (thank you tian051011)
Common Capabilities (went from CommonCapabilities-1.12.2-2.0.2.jar to CommonCapabilities-1.12.2-2.1.1.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.1.0 or higher.
* Update to Forge and MCP snapshot_20180814
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.0.0 or higher.
* Store recipe ingredients with IPrototypedIngredientAlternatives
Backwards compatible with the old format.
Needed for storing oredict recipe ingredients more efficiently:
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.0.0 or higher.
* Fix zero-amount fluidstacks being creatable, Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedCrafting#19
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.0.0 or higher.
* Implement custom FluidStack hashcode function
As of MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge@41a098e2f789a507d8d56f4aa3facfe9c8088164,
FluidStack#hashcode has been changed, while we depended on the old
implementation., Closes #18
CraftTweaker (went from CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.14 to CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.16):
Made IIngredient more null safe
Added IItemStack#isBlock
WIP: Added print statement to MCREcipeManager
Added #profile to get stats on action time
Fixed issue with ZS types
Fixed zsdump command
Fix JEI losing it's changes on resource reload
Added tooltip functions
added fluid methods to IBlock and ILiquidDefinition
Added extra player capability methods
Added harvest level getting to IItemStack
Added PlayerAdvancementEvent
Added foodvalue and saturationvalue getters for /ct names
Moved update(IData) from IPlayer to super interface IEntity
getIIngredient now also checks for CompoundIngredients
Added LivingSpawnEvents
Added check for invalid offset to MCRecipeShaped#getCraftingResult
Added JEI conflict check for null comparisons
Added missing annotations to IMobSpawnerBaseLogic
Added custom vanillaIngredient
Allow liquids to be used in Crafting Recipes
Added Raytrace methods
Added Cleanup method to MCRecipeManager
Added method to find script line using the stacktrace
Added registryName getter and Compare method to IEnchantmentDefinition
Updated JEI Wrapper to show resource location
Change ExpandFacingFix
Switched oredict retrieve methods for remove actions and Ingredient conversion
Made IngredientStack check stack size again
Added a way to get the Vanilla Biome from an IBiome object
Added commandString Getter to IBlockStateMatcher
Added /ct give
Liquid ingredients should now return empty buckets
Refactored EntityLivingSpawn Events
Command to list enchants: `/ct enchants`
Cyclops Core (went from CyclopsCore-1.12.2-1.0.3.jar to CyclopsCore-1.12.2-1.1.1.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Lib additions:
* Add FluidStack NBTClassType
* Add synced gui variable abstraction
This allows variables inside guis to be more
easily synced between client and server.
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
* Update to Forge and MCP snapshot_20180814
Lib changes:
* Add more efficient method for checking if a config is enabled, Closes #116
* Deprecate SendPlayerCapabilitiesPacket, Closes #123
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
* Fix RenderItemExtendedSlotCount not considering custom item models
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTerminals#23
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTerminals#24
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
* Don't include chance-based recipe outputs in recipe components
This fixes validation issues in Integrated Crafting with chance-based recipes.
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedCrafting#15
* Make slotless ingredient loss error a warning instead of a crash
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#696
* Fix ingred movement not checking source alternatives for filtered destinations
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTunnels#150
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
* Add GL depth safety after rendering gui tooltips in infobook, Closes CyclopsMC/EvilCraft#753
* Automatically reset scrollbars when it is too big for the view, Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTerminals#13
* Fix gaps between gui slots, Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTerminals#19
Dark Utilities (went from DarkUtils-1.12.2-1.8.223.jar to DarkUtils-1.12.2-1.8.224.jar):
* Increased the power range of the sneaky pressure plate. This makes it more usable in traditional circumstances. - Tyler Hancock
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Jonathan McManus
* Tristan McMahon
* Pongo Sapiens
* Darkosto
Ender IO (went from Ender IO - 5.0.40 to Ender IO - 5.0.43):
Ender IO - 5.0.43:
You need either the main file or a selection of the "split" jars, not both!
[Changelog (this build)]( / [Changelog (all builds)](
Player-visible changes:
Made infinity dust block fall and react to neighboring water
Added diamond dust recipe for SAG Mill
Added new Dark Steel Upgrade: Inventory Upgrade
Made JEI descriptions for dark steel items more useful
Removed broken spawners that cannot be crafted from the creative inventory
Fixed owls getting damage when pressing against block above them
Fixed redstone conduits not allowing their GUIs for all sides to be opened
Tweaked backhoe after playtesting
Added Project Intelligence integration (experimental and WIP)
Added proper support for disabling Rod of Return's fluid use
Not-so-visible and invisible changes:
Item energy capabilities are now provided by Mixins, not the capability event
Forestry integration with Dark Steel Tools now resides completely in Forestry addon
Painted blocks are now resisting being moved by non-standard pistons
Fixed client-only data being serialized into itemstacks
Fixed Spawner using wrong item class
Fix broken shouldContinueExecuting override
Adjust code to vanilla style pathing delays seen in EntityAIAttackMelee
Detect when navigation is being used for an entity that is riding
Added oredict wildcard check for deduping recipes
Try pickBlock first when trying to find an item representation for the conduit GUI
Skip Direct upgrade processing when used by a Farming Station or Killer Joe
Protect against vanilla casting objects without instanceof check
Changed name generation for configured machines to run client-side
Playing with lights
Fixed #4830 functionality
Cleaneded up enchantment config and nerfed Repellent a bit
The cake may be a lie, but the pie isn't.
Removeed GhostSlotTarget and use default IHaveGhostTargets#getGhostTargets
Added spawn eggs support for captured mob processing
Added item fading to Mod Item Filter
Added buildcraft fuels
Moved Thaumcraft integration to mixin
Told everyone that basic caps can be used in upgrade slots now, too
Fixed input checking invalid input crashing in some cases
Fixed simulation for validating energy receiver, added caching
Changed mob blacklists to predicates
Fixed energy conduit networks overcaching external connections
Re-Added conduit extension API
Added mob drop support for Direct trait
Added variant recipe to upgrade steel to dark steel
EnderCore (went from EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.45 to EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.52):
EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.52:
Now embedding the coremod part in the jar
Made bottle fluid capability a proper tweak (with config)
Protect blocks with Tile Entities from being moved by non-standard methods
Made it compile on oracle jdk, too
Experimental: New slab recipes
Expanded SimpleMixins
Extra Utilities (went from Extra Utilities 2 - 1.12 - 1.9.8 to Extra Utilities 2 - 1.12 - 1.9.9):
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.12 - 1.9.9:
Fix recursion loop when shift-transfering items
FastFurnace (went from FastFurnace-1.12.2-1.2.1.jar to FastFurnace-1.12.2-1.2.2.jar):
Fixes furnace losing contents when being rotated.
FastWorkbench (went from FastWorkbench-1.12.2-1.6.0.jar to FastWorkbench-1.12.2-1.6.1.jar):
Added Crafting Table to OreDict under workbench and craftingTableWood as requested for compat with Extra Golems.
Forestry (went from forestry_1.12.2- to forestry_1.12.2-
* cleanup itemstackutil (#2363) - temp1011
* Update some deprecated code (#2379) * remove usage of deprecated JEI methods * remove unused deprecated class * remove unused imports and deprecated use of climatemanager - temp1011
* Fix one resource leaking incident (#2384) Signed-off-by: liach <> - liach
* Reduce itemstack copies in BottlerRecipeCategory (#2383) * get rid of some unnecessary itemstack copies in BottlerRecipeMaker * rename some methods for clarity - temp1011
* fix charcoal amount calculation fixes #2294 (#2348) - temp1011
* Fix #2338 Move charcoal items into forestry tab if needed - Nedelosk
* Fix #2350 Item description not reflect actual state with IC2 engine and tubes - Nedelosk
* Fix #2359 Crash if factory module is disabled - Nedelosk
* Add missing java.util.Locale imports - Nedelosk
* Fix #2289 Wrong default value for hive damage config option - Nedelosk
* Fix #2360 Typo in Gourd Farm description - Nedelosk
* Update ru_ru.lang (#2328) MC 1.12.2. Forestry - Konstantin
* Fix the infamous Turkish locale bug. (#2354) []( Signed-off-by: Mustafa Can Elmac? <> - Mustafa Can Elmac?
* Fix updated buildcraft API name, fixing #2343. Caused by the fix for []( (where railcraft couldn't properly depend on the BC API's as forge rejected the old names). - AlexIIL
* add command listAlleles there may be a simpler way to write this - temp1011
* fix #2324 habitat former can't lower temperature (#2327) * fix #2324 habitat former can't lower temperature * set allowed backwards * fix bug in climate manipulator builder * make fluid change positive for all hygroregulator recipes * remove broken setAllowBackwards() - temp1011
* add minimum binnie version, add workaround for a bug (#2326) - temp1011
* scale hive generation baased on size of hive registry (#2204) - temp1011
* fix plugin for bop (#2308) - temp1011
* fix some broken buildcraft triggers fixes #2301 (#2309) - temp1011
* remove unnecessary alveary json file (#2311) - temp1011
* resolve gamemode recreate definitions (#2319) - temp1011
* fix a bug where coocons would not have loot (#2320) - temp1011
* Render blocks in crates so they do not stick out very far - mezz
* Fix #2299 Improve render performance of crates - mezz
* Handle texture reloading for crates - mezz
* Fix #2298 Server Crash caused by Chunk Loading - Nedelosk
* Add config option to control the spawn rarity of every tree fixes ForestryMC/Binnie#427 - Nedelosk
* Fix broken glass bottle texture - Nedelosk
* Update mappings to stable - Nedelosk
* Update mappings to stable and Optimize Imports - Nedelosk
* Fix #239 Change Yield behavior from drop chance to leafe chance (#2288) * Fix #239 Change Yield behavior from drop chance to leave chance This fixes an old issue that was created 4 years ago. Yield now define how many fruit leaves / pods a tree contains all other leaves are leaves without any fruits. All ripe leaves now have a 100 % chance of a fruit drop and can be right clicked to harvest the fruit. - Nedelosk
* Add some context to the "hint" texts in Chinese (#2290) - Raku Zeta
* Remove Tick Randomly from Wood Pile - Nedelosk
* Add Config options for Charcoal Blocks - Nedelosk
* Fix missing Charcoal drop if amount is 16, 32 or 48 - Nedelosk
* Improve Charcoal Wall registration error messages - Nedelosk
* Allow negative charcoal amounts for the wood pile - Nedelosk
* Complete translation of zh_tw.lang (#2280) * matchup the translation keys of zh_tw.lang with en_us.lang * translate all untranslated entries * rename some items * improve and reword some entries based on the context of gameplay - Raku Zeta
* Fix #2273 Ethanol is 10x better than it should be - Nedelosk
* Fix #2276 No categories displaying if Apiculture is disabled - Nedelosk
* Fix #2286, Fix #2285 Throw exception if the charcoal amount is not valid - Nedelosk
* correct API comments (#2249) - temp1011
* prevent overflow of slots in database causing contents to be lost (#2272) - temp1011
* Fix #2275 Remove strange backup import - Nedelosk
* Remove unused lines from en_us.lang Fixes 2278 - Nedelosk
* Fix #2269 Tried to instantiate a client only variable on the server side - Nedelosk
* Habitat former (#2270) - Nedelosk
* Replace the Greenhouse with the Habitat Former (#2260) This PR closes #2251, closes #2235, closes #2213, closes #2172, closes #2108, closes #2092, closes #2088, closes #1991, closes #1990, closes #1983, closes #1891. - Nedelosk
* prevent wood pile from loading more chunks (#2268) - temp1011
* Refine some models for filesize and performance (#2265) - Hallo89
* Update de_de.lang (#2262) - Vexatos
* more fixes for charcoal (#2248) * more fixes for charcoal * fix typo * simplify things - temp1011
* Fix #2255 Menril Seeds from Mystical Agriculture - Nedelosk
* Fix Escritoire Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* Fix #2257 Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* fix over-init of allelehelper (#2254) - temp1011
* clean up init of allelehelper (#2253) - temp1011
* Use thread-safe container for climate sources (#2252) - Andriy Kushnir
* add methods to allow removing charcoal walls (#2240) - temp1011
* improve wood pile code (#2241) - temp1011
* Check for IToolGrafter instead of ItemGrafter for non-Forestry leaves (#2231) This fixes an issue where items (from other a) implementing IToolGrafter but not subclasses of ItemGrafter would work for Forestry leaves, but not for other types of leaves. - apemanzilla
* fix breakable block check, fixes #2227 (#2228) - temp1011
* Fix #2200 Single-block farm can break bedrock - Nedelosk
* Fix #2222 Errors in log loading crate models - Nedelosk
* add config for disabling factory machines (#2221) - temp1011
* Fix broken build.gradle - Nedelosk
* Update ru_RU.lang (#2199) - Konstantin
* Fix #2143 Biogas Engine Dupes Ethanol - Nedelosk
* Fix #2192 Broken Fluid Textures - Nedelosk
* Fix #2209 Disable Dimension change for butterflies - Nedelosk
* Fix #2177 Improve Crate Model - Nedelosk
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) t a - temp1011
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) - temp1011
* fix wrong drops from orchard with harvestcraft closes #2211 (#2217) - temp1011
* Update zh_cn.lang (#2220) - Urey. Xue
* Use getInternalInventory() instead of using the inventory field directly (#2201) - Paul Durbaba
* Fix some config comments (#2196) - temp1011
* fix crashes in plugins from disabled fluids (#2195) - temp1011
* Fix bottler dupe (#2128) - temp1011
Immersive Engineering (went from Immersive Engineering 0.12 - 88 to Immersive Engineering 0.12 - 89):
Immersive Engineering 0.12 - 89:
- Added a covered dropping conveyor (BluSunrize)
- Added recipes to break down Clay blocks (crusher) and Melon blocks (unpacking mold) (BluSunrize)
- Added Cinnabar vein, containing Redstone, Cinnabar, Ruby and Sulfur (BluSunrize)
- Changed Config to feature range values (Malte)
- Changed Compat Modules to register recipes on the registry event (BluSunrize)
- Fixed crash when placing blocks that shouldn't be used as a grid on lightning rods (Malte)
- Fixed Balloon shaders (Malte)
- Fixed Steel Axe having overly high damage (BluSunrize)
- Fixed potential crashes related to the new blueprint renders (BluSunrize)
- Fixed coresample markers disappearing off maps after restarting (BluSunrize)
- Fixed snow collecting on partial concrete blocks (Voidi)
- Fixed Extracting Conveyors not resetting their cooldowns when toggled by redstone (MalkContent)
- Translations Added/Updated: pt_br (chico3434), es_es(rogama25), zh_cn (mcBegins2Snow)
Industrial Foregoing (went from industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.5-229.jar to industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.10-234.jar):
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.10 (2019-03-26 21:21:27 +0100)
* Moved smelting recipe earlier so its properly registered in other mods, closes #537 (Buuz135)
1.12.9 (2019-03-26 11:56:00 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved range addons tooltip to be more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Fixed Infinity Drill resetting breaking progress when being charged, closes #526 (Buuz135)
* Deprecated the Black Hole Controller and made a new machine to replace its functionality in an improved way allowing you to use Black Hole Tanks too, closes #406 , closes #443 (Buuz135)
* Refixed some config stuff for items (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Unit now has proper item handler capabilities (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Tank now has proper fluid item capabilities (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved plant gatherer, closes #531 (Buuz135)
1.12.8 (2019-03-15 15:38:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Changed some config stuff so values generate better in the file (Buuz135)
1.12.7 (2019-03-10 15:47:14 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed fluid pumps trying to pump fluids when the area is protected and not replacing the source properly, closes #514 (Buuz135)
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the black hole unit, closes #516 (Buuz135)
* Made some changes that will make multiblock edition easier (Buuz135)
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.9 (2019-03-26 11:56:00 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved range addons tooltip to be more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Fixed Infinity Drill resetting breaking progress when being charged, closes #526 (Buuz135)
* Deprecated the Black Hole Controller and made a new machine to replace its functionality in an improved way allowing you to use Black Hole Tanks too, closes #406 , closes #443 (Buuz135)
* Refixed some config stuff for items (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Unit now has proper item handler capabilities (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Tank now has proper fluid item capabilities (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved plant gatherer, closes #531 (Buuz135)
1.12.8 (2019-03-15 15:38:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Changed some config stuff so values generate better in the file (Buuz135)
1.12.7 (2019-03-10 15:47:14 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed fluid pumps trying to pump fluids when the area is protected and not replacing the source properly, closes #514 (Buuz135)
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the black hole unit, closes #516 (Buuz135)
* Made some changes that will make multiblock edition easier (Buuz135)
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.8 (2019-03-15 15:38:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Changed some config stuff so values generate better in the file (Buuz135)
1.12.7 (2019-03-10 15:47:14 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed fluid pumps trying to pump fluids when the area is protected and not replacing the source properly, closes #514 (Buuz135)
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the black hole unit, closes #516 (Buuz135)
* Made some changes that will make multiblock edition easier (Buuz135)
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.7 (2019-03-10 15:47:14 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed fluid pumps trying to pump fluids when the area is protected and not replacing the source properly, closes #514 (Buuz135)
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the black hole unit, closes #516 (Buuz135)
* Made some changes that will make multiblock edition easier (Buuz135)
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Integration Foregoing (went from IntegrationForegoing-1.12.2-1.8.2.jar to IntegrationForegoing-1.12.2-1.9.jar):
* Requires Industrial Foregoing (at least 1.12.0)
* Refactored quite a large portion of the codes
* Backend optimizations
* Added Russian translation, closes [#39](
* Laser Drill entries rework:
* Removed Astral Sorcery Starmetal Ore out of Laser Drill entries for balancing reasons
* Rewritten most of the Laser Drill entries to have different Y levels and biomes
* Some Laser Drill entries now uses OreDict instead of registry names
* You must delete the whole /config/laser_drill_ores folder in order to get the updated default values
* No new integrations were added as I couldn't think of any to add, feel free to suggest some via our [issue tracker](
JourneyMap (went from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.3 to journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.4):
JourneyMap 1.12.2-5.5.4 for Minecraft 1.12.2
* Java 8
* Minecraft 1.12.2
* Forge
General Information:
* See []( for information about how to install and use this mod, rules about inclusion in modpacks, translation, etc.
* See []( for information on getting technical support.
* Implements [JourneyMap API v1.12-1.4](
CHANGELOG (2019-03-03-15:03:08):
* Integration: Added compatibility for the mod "Streams"; water now shows up on the map
* Integration: Added support for Pixelmon entities to show up on radar
* Bugfix: /jm tab completion crash.
* Bugfix: permission packet issue with forge update.
* Bugfix: Ignore server chunk scanning in ssp, should provide minor performance gain.
* Bugfix: Teleport button not displaying when you change your name.
* Bugfix: Fixed plugin names with that start with 'journeymap' breaking server side version checking.
* Bugfix: Color palette no longer resets when set to permanent.
* Bugfix:�NullPointerException in console when new SP world is loaded
* Bugfix: Webmap icons fixed and displaying correctly
* Bugfix: Webmap fix -x regions not rendering
* Bugfix: Webmap caching journeymap.js
Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) (went from [1.12.2] JEHC 1.6.2 to jehc-1.12.2-1.6.3.jar):
Updated all the dependencies, removed usages of JEI's deprecated functions
Just Enough Items (JEI) (went from jei_1.12.2- to jei_1.12.2-
* Fix #1524 RecipeCategory tabs are not always sorted properly
* Fix #1523 Recipe transfer button texture issues with transparency
* Update to latest Forge in dev
* Fix #1507 Memory is wasted by UID cache after loading
* Close #1491 Add API to get ingredients hovered in the bookmark overlay
* Fix #1482 Enchanted Books not being hidden
* Fix renamed recipe background texture
* Fix #1497 Rename recipe_background to avoid texture name conflict (sorry texture pack devs)
* Reduce memory used by anvil recipe wrappers
* Fix #1473 Avoid posting texture stitching events from JeiTextureMap
* Fix #1471 Remove texture pack sizing restrictions
* Fix #1472 Crash when using recipe transfer into astral sorcery table
* Fix #1464 Recipe transfer into Artisan Worktables voids items (#1466)
* Update pt_br.lang (#1469)
* Automatic code style reformatting
* Revert "Pass a null player to getTooltip (#1388)" This reverts commit e20c3a588c20e41b44794b1909b11c7c840a497b.
* Simplify texture scaling
* Show multiple columns of recipe catalysts when there are too many for one column
* Fix #1463 Improve custom texture map to work with scaled resource packs
* Move bookmarks out of the way of the recipe book
* Fix #1412 Shift-clicking recipe into a Slice'N'Splice can void items
* Update de_de.lang (#1461)
* Update ja_jp.lang (#1458)
* Fix recipe transfer button transparency
Just Enough Throwing In Fluids (JETIF) (went from jetif-1.12.2-1.3.0.jar to jetif-1.12.2-1.3.1.jar):
* ADDED: German localization by MaxNeedsSnacks
* FIXED: No longer shows the Flux Networks recipe if it's disabled in Flux Networks's config
LibVulpes (went from LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-51-UNSTABLE build -51 for 1.12.2 to LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-53-UNSTABLE build -53 for 1.12.2):
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-53-UNSTABLE build -53 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.4.0-53
* [ Add tooltips to multiblock machines](
* [ fix motor recipe](
* [ Should probably simulate fluid insertion before committing, leads to dupe if the bottom slot is full. Resolves](
* [ possible fix for](
* [ Update ru_RU.lang MC 1.12.2. LibVulpes 0.4.0-48.](
* [ Switch recipes over to the 1.12+ JSON system](
* [ Update ru_RU.lang MC 1.12.2. LibVulpes 0.3.0-45.](
* [ when item decrmented out of existance, retain NBT data long enough to assign to the dropped item, fixes #1451](
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-52-UNSTABLE build -52 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.4.0-52
* [ fix motor recipe](
* [ Should probably simulate fluid insertion before committing, leads to dupe if the bottom slot is full. Resolves](
* [ possible fix for](
* [ Update ru_RU.lang MC 1.12.2. LibVulpes 0.4.0-48.](
* [ Switch recipes over to the 1.12+ JSON system](
* [ Update ru_RU.lang MC 1.12.2. LibVulpes 0.3.0-45.](
* [ when item decrmented out of existance, retain NBT data long enough to assign to the dropped item, fixes #1451](
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
MTLib (went from MTLib-3.0.5 to MTLib-3.0.6):
Fixed logging warnings
Mekanism (went from Mekanism-1.12.2- to Mekanism-1.12.2-
* put the digital miner's fake player at the miner's position. closes #5316
* flip bounding box equals in case mainPos might be null. #5319
* comparator output for bin
* Texture optimisations
* fix undrainable tanks. closes #5318
* Added validation checks for insert into IItemHandler
* Adds validation checks for insert into IItemHandler
* Merge pull request #5325 from DarkGuardsman/insert-validation
* put recipe values as an immutable list
* when allowProtection is disabled, always return true from SecurityUtils. closes #5156
* prevent factory container from inserting into an input slot with a non-empty output slot containing a different item
* fix incomplete IInventory implementations disallowing external access. closes #5324
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump[cdb87f1]( manually repeat sounds to give mufflers more chance to block/muffle. closes[#5144](,[#2741]([a7fbfff]( fix energy cubes missing the spinny cube on load/enter-area. closes[#5185]([d10cc74]( fix unfillable dynamic tank[32b0403]( rewrite item active maps to use UUIDs instead of names, attempt to cache some things & optimise[bdd1a8c]( conditionally register jei stuff based on machines enabled[2669b24]( promote Recipe enum to a proper class with proper generics[ebb0c46]( dont set main multiblock position to air if its not loaded or not the right tile. Log if its not null but not what we expect. closes[#5110]([48c7498]( version bump[61c64f0]( Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes[#5078]([6c6c21a]( fix once-off sound event playing using volume option for pitch. Closes[#5143]([551b48c]( Use ItemHandler first priority in logistics pipes[49b550a]( fix gas tank & bin tiers reading the wrong defaults. closes[#5313]([d6e0875]( use constants or Recipe field for JEI category Uids. closes[#5314]([7c50d1e]( remove main class references from API package. closes[#5166]([6b69c82]( blacklist colossal chests from cardboard box. closes[#5072]([6b15d91]( Fix Logistic Pipes not working properly with IItemHandler. closes[#5218]([a2ea10c]( add config options for multiblock sparkles, lower the default considerably. closes[#5307]([#5085]([c368692]( another recursion to iteration fix[d502419]( tweak the config comment for multiblock sparkles a little[9b4c906]( version bump
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump[cdb87f1]( manually repeat sounds to give mufflers more chance to block/muffle. closes[#5144](,[#2741]([a7fbfff]( fix energy cubes missing the spinny cube on load/enter-area. closes[#5185]([d10cc74]( fix unfillable dynamic tank[32b0403]( rewrite item active maps to use UUIDs instead of names, attempt to cache some things & optimise[bdd1a8c]( conditionally register jei stuff based on machines enabled[2669b24]( promote Recipe enum to a proper class with proper generics[ebb0c46]( dont set main multiblock position to air if its not loaded or not the right tile. Log if its not null but not what we expect. closes[#5110]([48c7498]( version bump[61c64f0]( Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes[#5078]([6c6c21a]( fix once-off sound event playing using volume option for pitch. Closes[#5143]([551b48c]( Use ItemHandler first priority in logistics pipes[49b550a]( fix gas tank & bin tiers reading the wrong defaults. closes[#5313]([d6e0875]( use constants or Recipe field for JEI category Uids. closes[#5314]([7c50d1e]( remove main class references from API package. closes[#5166]([6b69c82]( blacklist colossal chests from cardboard box. closes[#5072]([6b15d91]( Fix Logistic Pipes not working properly with IItemHandler. closes[#5218]([a2ea10c]( add config options for multiblock sparkles, lower the default considerably. closes[#5307]([#5085]([c368692]( another recursion to iteration fix[d502419]( tweak the config comment for multiblock sparkles a little[9b4c906]( version bump
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump[cdb87f1]( manually repeat sounds to give mufflers more chance to block/muffle. closes[#5144](,[#2741]([a7fbfff]( fix energy cubes missing the spinny cube on load/enter-area. closes[#5185]([d10cc74]( fix unfillable dynamic tank[32b0403]( rewrite item active maps to use UUIDs instead of names, attempt to cache some things & optimise[bdd1a8c]( conditionally register jei stuff based on machines enabled[2669b24]( promote Recipe enum to a proper class with proper generics[ebb0c46]( dont set main multiblock position to air if its not loaded or not the right tile. Log if its not null but not what we expect. closes[#5110]([48c7498]( version bump[61c64f0]( Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes[#5078](
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump
Please check your config changes with this version!
Everything should be ok, but some internal structures were made.
We also have new config options
* WindGenerationDimBlacklist - blacklist Wind Generators from a dimension
* digitalMinerMaxRadius - define the max block radius for the Digital Miner
* OsmiumVeinSize, CopperVeinSize, TinVeinSize, SaltVeinSize - complementing the existing options, these let you set the size of the veins
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based
[c786f73]( add eye height for baby skeleton. Fixes[#5258]([af95891]( Change fluid wrapper canFill/Drain to check fluidstacks so that nbt can be checked. Related to[#5209]([559e983]( simulate IC2 charge on chargepad instead of assuming a specified interface. Fixes[#5242]([16af03f]( remove assumption that plankWood oredict entries can be wildcarded. Fixes[#5266]([62aae6d]( send fluid nbt to client, as it is needed for some fluids[8a9f654]( render correct colour based on stack in GUI fluid tank (nbt reasons)[7225144]( make many more Mekanism fluid renderers Stack aware for NBT purposes[8c06618]( blacklist IE metal device blocks that may contain multiblock from the cardboard box closes[#5290]([#5291]([fa95d96]( Use a state object for the hack tesselator 'pause' instead of static variables[2c6e198]( Allow the BakedCustomItemModel hack to do the hack when it's on the main thread (regardless of drawing state). Not ideal, but might help[fc6d593]( Attempt to fix weird error[#5259]([047c830]( Fall back to FMLCommonHandler if world is not WorldServer where we otherwise expected it to be. Should fix[#5271]([ede829d]( move entities to the reg event[451d950]( add more IE blacklist entries from Blu[07b344e]( CraftTweaker: add recipes to internal maps earlier/lazily[edf10c5]( version bump[9d4b06f]( version bump (missed gradle prop)
[4b084e3]( prevent NPE in Thermal Evap Container. Fixes[#5089]([b5332af]( fix a missed y level check for security desk[694f415]( prevent oredictionarificator from receiving a vertical facing. Fixes[#5093]([12735c6]( use fakeplayer for canSilkHarvest. Fixes[#5090]([624998b]( Add energized smelter to smelting catalyst[f275826]( Fixed armor spawning checks firing when they shouldn't.[7058574]( don't create a tag compound just to attempt to read from it[e8bcebd]( try to avoid creating an nbt tag where its only going to be read[8debfe6]( move log on cardboard box blacklist outside loop[b0bfdd3]( supply player arg to getPickBlock in Atomic Disassembler Finder. fixes[#5146]( closes[#5178]([7c4df1f]( enhance ja_jp.lang[48b3dba]( update ja_jp.lang gui.stockControl gui.allowDefault gui.sizeMode[2a72072]( update ja_jp.lang update.visit[a2d6cd1]( update ja_jp.lang gui.out gui.structure gui.mult gui.securityOffline gui.and tooltip.ReactorNeutronCapturePlate sideData.Fill sideData.Empty sideData.Charge sideData.Discharge[e758d62]( remove keys same as en_us.lang[a582d8c]( Removed markDirty() call from TileEntityBasicBlock::onChunkLoad[3456396]( Add combiner recipes for Cyclic's nether/end ores[fd63890]( Remove Optional.Method annotation per @thiakil[26abf50]( Fix missing item check[e3a2fa1]( Fix ae2 api download failure by using latest version[486e5d4]( Move int/long clamps to MekanismUtils & document Clamp power to max values rather than letting it wrap[4c21f4b]( JEI Gas rendering fix and easier gas coloration ([#5213]([ae2348c]( fix crash with dank/null due to unsupportedoperationexception[dd7d04d]( remove redundant instanceof/cast[d1915ed]( remove some more UnsupportedOperationExceptions in CustomItemModelFactory[c72bc10]( update version, skipping to 9.6[5aabf26]( exclude jei from ae2 api, so we use ours only[553a70b]( change no recipe found messages to use logInfo[d740993]( attempt to add mtlib as optional dep in cursegradle & fix deprecated dep key names[0315f34]( Fix[#5285](; chunk loader was writing [xyz] as key and reading [xyz]Coord
[c485a75]( Fix[#5285](; chunk loader was writing [xyz] as key and reading [xyz]Coord
Mekanism Generators (went from MekanismGenerators-1.12.2- to MekanismGenerators-1.12.2-
Unable to generate changelog :(
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump[cdb87f1]( manually repeat sounds to give mufflers more chance to block/muffle. closes[#5144](,[#2741]([a7fbfff]( fix energy cubes missing the spinny cube on load/enter-area. closes[#5185]([d10cc74]( fix unfillable dynamic tank[32b0403]( rewrite item active maps to use UUIDs instead of names, attempt to cache some things & optimise[bdd1a8c]( conditionally register jei stuff based on machines enabled[2669b24]( promote Recipe enum to a proper class with proper generics[ebb0c46]( dont set main multiblock position to air if its not loaded or not the right tile. Log if its not null but not what we expect. closes[#5110]([48c7498]( version bump[61c64f0]( Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes[#5078]([6c6c21a]( fix once-off sound event playing using volume option for pitch. Closes[#5143]([551b48c]( Use ItemHandler first priority in logistics pipes[49b550a]( fix gas tank & bin tiers reading the wrong defaults. closes[#5313]([d6e0875]( use constants or Recipe field for JEI category Uids. closes[#5314]([7c50d1e]( remove main class references from API package. closes[#5166]([6b69c82]( blacklist colossal chests from cardboard box. closes[#5072]([6b15d91]( Fix Logistic Pipes not working properly with IItemHandler. closes[#5218]([a2ea10c]( add config options for multiblock sparkles, lower the default considerably. closes[#5307]([#5085]([c368692]( another recursion to iteration fix[d502419]( tweak the config comment for multiblock sparkles a little[9b4c906]( version bump
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump[cdb87f1]( manually repeat sounds to give mufflers more chance to block/muffle. closes[#5144](,[#2741]([a7fbfff]( fix energy cubes missing the spinny cube on load/enter-area. closes[#5185]([d10cc74]( fix unfillable dynamic tank[32b0403]( rewrite item active maps to use UUIDs instead of names, attempt to cache some things & optimise[bdd1a8c]( conditionally register jei stuff based on machines enabled[2669b24]( promote Recipe enum to a proper class with proper generics[ebb0c46]( dont set main multiblock position to air if its not loaded or not the right tile. Log if its not null but not what we expect. closes[#5110]([48c7498]( version bump[61c64f0]( Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes[#5078]([6c6c21a]( fix once-off sound event playing using volume option for pitch. Closes[#5143]([551b48c]( Use ItemHandler first priority in logistics pipes[49b550a]( fix gas tank & bin tiers reading the wrong defaults. closes[#5313]([d6e0875]( use constants or Recipe field for JEI category Uids. closes[#5314]([7c50d1e]( remove main class references from API package. closes[#5166]([6b69c82]( blacklist colossal chests from cardboard box. closes[#5072]([6b15d91]( Fix Logistic Pipes not working properly with IItemHandler. closes[#5218]([a2ea10c]( add config options for multiblock sparkles, lower the default considerably. closes[#5307]([#5085]([c368692]( another recursion to iteration fix[d502419]( tweak the config comment for multiblock sparkles a little[9b4c906]( version bump
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump[cdb87f1]( manually repeat sounds to give mufflers more chance to block/muffle. closes[#5144](,[#2741]([a7fbfff]( fix energy cubes missing the spinny cube on load/enter-area. closes[#5185]([d10cc74]( fix unfillable dynamic tank[32b0403]( rewrite item active maps to use UUIDs instead of names, attempt to cache some things & optimise[bdd1a8c]( conditionally register jei stuff based on machines enabled[2669b24]( promote Recipe enum to a proper class with proper generics[ebb0c46]( dont set main multiblock position to air if its not loaded or not the right tile. Log if its not null but not what we expect. closes[#5110]([48c7498]( version bump[61c64f0]( Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes[#5078](
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump
Please check your config changes with this version!
Everything should be ok, but some internal structures were made.
We also have new config options
* WindGenerationDimBlacklist - blacklist Wind Generators from a dimension
* digitalMinerMaxRadius - define the max block radius for the Digital Miner
* OsmiumVeinSize, CopperVeinSize, TinVeinSize, SaltVeinSize - complementing the existing options, these let you set the size of the veins
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based
[c786f73]( add eye height for baby skeleton. Fixes[#5258]([af95891]( Change fluid wrapper canFill/Drain to check fluidstacks so that nbt can be checked. Related to[#5209]([559e983]( simulate IC2 charge on chargepad instead of assuming a specified interface. Fixes[#5242]([16af03f]( remove assumption that plankWood oredict entries can be wildcarded. Fixes[#5266]([62aae6d]( send fluid nbt to client, as it is needed for some fluids[8a9f654]( render correct colour based on stack in GUI fluid tank (nbt reasons)[7225144]( make many more Mekanism fluid renderers Stack aware for NBT purposes[8c06618]( blacklist IE metal device blocks that may contain multiblock from the cardboard box closes[#5290]([#5291]([fa95d96]( Use a state object for the hack tesselator 'pause' instead of static variables[2c6e198]( Allow the BakedCustomItemModel hack to do the hack when it's on the main thread (regardless of drawing state). Not ideal, but might help[fc6d593]( Attempt to fix weird error[#5259]([047c830]( Fall back to FMLCommonHandler if world is not WorldServer where we otherwise expected it to be. Should fix[#5271]([ede829d]( move entities to the reg event[451d950]( add more IE blacklist entries from Blu[07b344e]( CraftTweaker: add recipes to internal maps earlier/lazily[edf10c5]( version bump[9d4b06f]( version bump (missed gradle prop)
[4b084e3]( prevent NPE in Thermal Evap Container. Fixes[#5089]([b5332af]( fix a missed y level check for security desk[694f415]( prevent oredictionarificator from receiving a vertical facing. Fixes[#5093]([12735c6]( use fakeplayer for canSilkHarvest. Fixes[#5090]([624998b]( Add energized smelter to smelting catalyst[f275826]( Fixed armor spawning checks firing when they shouldn't.[7058574]( don't create a tag compound just to attempt to read from it[e8bcebd]( try to avoid creating an nbt tag where its only going to be read[8debfe6]( move log on cardboard box blacklist outside loop[b0bfdd3]( supply player arg to getPickBlock in Atomic Disassembler Finder. fixes[#5146]( closes[#5178]([7c4df1f]( enhance ja_jp.lang[48b3dba]( update ja_jp.lang gui.stockControl gui.allowDefault gui.sizeMode[2a72072]( update ja_jp.lang update.visit[a2d6cd1]( update ja_jp.lang gui.out gui.structure gui.mult gui.securityOffline gui.and tooltip.ReactorNeutronCapturePlate sideData.Fill sideData.Empty sideData.Charge sideData.Discharge[e758d62]( remove keys same as en_us.lang[a582d8c]( Removed markDirty() call from TileEntityBasicBlock::onChunkLoad[3456396]( Add combiner recipes for Cyclic's nether/end ores[fd63890]( Remove Optional.Method annotation per @thiakil[26abf50]( Fix missing item check[e3a2fa1]( Fix ae2 api download failure by using latest version[486e5d4]( Move int/long clamps to MekanismUtils & document Clamp power to max values rather than letting it wrap[4c21f4b]( JEI Gas rendering fix and easier gas coloration ([#5213]([ae2348c]( fix crash with dank/null due to unsupportedoperationexception[dd7d04d]( remove redundant instanceof/cast[d1915ed]( remove some more UnsupportedOperationExceptions in CustomItemModelFactory[c72bc10]( update version, skipping to 9.6[5aabf26]( exclude jei from ae2 api, so we use ours only[553a70b]( change no recipe found messages to use logInfo[d740993]( attempt to add mtlib as optional dep in cursegradle & fix deprecated dep key names[0315f34]( Fix[#5285](; chunk loader was writing [xyz] as key and reading [xyz]Coord
Mekanism Tools (went from MekanismTools-1.12.2- to MekanismTools-1.12.2-
Unable to generate changelog :(
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump[cdb87f1]( manually repeat sounds to give mufflers more chance to block/muffle. closes[#5144](,[#2741]([a7fbfff]( fix energy cubes missing the spinny cube on load/enter-area. closes[#5185]([d10cc74]( fix unfillable dynamic tank[32b0403]( rewrite item active maps to use UUIDs instead of names, attempt to cache some things & optimise[bdd1a8c]( conditionally register jei stuff based on machines enabled[2669b24]( promote Recipe enum to a proper class with proper generics[ebb0c46]( dont set main multiblock position to air if its not loaded or not the right tile. Log if its not null but not what we expect. closes[#5110]([48c7498]( version bump[61c64f0]( Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes[#5078]([6c6c21a]( fix once-off sound event playing using volume option for pitch. Closes[#5143]([551b48c]( Use ItemHandler first priority in logistics pipes[49b550a]( fix gas tank & bin tiers reading the wrong defaults. closes[#5313]([d6e0875]( use constants or Recipe field for JEI category Uids. closes[#5314]([7c50d1e]( remove main class references from API package. closes[#5166]([6b69c82]( blacklist colossal chests from cardboard box. closes[#5072]([6b15d91]( Fix Logistic Pipes not working properly with IItemHandler. closes[#5218]([a2ea10c]( add config options for multiblock sparkles, lower the default considerably. closes[#5307]([#5085]([c368692]( another recursion to iteration fix[d502419]( tweak the config comment for multiblock sparkles a little[9b4c906]( version bump
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump[cdb87f1]( manually repeat sounds to give mufflers more chance to block/muffle. closes[#5144](,[#2741]([a7fbfff]( fix energy cubes missing the spinny cube on load/enter-area. closes[#5185]([d10cc74]( fix unfillable dynamic tank[32b0403]( rewrite item active maps to use UUIDs instead of names, attempt to cache some things & optimise[bdd1a8c]( conditionally register jei stuff based on machines enabled[2669b24]( promote Recipe enum to a proper class with proper generics[ebb0c46]( dont set main multiblock position to air if its not loaded or not the right tile. Log if its not null but not what we expect. closes[#5110]([48c7498]( version bump[61c64f0]( Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes[#5078]([6c6c21a]( fix once-off sound event playing using volume option for pitch. Closes[#5143]([551b48c]( Use ItemHandler first priority in logistics pipes[49b550a]( fix gas tank & bin tiers reading the wrong defaults. closes[#5313]([d6e0875]( use constants or Recipe field for JEI category Uids. closes[#5314]([7c50d1e]( remove main class references from API package. closes[#5166]([6b69c82]( blacklist colossal chests from cardboard box. closes[#5072]([6b15d91]( Fix Logistic Pipes not working properly with IItemHandler. closes[#5218]([a2ea10c]( add config options for multiblock sparkles, lower the default considerably. closes[#5307]([#5085]([c368692]( another recursion to iteration fix[d502419]( tweak the config comment for multiblock sparkles a little[9b4c906]( version bump
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump[cdb87f1]( manually repeat sounds to give mufflers more chance to block/muffle. closes[#5144](,[#2741]([a7fbfff]( fix energy cubes missing the spinny cube on load/enter-area. closes[#5185]([d10cc74]( fix unfillable dynamic tank[32b0403]( rewrite item active maps to use UUIDs instead of names, attempt to cache some things & optimise[bdd1a8c]( conditionally register jei stuff based on machines enabled[2669b24]( promote Recipe enum to a proper class with proper generics[ebb0c46]( dont set main multiblock position to air if its not loaded or not the right tile. Log if its not null but not what we expect. closes[#5110]([48c7498]( version bump[61c64f0]( Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes[#5078](
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note[8ab5e02]( QOL improvement of sawdust drop chance config and sticks to sawdust[d71da53]( fix builder pattern of restart options[bc38234]( set sawdust configs to require game restart (for now)[a2cf0c5]( fix crash when submods arent installed. closes[#5310]([35db737]( blacklist ic2 TEs from cardboard box, they dont come out right on unbox. closes[#5230]([4e8499d]( change build.gradle to work off the system. changed the tesla maven to https and updated grgit[cf9d6ae]( version bump
Please check your config changes with this version!
Everything should be ok, but some internal structures were made.
We also have new config options
* WindGenerationDimBlacklist - blacklist Wind Generators from a dimension
* digitalMinerMaxRadius - define the max block radius for the Digital Miner
* OsmiumVeinSize, CopperVeinSize, TinVeinSize, SaltVeinSize - complementing the existing options, these let you set the size of the veins
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based[086d739]( Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes[#5055]([41006c7]( use oredict in mekanism tools[2d0454e]( apply glowstone obsidian fix to ye old recipe generator[3700840]( fix ae2 forge power attunement[790f990]( Generators modid constant[5f67633]( fix tile IDs from incurring forge's wrath[8e7a313]( fix missing texture warnings[35a25af]( use proper mc/forge teleport methods, force player update. closes[#5224]([54e80b3]( use reg name & metadata to hash itemstacks[25ca41e]( allow custom item matching in recipe inputs. closes[#5241]([f010733]( Massive config structure refactor to make it much easier to work with[2d9d546]( make BlockBounding a little more aware of mainPos triggering infinite recursion. closes[#5302]([70b137e]( make digital miner max radius configurable[127c4c2]( fix null fluidstack in drain implementations[d9194c6]( avoid syncing config at all when singleplayer[098472a]( make voice output properly sleepy[016e425]( add wind generator blacklist[e7e84cc]( add min/max for digital miner config[f76ecd1]( ore gen options[b011700]( bump version & add release note
[588fc13]( Add some null safety for EnergyWrapperAcceptor(s). Closes[#5252]([955d66d]( Fixes Gas Color rendering in machine Gui's ([#5300]([8de5599]( ensure some edge cases with GasTank stack having 0 amount can't happen[6934e8b]( Blacklist storage drawers block from cardboard box. Closes[#5183]([47d1972]( rename errant srg name. (a22d39b20e1644546dc8f703ffd7c591db9625bb)[41e1f52]( remove assertion, closes[#5208]([ebf1542]( remove more IC2 item assumptions[52d809b]( use convenience methods for blacklisting[fcbdb51]( more chunkloader fixes[9683b77]( update dev environment forge[5c8251d]( Update many dependencies to the newest supporting 1.12.0[d2f0c24]( change metallurgy modid to the v4 project[c1aaf24]( more dev dependency updates[b2f8a3a]( add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method[3d99b60]( Mass JEI deprecation cleanup[b650e0e]( More deprecation, mostly Cap registration[ce18f10]( Use less world access in digital miner thread. Closes[#5295]([e6cf312]( Config comments[d8fa091]( dont do distance calculation when teleporting between dimensions[c6adfda]( fix metallurgic infuser JEI display confusion[847e780]( metallurgy ore doubling[d303295]( Move all version number references to gradle based
[c786f73]( add eye height for baby skeleton. Fixes[#5258]([af95891]( Change fluid wrapper canFill/Drain to check fluidstacks so that nbt can be checked. Related to[#5209]([559e983]( simulate IC2 charge on chargepad instead of assuming a specified interface. Fixes[#5242]([16af03f]( remove assumption that plankWood oredict entries can be wildcarded. Fixes[#5266]([62aae6d]( send fluid nbt to client, as it is needed for some fluids[8a9f654]( render correct colour based on stack in GUI fluid tank (nbt reasons)[7225144]( make many more Mekanism fluid renderers Stack aware for NBT purposes[8c06618]( blacklist IE metal device blocks that may contain multiblock from the cardboard box closes[#5290]([#5291]([fa95d96]( Use a state object for the hack tesselator 'pause' instead of static variables[2c6e198]( Allow the BakedCustomItemModel hack to do the hack when it's on the main thread (regardless of drawing state). Not ideal, but might help[fc6d593]( Attempt to fix weird error[#5259]([047c830]( Fall back to FMLCommonHandler if world is not WorldServer where we otherwise expected it to be. Should fix[#5271]([ede829d]( move entities to the reg event[451d950]( add more IE blacklist entries from Blu[07b344e]( CraftTweaker: add recipes to internal maps earlier/lazily[edf10c5]( version bump[9d4b06f]( version bump (missed gradle prop)
[4b084e3]( prevent NPE in Thermal Evap Container. Fixes[#5089]([b5332af]( fix a missed y level check for security desk[694f415]( prevent oredictionarificator from receiving a vertical facing. Fixes[#5093]([12735c6]( use fakeplayer for canSilkHarvest. Fixes[#5090]([624998b]( Add energized smelter to smelting catalyst[f275826]( Fixed armor spawning checks firing when they shouldn't.[7058574]( don't create a tag compound just to attempt to read from it[e8bcebd]( try to avoid creating an nbt tag where its only going to be read[8debfe6]( move log on cardboard box blacklist outside loop[b0bfdd3]( supply player arg to getPickBlock in Atomic Disassembler Finder. fixes[#5146]( closes[#5178]([7c4df1f]( enhance ja_jp.lang[48b3dba]( update ja_jp.lang gui.stockControl gui.allowDefault gui.sizeMode[2a72072]( update ja_jp.lang update.visit[a2d6cd1]( update ja_jp.lang gui.out gui.structure gui.mult gui.securityOffline gui.and tooltip.ReactorNeutronCapturePlate sideData.Fill sideData.Empty sideData.Charge sideData.Discharge[e758d62]( remove keys same as en_us.lang[a582d8c]( Removed markDirty() call from TileEntityBasicBlock::onChunkLoad[3456396]( Add combiner recipes for Cyclic's nether/end ores[fd63890]( Remove Optional.Method annotation per @thiakil[26abf50]( Fix missing item check[e3a2fa1]( Fix ae2 api download failure by using latest version[486e5d4]( Move int/long clamps to MekanismUtils & document Clamp power to max values rather than letting it wrap[4c21f4b]( JEI Gas rendering fix and easier gas coloration ([#5213]([ae2348c]( fix crash with dank/null due to unsupportedoperationexception[dd7d04d]( remove redundant instanceof/cast[d1915ed]( remove some more UnsupportedOperationExceptions in CustomItemModelFactory[c72bc10]( update version, skipping to 9.6[5aabf26]( exclude jei from ae2 api, so we use ours only[553a70b]( change no recipe found messages to use logInfo[d740993]( attempt to add mtlib as optional dep in cursegradle & fix deprecated dep key names[0315f34]( Fix[#5285](; chunk loader was writing [xyz] as key and reading [xyz]Coord
MemoryTester (went from MemoryTester-0.3.3.jar to MemoryTester-0.4.2.jar):
-Added default resources.
-Fixed some issues with the VM staying on even after quitting the game.
-Added window icons.
-Removed Statistics and Error crashes.
-Added customisation for backgrounds, fonts, font types, font sizes and color.
-Cleaned up configs so it allows empty lines and # characters for comments.
MysticalLib (went from mysticallib-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar to mysticallib-1.12.2-1.1.1.jar):
Fixed crash on load
* Added BlockLogBase for logs with custom models
* Improved crop base classes
* Added custom flammability and explosion resistance (see blockcraftery update)
* Added huge mushroom utilities
Bug Fixes
* Fixed crashes due to particles being accessed cross thread
NuclearCraft (went from NuclearCraft-2.13e--1.12.2 to NuclearCraft-2.14c-1.12.2):
* Fixed radiation breaking various recipe systems from other mods
* Scrubbers will now work effectively in chunks with no active radiation sources
* Improved performance of comparator updating for reactors and batteries
* Changed various cooler placement rule descriptions to be a little bit clearer
* All recipes involving buckets of fluid can now use fluid from any container as an ingredient
+ Added config options to disable registering of TiC tool and ConArm armour materials
* Increased the number of fluids considered by the CoFH alternative fluid config
* Fixed a few localisation issues
+ Added config to customise radiation-induced potion effects
* Fixed various crashes on world load
* Fixed compatibility issue with Prefab
* Fixed Heat Exchanger Tubes not accepting the correct fluids
+ Added radiation to more GTCE items
* Fixed Geiger Counter and Radiation Scrubber chunk rendering crash
* Fixed possible crashing loop in radiation capability logic on loading the world
* Updated Russian language file [thanks to Lokuster!]
* Speed and Energy Upgrade multipliers now follow a simple power law rather than simplex functions
+ Added cheap Radiation Badge
+ Added Baubles support for the Geiger Counter and Radiation Badge
* Fixed Radiation Scrubbers not effectively removing the radiation in their chunk
* Slightly reduced the radiation generated by placed RTGs
* Fixed biome radiation compatibility with OpenTerrainGenerator [thanks to utoxin!]
* Improved performance of radiation spreading and capability attaching
+ Added command to set the radiation levels of chunks
+ Added configs for dimension, biome and chunk radiation level limits
+ Added config for the radiation chunk spread gradient
+ Added config blacklist for dimensions without biome background radiation [thanks to utoxin!]
+ Added config for entity radiation level decay [thanks to chez4!]
+ Added hardcore container radiation and container radiation shielding configs (disabled by default)
+ Added config option for Geiger counters and Radiation Scrubbers to show chunk boundaries [thanks to dizzyd!]
+ Added config option to display radiation levels in standard form to a specified precision
+ Added IC2 reactor radiation support
+ Added IC2 radiation protection support to the NC Hazmat Suit
* Fixed various Mekanism power acceptors exploding unexpectedly [thanks to Jack Spedicy!]
* Hopefully fixed occasional crash on breaking multiblock controllers
* Fixed turbine flow direction occasionally not updating correctly [thanks to Kurtchekov!]
* Fixed Active Coolers in fission reactors occasionally not deactivating correctly
* Fixed small fusion active cooling rounding errors
* Removed extra heat generated by invalidly-placed moderator blocks
* Fixed collector blocks causing players to fumble buckets and spill water and nitrogen everywhere
* Hopefully fixed Quark piston duping issues with the Fusion Core
* Fixed crash caused by other mods registering TiC materials with the same name
+ Added JEI support for active cooling and the passive collectors
+ Added recipe support for alternatively named TechReborn fluids
* Improved performance of machine fluid filter generation
* Fixed glitchy Liquid Helium Cooler recipe
+ Added Endergy support to various machines
+ Added FourS'more QuadS'mingots
* Fixed CurseForge maven filename
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
OldJavaWarning (went from OldJavaWarning-1.12.2-1.0.9.jar to OldJavaWarning-1.12.2-1.0.10.jar):
* Added Portuguese translations. Thanks to DaDodger. - Tyler Hancock
* create pt_BR - Diego
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Jonathan McManus
* Tristan McMahon
* Pongo Sapiens
* Darkosto
PlusTiC (went from plustic- to plustic-
Fix crashes in teleporting to certain places using Brown Magic
Fix server crash with Fruit Salad and MOTS
Quark (went from Quark-r1.5-145.jar to Quark-r1.5-146.jar):
- General: Re-added Chisel Integration (Hubry)
- World: Fixed Underground Biomes not respecting the config. (Aginsun)
RandomPatches (went from RandomPatches 1.12.2- to RandomPatches 1.12.2-
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Fixed ReBind compatibility.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Switched to [RandomLib]( for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.
Fixed 1.8 compatibility.
Fixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.
Filled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.
The boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.
Implemented a fix for MC-11944.
Reborn Core (went from RebornCore-1.12.2- to RebornCore-1.12.2-
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Improvements to the upgrade api
(modmuss50) Add EasingFunctions
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add long and big ing support to ObjectBufferUtils
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Catch everything when the config data fails to read. Its not important enough to crash the game over it.
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Disable shift clicking items in containers with no slots, fixes a crash.
(github) Merge pull request #106 from ralphII/1.12
(ralphii) Fix machine block state not updating when facing north
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add a simple filter to the slots
(modmuss50) Only show enabled power systems
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix crash on EclipseJ9
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (went from solcarrot-1.12.2-1.3.3.jar to solcarrot-1.12.2-1.6.2.jar):
* Updated Chinese localization (again)
* Updated Chinese localization
* The food book now visualizes your progress in a pretty overview!
* The food book now also contains a list of foods you haven't eaten (can be disabled in config)
* The food book lists are now sorted alphabetically
* All food tracking is now server-side, meaning client-side config being different no longer causes desync
* The /foodlist size command no longer require op permissions to execute (but you should be using the food book anyway!)
* Items with durability are no longer counted as separate items (hello, actually additions coffee & tinkers' construct spaghetti!)
* Added Simplified Chinese localization
* Reverted food capability rename, which caused people to lose their progress when updating (If you started out in version 1.5, your progress will be reset; sorry! For everyone from before, this should restore your progress.)
- Switched to new config system (file format hasn't changed)
- You can now change your settings in-game!
- Gaining additional hearts now scales up your current health proportionally
- Commands now have the format /foodlist size|clear|sync
- Fixed commands not working on dedicated server due to client-only code
Finished Food Book
Added Food Book Recipe
Code Cleanup
Minor Changes/Code Improvements
Work in Progress Food Book
Fixed Version number not Displaying Correctly
Tinkers Construct (went from TConstruct-1.12.2- to TConstruct-1.12.2-
Second test build for sync bug
Test build for sync bug
TipTheScales (went from TipTheScales-1.12.2-1.0.3 to TipTheScales-1.12.2-1.0.4):
display all options a monitor could possibly have at all times
Tips (went from Tips-1.12.2-1.0.7.jar to Tips-1.12.2-1.0.8.jar):
* Added support for Russian. Thanks to Kellixon for translating the mod. - Tyler Hancock
* Create ru_RU.lang - Konstantin
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Jonathan McManus
* Tristan McMahon
* Pongo Sapiens
* Darkosto
Villager Market (went from Villager Market : to Villager Market :
Villager Market :
- update item highlight
- fixed issues around server/client network handling
- Keyboard Wizard
* Generated using (1.12.2)
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