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Last active November 7, 2018 18:39
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  • Save NielsPilgaard/e640a05e188de0f6142a97b4d79191d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NielsPilgaard/e640a05e188de0f6142a97b4d79191d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Enigmatica 2 Expert 1.41 to Enigmatica 2 Expert 1.42
- Anger Management
Advanced Rocketry (went from AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-107-UNSTABLE build -107 for 1.12.2 to AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-110-UNSTABLE build -110 for 1.12.2):
Current release 1.12.2-1.4.1-110
* [ fix unmanned rockets being unable to launch, #1423](
* [ hopefully stop the rain where there should be none](
* [ update sky renderer](
* [ allow conflicting keybinds, allow player to change keybinds for rocket ascend/descent, fixes #1428](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-109-UNSTABLE build -109 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.4.1-109
* [ refactor to avoid possible function signature conflicts](
* [ move gl calls to glstatebuffer, hopefully fix #1422](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-108-UNSTABLE build -108 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.4.1-108
* [ NBT can be used for the spawnable tag by using the attribule nbt=""](
Animania (went from Animania-1.12.2- to Animania-1.12.2-
- Fixed trough water render bug (credits: DrakoAlcarus, DuskArtemis/ApolloDawn)
- The Animania manual now doesn't break the akashic tome (credit: DrakoAlcarus)
Fixed server crash with Thermal Expansion (credits: AngelusQQ, davidPoult, twoworlds, KenyMylankca, TheRealDadbeard)
Release Notes 1.6 (1.12.x only)
“TSCHIPP IT!” (Honestly @MrTschipp did so much work on this release, it deserves his name!)
* New Animania In-Game Manual Added. Recipe is a Book, Seeds, and Straw. Everything you need to know is in here.
* Custom Loot Tables added for all entities to give you much better control of Drops (credit: Deshiba)
* You can now customize where each animal and breed spawns into the world via the config file (Spawn Locations)
* Animania Sheep are now dyeable like their vanilla counterparts (credit: beeshroom)
* All ‘block search’ AI has been refactored to reduce overhead and improve performance. Should improve TPS when animals are trying to find a bed, water, food, salt licks, and nests. (credit: Corosauce, Tschipp)
* Male mammals can now be ‘castrated’ with a Carving Knife to prevent breeding (credit: darthvader45)
* Animania can now accept official Animania Add Ons (the first of which will be Cats and Dogs)
* Raw Truffles are now edible (credit: Deshiba)
* Custom Spawn Eggs now look like their 3D models in inventory and creative tabs (creidt: Tschipp)
* Normal Spawn Eggs added as well (credit: Partonetrain)
Bug Fixes:
* Hedgehogs no longer randomly crash server when they die (credit: Dyonovan, KenMYlankca, bbbbbbbbba, many others)
* SleepingAnimals no longer swim while sleeping
* Animals set on fire while sleeping will now wake up (credit: DrunkBlood)
* Goats ‘privates’ are now hidden properly if showParts flag is set to false
* Fixed texture alignment issue with the ‘backside’ of Sheep
* Fixed bug where goats and sheep were unable to be hand fed (credit: mser7)
* Fixed bug where pre-named spawn eggs were not firing their special abilities (credit: mser7)
* Mooshrooms now eat Mycelium as well (credit: ghost)
* Water renders properly in Trough again
* Fixed issue where speed of draft horse was greatly reduced when turning with Cart, Wagon, or Tiller (credit: zerafox)
* Added protection to prevent Tick Crash from Cheese Mold Tile Entity (credit: wolfgangrumpf)
* Animals no longer starve in their sleep (credit: notfood)
* You can now cook raw peacock (credit: DryTaste)
* Fixed issue where setNoAI on Horses was not working (credit: Deshiba)
* Tiller now removes Double Tall Grass and Plants (credit: laserlemons)
* Fixed crash compat issue placing Straw on a Chiseled Planks (credit: littelbear22)
* The ‘Edible Anytime’ feature on food can now be turned off via config to allow for modpacks or mods that rely on this mechanic, such as Nutrition (credit: SSyl)
* Added alternate recipe for Straw (Carving Knife + Wheat) to avoid recipe conflcts
* Fixed issue where Animania mobs dismount when riding another entity like a dragon in Ice and Fire (credit: Alex-the-666)
Applied Energistics 2 (went from appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-2.jar to appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-3.jar):
Feature #3765: Input P2P tunnels can now be assigned a new frequency when the memory card stores the same frequency - yueh
Fixes #3790: Correctly handle fluids with NBT data. (#3791) - yueh
Fixes #3793: Limit filling fluid inventories to their max capacity. - yueh
Astral Sorcery (went from AstralSorcery-1.12.2-1.9.4.jar to AstralSorcery-1.12.2-1.10.3.jar):
- Add more information to Altar-recipe deprecation notes
- Fix desync on potion duration extension between client & server
- Fix Altar-recipe crafting advancements being given out incorrectly
- Fixed granted free-perks not being saved and thus get lost
- Fixed Crafttweaker altar recipe removal/addition not working properly
Sorry for the long wait :P
- A ton more patreon effects (sorry for the wait :v)
- Added some advancements
- Reworked the entire perk system; more perks, more levels, more options, more effects and more!
- Added Perk Sealing
- Added Shooting Stars
- Added Domic Resonator upgrade
- Added persistent Storage system to store certain progress through multiple modpacks (much like PSI's persistent level saving)
- Added Permanent Knowledge System
- Illumination Wand can now color and accelerate the Cave Illuminator
- Enhanced Shifting Stars
- Day-Length for AS-specific logic is now configurable
- Generify Bootes ritual handling to accept more and different animals
- Architect and Conversion wands can now 'pick' multiple, different blocks and place them randomly
- ...Probably some other things i forgot... yell at me if i missed something important :V
- Remove seenConstellations on player research loading (Fixes data from SP leaking over visually into MP)
- Fix Fluid tint in lightwell not being applied
- Fix observatory causing inventory desync between client & server
- Fix spectator and creative users losing flight through vicio ritual
- Fix typos in tome
- Move swim-speed modifications to forge's swim speed entity attribute
- Fix Resplendent prism's enchantment effect sometimes not being applied
- Fix lucerna's mantle effect being visible to other players than the wearer
- Fix worldgen issues in conjunction with other mods (like betweenlands, TF, exu, ...)
- Fix building wands not respecting world height constraints (< 0 and > 255)
- Fix arc perk targeting players in the same team as you
- Fix non-mob entities being affected by armara's ritual
- Fix crystal duplication on ritual pedestal
- Fix struct-controller tileentity sometimes crashing the world on data saving
- Fix telescopes and observatory not respecting rain-intensity for display
Better Questing (went from BetterQuesting-3.5.271.jar to BetterQuesting-3.5.275.jar):
Attempt to fix ticking crash... again
Network errors no longer throw crashes (still bad errors in logs though)
Custom icon colours in legacy themes work again (even though they'll be unsupported soon)
Replaced initial quest line editor screen (not the designer screen)
Item and fluid errors in search will no longer crash (you will still need to check and report the errors yourself)
Added a temporary fix to a race condition causing random ticking entity crashes during quest syncing
Minor fix for server crashes in 272
Fixed a bunch of issues related to LAN multiplayer (notably party invites)
Legacy themes now properly use their original line renderers for now
Added an extra crash prevention check to quest copy tool
Blockcraftery (went from blockcraftery-0.1.3.jar to blockcraftery-1.12.2-1.1.0.jar):
- Added fences
- Fixed various rendering issues
- Fixed black textures on some slopes
- Updated to use Mystical Lib
Bookshelf (went from Bookshelf-1.12.2-2.3.567.jar to Bookshelf-1.12.2-2.3.568.jar):
* Allow tile entity packets to send back custom responses. - Tyler Hancock
Botania (went from Botania r1.10-356.jar to Botania r1.10-357.jar):
Botania r1.10-357.jar:
See [](
Brandon's Core (went from BrandonsCore-1.12.2- to BrandonsCore-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
Building Gadgets (went from BuildingGadgets v2.3.6 to BuildingGadgets v2.4.4):
BuildingGadgets v2.4.4:
Improved the FPS hit caused by a very large (16x16x16) destruction tool render. Reminder: If this bothers you, you can press the 'range' hotkey to hide the render completely, and the tool will still work.
Increased RF Capacity of destruction tool to 1 million RF. This is required to void a max size area.
Minor crash fixes (XNet cable rendering).
BuildingGadgets v2.4.3:
Fixed a crash with the destruction gadget.
Copy/Paste from the template manager buttons give a message to the player on success as well as fail.
BuildingGadgets v2.4.2:
Added a config option to prevent overwriting blocks like a player can (Water/lava/tall grass, etc) - At the request of Darkosto for evil modpack reasons.
Fixed bugs:
DoubleSlab blocks not copy/pasting variants properly.
Trying to build below Y=0 wouldn't build, but took items from your inventory. This no longer happens.
BuildingGadgets v2.4.1:
Added a config option to completely disable the destruction tool, in case you don't want it available on your server for example :).
BuildingGadgets v2.4.0:
This version adds the Destruction Gadget:
Shift-Right click to bring up a GUI to set the area that will be destroyed. All blocks will be VOIDED - meaning they don't drop items. Use at your own risk to clear areas. This tool is not meant to be used for mining, so no item drops. Sorry!
Use the 'range change' hotkey to hide the overlay (red blocks) showing what will be voided. This tool has a much larger area available than other tools and may cause some lag on older machines if voiding a very large area. If this happens, just hide the overlay.
Max void area size is 16x16x16.
Use the 'Undo' hotkey to undo the last void you did. This tool only remembers ONE iteration of voiding.
BuildingGadgets v2.3.8:
Code Clean and Nicer Template Manager UI by Phylogeny
Chisels & Bits (went from chiselsandbits-14.26.jar to chiselsandbits-14.27.jar):
Fix inconsistent solid block logic when re-lighting an area.
Chunk-Pregenerator (went from Chunk Pregenerator V1.12-1.9.1 to Chunk Pregenerator V1.12-1.9.2):
Chunk Pregenerator V1.12-1.9.2:
Most Important update ever made to this mod.
The change is so big that it requires to to update instantly.
Like turn of everything else, download the mod and install this update.
Version 1.9.2:
- Added/Fixed: Auto Restart now provides a much better info about why its kicking in without causing confusion.
Compact Solars (went from CompactSolars-1.12.2- to CompactSolars-1.12.2-
* Compact Solars Helmets will no longer take damage!
ConnectedTexturesMod (went from CTM - MC1.12.2- to CTM - MC1.12.2-
CTM - MC1.12.2-
Fix compatibility with Forge 2772+
Cyclic (went from Cyclic-1.12.2-1.17.3.jar to Cyclic-1.12.2-1.17.7.jar):
* Void anvil no longer leaves behind an empty NBT tag behind and cleanly erases it.
* More content added to /default/ config for the Uncrafting grinder (will not affect existing config files, PR from mcBegins2Snow).
* Rewrite of how Auto User handles fluids:
* will no longer drop buckets on the ground when gathering fluid from the world;
* fixed compatibility with vanilla cauldrons;
* fixed a dupe bug.
* Fixed SFX maker not saving selected index on world reload.
* ru_RU.lang updated by kellixon.
* Fixed Block Placer sometimes stripping metadata out of some modded blocks when placing (Primal Core Yew wood).
* zh_tw.lang updated by mcBegins2Snow.
* Auto Crafter now stops crafting when full, so it stops consuming power and dropping items on the ground.
* Pharos beacon now sets to 20 seconds instead of 8 to avoid Night Vision flickering.
* Fixed an issue with Hydrator recipes and ore dictionary when metadata became 32767.
* Hydrator no longer processes when full or drops things on the ground.
* Fixed Fluid extraction cable not saving the fluid rate setting on world reload.
* Typo fixed in language file.
* Fixed shift-clicking item issues in the extended player inventory.
Cyclops Core (went from CyclopsCore-1.12.2-0.11.10.jar to CyclopsCore-1.12.2-0.11.11.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
* Improve efficiency of reflection-based data serialization, Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#630
* Make single-levelled enchantments not show its level in the name, For example, 'Unusing I' will now be simple be 'Unusing', Closes CyclopsMC/EvilCraft#736
* Make leaves always drop the base item when silk-touched, Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#633
* Make invalid gui data crashes warnings instead, Closes #120
* Fix rare crash on client-side handling of SendPlayerCapabilitiesPacket, Closes #119
Draconic Evolution (went from Draconic-Evolution-1.12.2- to Draconic-Evolution-1.12.2-
######## (hotfix) ########
-Fixed breaking change to Fusion Crafting API. (fixed crash with Solar Flux Reborn)
######## ########
-Moved Json recipe loading top post init to ensure all recipes added by DE and other mods are loaded before the json is parsed.
-Added ability to turn off the basic generator with a redstone signal.
-Added AE2 Spacial IO Compat.
-Added auto feed function to Draconic Helmet
-Added long support for custom fusion recipe energy cost.
-Fixed tools ant armor loosing power/upgrades when upgraded from Wyvern to Draconic.
-Hopefully fixed gravestones spawning when the player is saved by DE's last stand effect.
-Attempted to fix a crash when crystals are mined with oreexcavation.
-Fixed broken arrow death message.
-Fixed buggy FOV warping applied by leggings speed effect.
-Added option to leggings to completely disable FOV warping.
-Fixed some bugs with bound portals.
-Bound portals now deactivate temporarily (client side only) on arrival to avoid disorienting the player.
-Fixed chat never ending spam from bound portal when destination can not be found.
-Fixed bound dislocators allowing teleportation to an inactive destination portal.
-Added "auto assemble" feature to Energy Core.
EmberRoot Zoo (went from EmberRootZoo-1.12.2-1.3.9.jar to EmberRootZoo-1.12.2-1.3.10.jar):
tr_TR language updated by RoCoKo.
Fix broken loot tables on some slimes and the green sprout.
Ender IO (went from Ender IO - 5.0.36 to Ender IO - 5.0.37):
Ender IO - 5.0.37:
You need either the main file or a selection of the "split" jars, not both!
Moved more dark steel configs to the new structure
Fixed conduit connectors and plates rendering on all layers
Fixed Tank's void mode config being forced off
Actually use registered sounds for zoo mobs
Use random short string for network channel instead of mod id
Experimental: Protect maximum energy input
Retired internal sagmill bonus blacklist
Added goggles of revealing upgrade
Added anti-recipe for Iron Alloy to examples
Added loading bars for XML recipes
Possible fix for updating Refined Storage networks
Better protect external connection GUIs against empty conduits
Added IMC message for processing XML recipes from files
Better recipe duplication handling for IMC recipes
Added log output listing IMC recipes
Added sanity check for oredict registrations
Added support for recipe levels into the machine recipe system
Fixed OC conduits requiring RS and not OC
Added Padding Upgrade
Moved Endergy ball recipes into Endergy module
Fixed Dark Steel Upgrade JEI integration doing its work multiple times
Added bar steps for the JEI plugins
Fixed sticky mode being broken
Updated Gauge to Minecraft 1.3
Updated descriptions of Killer Joe config settings
Fixed filter copy recipe being order-dependent for correctness
Added Dispenser behavior for Soul Vials
Rotate KillerJoe's FakePlayer towards the enemy and put it onto the ground
[Changelog (this build)]( / [Changelog (all builds)](
EnderCore (went from EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.41 to EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.43):
EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.43:
fixed parsing item names for mods with "-" in their IDs running into an endless loop
Environmental Materials (went from environmentalmaterials-1.12.2- to environmentalmaterials-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
Environmental Tech (went from environmentaltech-1.12.2- to environmentaltech-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
No changelog provided.
Extra Utilities (went from Extra Utilities 2 - 1.12 - 1.9.6 to Extra Utilities 2 - 1.12 - 1.9.8):
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.12 - 1.9.8:
Fix items being voided when shift-click-transfering them in the GUI
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.12 - 1.9.7:
Fix Inventories not voiding incoming items when a stack is already present.
FTB Utilities (went from FTBUtilities- to FTBUtilities-
* Added config for printing command errors - LatvianModder
* Removed BackupEvent private constructor, maybe fixed #869 - LatvianModder
FTBLib (went from FTBLib- to FTBLib-
* Added multiline tooltip for sidebar buttons, better custom text handler, replaced CustomSidebarButtonTextEvent with SidebarButtonCreatedEvent - LatvianModder
* Added WIP item matchers - LatvianModder
* Added min forge version in build script to update dev without forcing new forge version in built jars - LatvianModder
Forestry (went from forestry_1.12.2- to forestry_1.12.2-
* Add some context to the "hint" texts in Chinese (#2290) - Raku Zeta
* Remove Tick Randomly from Wood Pile - Nedelosk
* Add Config options for Charcoal Blocks - Nedelosk
* Fix missing Charcoal drop if amount is 16, 32 or 48 - Nedelosk
* Improve Charcoal Wall registration error messages - Nedelosk
* Allow negative charcoal amounts for the wood pile - Nedelosk
* Complete translation of zh_tw.lang (#2280) * matchup the translation keys of zh_tw.lang with en_us.lang * translate all untranslated entries * rename some items * improve and reword some entries based on the context of gameplay - Raku Zeta
* Fix #2273 Ethanol is 10x better than it should be - Nedelosk
* Fix #2276 No categories displaying if Apiculture is disabled - Nedelosk
* Fix #2286, Fix #2285 Throw exception if the charcoal amount is not valid - Nedelosk
* correct API comments (#2249) - temp1011
* prevent overflow of slots in database causing contents to be lost (#2272) - temp1011
* Fix #2275 Remove strange backup import - Nedelosk
* Remove unused lines from en_us.lang Fixes 2278 - Nedelosk
* Fix #2269 Tried to instantiate a client only variable on the server side - Nedelosk
* Habitat former (#2270) - Nedelosk
* Replace the Greenhouse with the Habitat Former (#2260) This PR closes #2251, closes #2235, closes #2213, closes #2172, closes #2108, closes #2092, closes #2088, closes #1991, closes #1990, closes #1983, closes #1891. - Nedelosk
* prevent wood pile from loading more chunks (#2268) - temp1011
* Refine some models for filesize and performance (#2265) - Hallo89
* Update de_de.lang (#2262) - Vexatos
* more fixes for charcoal (#2248) * more fixes for charcoal * fix typo * simplify things - temp1011
* Fix #2255 Menril Seeds from Mystical Agriculture - Nedelosk
* Fix Escritoire Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* Fix #2257 Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* fix over-init of allelehelper (#2254) - temp1011
* clean up init of allelehelper (#2253) - temp1011
* Use thread-safe container for climate sources (#2252) - Andriy Kushnir
* add methods to allow removing charcoal walls (#2240) - temp1011
* improve wood pile code (#2241) - temp1011
* Check for IToolGrafter instead of ItemGrafter for non-Forestry leaves (#2231) This fixes an issue where items (from other a) implementing IToolGrafter but not subclasses of ItemGrafter would work for Forestry leaves, but not for other types of leaves. - apemanzilla
* fix breakable block check, fixes #2227 (#2228) - temp1011
* Fix #2200 Single-block farm can break bedrock - Nedelosk
* Fix #2222 Errors in log loading crate models - Nedelosk
* add config for disabling factory machines (#2221) - temp1011
* Fix broken build.gradle - Nedelosk
* Update ru_RU.lang (#2199) - Konstantin
* Fix #2143 Biogas Engine Dupes Ethanol - Nedelosk
* Fix #2192 Broken Fluid Textures - Nedelosk
* Fix #2209 Disable Dimension change for butterflies - Nedelosk
* Fix #2177 Improve Crate Model - Nedelosk
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) t a - temp1011
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) - temp1011
* fix wrong drops from orchard with harvestcraft closes #2211 (#2217) - temp1011
* Update zh_cn.lang (#2220) - Urey. Xue
* Use getInternalInventory() instead of using the inventory field directly (#2201) - Paul Durbaba
* Fix some config comments (#2196) - temp1011
* fix crashes in plugins from disabled fluids (#2195) - temp1011
* Fix bottler dupe (#2128) - temp1011
Integrated Dynamics (went from IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-0.11.17.jar to IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-0.11.18.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 0.11.7 or higher.
* Reduce number of chunk updates for the Energy Battery
* Only show copy warning on non-empty variable cards
* Properly implement getBlockFaceShape on cables, Closes #634
This fixes things like snow and torches being placeable on all cables.
* Fix Generator voiding empty buckets, Closes #635
* Fix potential energy overflows when inserting energy, Closes #639
JAOPCA (went from JAOPCA-1.12.2- to JAOPCA-1.12.2-
Fixed Ender IO recipe name conflict
Tried to make Zen: Foundry compatible
Just Enough Items (JEI) (went from jei_1.12.2- to jei_1.12.2-
* Pass a null player to getTooltip (#1388) Some items display useful information in their tooltips and it should not be shown in JEI since the item needs to be crafted to get the info normally.
* Update zh_cn.lang (#1377)
* Add a hook for getting the hovered ingredient in the recipe gui (#1374)
* Update to latest stable MCP mappings
LibVulpes (went from LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.2.8-39-UNSTABLE build -39 for 1.12.2 to LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.3.0-44-UNSTABLE build -44 for 1.12.2):
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.3.0-44-UNSTABLE build -44 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.3.0-44
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.3.0-43-UNSTABLE build -43 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.3.0-43
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.3.0-42-UNSTABLE build -42 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.3.0-42
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.3.0-41-UNSTABLE build -41 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.3.0-41
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
Mantle (went from Mantle-1.12- to Mantle-1.12-
* Fixed a few situational crashes
* Book tweaks
* Fixed book tooltip layering
ModTweaker (went from modtweaker-4.0.14 to modtweaker-4.0.15):
add methods for forestry ICharcoalManager
Resolve #672: implement TE Refinery potion recipe functions.
Fix vague InductionSmelter recipe removal issues.
Fix Thaumonomicon Infusion & Crucible recipes
Mouse Tweaks (went from [1.12.1] Mouse Tweaks 2.8 to [1.12.2] Mouse Tweaks 2.9):
[1.12.2] Mouse Tweaks 2.9:
* Added a third wheel scroll direction option: inventory position aware. Scrolling up will push the items into the other inventory if it's above the selected slot, or pull items from the other inventory if it's below the selected slot. Vice versa for scrolling down.
* Fixed wrong behavior in containers with custom scaled resolution ([thanks @panoskj](
* Removed the timestamp comment from the config file and made the item order deterministic.
* Fixed lag spikes on opening GUIs that some people had.
* The config file is now not being overwritten every time a GUI is opened.
MysticalLib (went from elulib-0.1.12.jar to mysticallib-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar):
- All code has been updated, audited and checked
- Several new features and improvements for future development
- WARNING - this is not backwards compatible. All mods that depend on mystical lib must be updated
- Removed EluCore coremod
NuclearCraft (went from NuclearCraft-2.12e--1.12.2 to NuclearCraft-2.12f--1.12.2):
* Sided multiblock parts' configurations can now be copied along a line by sneak-placing the next one on it
* Fixed certain multiblock building errors not being printed to chat
* Fixed some wonky Heat Exchanger maths (using wrong temperature differences, etc.)
* Fixed other mods' steam changing the temperature differences of steam recipes
* Modified a couple of Heat Exchanger default config values to make them more efficient
* Modified Heat Exchanger GUI font colour slightly to make it easier to read
* Fixed moterators being active even when no adjacent Salt Fission Vessels have any fuel
* Salt Fission Vessels now use fuel at the correct rate (same as solid-fuel cells)
* Fixed (hopefully) crashes and desyncs when placing and breaking Radiation Scrubbers
+ Added config option to have Radiation Scrubbers require a supply of Borax to run
+ Added more info to solid-fuel Fission, Fusion and Heat Exchanger JEI recipes
* Fixed JEI recipes not showing correctly if any machines are disabled
* Heat-negative solid-fuel Fission Reactors will output a comparator signal proportional to the energy stored in its buffer
* Fixed Fission Ports outputting energy incorrectly
* Fixed various asymmetries in Melter and Ingot Former recipes
* Fixed extra ore drop tooltip info showing even when the config for the drop is disabled
* Fixed crash when placing Integrated Dynamics cables next to fluid-handling machines
* Fixed (hopefully) rendering issues caused by the Geiger Counter
+ Added config option for a RadAway and Rad-X use cooldown
+ Added config options for the buffing and debuffing of entities
+ Added config options for the player and world radiation updating tick rate
* Fixed ore gen not placing enough ores in each cluster
* Modified NC dungeon loot a bit
Placebo (went from Placebo-1.12.2-1.4.1.jar to Placebo-1.12.2-1.5.0.jar):
Made RecipeHelper cache ingredients so reused ingredients aren't super duplicated.
Added a config to replace all shapeless recipes with FastShapelessRecipes. Experiemental.
PlusTiC (went from plustic- to plustic-
Add CraftTweaker support (see [](
Laser Gun Block Smelt now supports block metadata.
RFTools Dimensions (went from RFToolsDimensions - 1.12-5.61 to RFToolsDimensions - 1.12-5.62):
RFToolsDimensions - 1.12-5.62:
- Fixed a crash when generating debris in Lost dimensions
Random Things (went from RandomThings-MC1.12.2-4.2.2.jar to RandomThings-MC1.12.2-
* Changed: [Ender Bridges]( can now teleport minecarts (Including riding entities)
* Changed: Added portal animation to [ender bridges]( while they are running
* Fixed: TPS Issues while having multiple [Time in a Bottles]( in your inventory
* Fixed: Filtered Redirector Plates not dropping their filters when broken
RandomPatches (went from RandomPatches 1.12.2- to RandomPatches 1.12.2-
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.
Improved an error message.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.
Shadowfacts' Forgelin (went from Forgelin-1.7.4.jar to Forgelin-1.8.0.jar):
* Update to Kotlin 1.3.0 and Coroutines 1.0.0
Tinkers Construct (went from TConstruct-1.12.2- to TConstruct-1.12.2-
Requires Mantle for book fixes
Contains changes to how the Crafting Station works improve performance. Might contain bugs with crafting, therefore beta.
* Added wooden hopper from Tinker' Skyblock (where it got removed from)
* Updated/added several localizations
* Fixed a bug where casting recipes would sometimes consume the wrong fluid
* Stone rod recipe gives 4 instead of 1 rod now
* Hide unused fluids in JEI (e.g. when there is no copper ore etc. present, it doesn't show molten copper)
* Improve tinker tank tooltip rendering
* Fix several blocks connecting to fences that shouldn't
* Fix tools that have the correct type but the wrong harvest level not progressing when breaking blocks
* Ingot, Gem, etc. casts can now be used in recipes
* Rewrote recipe syncing between server and client in crafting station, reducing recipecalculation costs a lot (impact modpacks with many many recipes)
* Improve model caching for items rendered on tables
Tinkers' Tool Leveling (went from TinkerToolLeveling-1.12.2-1.0.5.jar to TinkerToolLeveling-1.12.2-1.1.0.jar):
* Added the ability to increase the xp rampup
* pt_br localization
ValkyrieLib (went from valkyrielib-1.12.2- to valkyrielib-1.12.2-
* Fixed bug with FluidUtil
Fixed patreon cape rendering to act more realistic.
Cape will now render slightly further from the player when armor is equipped to reduce clipping
Added capes for patrons and twitch subs
WanionLib (went from WanionLib-1.12.2-1.5.jar to WanionLib-1.12.2-1.7.jar):
No changelog provided.
XNet (went from XNet - 1.12-1.7.4 to XNet - 1.12-1.7.5):
XNet - 1.12-1.7.5:
- Fixed a bug with wireless channels not storing the owner correctly
- New feature to copy/paste channels and connectors!
* Generated using (1.11)
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