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  • Save NielsPilgaard/f37e23bb69a4dcc5222d189cce98aad5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Enigmatica2ExpertSkyblock 1.19 to Enigmatica2ExpertSkyblock 1.20
- AE2 Wireless Terminal Library
- Ding
- Flux Networks
- Sonar Core
Advanced Rocketry (went from AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-117-UNSTABLE build -117 for 1.12.2 to AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-120-UNSTABLE build -120 for 1.12.2):
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-120-UNSTABLE build -120 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.4.1-120
* [ Error message not enough, just assume user wants 0 planets, closes #1467 and who knows how many others, I can't keep track](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-119-UNSTABLE build -119 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.4.1-119
* [ renames gravity controllers, closes #1464](
* [ wither skulls now no longer break forcefields, closes #1459](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-118-UNSTABLE build -118 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.4.1-118
* [ added ore dictionary entries for alien tree blocks](
Applied Energistics 2 (went from appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-4.jar to appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-6.jar):
Fixes #3880: Incorrect compare with empty itemstack. - yueh
Fixes #3881: Check for minimum required CTM version when installed. - yueh
Feature #3813: Implement caching for facade item models. - covers1624
Feature #3832: Made ICraftingWatcherHost#onRequestChange() less ambiguous. - yueh
Fixes #3767: Fluid Annihilation plane too strict about leftover. - yueh
Fixes #3768: Damageable items with nbt and without damage could crash. - yueh
Fixes #3776: Fixes dupe bug with cell upgrades. - yueh
Fixes #3810: Guard against models providing quads with null orientations. - covers1624
Fixes #3821: Unconfigured level emitter now report all fluids. - yueh
Fixes #3866: Use blockstates to avoid the missing fluid block. - yueh
Update ko_kr.lang (#3674) - mindy15963
Update zh_cn.lang (#3570) - xsun2001
Astral Sorcery (went from AstralSorcery-1.12.2-1.10.3.jar to AstralSorcery-1.12.2-1.10.10.jar):
- Fixed saving and loading of AIR diff-blockstates
- Fixed oredict being unavailable for items until init
Added moar patreon effects
- Fixed player being unavailable after client disconnect
- Fixed attunement relay structure match on both sides
Some moar patreon effects~
- Entire structure-matching was rewritten to a much more performant system. Structures being invalidated as a result might need to be updated again (usually just breaking & placing the block that requires the structure, e.g. an altar)
- Fix async perk modification
- Fix gamestages integration breaking search indexing
- Fix advancement triggers not deserializing properly
- Fix crafting did not respect item fluid containers on fluid inputs
Fix major constellations not being unlockable early on
- Fix JEI errors when using newer JEI version
- Fix perk modifier multiplier of CT scrips applying incorrectly to Stacking-mulitplicative modifiers
Fixed crash on startup for dedicated servers when loading the perk tree.
It is now recommended to run AstralSorcery together with CTM (ConntectedTexturesMod) as it helps to create better looking effects more easily, generally opens up a lot more options to us and we're relying on some of its functionality going forward. You are of course still able to run AS by itself, but CTM is very much suggested.
- Moar Patreon effects :D
- Added perk-tree gems
- Added a WHOLE BUNCH of new perks and expanded the perk tree by A LOT
- Structures can now be viewed layer by layer in 2D view (also rotatable)
- A TON of new and changed textures, models and rendering (Massive thanks to wiiv)
- Add JEI Item-transfer to altar recipes
- Configurable level cap for perk levels
- Add config option to disable festive block textures and models (sad times...)
- GameStages crafttweaker integration for level cap and constellation discovery (See AS-GameStages-Example.zs for further information)
- Add Oredict input as grindstone recipe input for crafttweaker scripts
- Well and chalice now emit redstone signals depending on their fill levels
- CTRL + Clickable perks and altar-recipes if F3-screen is enabled/shown to copy their registry names
- Rightclicking search inputs on perk and fragment tabs clears the field (Credit to Hubry)
- Generified perk modifier handling to allow for better display of perk effect results
- Batch perk rendering to increase performance of the perk tree gui MASSIVELY
- Fix observatory knowledge & glowstone flower dupe
- Fix evorsio wand effect deleting items
- Fix constellation discovery not triggering on main thread
- Fix thorns, allresist, dodge and other perk calculations
- Fix knowledge data being read before knowledge was registered, leading to the loss of all data on startup
- Fix several block texture errors
- Fix overly excessive particle spawning in conjunction with specific rituals or effects
- Fix bounding boxes on several blocks
- Fix resonator upgrade recipe removing previous NBT data
AutoRegLib (went from AutoRegLib-1.3-21.jar to AutoRegLib-1.3-24.jar):
- Fixed a server side crash (WireSegal)
- Fixed a bunch of weird internal things. (WireSegal)
B.A.S.E (went from base-1.12.2-3.10.0.jar to base-1.12.2-3.11.0.jar):
* MaterialSystem Materials can now be localized
Building Gadgets (went from BuildingGadgets v2.4.6 to BuildingGadgets v2.5.0):
BuildingGadgets v2.5.0:
This release sees a few minor bug fixes and issues with the copy tool failing to copy an area.
It also features a rather significant refactor effort made by the community. Shoutout to MichaelHillcox and Phylogeny and
MajorTuvok for all the help with suggestions and making the mod cleaner and easier to read! :) I flagged this as beta due to the fact there are MAJOR refactors in the code. I did a good amount of testing and didn't find too many bugs, but I wanted to flag it as beta until its been tested a bit more :).
Compact Machines (went from compactmachines3-1.12.2-3.0.12-b215.jar to compactmachines3-1.12.2-3.0.13-b236.jar):
Updated to 3.0.13:
- Added Skyworld World-Type Features. This is still a bit experimental and is not a stand-alone feature, but meant for pack makers.
- Added ability to lock machines for other not-whitelisted players
- Added a better machine GUI incl. a button to enter the machine if PSD is in the players inventory
- Improved placement of Field Projectors to easier and more intuitive
- Fix tree flickering after viewing a Machine recipe with MipMaps enabled
- Fix wall blocks being replaceable, e.g. by tree growing
- Fix right-click awkwardness against machine walls
- Removed broken machine worldgen, will be replaced with something different soon
I don't expect anything bad to happen, but as usual please make backups of your worlds before updating.
ContentTweaker (went from ContentTweaker-1.12.2-4.8.0.jar to ContentTweaker-1.12.2-4.9.1.jar):
* TileEntity is already defined for this package no longer appears (it wasn't supposed to be active code anyway)
* New
* Vanilla Factory
* Item Records can now be created
* Blocks
* Function for Coloring Blocks (pupnewfster)
* Ability to be Affected by Gravity (pupnewfster)
* Ability to be set as Replaceable (pupnewfster)
* Ability to be set to not be Silk Harvestable
* Ability to be Wither Proof (pupnewfster)
* Foods
* Ability to run Functions after finished Eating (kindlich)
* Material System
* Material Names can now be Internationalized (3Tusk)
* Fixes
* Vanilla Factory
* Creative Tab
* Now proper defaults to Vanilla Texture
* DropHandler
* No longer throws Not found errors
* Material System
* PartTypes can now be set to properly pull their ItemStack Versions
Cyclic (went from Cyclic-1.12.2-1.17.10.jar to Cyclic-1.12.2-1.17.12.jar):
* Fixed startup crash on servers with fastcraft/fastbench.
* Fix a crash & handle errors in Item extraction cable when using some types of tile entities (Thermal Dynamics Vacuum pipe with resonant servo, possibly others).
* Fixed Packager not accepting zenscript (crafttweaker) recipes using NBT data.
* Updated some JEI information.
* Updated language files.
* Fixed issue with a keybinding with fastcraft.
* Harvester compatibility Red Orchid.
* Responsive scaffolding drops correct number of blocks.
* When you shift-click a GPS Marker in a Transfer Node it now goes in the correct 1slot.
* Ender Book has a new return feature, you can go back to your previous position that was saved on the previous teleport.
* Exchange scepters now have two additional settings: 9x1 and 1x9 for column building.
* New config optional for SFX block, if changed the 'sound_player_everybody' flag will instead make only the person using the block able to hear the sound, option to prevent sound-griefing.
Ender IO (went from Ender IO - 5.0.38 to Ender IO - 5.0.39):
Ender IO - 5.0.39:
You need either the main file or a selection of the "split" jars, not both!
Fixed species filter item not quite matching other filters
Added cost multiplier to Power Spawner tooltip
Changed mushroom planting and harvesting to match mushroom growth rules
Fixed ender conduit texture
Fixed positioning of some conduits when not connected to anything
Fixed not all conduit types having their model cached
Fixed conduit cores not boxing correctly
Optimized collidables collection
Fix Padding Upgrade volume calculation
Ignore multiplayer garbage motion data
API change: DS upgrade removal data
Fixed issue with No More Recipe Conflicts
More loot tables
Fixed reservoirs adding their own content to the incoming fluid amount
[Changelog (this build)]( / [Changelog (all builds)](
EnderCore (went from EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.43 to EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.44):
EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.44:
EnderCore 1.12.2-0.5.44
Extended Crafting (went from ExtendedCrafting-1.12.2-1.5.0.jar to ExtendedCrafting-1.12.2-1.5.1.jar):
Release 1.5.1 for MC 1.12.2
* Table Recipes now respect NBT
* The recipe will check if all the tags present on the recipe item are present on the input item
* This means you can have more tags on the input item and it will still be valid as long as it has all the required tags
* This will be getting applied to all other crafting systems in a future update
* You can now once again rotate the Quantum Compressor, and it will keep it's data this time
* Fixed an issue that would cause the Automation Interface to not auto-craft
ExtraCells2 (went from ExtraCells-1.12.2-2.6.1 to ExtraCells-1.12.2-2.6.2):
No changelog provided.
Forestry (went from forestry_1.12.2- to forestry_1.12.2-
* fix #2324 habitat former can't lower temperature (#2327) * fix #2324 habitat former can't lower temperature * set allowed backwards * fix bug in climate manipulator builder * make fluid change positive for all hygroregulator recipes * remove broken setAllowBackwards() - temp1011
* add minimum binnie version, add workaround for a bug (#2326) - temp1011
* scale hive generation baased on size of hive registry (#2204) - temp1011
* fix plugin for bop (#2308) - temp1011
* fix some broken buildcraft triggers fixes #2301 (#2309) - temp1011
* remove unnecessary alveary json file (#2311) - temp1011
* resolve gamemode recreate definitions (#2319) - temp1011
* fix a bug where coocons would not have loot (#2320) - temp1011
* Render blocks in crates so they do not stick out very far - mezz
* Fix #2299 Improve render performance of crates - mezz
* Handle texture reloading for crates - mezz
* Fix #2298 Server Crash caused by Chunk Loading - Nedelosk
* Add config option to control the spawn rarity of every tree fixes ForestryMC/Binnie#427 - Nedelosk
* Fix broken glass bottle texture - Nedelosk
* Update mappings to stable - Nedelosk
* Update mappings to stable and Optimize Imports - Nedelosk
* Fix #239 Change Yield behavior from drop chance to leafe chance (#2288) * Fix #239 Change Yield behavior from drop chance to leave chance This fixes an old issue that was created 4 years ago. Yield now define how many fruit leaves / pods a tree contains all other leaves are leaves without any fruits. All ripe leaves now have a 100 % chance of a fruit drop and can be right clicked to harvest the fruit. - Nedelosk
* Add some context to the "hint" texts in Chinese (#2290) - Raku Zeta
* Remove Tick Randomly from Wood Pile - Nedelosk
* Add Config options for Charcoal Blocks - Nedelosk
* Fix missing Charcoal drop if amount is 16, 32 or 48 - Nedelosk
* Improve Charcoal Wall registration error messages - Nedelosk
* Allow negative charcoal amounts for the wood pile - Nedelosk
* Complete translation of zh_tw.lang (#2280) * matchup the translation keys of zh_tw.lang with en_us.lang * translate all untranslated entries * rename some items * improve and reword some entries based on the context of gameplay - Raku Zeta
* Fix #2273 Ethanol is 10x better than it should be - Nedelosk
* Fix #2276 No categories displaying if Apiculture is disabled - Nedelosk
* Fix #2286, Fix #2285 Throw exception if the charcoal amount is not valid - Nedelosk
* correct API comments (#2249) - temp1011
* prevent overflow of slots in database causing contents to be lost (#2272) - temp1011
* Fix #2275 Remove strange backup import - Nedelosk
* Remove unused lines from en_us.lang Fixes 2278 - Nedelosk
* Fix #2269 Tried to instantiate a client only variable on the server side - Nedelosk
* Habitat former (#2270) - Nedelosk
* Replace the Greenhouse with the Habitat Former (#2260) This PR closes #2251, closes #2235, closes #2213, closes #2172, closes #2108, closes #2092, closes #2088, closes #1991, closes #1990, closes #1983, closes #1891. - Nedelosk
* prevent wood pile from loading more chunks (#2268) - temp1011
* Refine some models for filesize and performance (#2265) - Hallo89
* Update de_de.lang (#2262) - Vexatos
* more fixes for charcoal (#2248) * more fixes for charcoal * fix typo * simplify things - temp1011
* Fix #2255 Menril Seeds from Mystical Agriculture - Nedelosk
* Fix Escritoire Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* Fix #2257 Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* fix over-init of allelehelper (#2254) - temp1011
* clean up init of allelehelper (#2253) - temp1011
* Use thread-safe container for climate sources (#2252) - Andriy Kushnir
* add methods to allow removing charcoal walls (#2240) - temp1011
* improve wood pile code (#2241) - temp1011
* Check for IToolGrafter instead of ItemGrafter for non-Forestry leaves (#2231) This fixes an issue where items (from other a) implementing IToolGrafter but not subclasses of ItemGrafter would work for Forestry leaves, but not for other types of leaves. - apemanzilla
* fix breakable block check, fixes #2227 (#2228) - temp1011
* Fix #2200 Single-block farm can break bedrock - Nedelosk
* Fix #2222 Errors in log loading crate models - Nedelosk
* add config for disabling factory machines (#2221) - temp1011
* Fix broken build.gradle - Nedelosk
* Update ru_RU.lang (#2199) - Konstantin
* Fix #2143 Biogas Engine Dupes Ethanol - Nedelosk
* Fix #2192 Broken Fluid Textures - Nedelosk
* Fix #2209 Disable Dimension change for butterflies - Nedelosk
* Fix #2177 Improve Crate Model - Nedelosk
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) t a - temp1011
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) - temp1011
* fix wrong drops from orchard with harvestcraft closes #2211 (#2217) - temp1011
* Update zh_cn.lang (#2220) - Urey. Xue
* Use getInternalInventory() instead of using the inventory field directly (#2201) - Paul Durbaba
* Fix some config comments (#2196) - temp1011
* fix crashes in plugins from disabled fluids (#2195) - temp1011
* Fix bottler dupe (#2128) - temp1011
Immersive Engineering (went from Immersive Engineering 0.12 - 87 to Immersive Engineering 0.12 - 88):
Immersive Engineering 0.12 - 88:
- Changed Multiblocks to accept redstone-ignoring conveyors as well as default ones. They will revert to normal ones when the multiblock is broken. (BluSunrize)
- Fixed crashes when opening a toolbox or a revolver GUI (Malte)
- Fixed side solidity on conveyors, prevents snow on places it shouldn't be (BluSunrize)
Industrial Foregoing (went from industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.11.10-223.jar to industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.4-228.jar):
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Integration Foregoing (went from IntegrationForegoing-1.12.2-1.8.jar to IntegrationForegoing-1.12.2-1.8.2.jar):
* Requires Industrial Foregoing (at least 1.12.0)
* Re-added Laser Drill integration, since Industrial Foregoing now uses JSON files for all the entries, all files are now loaded to the same directory as the default file. If you disable the integration for a mod via config, the file will be deleted on load as well
Added integration(s):
* Requested Feature(s)
* NuclearCraft: Laser Drill entries (Closes [#38](
* Requires Industrial Foregoing (at least 1.12.0)
* This is a hotfix update that has temporarily disabled the Laser Drill integration with Industrial Foregoing 1.12.0 (and above) to prevent crashes for now, this will be properly fixed very soon as new ways have to be implemented for the integration to work again.
LLibrary (went from LLibrary 1.7.15 to LLibrary 1.7.17):
LLibrary 1.7.17:
* Fix crash on newer forge versions
Minecraft Forge (went from 1.12.2- to 1.12.2-
mezz: Clean up logged mod states (#5227)
mezz: Fix minor issue in getFilledPercentage for Fluid rendering (#5206)
mezz: Improve reflection helper methods (#4853)
mezz: Fix inaccurate main thread name shown in client log (#5078)
mezz: Fix Baked Item models with transformations (#5241)
Re-add some missing villager profession patches (#5200)
* Fix zombie villagers only spawning with vanilla professions
* Fix spawning modded villagers that do not have their own building
mezz: Fix missing string parameters in some log messages (#5210)
mezz: Stop firing LivingSetAttackTargetEvent for setRevengeTarget (#5217)
mezz: Prevent RecipeBook from crashing on empty modded ingredients (#5234)
mezz: Fix the bed position given to the SleepingTimeCheck event (#5107)
LexManos: Fix some null returns from defaulted registries (#5235)
Only remove synthetic lambda methods referenced in body of SideOnly
methods (#5127)
A different approach to my changes in
to fix #5207
LexManos: Fix patches from #5160 setting rotation as well as position (#5233)
LexManos: Use HTTPS for files website.
tterrag: Make Forge-provided default transforms accessible to custom models
Make Forge blockstate variants correctly inherit AO setting from vanilla
models (#5190)
* Make Forge blockstate variants correctly inherit AO setting
* Move variant format checks into variant, check for added properties
* Small code cleanup
tterrag: fixed visual bug with guislider
Allow IModel to express itself as a vanilla parent (#5195)
* Fix errors caused by fancy missing model being non-vanilla parent
* Switch instanceof checks to a default IModel method
* Small code tweaks
tterrag: Add CreativeTabs#getLabelColor
Allow providing a BufferedImage for banner render generation (#5041)
* Adds an Event to allow providing a BufferedImage for the banner render
generation (cached)
textures, since banners don't use an atlas.
* Missed some copyright; might as well absolut text match, I guess
* Remove unneeded patch change
* Fix event variable access convention
* Formatting fix
* Improve event handling registration
* Import cleanup
* Replace event approach with Supplier approach
* Better name for test mod (now that it's no longer an event); adds
* Moves MC code into
net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient.getImageLayer to simplify
* Generalize naming
mezz: Fix Mesa biome entry tags in the BiomeDictionary (#5177)
NuclearCraft (went from NuclearCraft-2.12h--1.12.2 to NuclearCraft-2.12k--1.12.2):
* Fixed Fission Reactor process time not updating correctly
* Fixed certain recipes not starting until re-opening the GUI
* Fixed crash with the ME Capability Adapter
+ Added thorium, uranium, magnesium and chocolate as TiC materials
+ Added Construct's Armory support for all added TiC materials
* Horse armour can now be given radiation resistance
* Fixed radiation tooltip info not showing on servers when connecting with radiation disabled
* Fixed multiblock error highlighter not showing for players on servers
* Fixed cobblestone generator tooltip not showing power required if enabled in the configs
* Minor recipe tweaks and material additions
+ Added Geiger Counter block with OC support
+ Added OC support for Radiation Scrubbers
* Scrubbers no longer remove radiation at a fixed rate
* Improved scrubber rad removal rate updating
+ Added short-lived radiation immunity on death from a fatal dose of radiation
* Fission Ports and Fusion Cores now correctly refresh the multiblock on opening their GUI
* Fission Reactors now generate much less radiation
* Fixed Fusion Core GUI not updating correctly
* Fixed various multiblock errors being unlocalised
* Massively reduced lag from Cobblestone Generators and other item-pushing machines
* Fixed crash when trying to pass GTCE EU from weak energy sources
* Reduced lag from recipes and tooltips involving searching through Ore Dict entries
* Fixed lack of correct blending of Energy Upgrade slot ghost
* Added and changed many Advancements
* Minor recipe tweaks
PlusTiC (went from plustic- to plustic-
Constructs Armory support will be added in phases.
* Add Emerald, Alumite ConArm support
Psi (went from Psi-r1.1-62.jar to Psi-r1.1-64.jar):
See [](
See []([](
See [](
Quark (went from Quark-r1.5-135.jar to Quark-r1.5-138.jar):
- Management: Fixed a crash with sponge when linking an item.
- Management: Fixed the trash button ending up in the corner in Tinkers' Construct GUIs. (mezz)
- Management: JEI will now try and avoid the trash button. (mezz)
- Misc: Added the Elytra duplication recipe to JEI: (mezz)
- Oddities: Fixed backpacks being able to take damage.
- Misc: Fixed a startup crash with the toast kill thing I added last update. It only crashed after compiling don't hurt me :(
- General: Added some error handling code to prevent a crash that's caued 100% by Project: Red but they refuse to put out the build that fixes it. If you have Project: Red, the q button will no longer crash you. Instead, you'll see no icons.
- Management: Added a config to make the trash button need to have shift held when opened to work. This defaults to true.
- Management: Improve the config comments for the chest dropoff options. (duely)
- Misc: Added a new config setting to the Additional Potions feature that allows you to configure the potion effects the Beacon has.
- Misc: Allow using any chest types for the utility minecart recipe.
- Misc: Ender Arrows can now teleport through End Gateways. (duely)
- Misc: Fixed some errors being thrown to the cofig when using the Rotation Lock feature on double slabs.
- Oddities: Fixed backpacks updating their state in the client which led to desyncs.
- Tweaks: Added some fancy hackery to remove the toast notification that shows up at the start of a world with all the recipes you unlocked.
- Tweaks: Improved the logic used by compasses in the nether. Should fix them not pointing to the portal properly.
RandomPatches (went from RandomPatches 1.12.2- to RandomPatches 1.12.2-
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Improved the configuration.
Thaumic Computers (went from ThaumicComputers-MC1.12.2- to ThaumicComputers-MC1.12.2-0.4.0.jar):
Release 0.4.0
* Update to Thaumcraft 6.1 Beta 16+
Release 0.3
* Golems!
* Implemented golem seal connector item as an upgrade component
* LUA API functions to read information from seals
Release 0.2
* First public release
* Features
* Read aspects from aspect containers
* Read aspects from items in inventories
TipTheScales (went from TipTheScales-1.12.2-1.0.1 to TipTheScales-1.12.2-1.0.3):
Fixed bug where the screensize was a bit small
apparently people have small monitors or something?
UniDict (went from UniDict-1.12.2-2.9.1.jar to UniDict-1.12.2-2.9.2.jar):
* Fixed Industrial Foregoing Integration
WanionLib (went from WanionLib-1.12.2-2.1.jar to WanionLib-1.12.2-2.2.jar):
No changelog provided.
Wireless Crafting Terminal (went from WirelessCraftingTerminal-1.12.2-3.10.82.jar to WirelessCraftingTerminal-1.12.2-3.11.88.jar):
Fixed [#308](
Fixed [#303 ]( [#305](
Moved all direct class references to AE2WTLib classes in favor of using the API.
Added container Booster Card Slot code back to ContainerWCT.
Fixed Magnet Card name translation.
Readded booster slot code to ContainerWCT
Fixed typo ([#301](
Added a check for whether or not a player has access to a linked network and WCT now displays this info if player does not have access in its tooltip
Now uses AE2WTLib
p455w0rd's Library (went from p455w0rdslib-1.12-2.0.35.jar to p455w0rdslib-1.12.2-2.0.36.jar):
No changelog provided.
- Tinker's JEI
* Generated using (1.12.2)
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