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Created January 13, 2019 18:40
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Enigmatica2 1.55a to Enigmatica2 1.56
- Just Enough Energistics (JEE)
- Patchouli
- Project Intelligence
/dank/null (went from DankNull-1.12-1.4.43.jar to DankNull-1.12-1.4.46.jar):
Fixed dupe bug
Added client config to disable block-edge detection when opening /dank/null gui
Added slot count and items-per-slot count to /dank/null tooltip
Fixed a slight client->server desync
Better Advancements (went from BetterAdvancements-1.12.2- to BetterAdvancements-1.12.2-
[[8408c81](] minor tweak to how description lines are formattted, fixes #48 (way2muchnoise)
[[1e58edd](] add ui scaling option, implements #28 (way2muchnoise)
[[94dc865](] bump version (way2muchnoise)
[[a96750e](] add options to alphabetically sort tabs, implements #51 (way2muchnoise)
[[396967f](] fixes some rendering issue when moving around in the tabs (way2muchnoise)
[[f709cde](] criteria showing can now be Off, Default, Spoiler or All. Implements #53 (way2muchnoise)
[[f2fc500](] bump forge and mappings (way2muchnoise)
Better Questing (went from BetterQuesting-3.5.279.jar to BetterQuesting-3.5.285.jar):
Fixed repeatable quests resetting themselves prematurely making notifications go nuts
Fixed manual reward claiming bypassing the new cache and sending excessive packets
Fixed an exploit allowing users to make a duplicate reward claim immediately after completing a quest
Quick fix for the server crash oversight from last build
Overhauled how quest states are updated and synced
Added an option to disable quest notifications in mod config
Added a setting to disable parties in quest settings
Fixed submission station GUI being unusable
Fixed wrong buttons being disabled in party GUI
Fixed repeatable auto-claim quests not caching correctly
- This should be the start of some significant improvements in server performance. Testing on this is welcome
- Due to the massive change in quest processing, please report any strange or unexpected behaviours
Rewrote quest caching system to be more concise and controllable (and hopefully more performant)
Quest progress updates will now only send packets to the relevant user(s) instead of everyone (unless it's a global quest)
Rewrote NBT handling to support partial data syncing in future (will cut down on server networking overhead when implemented later)
Added more anti-corruption handling to file reading and writing (still not entirely sure how the files get corrupted in the first place)
This update contains a LOT of internal changes as will be likely with the next couple of versions. I have tested a handful of quest setups and everything appears to be functioning similarly to the last version however I have not tested this at modpack scale with hundreds of quests on a server. I am confident this version will work just fine but as with any major update, hold on to your backups just in case.
Dropped support for legacy panels in tasks/rewards
Added thread safety code to the name cache
Fixed some of the new GUI panels not using theme colours
Repeatable tasks now only use dimension 0 for referencing time
More API changes...
- You WILL need to update your expansions to use this new build.
- Reminder that these main builds do not contain the experimental net code. I'll be working that in over the next few builds.
Mostly the same as the last build except with a notable NPE crash fixed.
Contains modified networking code from alphaest that may greatly reduce network load on servers with large numbers of players. Please report any issues you encounter on the issue tracker.
Note: This is an isolated version separate from the other builds. It requires the matching experimental version of Standard Expansion and is not compatible with other expansions.
Fixed auto-claim not working at all
Fixed party invites affecting progression before being accepted
Fixed crash in file importer when trying to leave the drive root (actually being able to switch drives is a silly oversight I haven't resolved yet)
Fixed the small editable quest line description text field being incorrectly limited in length
Fixed editable text fields crashing when initialized with more text than the allotted limit
Note: Because I haven't fully completed the new designer screen yet there are a few WIP pieces of code changes, particularly to the designer toolbox. Majority of these aren't in live code and the old designer is still in place but I figured I should mention it just in case.
Better Questing - Quest Book (went from Better Questing - Quest Book 3.1.1-1.12 to Better Questing - Quest Book 3.1.EXP_NET2-1.12):
Better Questing - Quest Book 3.1.EXP_NET2-1.12:
[!] Experimental Compatible Update [!]
This version is only compatible with Better Questing 3.5.EXP_NET2.
Better Questing - Quest Book 3.1.EXP_NET-1.12:
[!] Experimental Compatible Update [!]
This version is only compatible with Better Questing 3.5.EXP_NET.
Better Questing - Standard Expansion (went from StandardExpansion-3.4.145.jar to StandardExpansion-3.4.148.jar):
Updated to make use of new quest processing in BQ 283
Minor code cleanups here and there
Updated to support new quest caching in the base mod
Gutted all of the legacy GUIs and replaced them with new ones
Reworked loot registry to use new code and proper IDs
Fixed some XP math errors (or rather added handling for vanilla bugs)
Contains modified networking code from alphaest that may greatly reduce network load on servers with large numbers of players. Please report any issues you encounter on the issue tracker.
Note: This is an isolated version separate from the other builds. It requires the matching experimental version of Standard Expansion and is not compatible with other expansions.
CC: Tweaked (went from cc-tweaked-1.80pr1.12.jar to cc-tweaked-1.80pr1.13.jar):
Release notes can be found on the GitHub repository ([](
Cooking for Blockheads (went from CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.4.65.jar to CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.4.69.jar):
Fixed key repeat not being enabled for the recipe book search bar
Fixed potential rendering crashes with MineColonies
Fixed bad tooltip causing crashes when used with Quark
Fixed infinite water / milk bug
Added Dutch Translation ([by Sky_Dragonsz](
Added Turkish Translation ([by RoCoKo](
Cyclic (went from Cyclic-1.12.2-1.17.12.jar to Cyclic-1.12.2-1.17.13.jar):
* Brought back a legacy feature where Charms can be repaired in an anvil with an item from the recipe (PR from trunksbomb).
* Ender Book teleport refactored off the main thread (helps with chunk loading issues on servers).
* Laser Cell now continues to render the laser even if the block is out of the players vision (same logic as Beacon).
* Fixed Water Candle using the wrong location and verification to check if a mob is allowed to spawn.
* Increased speed of Auto Crafter and Packager machines so they process one recipe per tick (modpack devs use the FuelCost config section if you need to counter-balance this with power cost settings).
* Six new config entries for the Tree and Brush scythe items to aid modpack development and mod compatibility (default behaviour is unchanged).
Demagnetize (went from demagnetize-1.12.2- to demagnetize-1.12.2-1.0.1.jar):
Fix crash bug in singleplayer.
Environmental Materials (went from environmentalmaterials-1.12.2- to environmentalmaterials-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
Environmental Tech (went from environmentaltech-1.12.2- to environmentaltech-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
FTB Library (went from FTBLib- to FTBLib-
* Changed mod_name back to FTBLib in buildscript - LatvianModder
FTB Utilities (went from FTBUtilities- to FTBUtilities-
* Cleanup of #917 - LatvianModder
* Merge pull request #917 from xoption/master - Kristi?ns Mic?tis
* add God command - Matt Bennett
* add god command - Matt Bennett
No changelog provided.
Industrial Craft (went from industrialcraft-2-2.8.107-ex112.jar to industrialcraft-2-2.8.108-ex112.jar):
* Ensure the condenser always updates its tier too (Chocohead)
* Fix the advanced miner having an indecisive tier Fixes #2463 better (Chocohead)
Just Enough Items (JEI) (went from jei_1.12.2- to jei_1.12.2-
* Update ja_jp.lang (#1458)
* Fix recipe transfer button transparency
* Convert texture atlas to a dynamic texture map with separate images
* Improve bookmark icon (thanks @Gokuchan)
* Fix #1452 stop deletion of items in cheat mode from closed bookmarks list
* Updated Polish translation (#1449)
* Update zh_cn.lang (#1447)
* Update zh_tw.lang (#1445)
* Improve performance of "Indexing ingredients" progress bar
* Move bookmarks out of the way of potion effects in the inventory
* Fix bookmarks opening when there are none to show
* Update sv_se.lang (#1441)
* Update de_de.lang (#1443)
* Minor improvement for Brazilian Portuguese localization (#1440)
* Improve English localization (#1434)
* Improve German translation (#1438)
* Update fr_fr.lang (#1433)
Just Enough Throwing In Fluids (JETIF) (went from jetif-1.12.2-1.2.0.jar to jetif-1.12.2-1.3.0.jar):
* ADDED: Extra Utilities 2 compatibility
* ADDED: text on Flux Networks's recipe to say Fire works too
* CHANGED: extra text (like "consumes fluid") is now centered instead of right justified
Morph-o-Tool (went from Morph-o-Tool-1.2-18.jar to Morph-o-Tool-1.2-21.jar):
- Added the ability to manually morph the tool by scrolling while holding shift. (MoreThanHidden)
- Fixed the tool flickering or players' hands shaking when other people's tools change. (MoreThanHidden)
Natura (went from natura-1.12.2- to natura-1.12.2-
* Move Ore Dictionary Registration to Register Items event to fix mod compatibility.
NuclearCraft (went from NuclearCraft-2.12k--1.12.2 to NuclearCraft-2.13--1.12.2):
+ Added Turbines [entirely functional, but the rotor rendering and GUI is still a bit WIP!]
* Fixed MSR Heaters' placement rules occasionally not being checked correctly
* Fixed Vessels/Heaters/Tubes having their sidedness modified simultaneously if it had originally been copied along the line
* Modified Vessel/Heater/Tube tank capacities to allow for larger fluid throughputs
* Slowed down energy and fluid pushing rates to the pre-2.12k rate
* Fixed energy generators not pushing energy at the correct rate
* Fixed integration with various Mek gases
* Fixed invalid recipes sometimes appearing in JEI
+ Added RadAway and Rad-X cooldown messages
* Increased Hazmat Suit protection level
* Fixed player rads resetting on leaving the End
* Fixed RadAway recipe being unavailable
* Allowed for the removal of radiation levels from otherwise defaultly radioactive materials
- Totally removed fuel rods
* Improved TiC alloying ratios
* Updated Russian language file [thanks to Lokuster!]
* Many other minor additions and changes
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
Quark (went from Quark-r1.5-139.jar to Quark-r1.5-144.jar):
- Vanity: Attempt to fix the build 141 crash again.
- Vanity: Attempted to fix the crash caused by 141 again.
- Client: Fixed a crash with the food tooltip and Cooking for Blockheads.
- Vanity: Fixed a crash with the emote fixes from the last update.
- General: Moved all the ore dictionary registrations a bit further into the init chain so that CraftTweaker can pick up on them.
- Experimental: Added new movement types to collateral piston movement: sides, horizontals, verticals.
- Experimental: Fixed a bunch of weird edge cases with collateral piston movement.
- Misc: Tried to fix the crash with Spawn Preventing Beacon again.
- Oddities: Fixed a crash when clicking on the Matrix Enchanter with a lock from the Skillable mod.
- Vanity: Messed around with the code for the emote system a bunch to hopefully make it not bug out as much.
- Decoration: Candles now give enchanting power equal to half a bookshelf.
- Experimental: Added Collateral Piston Movement. Doesn't do anything by default, but you can customize it to make some blocks move things along with them when moved with a piston.
- Misc: Fixed a crash with the Spawn Preventing Beacon mod.
- Oddities: Added Matrix Enchanting, an overhaul of the enchanting system using pieces and a grid, inspired by the NaviCust in Megaman Battle Network. [Check it out here](
Tips (went from Tips-1.12.2-1.0.2.jar to Tips-1.12.2-1.0.6.jar):
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Tristan McMahon
* Darkosto
* Merge pull request #4 from Regnander/patch-2 - Tyler Hancock
* Update sv_SE.lang - A. Regnander
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Tristan McMahon
* Darkosto
* Merge branch 'master' of []( - Tyler Hancock
* Moved to new gradle build secrets system, and added thanks to patreons in changelog. - Tyler Hancock
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Tristan McMahon
* Darkosto
ValkyrieLib (went from valkyrielib-1.12.2- to valkyrielib-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
Minecolonies (went from minecolonies-1.12.2-0.10.109-RELEASE-universal.jar to minecolonies-1.12.2-0.10.68-RELEASE-universal.jar):
Minecolonies Changelog
Version: 1.12.2-0.10.109-RELEASE
Translation (#3200)
Add all lang files from crowdin
update russian
add crowdin config
L10n translation (#3199)
New translations en_us.lang (Afrikaans)
New translations en_us.lang (Manx)
New translations en_us.lang (Pirate English)
New translations en_us.lang (Persian)
New translations en_us.lang (Occitan)
New translations en_us.lang (Norwegian Nynorsk)
New translations en_us.lang (Norwegian)
New translations en_us.lang (Northern Sami)
New translations en_us.lang (Mongolian)
New translations en_us.lang (Maori)
New translations en_us.lang (Maltese)
New translations en_us.lang (Portuguese)
New translations en_us.lang (Malay)
New translations en_us.lang (Macedonian)
New translations en_us.lang (Luxembourgish)
New translations en_us.lang (Low German)
New translations en_us.lang (Lojban)
New translations en_us.lang (Lithuanian)
New translations en_us.lang (Limburgish)
New translations en_us.lang (Latvian)
New translations en_us.lang (Latin)
New translations en_us.lang (Polish)
New translations en_us.lang (Portuguese, Brazilian)
New translations en_us.lang (Korean)
New translations en_us.lang (Spanish, Uruguay)
New translations en_us.lang (Welsh)
New translations en_us.lang (Vietnamese)
New translations en_us.lang (Valencian)
New translations en_us.lang (Ukrainian)
New translations en_us.lang (Turkish)
New translations en_us.lang (Thai)
New translations en_us.lang (Talossan)
New translations en_us.lang (Swedish)
New translations en_us.lang (Spanish, Venezuela)
New translations en_us.lang (Spanish, Mexico)
New translations en_us.lang (Quenya)
New translations en_us.lang (Spanish, Argentina)
New translations en_us.lang (Spanish)
New translations en_us.lang (Somali)
New translations en_us.lang (Slovenian)
New translations en_us.lang (Slovak)
New tra...
* Hotfix structurize schematic request message
* Feature/better builder (#3195)
Progress description (0-100%) Only build up to a distance of 100 blocks if not explicitly assigned Explicit assignment of builders to construction Assignment now based on building and not on citizen Remove spam log Increase distance for builder to build Improve speed of pickup of building items. * Add taiga cook and update citizen hut (#3192) * Fix/improve pathfinding (#3188)
Fix null pointer exception with isLadder call (hand entity forward) Fix issues with pathing onto not walkable blocks (through blocks) Fix issue with not getting unstuck Adding several attempts of trying to unstuck. * fix 3145 (#3185)
fix 3145
fix placement of air over entities
* selective eating if not raw! (#3184)
* Increase difficulty better based on barb difficulty (#3158)
Increase difficulty better based on barb difficulty * Use oredict for chest recipes (#3178) * Eat when saturation at 0 either way! (#3176) * Fix guard not taking home job * Fix fisherman draining food way too fast, he now decreases on using the fishing rod only (#3171) * Fix guards dumping inventory a lot more often than intended and makes them not drain food too fast. (#3169) * fix field size calc and fix mourn location crash without townhall (#3168) * Eating (#3157)
* reset AI after eating only when going to the restaurant
* Update structurize version
* use newest version of structurize to fix issues
* Add christmas special (#3153)
* Separate keep items into keep in building and keep always. (#3152)
Separate keep items into keep in building and keep always (backend change) * Fix auto hire warning and pirate armour (#3151)
Fix auto hire message showing with no workers available
Fix 'leggins' spelling for Pirate Leggings
Fix swapped textures for pirate leggings and chests
* Fix recipe and fix pirate gear (#3150)
* Pirate ship fix (#3149)
fix pirate ship backup schematic coords ships now respect the needed water size * Feature/knights camp (#3144)
Adds a knights camp for knights training Adds correct rendering of bow/shield handling Adds nice chests for both the training camps (Archery and Combat Academy) * Some fixes (#3142)
Fixes crash with shape tool Fixes issues with build tool with custom scans in smp Improves mapping (does not work for all yet) * If null return true and clean up code * hotfix barracks messup * Sapling checking: excluding empty stacks (#3132) * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/version/1.12' into version/1.12 * Feature/#3119 adjustable dm priority for huts (#3128)
Added Manual Delivery Settings * fix recipes * upgrade structurize version * Fix/script (#3127)
Fix the gradle structurize inclusion * Feature/structurize (#2886)
This reworks the minecolonies - structure integration and extracts it into a separate mod which will be automatically delivered with the minecolonies jar. Important, please backup the world before updating since there will be no way to rollback after updating to this (will update all decorative blocks to be structurize and not minecolonies blocks) * Fix dynamic tress compat with newest DT version (#3122) * Feature/archery (#3118)
Adds an archery training building to the game This allows to train archers before employing them at the towers or barracks which makes them more resilent. * Outlining of building and stop harm on fail tp (#3113)
* Outlining of building and stop harm on fail tp
* fix pathing up half blocks and let drop down up to 3 blocks (#3114)
Stops workers from pathing up blocks they can't path up Allows workers to drop up to 3 blocks down.
Minecolonies Changelog
Version: 1.12.2-0.10.87-BETA
fix 3145 (#3185)
fix 3145
fix placement of air over entities
* selective eating if not raw! (#3184)
* Increase difficulty better based on barb difficulty (#3158)
Increase difficulty better based on barb difficulty * Use oredict for chest recipes (#3178) * Eat when saturation at 0 either way! (#3176) * Fix guard not taking home job * Fix fisherman draining food way too fast, he now decreases on using the fishing rod only (#3171) * Fix guards dumping inventory a lot more often than intended and makes them not drain food too fast. (#3169) * fix field size calc and fix mourn location crash without townhall (#3168) * Eating (#3157)
* reset AI after eating only when going to the restaurant
* Update structurize version
* use newest version of structurize to fix issues
* Add christmas special (#3153)
* Separate keep items into keep in building and keep always. (#3152)
Separate keep items into keep in building and keep always (backend change) * Fix auto hire warning and pirate armour (#3151)
Fix auto hire message showing with no workers available
Fix 'leggins' spelling for Pirate Leggings
Fix swapped textures for pirate leggings and chests
* Fix recipe and fix pirate gear (#3150)
* Pirate ship fix (#3149)
fix pirate ship backup schematic coords ships now respect the needed water size * Feature/knights camp (#3144)
Adds a knights camp for knights training Adds correct rendering of bow/shield handling Adds nice chests for both the training camps (Archery and Combat Academy) * Some fixes (#3142)
Fixes crash with shape tool Fixes issues with build tool with custom scans in smp Improves mapping (does not work for all yet) * If null return true and clean up code * hotfix barracks messup * Sapling checking: excluding empty stacks (#3132) * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/version/1.12' into version/1.12 * Feature/#3119 adjustable dm priority for huts (#3128)
Added Manual Delivery Settings * fix recipes * upgrade structurize version * Fix/script (#3127)
Fix the gradle structurize inclusion * Feature/structurize (#2886)
This reworks the minecolonies - structure integration and extracts it into a separate mod which will be automatically delivered with the minecolonies jar. Important, please backup the world before updating since there will be no way to rollback after updating to this (will update all decorative blocks to be structurize and not minecolonies blocks) * Fix dynamic tress compat with newest DT version (#3122) * Feature/archery (#3118)
Adds an archery training building to the game This allows to train archers before employing them at the towers or barracks which makes them more resilent. * Outlining of building and stop harm on fail tp (#3113)
* Outlining of building and stop harm on fail tp
* fix pathing up half blocks and let drop down up to 3 blocks (#3114)
Stops workers from pathing up blocks they can't path up Allows workers to drop up to 3 blocks down.
- TombManyGraves 2 API
- TombManyPlugins - Backpacks (Eydamos)
- TombManyPlugins - Cosmetic Armor Reworked
* Generated using (1.12.2)
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