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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save NigelThorne/4cb00375e28e1b65c427 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NigelThorne/4cb00375e28e1b65c427 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Git workflow using Stash
I added an alias to my git aliases in my .gitconfig
review-me = !sh -c 'cmd.exe /c \"@e:\\bin\\send_for_review.bat\"'
so I can type 'git review-me'
@ruby %~dp0send_for_review.rb %*
#! ruby
if ARGV[0].nil? or ARGV.empty?
print "Please enter reviewer(s) initials:"
@reviewers = gets.chomp.split(/[\s,]/).reject{|s| s.empty?}
@reviewers = ARGV
if(/no stash in/ =~ `which stash 2>&1`)
puts "You need to run 'gem install atlassian-stash' "
puts "'atlassian-stash' needs DevTools installed."
puts "Download it, unpackit somewhere. (usually in a devtools folder under your ruby folder)."
puts "run devkitvars.bat in the CMD window you are running 'gem install' from."
## ensure all changes are committed and we are up to date
@status = `git status`
if !(/nothing to commit, working directory clean/ =~ @status )
puts "There are unsaved change"
exit 1
if /Your branch is ahead of/ =~ @status
puts "You need to push your dev changes to Stash"
exit 1
## Capture the branch name
@full_branch_name = (@status.match(/On branch (.+)$/)||[])[1]
unless @branch
puts "This is not a dev branch"
exit 1
# Push changes to Stash
unless /Branch #{@full_branch_name} set up to track remote branch #{@full_branch_name} from origin./=~ (err = `git push -u origin #{@full_branch_name} 2>&1`)
puts "Unable to push the branch to origin"
puts err
exit 1
(err = `git fetch 2>&1`)
unless /\sorigin\/integration\r?\n/=~(err = `git branch --remote 2>&1`)
worked = !(/fatal:/ =~ (err = `git branch -f integration origin/master`))
worked = /Branch integration set up to track remote branch integration from origin./ =~ (err = `git push --set-upstream origin integration 2>&1`) if worked
unless worked
puts "Remote integration branch was not able to be created... "
puts err
exit 1
puts `stash pull-request #{@full_branch_name} integration @#{@reviewers.join(" ")} -o`
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Now creates integration branch if it's not there.

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