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Last active June 25, 2017 15:44
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Downloads page for MMM
<?php $title = __("Downloads");
$packroot = '/downloads/packs/';
$dlc = '<table class="downloadtable outline margin" id="downloads">
<tr class="header0">
<th style="width: 80px;" class="center">Game style</th>
<th class="center">Name</th>
<th style="width: 140px;" class="center">Downloads</th>
<th class="center" style="width: 350px;">Credits</th>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">SMB1</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU (v1.4)</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>~[user=12]: Graphics
~[user=4]: Import WiiU
~[user=1]: Import 3DS</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">SMB1</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td class="center">[user=4]</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">SMB1</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU (1.3)</a></td>
<td>~<a href="">Jouw</a>: Ripped the SMAS assets
~[user=2]: Graphics
~[user=4]: Import WiiU</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">SMB1</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a></td>
<td>~[user=2] & <a href="">SuperArthurBros</a>: Graphics
~[user=4]: Import WiiU
~[user=1]: Import 3DS</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">SMB1</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> <a href="'.$packroot.'">(v1.4)</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>~<a href="">Mario3785</a> & <a href="">kirbypoyo567</a>: Graphics
~[user=4] & [user=2] (1.4): Import WiiU
~[user=1]: Import 3DS</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">SMB1</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>~<a href="">kirbypoyo567</a>: Graphics
~[user=4]: Import WiiU
~[user=1]: Import 3DS</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">SMB3</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'WiiU-SMB3-Grassland">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'3DS-SMB3-Grassland">3DS</a></td>
<td>~[user=2]: Creating the tileset
~[user=4]: Import WiiU
~[user=1]: Import 3DS</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">SMB3</td>
<td><a href="">SMB2 Theme</a></td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td class="center">[user=4] & Collin</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">SMB3</td>
<td>Green Hill Zone & Marble Zone</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>~[user=38]: Creating the Tileset
~[user=1]: Import 3DS</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">SMW</td>
<td>Green Hill Zone</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>~[url=]Bluefox GUI[/url]: Creating the Tileset
~[user=1]: Import 3DS</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">SMW</td>
<td><a href="">Minecraft Theme</a></td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>~[user=9]: Creating the tileset
~[user=4]:Import WiiU
~[user=1]:Import 3DS</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">SMW</td>
<td><a href="">Casino Night Theme</a></td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>~AirShip - Created the tileset for SMBX.
~[user=2]: Revamped it for SMM, made edit music
~Yuzoboy: Made "play" music
~[user=4]: Import WiiU
~[user=1]: Import 3DS</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">SMW</td>
<td>Snow Tileset</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>[url=]BMatSantos[/url]: SMBX tileset
~[user=1]: Audjusted it for SMM 3DS
~Explos: Added snow to the mushroom platforms
~[user=20]: Did the rest</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">SMW</td>
<td>Ice Tileset</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>[url=]BMatSantos[/url]: SMBX tileset
~[user=1]: Audjusted it for SMM 3DS
~Explos: Added snow to the mushroom platforms
~[user=20]: Did the rest</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">NSMBU</td>
<td><a href="">Autumn Theme</a></td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>~[user=5]: Creating the original
~[user=1]: 3DS Import</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">NSMBU</td>
<td><a href="">Jungle</a></td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>~[user=5] & [user=4]: Creating it
~[user=1]: 3DS Import</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">NSMBU</td>
<td><a href="">Desert theme</a></td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td>[user=2] & [user=4]: Creating it
[user=1]: 3DS Import</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">NSMBU</td>
<td><a href="">NSMBDS Ground theme</a></td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td class="center">[user=5]</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">NSMBU</td>
<td><a href="">NSMBW Ground theme</a></td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a> & <a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS</a></td>
<td class="center">[user=5]</td>
<tr class="cell2">
<td class="center">NSMBU</td>
<td><a href="">Lava UnderGround theme</a></td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">WiiU</a></td>
<td>~[user=5]: Creating it
~[user=1]: 3DS Import</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td class="center">NSMBU</td>
<td>Blue Ground themes</td>
<td class="center"><a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS NSMBW</a>
<a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS NSMBDS</a>
<a href="'.$packroot.'">3DS NSMBU</a></td>
<td>~[user=5]: Making the original tileset
~[user=1]: Making it blue</td>
<tr class="cell1">
<td colspan=4><small>There may be some more in the forums: [forum=3]. If you want someone to make you a SMM custom theme, check here: [forum=5]</small></td>
</table>'; ?>
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<tr class="header0"><th>
<tr class="cell0"><td>
Welcome to the MMM downloads page! Here you will find a lot of tools that will be useful on your journey of hacking Super Mario Maker. You will also find a bunch of themes made by other people here. Good luck!
<center><input type="text" id="myInput" onkeyup="myFunction()" placeholder="Search for names.."></center><br>
<?php echo parseBBCode($dlc); ?>
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