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Created August 28, 2021 01:09
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A Kotlin implementation of the Gale–Shapley algorithm for the stable marriage problem.
import MarriageProblemSolver.Person
class MarriageProblemSolver {
class Person(val name: String) {
internal lateinit var preferences: List<Person>
internal var proposals = 0
var match: Person? = null
internal set
// Do a lateinit to allow the circular dependency of people with their preferences of people.
fun initializePreferences(preferences: List<Person>) {
if (this::preferences.isInitialized) {
throw IllegalStateException()
this.preferences = preferences
override fun toString() = name
internal fun prefers(new: Person): Boolean {
val old = match!!
for (i in preferences.indices) {
if (preferences[i] === new) {
return true
if (preferences[i] === old) {
return false
throw NoSuchElementException()
// Adds the matches to the Persons in the Collection.
fun solve(men: Collection<Person>) {
// Assume valid input.
val freeMen = ArrayList(men)
while (freeMen.isNotEmpty()) {
// Take the last element because it is efficient to remove from the ArrayList.
val freeMan = freeMen.last()
val potentialMatch = freeMan.preferences[freeMan.proposals++]
val oldMan = potentialMatch.match
if (oldMan == null) {
potentialMatch.match = freeMan
freeMan.match = potentialMatch
freeMen -= freeMan
} else {
if (potentialMatch.prefers(freeMan)) {
oldMan.match = null
potentialMatch.match = freeMan
freeMan.match = potentialMatch
freeMen += oldMan
freeMen -= freeMan
private fun isStable(men: List<Person>): Boolean {
for (i in men.indices) {
val man = men[i]
val woman = man.match!!
var j = 0
while (true) {
val betterMan = woman.preferences[j++]
if (betterMan === man) {
val betterMansBetterWomen = betterMan.preferences
var k = 0
while (true) {
val betterMansBetterWoman = betterMansBetterWomen[k++]
if (betterMansBetterWoman === betterMan.match) {
if (betterMansBetterWoman === woman) {
return false
return true
fun main() {
val solver = MarriageProblemSolver()
val number = 290
val men = ArrayList<Person>(number).apply {
for (i in 1..number) {
add(Person("Man $i"))
val women = ArrayList<Person>(number).apply {
for (i in 1..number) {
add(Person("Woman $i"))
for (i in 0 until number) {
for (i in 0 until number) {
val man = men[i]
val woman = women[i]
if (i != 0) {
println("${man}\nPrefers: ${man.preferences}\nMatched with: ${man.match!!}")
println("${woman}\nPrefers: ${woman.preferences}\nMatched with: ${woman.match!!}")
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