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Anonymous Verifiable Database

This document outlines solutions to building the database for a voting system with the following features:

  • Anonymous means that it is not possible to associate a vote back to a single citizen, but a citizen can log back in and review their ballot was cast correctly.
  • Personally Verifiable means that we can automatically detect their vote was counted as they cast it this is something that is not possible in the current voting system
  • Publicly Verifiable__ means that we can automatically go through the database and independently count the votes and ensure they have not been altered

Each of the solutions will be evaluated based on resiliency in the case of database leaked database read_access, and write_access

What is Hashing

d4811bee88f1480710302b89425266ee =  Hash('my_secret'+'a_random_salt')

Hashing is a one way function that transforms data into a sequence of psuedo random bits. The process uses modulo arithmetic is irreversible, without brute force. If a strong hash is used such as SHA3-512 which generates a 64 byte word there are 1.34e154 possible combinations which would take more computing time than there is in the universe to break.

Furthermore there are libraries to use slow hashing which will require a certain amount of time to compute which further decreases the ability of a brute fore attack. For this Rails Project we will use bcrypt. BCrypt also supports salting which is good approach to reduce the likely hood of hash collisions when hashing no random data

BCrypt::Engine.cost = 8           # value between 4 and 10

salt = BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt                   # $2a$08$982gj3KvnmnjgGCR/O3vR...
hash = BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret('my_secret', salt)  # bwhVn9QRYbaetibsjCbnymulhLjD...

We can now store the hash and the salt in out database and as long as we provide the same my_secret input and salt we will get the same string output. This is what makes hashing a oneway process


traditional foreign keys

secure foreign keys

Foreign key associations are bidirectional, and not useful when trying to build an anonymous lookup by using the following hash function to generate a secure uni-directional foreign key lookup

user_secure_id = hash(user_password, user_id, election_id, voter_salt)

This means that a user will have to enter their password in order to lookup their vote. However if read_access is compromised it is not possible to identify the vote associated to a particular user. In fact by adding the election_id to the hash generation a user will have a unique secure_id for each election they participate in. This means for a single vote we are secure if read access is compromised.

However if write access is compromised it is possible to alter a individual users vote and it will only be apparent if the user logs in and physically notices their vote was changed. This means that the system is not publicly or personally verifiable

read access manually personally verifiable write access unverifiable

Publicly Verifiable

public verification signature

Currently the secure foreign key only allows anonymous database lookups. However the election is still not publicly verifiable. However if we can generate a hash using publicly available information private citizens can iterate through all the votes and detect any anomalies. If we chain these operations by using part of the previous hash in the next hash, therefore changing a single vote will break all later votes as well.

When it comes to sampling the previous signature we want to sample as many bits as practical. Sampling too many will increase the likelyhood of a hash collision, not sampling enough bits will result in missing a tampered vote.

P_false_positive = 16 ^ - (# of sample bytes)

sampling 10 bytes means that in an election with 1 billion votes you can get away with tampering with 0.014 votes and not get caught

However this approach is great for the read_access case. But if the database is write_access compromised and signatures are generated using all publicly available information it is very easy for an attacker to re-generate the signatures and automatic verification by an independant citizen would not detect any anomalies

private_vote_signature = hash(election_id, vote, previous_public_vote_signature)

read access automatically publicly & personally verifiable write access unverifiable

Personally Verifiable

private verification signature

To solve the final problem of automatic verifiability we generate a final hash of the public_vote_signature and the user_password. This signature can not be regenerated by an attacker. If write_access is compromised and an attacker changes a single vote they are able to modify the public signatures, however they cannot modify the private_vote_signature. This means any user who logs in can verify the correctness of their vote along with all pervious votes in the system

private_vote_signature = hash(user_password, public_vote_signature)

read access automatically publicly & personally verifiable write access automatically personally verifiable, by all users

Open Issues

This approach secures the lowest level of vote storage, but there are still other unresolved attack vectors

  • When Foreign Keys are integers it is very easy to index them in and preform optimized queries. However when the keys you are searching for are pseudo random queries will become very slow. A solution could be parallel distributed databases clusters where nodes are added when the master table exceeds a threshold, the chain can be forked and two tangent chains can be created
  • Still maintain a single point of failure, if datacenter is destroyed. A better solution would be high replication of data centers
  • Still susceptible to malware and MITM attacks!! please help me solve this
  • How do we ensure a voters physical identity, again help me solve this!!
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