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Created October 30, 2022 13:37
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// BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.2, OS=macOS Monterey 12.4 (21F79) [Darwin 21.5.0]
// Apple M1, 1 CPU, 8 logical and 8 physical cores
// .NET SDK=6.0.300
// [Host] : .NET 6.0.5 (6.0.522.21309), Arm64 RyuJIT AdvSIMD
// DefaultJob : .NET 6.0.5 (6.0.522.21309), Arm64 RyuJIT AdvSIMD
// | Method | Actors | ElementSpace | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen0 | Allocated |
// |----------------- |------- |------------- |-----------:|----------:|----------:|---------:|----------:|
// | Merge | 1 | 50 | 6.667 us | 0.0872 us | 0.0773 us | 4.9896 | 10440 B |
// | MergeWithoutLinq | 1 | 50 | 3.606 us | 0.0351 us | 0.0311 us | - | - |
// | Merge | 1 | 1000 | 118.464 us | 1.6132 us | 1.3471 us | 89.8438 | 187912 B |
// | MergeWithoutLinq | 1 | 1000 | 69.986 us | 0.4235 us | 0.3754 us | - | - |
// | Merge | 1 | 100000 | 272.375 us | 3.4582 us | 3.0656 us | 224.1211 | 469840 B |
// | MergeWithoutLinq | 1 | 100000 | 144.412 us | 0.2941 us | 0.2607 us | - | - |
// | Merge | 16 | 50 | 36.401 us | 0.1904 us | 0.1688 us | 9.8267 | 20584 B |
// | MergeWithoutLinq | 16 | 50 | 33.093 us | 0.0676 us | 0.0599 us | - | - |
// | Merge | 16 | 1000 | 201.258 us | 2.4991 us | 2.2154 us | 97.4121 | 203992 B |
// | MergeWithoutLinq | 16 | 1000 | 142.320 us | 0.3552 us | 0.3149 us | - | - |
// | Merge | 16 | 100000 | 301.174 us | 0.2420 us | 0.1889 us | 224.6094 | 470192 B |
// | MergeWithoutLinq | 16 | 100000 | 175.094 us | 0.4416 us | 0.3914 us | - | - |
// | Merge | 64 | 50 | 55.026 us | 0.2476 us | 0.1933 us | 12.5122 | 26216 B |
// | MergeWithoutLinq | 64 | 50 | 51.578 us | 0.0662 us | 0.0620 us | - | - |
// | Merge | 64 | 1000 | 194.061 us | 0.7827 us | 0.6111 us | 97.9004 | 205040 B |
// | MergeWithoutLinq | 64 | 1000 | 135.237 us | 0.2795 us | 0.2477 us | - | - |
// | Merge | 64 | 100000 | 293.958 us | 0.3415 us | 0.2851 us | 224.6094 | 470192 B |
// | MergeWithoutLinq | 64 | 100000 | 177.670 us | 0.4122 us | 0.3442 us | - | - |
// #######################################################################################
public sealed class ObservedRemoveSet<TActorId, TItem>
: IObservedRemoveSet<ObservedRemoveSet<TActorId, TItem>, TActorId, TItem>
where TItem : notnull
where TActorId : notnull
private readonly Dictionary<TItem, Dictionary<TActorId, int>> _items = new();
private readonly Dictionary<TActorId, int> _versionVector = new();
private static readonly ArrayPool<TActorId> ActorsArrayPool = ArrayPool<TActorId>.Create();
private static readonly ArrayPool<TItem> ItemArrayPool = ArrayPool<TItem>.Create();
private static readonly ArrayPool<KeyValuePair<TActorId, int>> DotsArrayPool = ArrayPool<KeyValuePair<TActorId, int>>.Create();
public ICollection<TItem> Items => _items.Keys;
public int Count => _items.Count;
public void Add(TItem item, TActorId actorId)
var counter = _versionVector.GetValueOrDefault(actorId);
_versionVector[actorId] = counter++;
if (_items.TryGetValue(item, out var dots))
dots[actorId] = counter;
_items[item] = new Dictionary<TActorId, int> { [actorId] = counter };
public bool Contains(TItem item) => _items.ContainsKey(item);
public bool Remove(TItem item) => _items.Remove(item);
public void Merge(ObservedRemoveSet<TActorId, TItem> other)
// merge version vectors
foreach (var (actorId, version) in other._versionVector)
_versionVector[actorId] = Math.Max(_versionVector.GetValueOrDefault(actorId), version);
private void RemoveLocalDotsThatOtherObservedRemovalOf(ObservedRemoveSet<TActorId, TItem> other)
// remove all item and dots that exist locally, but other observed their removal
var itemsToRemove = ItemArrayPool.Rent(_items.Count);
// number of dots in our item is guaranteed to be not greater then our version vector length
var dotsToRemove = ActorsArrayPool.Rent(_versionVector.Count);
var i = 0;
foreach (var (ourItem, ourDots) in _items)
var length = CopyDotsToRemoveToArray(other, ourDots, ourItem, dotsToRemove);
if (length == ourDots.Count)
itemsToRemove[i] = ourItem;
for (var k = length - 1; k >= 0; --k)
for (var k = i - 1; k >= 0; --k)
private static int CopyDotsToRemoveToArray(ObservedRemoveSet<TActorId, TItem> other,
Dictionary<TActorId, int> ourDots,
TItem ourItem,
TActorId[] dotsToRemove)
var j = 0;
foreach (var (actorId, ourVersion) in ourDots)
// we remove dot if it was observed in other (i.e. versionVector is higher)
// AND if it is also removed from other._version
if (ourVersion <= other._versionVector.GetValueOrDefault(actorId)
&& (!other._items.TryGetValue(ourItem, out var otherDots)
|| !otherDots.ContainsKey(actorId)))
dotsToRemove[j] = actorId;
return j;
private void AddDotsThatAreNewToMe(ObservedRemoveSet<TActorId, TItem> other)
// number of dots within an items of other is guaranteed to not be greater then other version vector length
var newDotsToUs = DotsArrayPool.Rent(other._versionVector.Count);
// add all items and dots that exist in other, but new to us (approx. M'' in paper notation)
foreach (var (otherItem, otherDots) in other._items)
var length = CopyDotsThatAreNewForUsToArray(otherDots, newDotsToUs);
if (length == 0) continue;
if (_items.TryGetValue(otherItem, out var ourDots))
AddNewDots(ourDots, newDotsToUs, length);
var newValue = new Dictionary<TActorId, int>(length);
AddNewDots(newValue, newDotsToUs, length);
_items[otherItem] = newValue;
private static void AddNewDots(Dictionary<TActorId, int> ourDots,
KeyValuePair<TActorId, int>[] newDotsToUs,
int length)
for (var k = length - 1; k >= 0; --k)
var (newActor, newVersion) = newDotsToUs[k];
// if key (actor) already exists, it must have a lower version, which means we simply overwrite it
ourDots[newActor] = newVersion;
private int CopyDotsThatAreNewForUsToArray(Dictionary<TActorId, int> otherDots,
KeyValuePair<TActorId, int>[] newDotsToUs)
var i = 0;
foreach (var otherDot in otherDots)
if (otherDot.Value > _versionVector.GetValueOrDefault(otherDot.Key))
newDotsToUs[i] = otherDot;
return i;
// #######################################################################################
// #######################################################################################
// #######################################################################################
public class ObserveRemoveSetBenchmarks
[Params(1, 16, 64)]
public int Actors { get; set; }
[Params(50, 1000, 100000)]
public int ElementSpace { get; set; }
private readonly CrdtArticle.First.ObservedRemoveSet<Guid, int> _setLeft = new();
private readonly CrdtArticle.First.ObservedRemoveSet<Guid, int> _setRight = new();
private readonly CrdtArticle.Second.ObservedRemoveSet<Guid, int> _setLeftNoLinq = new();
private readonly CrdtArticle.Second.ObservedRemoveSet<Guid, int> _setRightNoLinq = new();
private readonly Random _random = new(1);
public void Setup()
var actorsLeft = GetActors(Actors);
var actorsRight = GetActors(Actors);
const int operations = 1000;
for (var j = 0; j < operations; ++j)
MakeRandomOperation(_setLeft, _setLeftNoLinq, actorsLeft);
MakeRandomOperation(_setRight, _setRightNoLinq, actorsRight);
for (var j = 0; j < operations; ++j)
MakeRandomOperation(_setLeft, _setLeftNoLinq, actorsLeft);
MakeRandomOperation(_setRight, _setRightNoLinq, actorsRight);
public void Merge() => _setLeft.Merge(_setRight);
public void MergeWithoutLinq() => _setLeftNoLinq.Merge(_setRightNoLinq);
private void MakeRandomOperation(ObservedRemoveSet<Guid, int> set,
CrdtArticle.Second.ObservedRemoveSet<Guid, int> setNoLinq,
Guid[] actors)
switch (_random.NextDouble(), set.Count)
case (< 0.25, > 0):
var valueToRemove = set.Items.First();
var valueToAdd = _random.Next(0, ElementSpace);
var actor = actors[_random.Next(0, actors.Length)];
set.Add(valueToAdd, actor);
setNoLinq.Add(valueToAdd, actor);
private static Guid[] GetActors(int nActors)
var actors = new Guid[nActors];
for (var i = 0; i < nActors; ++i)
actors[i] = Guid.NewGuid();
return actors;
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