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Created July 6, 2016 10:34
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case class Persist(data: Any)
case class PaymentError(data: Any)
object Database {
def props() = Props(classOf[Database])
class Database extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive = {
case Persist(what) =>"[Persist] $what")
case PaymentError(why) =>
log.error(s"[Persist] $why")
object PaymentProtocol {
type Timestamp = Long
sealed trait Command
object Command {
case class Create(user: String, provider: String, amount: Long) extends Command
case object Pay extends Command
case class Finish(status: Boolean, message: Option[String] = None)
sealed trait State
object State {
case object New extends State
case object Created extends State
case object InProgress extends State
trait Ready extends State
case object Successful extends Ready
case object Failed extends Ready
sealed trait Data
object Data {
case object Empty extends Data
case class Initialized(user: String, provider: String, amount: Long, createdAt: Timestamp) extends Data
case class PayedPayment(user: String, provider: String, amount: Long, createdAt: Timestamp, updatedAt: Timestamp, result: Boolean) extends Data
object Payment {
def props(database: ActorRef) = Props(classOf[Payment], database)
class Payment(database: ActorRef) extends LoggingFSM[PaymentProtocol.State, PaymentProtocol.Data] {
import PaymentProtocol._
startWith(State.New, Data.Empty)
when(State.New) {
case Event(command: Command.Create, Data.Empty) => stay using Data.Initialized(command.user, command.provider, command.amount, System.currentTimeMillis())
case Event(Command.Pay, data: Data.Initialized) => goto(State.InProgress) using data
when(State.InProgress, stateTimeout = 2 seconds) {
case Event(Command.Finish(status, message), data: Data.Initialized) =>
goto(if(status) State.Successful else State.Failed) using Data.PayedPayment(data.user, data.provider, data.amount, data.createdAt, System.currentTimeMillis(), status)
// TODO:
onTransition {
case State.InProgress -> State.Successful => nextStateData match {
case payment: Data.PayedPayment => database ! Persist(payment)
case _ =>
case _ -> State.Failed =>
database ! PaymentError((stateData, nextStateData))
whenUnhandled {
case e =>
object Processing extends App {
import PaymentProtocol._
implicit val system = ActorSystem("Processing")
val db = system.actorOf(Database.props(), "Database")
def runSuccessfulPayment(): Unit = {
val payment = system.actorOf(Payment.props(db), "Payment-1")
// Init payment
payment ! Command.Create("Some user", "WebMoney", 1000)
// User payment command
payment ! Command.Pay
// Provider response
payment ! Command.Finish(status = true)
def runPaymentWithTimeout(): Unit = {
val payment = system.actorOf(Payment.props(db), "Payment-2")
// Init payment
payment ! Command.Create("Another user", "Yandex", 1000)
// User payment command
payment ! Command.Pay
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