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Last active April 6, 2023 23:07
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ZFS push replication to unprivileged user

This is a guide to set up ZFS push replication to an unprivileged user account.

Please read the content for more information.

Setting up sanoid and syncoid for ZFS replication between Ubuntu 20.04 hosts

ARCHIVED: This was definitely a learning experience. Not using sync snaps unfortunately breaks very easily, if either the receiving or sending host, or the link between them, goes down for extended periods. For backups between servers that is not an issue, for desktop/laptop PCs, and residential home servers and PIs it is quite a problem and required repeated manual intervention. While I am still using sanoid and syncoid, I now use a different linux distro (NixOS) and sync snaps, but still in a multi-level, append-only push configuration.

This guide can be used to replicate the ZFS filesystems of one or more source hosts to one or more backup target hosts. The sources maintain their own sets of periodic snapshots using sanoid. Those are then replicated to an essentially write-only user on the targets using syncoid, where again sanoid is used to limit the number of old snaps kept. This allows to keep more frequent snaps on the source systems, than on the remote targets, and limits the external access to the targets to receive only.

While the system should work completely automated once set up, it does require a number of manual steps to get there. Usually, a more automated setup would be preferable, but given the variable number of, and potential variation in, the hosts involved in a backup system, that seems like more effort than it's worth in this case.

This guide assumes that all involved hosts run Ubuntu 20.04. With minor modifications, it should also run on any other system that is supported by (Open)ZFS and Sanoid/Syncoid, just make sure to actually understand all the instructions in that case.

All: installing

On all involved machines (source and target) involved run:

add-apt-repository universe && apt-get install --yes sanoid
mkdir -p /etc/sanoid && touch /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf

Which, besides installing the binaries, creates sanoid.timer, which triggers (every 15 minutes) sanoid.service, after which sanoid-prune.service runs. The latter two will then run sanoid --take-snapshots and sanoid --prune-snapshots respectively (which won't do anything while /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf is empty).

NOTE: At the time of writing, the pull request adding the --accept-snap to Syncoid is still pending, so sanoid has to be installed from source instead:

# { (. <(cat << "#EOF" # copy from after the first #
set -ex
cd /tmp/ # TODO: don't do this in cwd
apt install --yes build-essential dpkg-dev debhelper
git clone && cd sanoid
git checkout syncoid-fiter-sync-snap && ln -s packages/debian .
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us && apt install --yes --reinstall --allow-downgrades ../sanoid_*_all.deb
apt-mark hold sanoid
mkdir -p /etc/sanoid && touch /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf
systemctl enable sanoid.timer; systemctl enable sanoid.service; systemctl enable sanoid-prune.service;
systemctl start sanoid.timer; systemctl start sanoid.service; systemctl start sanoid-prune.service;
)); }


Source: auto snapshotting (and pruning)

The first step is to maintain a set of reasonably recent and old snapshots on the source (assuming it is the system actually producing new data). After installing sanoid, simply editor /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf, which could look something like this:

## file systems
# TODO: remove any that are not present on the system!

    # boot pool
    use_template = production
    recursive = yes
    # system pool
    use_template = production
    recursive = yes
    # exclude docker
    use_template = disabled
    recursive = yes
    # app pool, if not within rpool
    use_template = production
    recursive = yes

## templates

    autoprune = no
    autosnap = 0
    monitor = no


    # make "frequently" = 15 minutes:
    frequent_period = 15

    frequently = 2
    hourly = 36
    daily = 21
    weekly = 6
    monthly = 3

    # yearly for manual deletion:
    yearly = 100

    # for consistency, take each snap at the beginning of the respective period
    # months and days are apparently 1-indexed, while hours and mins are 0-indexed
    hourly_min = 0
    daily_hour = 0
    daily_min = 0
    weekly_wday = 1
    weekly_hour = 0
    weekly_min = 0
    monthly_mday = 1
    monthly_hour = 0
    monthly_min = 0
    yearly_mon = 1
    yearly_mday = 1
    yearly_hour = 0
    yearly_min = 0

To test the config before it runs automatically, call sanoid --cron --force-update --verbose.

Source: pushing

The replication is done trough a systemd oneshot service triggered by a daily timer. Set source= to a short (alphanumeric) name for the host to be backed up, datasets=() to the datasets to be backed up (as space separated list in parenthesis), and for every target= as SSH hostname (optionally with targetDataset=), run:

# { (. <(cat << "#EOF" # copy from after the first #
set -eux
SYNCOID_OPTS='--recursive --no-sync-snap --create-bookmark --accept-snap=^autosnap_[0-9:_-]+_(?:daily|weekly|monthly|yearly)$ --no-rollback --no-privilege-elevation --sshkey /root/.ssh/syncoid_ed25519' # avoid backslashes '\'
SYNCOID_SEND_OPTS='w' # --raw: send as encrypted
SYNCOID_RECV_OPTS='u o canmount=off' # don't mount now, don't mount later

if [[ ! -e /root/.ssh/syncoid_ed25519 ]]; then
    ssh-keygen -N '' -f /root/.ssh/syncoid_ed25519 -q -t ed25519 -C "zfs backup from root@$(hostname)"

# Type=oneshot and Restart=on-failure don't work together in older versions of systemd
restart=''; if (($(systemd --version | grep -Po 'systemd \K\d+') < 245)); then restart='#'; fi

cat << EOC > /etc/systemd/system/syncoid@${target}.timer
Description=syncoid daily timer to ${target}

OnCalendar=00:15 UTC

cat << EOC > /etc/systemd/system/syncoid@${target}.service
Description=syncoid ${datasets[@]} to zfs-from-${source}@${target}:${targetDataset:-backup}/${source}/


for dataset in "${datasets[@]}"; do
    printf '%s\n' "ExecStart=$(which syncoid) \$SYNCOID_OPTS --sendoptions=\${SYNCOID_SEND_OPTS} --recvoptions=\${SYNCOID_RECV_OPTS} ${dataset} zfs-from-${source}@${target}:${targetDataset:-backup}/${source}/${dataset}" >> /etc/systemd/system/syncoid@${target}.service

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable syncoid@${target}.service
systemctl enable syncoid@${target}.timer
systemctl start syncoid@${target}.timer

set +x; echo 'Try to manually run this (for the first dataset)':
printf '# %s\n' "( SYNCOID_OPTS='${SYNCOID_OPTS}'; SYNCOID_SEND_OPTS='${SYNCOID_SEND_OPTS}'; SYNCOID_RECV_OPTS='${SYNCOID_RECV_OPTS}'; $(which syncoid) \$SYNCOID_OPTS --sendoptions=\"\${SYNCOID_SEND_OPTS}\" --recvoptions=\"\${SYNCOID_RECV_OPTS}\" ${datasets} zfs-from-${source}@${target}:${targetDataset:-backup}/${source}/${datasets} --debug )"
)); }

The service will fail until that target is actually set up for receiving. Depending on the format of target, it may be a necessary to editor /root/.ssh/config and add something like Host ${target}\n HostName <ip>.

Note: Older versions of systemd don't support restarting oneshot services, e.g. on Ubuntu before 20.04. This therefore disables restarting/reattempting failed syncs, which is generally a quite bad.


Target: create pool

Unless one already exists, create a pool (referred to by backupDataset=backup) on each target system:

apt install zfsutils-linux # if ZFS is not installed already
zpool create -o ashift=12 \
    -O acltype=posixacl -O compression=lz4 \
    -O dnodesize=auto -O normalization=formD -O relatime=on -O xattr=sa \
    -O mountpoint=none -O canmount=off \
    ${backupDataset:-backup} /dev/... # TODO: specify data files/blocks

Alternatively, create backupDataset in an existing pool:

zfs create \
    -o mountpoint=none -o canmount=off \

Target: receiving

For any combination of source and target, on the target, set the configuration:

publicKey='' # TODO: contents of `cat /root/.ssh/` on source
source= # TODO: same name for source as used in the push source definition
backupDataset=backup # TODO: same as »targetDataset« set on source

And run this to set up an unprivileged system user and a filesystem in the backupDataset pool to receive the syncs:

# { (. <(cat << "#EOF" # copy from after the first #
set -eux

# add user
if ! id -u "${userName}" ; then
    echo "creating user ${userName} on gateway"
    # this user needs to be available for login, but it should not have a shell
    adduser --system "${userName}" --gecos '' --group --disabled-password --shell /bin/sh

# add user's sshd_config
echo "adding/replacing configuration for ${userName} in ${configFile}"
printf '%s' "Match User ${userName}
    GatewayPorts no
    PermitListen none
    PermitOpen # random
    AllowTcpForwarding no
    AllowAgentForwarding no
    X11Forwarding no
    PermitTunnel no
    #ForceCommand # TODO: see note under 'Not Implemented' below
" > ${configFile} # for older versions of SSHd, which don't support `Include` yet, this needs to be _appended_ to `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` instead (but `/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d` likely won't exist then at all)
systemctl reload ssh

# add public key for user
mkdir -p /home/${userName}/.ssh/ && chown ${userName}: /home/${userName}/.ssh && chmod 700 /home/${userName}/.ssh
touch /home/${userName}/.ssh/authorized_keys && chown ${userName}: /home/${userName}/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 /home/${userName}/.ssh/authorized_keys
echo "adding public key to /home/${userName}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
printf '%s\n' "${publicKey}" >> /home/${userName}/.ssh/authorized_keys

# give user ZFS permissions
zfs create -o mountpoint=none -o canmount=off ${backupDataset}/${source}
zfs allow -u "${userName}" create,receive,mount,canmount,userprop ${backupDataset}/${source} # `mount` is required for `receive`
)); }

Target: pruning

To prune the snapshots received from the source, use sanoid on the target as well, but disable autosnap. With the backup pool created editor /etc/sanoid/sanoid.conf, which could look something like this:

## file systems

    use_template = backup
    recursive = yes

## templates

    # do NOT create any snapshots here, but receive them from the source
    autosnap = 0

    frequently = 0
    hourly = 0
    daily = 21
    weekly = 6
    monthly = 6

    # yearly for manual deletion:
    yearly = 100



  • [2020-07-18]: Test this setup for a while, then make adjustments, or remove this notice if everything works as expected. (Edit 2021-01-14: so far it works as intended)
  • Question: When pruning, does Sanoid (e.g.) simply delete all but the most recent *_daily snaps, or does it also check that they are actually older than 90 days before deleting them? If not the latter, then an attacker could push lots of new empty snaps to have the actual backup snaps pruned out, thus deleting the data.
  • There seem to be situations where syncoid gets stuck, leaving the service "activating" indefinitely -> add startup timeout.
  • For mobile devices: add check before backup that network is not declared/guessed as metered.

Additional Steps and Notes

  • One probably very much wants to exclude dockers ZFS layer, image and anonymous volume store from the backups (if the source uses docker with ZFS). Each image layer is saved as its own ZFS file system, which would get replicated, but then not removed from the targets once it is (docker) pruned from the source host. The images (and anonymous volumes) should be ephemeral/reproducible already.
    Use e.g.: zfs set syncoid:sync=false .../var/lib/docker.

  • A system that receives datasets and which it is supposed to send further, the send should (also) happen after the receive, or the received updates may only be pushed on the nezt send, the next day.

  • syncoid sends each dataset individually, breaking (at least) encryptionroot inheritance. To fix this after restoring, run for each actual encryptionroot: zfs list -rHo name ${encryptionroot} | tail -n +2 | xargs -n1 zfs change-key -i -l. For the above to work, each dataset must have its key loadable or loaded. That works automatically with keyfiles, but has to be done manually for passwords, and even with load-key -r ZFS prompts again for each dataset. The most convenient solution I have found is: ( while true; do cat <<< "$password"; done ) | zfs load-key -r rpool/USERDATA/private_zl2i8e and Ctrl+C that once it says "X/Y keys loaded".

  • When restoring, ZFS send's --backup option can be used to drop the canmount=off again.

  • Could look into this: sanoid --monitor-snapshots: "This option is designed to be run by a Nagios monitoring system. It reports on the health of your snapshots."

Not Implemented

  • It would be nice if syncoid could build the receive command on the remote host, so that the receiving user's sshd_config ForceCommand can be set to $(which syncoid).
  • It would also be nice if sanoid could prune snaps it did not create itself (esp. compat with zsys). E.g. every foreign snap older than XXX could be converted to a bookmark.
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I’m in the middle of trying to get syncoid working with my NixOS config, but having some trouble setting up the unprivileged receiving side. Any shot you’d be able to share your config?

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NiklasGollenstede commented Apr 6, 2023 via email

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