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Last active April 13, 2018 13:47
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#c4dpytask #medium How can you load a texture and assign it to a plane with image dimensions? (you need a LoadDialog, BaseBitmap and Oplane)
# @rosensteinn #c4dpytask #medium How can you load a texture and assign
# it to a plane with image dimensions? (you need a LoadDialog, BaseBitmap
# and Oplane)
import c4d
def main():
# Poll the user for a filename. We specify that the file-type may be
# an image only.
filename =
# If the filename is empty, the user cancelled the dialog and does
# not want to proceed.
if not filename:
# Load the image into a bitmap.
bitmap = c4d.bitmaps.BaseBitmap()
result, ismovie = bitmap.InitWith(filename)
# We should abort if the image was not loaded correctly.
if result != c4d.IMAGERESULT_OK:
# And tell the user what happened!
c4d.gui.MessageDialog("The image could not be loaded, we're sorry about this!")
# If we come this far, the image was loaded successfully.
# We now need to obtain its dimensions in order to set the
# size of the plane which we'll create later.
width, height = bitmap.GetSize()
# Now create a Plane-Object and set its dimensions.
plane = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Oplane)
plane[c4d.PRIM_PLANE_WIDTH] = width
plane[c4d.PRIM_PLANE_HEIGHT] = height
# Great! Now we need to insert the plane into the scene and tell the
# undo system about that!
doc.AddUndo(c4d.UNDOTYPE_NEW, plane)
# Next step is to create a material with the image in the color
# channel! 1. The material
mat = c4d.BaseMaterial(c4d.Mmaterial)
# 2. The bitmap shader.
shader = c4d.BaseShader(c4d.Xbitmap)
shader[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] = filename
# 3. Add the shader to the material.
mat.InsertShader(shader) # 3a) insert
mat[c4d.MATERIAL_COLOR_SHADER] = shader # 3b) link
# 4. Insert the material into the document. (Remember that undo stuff
# from above?)
doc.AddUndo(c4d.UNDOTYPE_NEW, mat)
# The last thing to do is to create a Texture Tag which references the
# material in UVW projection mode!
# Note: Since we've added the plane in this step, we do not need to add
# an undo for the tag. The tag will be removed with the plane when an
# undo was made!
texture_tag = plane.MakeTag(c4d.Ttexture)
texture_tag[c4d.TEXTURETAG_MATERIAL] = mat
# Last but not least, tell Cinema to update the UI and the viewport.
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