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Last active May 28, 2023 13:33
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A ff neural network in vanilla Python
A compact feedforward AI. Script explained here:
In this video we're implementing a feed forward neutral network that is able to discern
handwritten digits in vanilla Python.
References: # deep learning book # mnist data set # SGD # NN # image of the network architecture used in the video # on sigmoid curves (Nikolaj-K)
Notions present in the book but not touched upon in this script:
- improved initialization of network weights
- improved cost function
- regularization
- convolution
- max pooling
- other activation functions than sigmoid
- rectified linear units
- softmax
- external library speedup
import gzip
import numpy as np
import pickle
import time
import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=np.VisibleDeprecationWarning) # np.array cast non-niceness
class IOPair:
4 functions that ought to be implemented
E.g. if the data type is an image together with a label, _get_input might
return the pixels and _correct might validate correct classifications by the network
def get_input(self):
return self._get_input()
def output_ground_truth(self):
return self._output_ground_truth()
def show(self, activation_prediction) -> None:
def correct(self, activation_prediction) -> bool:
gt = self._output_ground_truth()
ap_formatted = self._to_output_format(activation_prediction)
return ap_formatted == gt
class Math:
def sigmoid(z): # Smooth step.
return (1 + np.exp(-z)) ** -1
def dsigmoid(z): # Derivative of a smooth step.
s = Math.sigmoid(z)
return s * (1 - s)
def zeros(np_array):
return [np.zeros(x.shape) for x in np_array]
class NeuralNetwork:
Feedforward neural
def __init__(self, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_sizes, output_layer_size):
Initializing a network archetecture.
1. input layer
2. output layer according to this functions parameter
3. outputer layer
Weights are connections. Compute them by zipping over the dimensions.
self.__output_layer_size = output_layer_size
in_layers_sizes = [input_layer_size] + hidden_layer_sizes
out_layers_sizes = hidden_layer_sizes + [output_layer_size]
self.__weights = [np.random.randn(*sizes) for sizes in zip(out_layers_sizes, in_layers_sizes)]
self.__biases = [np.random.randn(size, 1) for size in out_layers_sizes] # sampling from a normal distirbution
# The elements are pairs of sizes of connected layers (number of outgoing resp. ingoing neurons.)
def __feed_forward(self, data):
Propagate the activations, from data all through to the prediction.
a = data # Activation
as_ = [a] # Layer by layer
zs = [] # List to store all the z vectors, layer by layer
for w, b in zip(self.__weights, self.__biases):
z =, a) + b
a = Math.sigmoid(z)
as_.append(a) # Derivable from data and zs
return zs, as_
def predicts_correctly(self, in_out_pair, show=False):
Wrap the feed forward call to return a prediction & success pair.
_zs, _as = self.__feed_forward(in_out_pair.get_input())
activation_prediction = _as[-1]
if show:
return in_out_pair.correct(activation_prediction)
def run_sgd(self, epochs, batch_size, eta, training_data):
Run the stochastic gradient descent algorithm:
In epochs (iterations), put the training data set in random batches,
and update the weights and biases for the purpose of improving the
delta between predicted and the ground turth classifications.
See formulas in any deep learning book!
Note: Makes use of the normalized mini batch gradient.
data = list(training_data) # local copy
for epoch in range(epochs):
for idx in range(0, len(data), batch_size):
batch = data[idx : idx + batch_size]
del_w, del_b = self.__mean_gradient(batch) # Call subroutine
self.__weights -= eta * del_w # Normalize
self.__biases -= eta * del_b
self.__log_score(data) # Optional
def __gradient(self, in_out_pair):
The cost C is (a neuron sum over neurons j at the last layer)
(output_j - a_j)^2
For every layer l:
a_{l-1} = \sigma(z_{l-1})
is the "activation" from the previous layer and
z_l = w_l * a_{l-1} + b_l
The derivative of C w.r.t. a_j is a linear difference,
although we're interested in the derivative's w.r.t. z.
For further details for why dw and db are what they are, see the chap2 here
zs, as_ = self.__feed_forward(in_out_pair.get_input())
# Note: as_[-1] holds activation of final output layer.
l = -1 # -1 is index of the last layer
activation_prediction = as_[l]
cost_derivative = activation_prediction - in_out_pair.output_ground_truth() # d cost / d a at the final layer
# Backward pass
dw = Math.zeros(self.__weights)
db = Math.zeros(self.__biases)
activation = Math.dsigmoid(zs[l])
delta = cost_derivative * activation # d cost_l / d z_l
# Here: Last activation minus the ground truth
dw[l] =, as_[l - 1].transpose())
db[l] = delta
for l in range(l - 1, l-len(self.__biases), -1):
activation = Math.dsigmoid(zs[l])
delta =[l + 1].transpose(), delta) * activation
dw[l] =, as_[l - 1].transpose())
db[l] = delta
return np.array(dw), np.array(db)
def __mean_gradient(self, in_out_pairs):
Compute the gradient for the batch of images.
Note: Makes use of the image gradient.
del_w = Math.zeros(self.__weights)
del_b = Math.zeros(self.__biases)
for in_out_pair in in_out_pairs:
dw, db = self.__gradient(in_out_pair)
del_w += np.array(dw)
del_b += np.array(db)
n = len(in_out_pairs)
return del_w / n, del_b / n
def __log_score(self, test_data):
score = sum(map(self.predicts_correctly, test_data)) # count the successes
total = len(test_data)
percentage = round(score * 100.0 / total, 2)
print(f"[log_score] Test data score: {score}/{total}. ({percentage}%)")
class Config:
# Script
# Git clone this (or download just the .gz file):
DATA_DIRPATH = f"/Users/amoogle/Documents/Git/neural_network/DeepLearningPython/"
DATA_FILENAME = "mnist.pkl.gz"
# Learning and Network
ETA = 3.0
HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZES = [10, 20, 10] # array of ints
# Misc for logging and evaluation
class Image(IOPair):
def __init__(self, image_and_gt_pair):
Class holding an array of grayscale values (=the networks input layer
format) as well as the ground truth value digit displayed on that image
self.__pixels = image_and_gt_pair[0]
self.__gt_label = image_and_gt_pair[1] # Classification/Label
def __to_prediction_digit(self, activation_prediction):
Activation_prediction is an arraw of floats while the return value is an index into that list.
E.g. [[9.89989735e-03] [1.08126136e-02] [6.17035645e-04] [1.14060381e-02] [5.98185829e-03]
[7.31337324e-03] [1.61992979e-05] [9.24512441e-01] [9.88453143e-05] [8.47158033e-02]]
\mapsto 7
as '9.24512441e-01' is the biggest value
return np.argmax(activation_prediction)
def __digit_to_output_format(self, d_in):
7 \mapsto [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
return [[int(d_in==d)] for d in range(self.NUMBER_BASE)]
def _get_input(self):
return self.__pixels
def _output_ground_truth(self):
return self.__digit_to_output_format(self.__gt_label)
def _to_output_format(self, activation_prediction):
pd = self.__to_prediction_digit(activation_prediction)
return self.__digit_to_output_format(pd)
def _show(self, activation_prediction) -> None:
Print the grayscale image as ascii image.
And optionally compare the prediction to a ground turth value.
GRAYSCALE_ASCII = " .',_-+*$#"
HORIZONTAL_LINE: str = 2 * self.IMAGE_WIDTH * "_"
# Draw image
print(HORIZONTAL_LINE) # top of bounding box
for idx, pixel in enumerate(self.__pixels):
end_of_row = (idx + 1) % self.IMAGE_WIDTH == 0
char = GRAYSCALE_ASCII[int(10 * pixel)]
print(char, end=" |\n" if end_of_row else " ")
print(HORIZONTAL_LINE + "|") # bottom of bounding box
print(f"[show] Ground truth value is {self.__gt_label}.")
if self.correct(activation_prediction):
print("[show] And this was predicted correctly. :)")
print(f"[show] And this was wrongly predicted as predicted as {activation_prediction}. :(")
def load_MNIST_data__and_cast():
Load the pairs of grayscale image array and ground truth for training and test data. The files are found here:
This holds 3 data sets, but we won't use the validation one.
:return: Images.
print(f"[load_MNIST_data] Trying to load data from <{Config.DATA_FILEPATH}>")
with, 'rb') as in_file:
training_data_gz, _validation_data_gz, test_data_gz = pickle.load(in_file, encoding="latin1") # Load the "raw" data sets
print(f"[load_MNIST_data] Data loading successful. len(training_data)={len(training_data_gz)}. len(test_data)={len(test_data_gz)}")
def reshape_and_zip(all_images__and__all_gt_labels):
all_images = all_images__and__all_gt_labels[0]
assert all(len(img)==Image.NUM_PIXELS for img in all_images)
all_gt_labels = all_images__and__all_gt_labels[1]
assert all(num in range(10) for num in all_gt_labels)
assert len(all_images)==len(all_gt_labels)
all_images_ = (np.reshape(img, SHAPE) for img in all_images)
return zip(all_images_, all_gt_labels)
def cast_all_to_image(all_images__and__all_gt_labels):
return [Image(image_and_gt_pair) for image_and_gt_pair in reshape_and_zip(all_images__and__all_gt_labels)]
return cast_all_to_image(training_data_gz), cast_all_to_image(test_data_gz)
def run_main():
Unpack data, train and do some examples.
# Set up network
net = NeuralNetwork(
# Train
training_data, test_data = load_MNIST_data__and_cast()
print(f"\n[run_main] Starting the training with {Config.EPOCHS} epochs...")
# Evaluate
print("[run_main] " + 40 * "*" + " Let's predict some example_imgs.")
for some_other_index in [Config.SOME_INDEX * n for n in range(1, 8)]:
img = test_data[some_other_index]
_is_correct: bool = net.predicts_correctly(img, show=True)
time.sleep(1) # Just for clarity
if __name__=='__main__':
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