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Created June 30, 2017 14:27
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%one_before_last(X,A) - A is one before last of of X
one_before_last([_|X], A):- one_before_last(X,A).
%elem(A,X) A is an element of X
%concat(X,Y,Z): Z is concatenation of X and Y
concat([A|X],Y,[A|Z]):- concat(X,Y,Z).
%sorted(X) checks if X is sorted array
sorted(X):- not((concat(_,[A,B|_],X), A>B)).
%perm(X,Y): Y is permutation of X
perm([A|X],Z):- perm(X,Y), insert(A,Y,Z).
perm2([A|X],Z):- insert(A,Y,Z),perm2(X,Y).
%insert(A,X,Y) - A is inserted into X and the result is Y
%remove(A,X,Y): A is removed from Y and results in X
remove(B,[A|X],[A|Y]):- remove(B,X,Y).
%subset(X,L) - X is a subset of L
subset([H|T],L):-remove(H,M,L), subset(T,M).
%sort1(X,Y) Y is sorted X
sort1(X,Y):- perm(X,Y), sorted(Y).
%sum(X,A): A is a sum of the elements of X
sum([A|X],N):- sum(X,K), N is A + K.
%fibodo(N,A,B):- A and B are fibonacci numbers both lower than N
fibodo(N,0,1):- 0 =<N, 1 =< N.
fibodo(N,B,C):- fibodo(N,A,B),C is A + B,A=<N,B=<N,C =<N.
%btw(N,A,B):- N is an integer between A and B
btw(A,A,B):- A =< B.
btw(N,A,B):- A < B, A1 is A + 1, btw(N,A1,B).
%p(N,K):- given interger N generates in K all exact divisors which are in the form 2^m + l^3 for m and l in N
p(N,K) :- divisors(N,K), btw(M,0,K), btw(L,0,K), K is 2 ** M + L ** 3.
%divisor(A,B) - B is divisor of A
divisors(A,B):-btw(B,1,A), 0 is (A mod B).
%nat(X) generator for natural numbers
nat(X) :- nat(Y), X is Y + 1.
%q(N) N is a natural number in the from 2^m + l^3
q(N):- nat(K), btw(M,1,K), btw(L,1,K),N is 2 ** M + L ** 3.
%int(N) generator of integers
int(N):-nat(L), (N=L; N is -L).
%fromto(X,A,B,G):- X is a path from A to B in the graph G
fromto([C],C,C,[V,E]):- elem(C,V).
fromto([A|X],A,B,[V,E]):- elem([A,C],E),fromto(X,C,B,[V,E]).
fromto2(X,A,B,[V,E]):-not((concat(_,[V1,V2|_],X),not((elem([V1,V2],E))))),X = [A|_], concat(_,[B],X).
simplepath([C],C,C,[V,E]):- elem(C,V).
simplepath([A|X],A,B,[V,E]):- elem([A,C],E),simplepath(X,C,B,[V,E]),not((elem(A,X))).
hamilton([V,E],X):-perm(V,X), simplepath(X,A,B,[V,E])
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