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Last active May 6, 2019 01:44
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Postgres + Ruby / Ruby on Rails
# This one-liner compares your local RoR's dump (db/structure.sql) with a remote DB's schema (Postgres)
# It ignores:
# - ownership & privileges information
# - empty lines
# - SQL comments
# - data in the "migrations" table from db/structure.sql
pg_dump --no-owner --no-privileges --schema-only -U username -h hostname dbname \
| egrep -v '^--|^$' | diff -b <(egrep -v '^INSERT INTO|^--|^$' db/structure.sql) -
-- Use this to do the very 1st REFRESH for your matviews
set statement_timeout to 0;
set client_min_messages to info;
do $$
matview text;
sql text;
iter int2; -- how many iterations
done_cnt integer; -- how many matviews refreshed
curts timestamptz;
-- uncomment this, if ALL matviews need to be refreshed,
-- even those that already have data
/*for matview in
select format('"%s"."%s"', schemaname::text, matviewname::text)
from pg_matviews
sql := format('refresh materialized view %s with no data;', matview);
raise notice '[%] SQL: %', '-', sql;
execute sql;
end loop;*/
iter := 1;
done_cnt := 0;
for matview in
select format('"%s"."%s"', schemaname::text, matviewname::text)
from pg_matviews
where not ispopulated
sql := format('refresh materialized view %s', matview);
raise notice '[%] SQL: %', iter, sql;
curts := clock_timestamp();
execute sql;
raise notice '[%] % refreshed, it took %', iter, matview, (clock_timestamp() - curts)::text;
done_cnt := done_cnt + 1;
when others then
raise warning '[%] Cannot update view %, skip and try again later.', iter, matview;
end loop;
exit when 0 = (select count(*) from pg_matviews where not ispopulated);
iter := iter + 1;
end loop;
raise notice 'Finished! % matviews refreshed in % iterations.', done_cnt, iter;
$$ language plpgsql;
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