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Created June 20, 2019 12:56
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  • Save NilashishC/e4d83ef3444a1413457dbdddce2ffe23 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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state: ['merged', 'replaced', 'overridden', 'deleted']
- name: <str> (Ether-Bundle name)
members: <list> (List of interfaces that are part of this bundle)
min_active_links: <int> (Set the minimum link criteria for the bundle to be active)
max_active_links: <int> (Set a limit on the number of links that can be active)
load_balancing_hash: ['dst_ip','src_ip'] (Select the hash function used for traffic forwarded over the bundle)
load_interval: <int> (Specify interval for load calculation for an interface)
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