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Last active October 28, 2019 18:18
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import numpy as np
from allensdk.core.brain_observatory_nwb_data_set import BrainObservatoryNwbDataSet
from allensdk.core.brain_observatory_cache import BrainObservatoryCache
from allensdk.brain_observatory.drifting_gratings import DriftingGratings
class DffPatchingDataSet(BrainObservatoryNwbDataSet):
def __init__(self, nwb_file, dff_traces, dff_timestamps=None):
super(DffPatchingDataSet, self).__init__(nwb_file)
self.dff_traces = dff_traces
self.dff_timestamps = dff_timestamps
def get_dff_traces(self, cell_specimen_ids=None):
# This block reuses the existing timestamps, unless you've provided your own
if self.dff_timestamps is not None:
timestamps, traces = super(DffPatchingDataSet, self).get_dff_traces(cell_specimen_ids)
del traces
timestamps = self.dff_timestamps
# BrainObservatoryNwbDataSet supports filtering to a subset of cells.
# I don't think we need this for stimulus analysis, but supporting it is pretty easy
cell_selection = slice(None) if cell_specimen_ids is None else self.get_cell_specimen_indices(cell_specimen_ids)
return timestamps, self.dff_traces[cell_selection, :]
class DffPatchingCache(BrainObservatoryCache):
def get_ophys_experiment_data(
base_data_set = super(DffPatchingCache, self).get_ophys_experiment_data(
ophys_experiment_id, file_name=file_name
if dff_traces is None and dff_timestamps is None:
return base_data_set
elif dff_traces is not None:
return DffPatchingDataSet(base_data_set.nwb_file, dff_traces, dff_timestamps)
elif dff_timestamps is not None:
raise ValueError("You've overriden dff timestamps without overriding the data!")
cache = DffPatchingCache()
eid = cache.get_ophys_experiments(stimuli=["drifting_gratings"])[0]["id"]
regular_data_set = cache.get_ophys_experiment_data(eid)
# make a random array of the right shape
timestamps, dff = regular_data_set.get_dff_traces()
new_dff = np.random.rand(*dff.shape)
# ... and patch it onto the dataset
patched_data_set = cache.get_ophys_experiment_data(eid, dff_traces=new_dff)
# compare speed_tuning (a running-window df/f-dependent analysis)
regular_dg_analysis = DriftingGratings(regular_data_set)
patched_dg_analysis = DriftingGratings(patched_data_set)
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