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Last active June 18, 2018 03:16
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  • Save NileshGule/9d718638b8af9a474fb3f8555dfb551d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NileshGule/9d718638b8af9a474fb3f8555dfb551d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Pre-requisites for Docker Hands On Lab

For the first part of the Docker hands on session, following software will be required

  • Github account (Optional)
  • Dockerhub account (Optional)
  • Docker installed locally on the machine (Mandatory)
  • Lightweight code editor
  • Powershell (Optional)
  • Terminal (Optional)
  • DotNet Core (Optional)
  • Microsoft SQL Operations Studio (Optional)
  • Pull required Docker Images

Github account (Optional)

Github account is required if you wish to clone my repository to follow along the hands on labs. i use for all the public repositories.

Dockerhub account (Optional)

Dockerhub account is required if you wish to push the Docker images to your own public Dockerhub repository. My public Dockerhub repository is You can create a free Dockerhub ID to store your own public Docker images.

Docker installed on machine

Follow in structions to install Docker for Windows 10 or Docker for Mac

On older version of Windows, Docker Toolbox (Kitematic) can be used. Kitematic can be installed from

After successful installation, verify that the Docker engine is configured correctly by running following commands

  • docker --version or docker -v in your preferred terminal

Lightweight code editor

Personally I use Visual Studio Code. VS Code can be installed from

You can use any of your prefered code editor like Atom, Sublime, Notepad++, Notepad, EditPlus etc. Visual Studio can also be used.

Powershell (Optional)

Powershell comes with default on Windows 7 and above. For Mac users, Powershell can be installed

Terminal (Optional)

I personally use iTerm2 with Oh My Zsh as terminal on Mac. You can use any terminal of your choice. Windows user can use PowerShell terminal, or Cmder

DotNet Core (Optional)

Mac users can install DotNet Core - Windows uses can install DotNet Core -

Having the dotNet core installed on laptop is optional. We can build and run the code directly inside Docker container. If you prefer to install DotNet Core, ensure that everything is fine by running the command dotnet --version in your favorite terminal

Microsoft SQL Operations Studio (Optional)

Lightweight cross platform client for connecting to SQL Server 2017. You can install operations studio from

Existing SQL clients like SQL management Studio should also work fine. I have not tried this personally.

Pull required Docker Images

Following Docker images will be used during the Hands on session. Please download the images in advance as some of them could be more than 2 GB in size (specially Windows images) and can take long time to download for the first time.

  • microsoft/aspnetcode-build using command docker pull microsoft/aspnetcore-build
  • microsoft/aspnetcore using command docker pull microsoft/aspnetcore
  • microsoft/mssql-server-linux using command docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-linux
  • microsoft/dotnet:2.1.300-sdk using command docker pull microsoft/dotnet:2.1.300-sdk
  • microsoft/dotnet:2.1.0-aspnetcore-runtime using command docker pull microsoft/dotnet:2.1.0-aspnetcore-runtime
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