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Created May 20, 2021 19:56
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import Combine
import Foundation
import shared
extension KotlinThrowable: Error {
struct PublisherFailures {
The action to invoke when a failure is dropped as the result of a `Publisher` returned by
static var willCompleteOnFailure: (Error, Callsite) -> Void = { error, callsite in
if error.isKotlinCancellation {
print("[ERROR] A publisher failed and was completed due to a call to `completeOnFailure()` \(callsite): \(error)")
struct Callsite: CustomStringConvertible {
let file: String
let fileID: String
let filePath: String
let line: Int
let column: Int
let function: String
let dsoHandle: UnsafeRawPointer
var description: String {
"in \(function) at \(filePath)#\(line):\(column)"
extension Publisher {
Ignores errors in the upstream publisher, emitting an empty sequence instead, and otherwise republishes all received input.
You can hook into these failures by assigning a function to `PublisherHooks.willCompleteOnFailure`.
func completeOnFailure(file: String = #file, fileID: String = #fileID, filePath: String = #filePath, line: Int = #line, column: Int = #column, function: String = #function, dsoHandle: UnsafeRawPointer = #dsohandle) -> Publishers.Catch<Self, Empty<Output, Never>> {
return `catch` { error in
let callsite = Callsite(file: file, fileID: fileID, filePath: filePath, line: line, column: column, function: function, dsoHandle: dsoHandle)
PublisherFailures.willCompleteOnFailure(error, callsite)
return Empty(completeImmediately: true)
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