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Created September 14, 2020 15:30
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KubeLibrary Example
# This is an example test case for the Robot Framework KubeLibrary
*** Settings ***
Library KubeLibrary None True False
*** Variables ***
${POD_NAME_PATTERN} my-pod-name
${NAMESPACE} my-namespace
${IMAGE_NAME} my-image:1.0.0
${TIMEOUT} 2min
*** Test Cases ***
Pods are running with correct image
Given waited for pods matching "${POD_NAME_PATTERN}" in namespace "${NAMESPACE}" to be running
When getting pods matching "${POD_NAME_PATTERN}" in namespace "${NAMESPACE}"
Then all pods containers are using "${IMAGE_NAME}" image
*** Keywords ***
waited for pods matching "${POD_NAME_PATTERN}" in namespace "${NAMESPACE}" to be running
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${TIMEOUT} ${RETRY_INTERVAL}
... pod "${POD_NAME_PATTERN}" status in namespace "${NAMESPACE}" is running
pod "${POD_NAME_PATTERN}" status in namespace "${NAMESPACE}" is running
@{namespace_pods}= Get Pod Names in Namespace ${POD_NAME_PATTERN} ${NAMESPACE}
${num_of_pods}= Get Length ${namespace_pods}
Should Be True ${num_of_pods} >= 1 No pods matching "${POD_NAME_PATTERN}" found
FOR ${pod} IN @{namespace_pods}
${status}= Get Pod Status in Namespace ${pod} ${NAMESPACE}
Should Be True '${status}'=='Running'
getting pods matching "${POD_NAME_PATTERN}" in namespace "${NAMESPACE}"
@{namespace_pods}= Get Pods in Namespace ${POD_NAME_PATTERN} ${NAMESPACE}
Set Test Variable ${namespace_pods}
all pods containers are using "${container_image}" image
@{containers}= Filter Pods Containers By Name ${namespace_pods} .*
@{containers_images}= Filter Containers Images ${containers}
FOR ${item} IN @{containers_images}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${item} ${container_image}
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