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Created October 17, 2022 17:02
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This is the most convenient, non-Terraform way I know to create a new Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster with in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh (ASM) installed.
# If you're not using Cloud Shell, make sure to replace $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT with your Project ID.
# Cloud Shell is a small virtual machine (in Google Cloud) that's tied to your Google Cloud account.
export CLUSTER_NAME=my-cluster-with-in-cluster-asm-1
export ZONE=us-central1-b
export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format='get(projectNumber)')
export ASM_VERSION=1.14
echo "🏗️ Enabling necessary Google Cloud APIs..."
gcloud services enable \
echo "☁️ Creating a new Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster..."
gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--project=${PROJECT_ID} \
--zone=${ZONE} \
--machine-type=e2-standard-4 \
--num-nodes=2 \
echo "✏️ Renaming kubeconfig context of the cluster to ${CLUSTER_NAME}..."
kubectl config rename-context \
echo "📩 Downloading asmcli, the tool used to install in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh..."
curl${ASM_VERSION} > asmcli
echo "🪄 Making asmcli executable..."
chmod +x asmcli
echo "💉 Installing in-cluster Anthos Service Mesh"
./asmcli install \
--project_id ${PROJECT_ID} \
--cluster_name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--cluster_location ${ZONE} \
--fleet_id ${PROJECT_ID} \
--output_dir . \
--enable_all \
--ca mesh_ca
# ----- A D D I T I O N A L I N F O -----
# A "mesh_id" label on the cluster is required for metrics to get displayed on the ASM Dashboard in the Cloud Console.
# You can set the "mesh_id" label on the cluster using:
# gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
# --zone ${ZONE} \
# --update-labels mesh_id=proj-${PROJECT_NUMBER}
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