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Created June 10, 2020 01:12
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Nima Boscarino

React Breakout

What is React anyways?

  • It's a javascript framework for UI design

  • what is a framework???

    • like a library
    • library???
      • things that you can take and use that are already built for you
    • Express
    • jQuery
    • http
npm i lotide
  • let's talk about UI design, why do we need a framework???

    • Button
    • Text
    • Inputs
    • Checkboxes
    • Navigation
  • How to understand or learn a framework??

    • FOCUS ON THE GIMMICK!! (gimmick === abstaction)
  • What is the gimmick in Express???

    • creating a server and setting up routes
    • setting up routes, how do we do it?? app.get(URL, handler) MIDDLEWARE
      • generic middleware app.use
  • What is the gimmick in jQuery?

    • selector ($(....))
  • What is REACT'S major abstraction/gimmick?

    • react only re-renders the components that it needs to instead of rerendering the whole DOM

Create a new react app:

npx create-react-app NAME
npm start

Export: why export default???

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css'
import CoolComponent, { LessCoolComponent } from './CoolComponent'
// conditional rendering
const Counter = () => {
const [clickNumber, setClickNumber] = useState(0)
return (
<h1>Wow, you clicked {clickNumber} times!!</h1>
<button onClick={() => {
setClickNumber(clickNumber + 1)
{clickNumber < 10 && "Click me!!"}
{clickNumber >= 10 && "WOOOOWW THAT'S TOO MUCH CLICKING"}
const AngryCounter = () => {
const [clickNumber, setClickNumber] = useState(0)
return (
<h1>Wow, you clicked {clickNumber} times!!</h1>
clickNumber < 10 ?
<button onClick={() => {
setClickNumber(clickNumber + 1)
// A component is a function
// A function returns ONE thing
const App = () => {
return (
<CoolComponent name="nima" />
<CoolComponent name="Bradlina" />
<CoolComponent name="Kristoferetta" />
<LessCoolComponent name="Janistorine" />
<CoolComponent />
<Counter />
<AngryCounter />
<Counter />
<Counter />
<Counter />
[1, 2, 3, 4].map(num => <h1>NUMBER: {num}</h1>)
export default App;
import React from 'react'
const CoolComponent = ({ name }) => {
return <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>
export const LessCoolComponent = ({ name }) => {
return <h1>Blah, {name}!</h1>
export default CoolComponent
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