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Created June 26, 2017 12:27
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Save Nimlar/6492fc53c8dc828771db83f774dcc021 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
vimscript to search in elixir db
function! s:PrepareEnv()
let $LXR_DATA_DIR="~/git/linux.db"
let $LXR_REPO_DIR="~/git/linux/"
let s:git_dir = getcwd()
let s:tag = system("git describe --tags --abbrev=0")
if v:shell_error
return v:shell_error
let s:tag = split(s:tag, '\n')
let s:tag =s:tag[0]
return 0
function! MakeLxrLocationList(id)
if s:PrepareEnv()
echoerr "Not in a git directory: ".getpwd()
echo s:Redir(":pwd")
let bufListTxt = s:Redir("!~/dev/elixir/ ident " . s:tag . " " . a:id . " def_only" )
let bufListLines = split(bufListTxt, "\r\n")
let bufListLines = bufListLines[2:]
let bufLocList = s:MakeBufLocList(bufListLines, "")
call setloclist(0, bufLocList, ' ')
" Buffer List
function! s:MakeBufLocList(bufListLines, pattern)
let locList = []
for lineTxt in a:bufListLines
let elem = split(lineTxt)
let locItem = {}
let locItem["filename"] = substitute(elem[0], ":$", "","")
let locItem["text"] = elem[2]
for linenb in split(elem[1], ",")
let locItem["lnum"] = str2nr(linenb)
call add(locList, locItem)
return locList
"Capture long output of a comand into a variable.
function! s:Redir(cmd)
let output = ""
redir =>> output
silent exe a:cmd
redir END
return output
nmap <silent> <leader>lxr :call MakeLxrLocationList(expand("<cword>"))<CR>
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