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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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HTTP server training kit


  • this should take 2 hours approx.


  • Define HTTP (wikipedia):

"The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web"

* WTF is HTTP: [URL, GET & POST nice movie & easily exaplined](

###Going over the basics of HTTP:

* HTTP messages: 
[what is http message, the base of HTTP:](

* HTTP Request:
[request structure, request line, URI, Methods, abit about headers](

* HTTP Response:
[response structure, status codes, headers](

[short movie of restful api's from facebook and google, and how to use them with postman chrome addon](

* Urls:
  + Urls are basically an address of a resource or service on a webserver. They are the way the browser (or server) communicates its needs with the webserver.
  + [short video with questions in the end](
  + nice tutorial about URLS [1]( AND [2](

* Headers:
  + weve seen abit about headers in the previous request/response, this will be more specific
  + special header -> the HTTP cookie [1]( AND [2](
  + nice tutorial about http headers 
    - search for "HTTP Headers in HTTP Requests"
    - search for "How to See HTTP Headers"
    - for chrome use the developer tools (instead of firebug):

* Cookie
  + [Short movie about cookies](


* After we know the basics of HTTP lets look at wix and how we use them

* Before starting:
    + download chrome
    + install addons: [edit this cookie](,d.ZGU) AND  [postman](,d.ZGU)
  + get familiar with the chrome developer console (in chrome press  Command+Option+i )
* What to do?
  + go to [](
  + open the cookie addon (press the cookie icon on the menu bar), a list of cookies should be exposed to you, look at the cookie _wixCIDX and _wixUIDX, see that both of them have a GUID value, the UIDX is your registered userId (if you registerd) and CIDX is your anonymos userId
  + go to the wix editor (edit 1 of your site)
  + open chrome developer tools
  + go to the network tab in developers tools
  + reload the page
  + search for "profile" in the network tab filter bar
  + you will see the HTTP GET request named profileimage

* Few questions (answers are at the buttom)
  + what is the full url of the request?
  + what is the status code of the response
  + what is the request Accept header?
  + open postman addon, send the same request but add a header Accept:application/xml , what is the status code of the response?

* Answers
  + full url:
  + status code = 200 success
  + Accept header is application/json
  + server dosent Accept XML so it will return 500 response

The End
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