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Created April 8, 2012 16:18
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Rails summary
rails new demo #Create a new rails project under 'demo'
rails server #Start a local server to test the project, port 3000
rails generate controller ControllerName action1 action2
# For example 'rails generate controller say hello goodbye' gives
# say/hello and say/goodbye links, which are implemented by a class
# app/controllers/say_controller.rb with hello and goodbye methods.
# app/views/say/hello.html.erb will contain the template
rails generate scaffold ModelName fieldname:fieldtype
# e.g 'rails generate scaffold Product
# title:string description:text price:decimal'
rake db:migrate # When changing a file in db/migrate
rake test # Run the tests
rake db:seed # Put in the data in db/seeds.rb into the database
rails generate migration add_quantity_to_line_item quantity:integer #parses the
name to understand we are working on the line_item table
rails runner script.rb #Run script with your rails project context
rails console # Interactive ruby command line with your project context
rake doc:app # generate application rubydoc
rake routes # Show the REST routes configured
rake --tasks, rake --describe # learn about the tasks available
db/seeds.rb # Starting database data, for seeing stuff
database.yml # database connection configuration
app/views/layouts/application.html.erb # headers of HTML files (for CSS
public/stylesheets # Directory for CSS files
app/controllers/application_controller.rb #Base class for all controllers, so
#helper methods should go here
has_many # for foreign keys
fixtures YML
in config/routes.rb you can change the root: directive to control where the
default (index) will go to
button_to, link_to, img_tag functions
controller_to_path "alias"
sanitize, truncate, strip_tags, pluralize functions
rails new project
cd project
rails generate scaffold Post post_name:string
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