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Created July 31, 2018 16:40
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OptionUnionConverter for failure allowed conversions
// Written in 2018 by Nino Floris (
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights
// to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
// You may have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software.
// If not, see <>.
namespace JsonConverters
open System
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
open System.Collections.Concurrent
open System.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json
type OptionUnionConverter() =
inherit Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter()
let stringEq (a:string) (b:string) =
a.Equals(b, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
let unionConverter = CompactUnionJsonConverter()
let unionCasesAndFields =
let cache = ConcurrentDictionary<Type * string, (UnionCaseInfo * PropertyInfo[]) option>()
let factory (key: Type * string) =
let unionType, unionCase = key
|> Array.filter (fun (c: UnionCaseInfo) -> stringEq unionCase c.Name)
|> Array.tryHead
|> function
| None -> None
| Some case ->
Some (case, case.GetFields())
fun typ case -> cache.GetOrAdd((typ, case), factory)
let optionConstructors =
let cache = ConcurrentDictionary<Type, ((unit -> obj) * (obj -> obj))>()
let factory (typ: Type) =
let noneCase, someCase =
let cases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typ)
cases.[0], cases.[1]
let none () = FSharpValue.MakeUnion(noneCase, [||])
let some v = FSharpValue.MakeUnion(someCase, [|v|])
none, some
fun typ -> cache.GetOrAdd(typ, factory)
let canConvertType =
let cache = ConcurrentDictionary<Type, bool>()
let factory (typ: Type) =
if typ.IsGenericType && typ.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<unit option> then
let nestedTyp = typ.GenericTypeArguments.[0]
FSharpType.IsUnion nestedTyp && (not nestedTyp.IsGenericType || nestedTyp.GetGenericTypeDefinition() <> typedefof<unit option>)
else false
fun (typ: Type) ->
// Do not pollute the cache, do a minimal and fast smoke test first
if typ.IsGenericType && typ.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<unit option> then
cache.GetOrAdd(typ, factory)
else false
override __.CanConvert(typ) = canConvertType typ
override __.WriteJson(writer, value, serializer) =
unionConverter.WriteJson(writer, value, serializer)
override __.ReadJson(reader, objectType, value, serializer) =
let caseNone, caseSome = optionConstructors objectType
let nestedType = objectType.GenericTypeArguments.[0]
let jToken = Linq.JToken.ReadFrom(reader)
// Json Null maps to `None`
// We know for sure our serializer doesn't match Option<Option<'Union>> constructs
// As we exclude those in CanConvert(), we can directly work on the interesting layer Option<'Union>
match jToken.Type with
| Linq.JTokenType.String ->
let caseName = (jToken :?> JValue).Value :?> string
match unionCasesAndFields nestedType caseName with
| None -> caseNone()
| Some (case, _) -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [||]) |> caseSome
| Linq.JTokenType.Object ->
let jObjectProperties = (jToken :?> JObject).Properties()
// Construct should match format of { "Case": ["Field1Value", "Field2Value"] }
// Maybe loosen this a bit so extra unkown properties don't break if there is one that matches.
if Seq.length jObjectProperties <> 1 then caseNone() else
let caseProperty = jObjectProperties |> Seq.head
let caseValue = caseProperty.Value
let caseName = caseProperty.Name
if caseValue.Type <> JTokenType.Array then caseNone() else
match unionCasesAndFields nestedType caseName with
| Some (case, fields) when caseValue |> Seq.length = fields.Length ->
let args =
if fields.Length = 1 then
[|caseProperty.Value.First.ToObject(fields.[0].PropertyType, serializer)|]
|> caseProperty.Value
|> (fun (v,t) -> v.ToObject(t.PropertyType, serializer))
|> Seq.toArray
FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, args) |> caseSome
| _ -> caseNone()
| _ -> caseNone()
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