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Teeworlds files
## ## =============== ##
## ## Server Settings ##
## ## =============== ##
## Server settings for a Teeworlds 0.6.3 server.
## To choose the config file, use the `-f` option.
## To change the game's physics, read the Server Tuning doc.
## ## --------------- ##
## ## Engine settings ##
## ## --------------- ##
## sv_name
## Name of the server.
#sv_name unnamed server
## bindaddr
## Address to bind.
## This setting cannot be changed while running the server.
## sv_port
## Port the server will listen on.
## This setting cannot be changed while running the server.
#sv_port 8303
## sv_external_port
## Port to report to the master servers (e.g. in case of a firewall rename).
## This setting cannot be changed while running the server.
#sv_external_port 0
## sv_max_clients
## Number of clients that can be connected to the server at the same time.
## The maps may add a smaller limit.
## This setting cannot be changed while running the server.
#sv_max_clients 12
## sv_max_clients_per_ip
## Number of clients with the same ip that can be connected to the server
## at the same time.
#sv_max_clients_per_ip 12
## sv_high_bandwidth
## Use high bandwidth mode, for LAN servers only.
## - 0 = false,
## - 1 = true.
## This setting cannot be changed while running the server.
#sv_high_bandwidth 0
## sv_register
## Register on the master servers.
## - 0 = false,
## - 1 = true.
#sv_register 1
## sv_map
## Map to use.
## That's the name of the file in data/maps (without the .map extension).
#sv_map dm1
## sv_rcon_password
## Password to access the remote console.
## If not set, rcon is disabled.
## password
## Password to connect to the server.
## logfile
## Path to a logfile.
## console_output_level
## Adjust the amount of messages in the console.
#console_output_level 0
## sv_rcon_max_tries
## Maximum number of tries for remote console authentication.
#sv_rcon_max_tries 3
## sv_rcon_bantime
## Time (in minutes) a client gets banned if remote console
## authentication fails. (0 = just kick)
#sv_rcon_bantime 5
## sv_auto_demo_record
## Automatically record demos.
#sv_auto_demo_record 0
## sv_auto_demo_max
## Maximum number of automatically recorded demos (0 = no limit).
#sv_auto_demo_max 10
## ec_bindaddr
## Address to bind the external console to.
## Anything but 'localhost' is dangerous.
#ec_bindaddr localhost
## ec_port
## Port to use for the external console.
## ec_password
## External console password.
## ec_bantime
## The time a client gets banned if econ authentication fails.
## (0 = just close the connection)
#ec_bantime 0
## ec_auth_timeout
## Time in seconds before the the econ authentication times out
#ec_auth_timeout 30
## ec_output_level
## Adjusts the amount of information in the external console
#ec_output_level 1
## ## ------------- ##
## ## Game settings ##
## ## ------------- ##
## sv_warmup
## Warmup time between rounds.
#sv_warmup 0
## sv_scorelimit
## Score limit of the game (0 = disabled).
#sv_scorelimit 20
## sv_timelimit
## Time (in minutes) limit of the game (0 = no limit).
## In case of equal points there will be sudden death.
#sv_timelimit 0
## sv_gametype
## Gametype (among dm, ctf, tdm)
## This setting needs the map to be reloaded in order to take effect.
#sv_gametype dm
## sv_maprotation
## The maps to be rotated (a space separated list).
## The `sv_map` option will still determine the first map.
## sv_rounds_per_map
## Number of rounds before changing to next map in rotation.
#sv_rounds_per_map 1
## sv_motd
## Message of the day, shown in server info and when joining a server.
## You can enter a newline character with \n.
## sv_spectator_slots
## Number of clients that can only be spectators.
#sv_spectator_slots 0
## sv_teambalance_time
## Time in minutes after the teams are uneven, to auto balance.
#sv_tembalance_time 1
## sv_spamprotection
## Enable spam filter.
#sv_spamprotection 1
## sv_tournament_mode
## Players will automatically join as spectator.
#sv_tournament_mode 0
## sv_respawn_delay_tdm
## Time in seconds needed to respawn in the tdm gametype.
#sv_respawn_delay_tdm 3
## sv_teamdamage
## Enable friendly fire.
#sv_teamdamage 0
## sv_powerups
## Enable powerups (katana).
#sv_powerups 1
## sv_vote_kick
## Enable kick voting.
#sv_vote_kick 1
## sv_vote_kick_bantime
## Time in minutes to ban a player if kicked by voting (0 = only kick).
#sv_vote_kick_bantime 5
## sv_vote_kick_min
## Minimum number of players required to start a kick vote.
#sv_vote_kick_min 0
## sv_inactivekick_time
## Time in minutes after an inactive player will be taken care of.
#sv_inactivekick_time 3
## sv_inactivekick
## How to deal with inactive players:
## - 0 = move to spectator,
## - 1 = move to free spectator slot/kick,
## - 2 = kick
#sv_inactivekick 1
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