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Last active May 7, 2018 07:04
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Simple java implementation that checks if two JSON Objects are equal and returns the inequal data as a JSON message.
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// write your code here
String sample1 = "{\"a\":\"test\",\"b\":\"test\",\"msg\":{\"data1\":\"valid\",\"data2\":\"valid\",\"data3\":\"valid\",\"data4\":\"valid\"}}";
String sample2 = "{\"a\":\"test\",\"b\":\"test\",\"msg\":{\"data1\":\"valid\",\"data2\":\"valid\",\"data3\":\"valid\",\"data4\":\"invalid\"}}";
String sample3 = "{\"a\":\"test\",\"b\":\"test\",\"msg\":{\"data1\":\"valid\",\"data2\":\"invalid\",\"data3\":\"invalid\",\"data4\":\"invalid\"}}";
String sample4 = "{\"a\":\"test\",\"b\":\"test\",\"msg\":{\"data2\":\"valid\",\"data1\":\"valid\",\"data4\":\"valid\",\"data3\":\"valid\"}}";
String sample5 = "{\"a\":\"test\",\"b\":\"test\",\"msg\":{\"data1\":\"valid\",\"data2\":\"valid\",\"data3\":\"valid\"}}";
String sample6 = "{\"a\":\"test\",\"b\":\"test\",\"msg\":{\"data1\":\"valid\",\"data2\":\"valid\",\"data4\":\"invalid\"}}";
String sample7 = "{\"a\":\"test\",\"b\":\"test\",\"msg\":{\"data1\":\"valid\",\"data2\":\"valid\",\"data4\":\"invalid\",\"data5\":\"valid\"}}";
JSONObject validJSON = new JSONObject(sample1);
JSONObject invalidJSON = new JSONObject(sample2);
JSONObject multiInvalidJSON = new JSONObject(sample3);
JSONObject unsortedValidJSON = new JSONObject(sample4);
JSONObject unequalValidJSON = new JSONObject(sample5);
JSONObject unequalInValidJSON = new JSONObject(sample6);
JSONObject differentInValidJSON = new JSONObject(sample7);
Main main = new Main();
// To test sorted validity
JSONObject result1 = main.evalJSON(validJSON, validJSON);
System.out.println("Testing equality " + result1.toString());
// To test invalidity
JSONObject result2 = main.evalJSON(validJSON, invalidJSON);
System.out.println("Testing inequality " + result2.toString());
// To test multiple invalidity
JSONObject result3 = main.evalJSON(validJSON, multiInvalidJSON);
System.out.println("Testing inequality " + result3.toString());
// To test unsorted validity
JSONObject result4 = main.evalJSON(validJSON, unsortedValidJSON);
System.out.println("Testing unsorted equality " + result4.toString());
// To test unequal valid sets
JSONObject result5 = main.evalJSON(validJSON, unequalValidJSON);
System.out.println("Testing unequal validity " + result5.toString());
// To test unequal invalid sets
JSONObject result6 = main.evalJSON(validJSON, unequalInValidJSON);
System.out.println("Testing unequal validity " + result6.toString());
// To test unique invalid sets
JSONObject result7 = main.evalJSON(validJSON, differentInValidJSON);
System.out.println("Testing different validity " + result7.toString());
private JSONObject evalJSON(JSONObject sample1, JSONObject sample2) {
boolean validity = true;
JSONObject msg1 = sample1.getJSONObject("msg");
JSONObject msg2 = sample2.getJSONObject("msg");
HashMap<String, Object> rejectPile = new HashMap<>();
if (msg1.hashCode() == msg2.hashCode()) {
System.out.println("The two messages are equal");
} else {
System.out.println("The two messages are inequal");
Map<String, Object> proofMap = msg1.toMap();
Map<String, Object> comparisonMap = msg2.toMap();
for (Object o : proofMap.entrySet()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
if (comparisonMap.get(key) != null && !comparisonMap.get(key).equals(value)) {
validity = false;
rejectPile.put(key, comparisonMap.get(key));
JSONObject resultJSON = new JSONObject();
resultJSON.put("result", validity);
resultJSON.put("mismatch", rejectPile);
return resultJSON;
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