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Last active August 7, 2020 20:58
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* 異常ダメージ検知
* @version 2.0.1β
* @author Nishikuma
//#region Library
ComparableArrayType = Java.type("java.lang.Comparable[]")
System = Java.type("java.lang.System")
URI = Java.type("")
StandardCharsets = Java.type("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets")
Files = Java.type("java.nio.file.Files")
Paths = Java.type("java.nio.file.Paths")
StandardOpenOption = Java.type("java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption")
Collectors = Java.type("")
BattlePhaseKind = Java.type("logbook.dto.BattlePhaseKind")
EnemyShipDto = Java.type("logbook.dto.EnemyShipDto")
ShipDto = Java.type("logbook.dto.ShipDto")
Item = Java.type("logbook.internal.Item")
IOUtils = Java.type("")
//#region 全般
//#region メモ部分
// ・洋上補給には拡張版は対応していない
// ・v1.6.2で擬似的に対応
// ・渦潮には拡張版は対応していない
//#region 主部分
function header() {
return ["昼砲撃戦", "昼雷撃戦", "夜戦"]
function begin() {
setTmpData("ini", false)
setTmpData("unexpected", {})
* @param {logbook.dto.BattleExDto} battle
function body(battle) {
var ret = new ComparableArrayType(3)
var date = battle.getBattleDate()
if (!isInvestiagate(battle)) return ret
// 自艦隊情報
var friends = getFriends(battle)
// 敵艦隊情報
var enemies = getEnemies(battle)
// 自艦隊Hp
var friendHp = getFriendHp(battle)
// 敵艦隊Hp
var enemyHp = getEnemyHp(battle)
// 戦闘データ
var battleData = parse(date, battle.mapCellDto, Java.from(battle.phaseList), friendHp.main.length, friendHp.escort.length, enemyHp.main.length, enemyHp.escort.length, calcCombinedKind(battle), battle.isEnemyCombined())
return detectOrDefault(date, battleData, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp)
function end() {
setTmpData("ini", true)
* ファイルをアップデートします
function updateFile() {
try {
var newVersion = Number(JSON.parse(IOUtils.toString(URI.create(UPDATE_CHECK_URL), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).tag_name.replace(/v(.*)\.(\d)$/, "$1$2"))
if (VERSION < newVersion) {
FILE_URL.forEach(function (url, i) {
IOUtils.write(IOUtils.toString(URI.create(url), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(EXECUTABLE_FILE[i]), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
} catch (e) {
System.out.println("File Update Failed.")
//#region 拡張版からデータを貰う処理
* 調査するかどうか
* @param {logbook.dto.BattleExDto} battle
* @return {Boolean} 調査するか
var isInvestiagate = function (battle) {
var END_1ST_MAP_DATE = getJstDate(2018, 8, 15, 13, 0, 0)
[6, 2],
[7, 1],
return battle.exVersion >= 2 // version確認
// 演習は除外
&& !battle.isPractice()
// 一期のデータは除外
&& END_1ST_MAP_DATE.before(battle.battleDate)
// 渦潮(弾薬減)マップ除外
&& !(MAELSTROM_MAP_LIST.some(function (map) { return map[0] ===[0] && map[1] ===[1] }))
// 過去のイベント分は除外
&& !([0] >= 22 &&[0] <= 45)
// 何らかのフィルタを条件する際はここに追加
* 自艦隊情報を取得する
* @param {logbook.dto.BattleExDto} battle
* @return {FleetDto} 自艦隊情報
var getFriends = function (battle) {
var dock = battle.dock
var dockCombined = battle.dockCombined
if (dockCombined) {
return new FleetDto(dock.ships, dockCombined.ships)
} else {
return new FleetDto(dock.ships)
* 敵艦隊情報を取得する
* @param {logbook.dto.BattleExDto} battle
* @return {FleetDto} 敵艦隊情報
var getEnemies = function (battle) {
var enemy = battle.enemy
var enemyCombined = battle.enemyCombined
if (enemyCombined) {
return new FleetDto(enemy, enemyCombined)
} else {
return new FleetDto(enemy)
* 自艦隊Hpを取得する
* @param {logbook.dto.BattleExDto} battle
* @return {FleetHpDto} 自艦隊HP
var getFriendHp = function (battle) {
var maxHp = battle.maxFriendHp
var maxHpCombined = battle.maxFriendHpCombined
var startHp = battle.startFriendHp
var startHpCombined = battle.startFriendHpCombined
var endHp = battle.nowFriendHp
var endHpCombined = battle.nowFriendHpCombined
var main = []
var escort = []
for (var i in maxHp) {
main.push(new ShipHpDto(maxHp[i], startHp[i], startHp[i], endHp[i]))
for (var i in maxHpCombined) {
escort.push(new ShipHpDto(maxHpCombined[i], startHpCombined[i], startHpCombined[i], endHpCombined[i]))
return new FleetHpDto(main, escort)
* 敵艦隊Hpを取得する
* @param {logbook.dto.BattleExDto} battle
* @return {FleetHpDto} 敵艦隊HP
var getEnemyHp = function (battle) {
var maxHp = battle.maxEnemyHp
var maxHpCombined = battle.maxEnemyHpCombined
var startHp = battle.startEnemyHp
var startHpCombined = battle.startEnemyHpCombined
var endHp = battle.nowEnemyHp
var endHpCombined = battle.nowEnemyHpCombined
var main = []
var escort = []
for (var i in maxHp) {
main.push(new ShipHpDto(maxHp[i], startHp[i], startHp[i], endHp[i]))
for (var i in maxHpCombined) {
escort.push(new ShipHpDto(maxHpCombined[i], startHpCombined[i], startHpCombined[i], endHpCombined[i]))
return new FleetHpDto(main, escort)
* 艦隊
* @param {java.util.List<logbook.dto.ShipDto|logbook.dto.EnemyShipDto>} m 主力
* @param {java.util.List<logbook.dto.ShipDto|logbook.dto.EnemyShipDto>} e 随伴
var FleetDto = function (m, e) {
this.main = m
this.escort = e
* 艦隊Hp
* @param {[ShipHpDto]} m 主力
* @param {[ShipHpDto]} e 随伴
var FleetHpDto = function (m, e) {
this.main = m
this.escort = e
* ダメージHp
* @param {[number]} m 主力
* @param {[number]} e 随伴
var DamagedHpDto = function (m, e) {
this.main = m
this.escort = e
* ダメージを加算
* @param {DamagedHpDto} hpdto ダメージ
DamagedHpDto.prototype.add = function (hpdto) {
for (var i in this.main) {
this.main[i] = Math.floor(hpdto.main[i])
for (var i in this.escort) {
this.escort[i] = Math.floor(hpdto.escort[i])
* 攻撃側/防御側情報
* @param {logbook.dto.ShipDto|logbook.dto.EnemyShipDto} attacker 攻撃側情報
* @param {logbook.dto.ShipDto|logbook.dto.EnemyShipDto} defender 防御側情報
var AtkDefDto = function (attacker, defender) {
this.attacker = attacker
this.defender = defender
* 攻撃側/防御側Hp
* @param {ShipHpDto} attacker 攻撃側Hp
* @param {ShipHpDto} defender 防御側Hp
var AtkDefHpDto = function (attacker, defender) {
this.attacker = attacker
this.defender = defender
* Hp情報
* @param {Number} max 最大Hp
* @param {Number} start 交戦前Hp
* @param {Number} now 交戦中Hp
* @param {Number} end 交戦後Hp
var ShipHpDto = function (max, start, now, end) {
this.max = max
this.start = start = now
this.end = end
* 轟沈か(nowで判定)
* @return {Boolean}
ShipHpDto.prototype.isSunkDamage = function () {
return <= 0
* 大破か(nowとmaxで判定)
* 轟沈でもtrueになるので注意
* @return {Boolean}
ShipHpDto.prototype.isBadlyDamage = function () {
return / this.max <= 0.25
* 中破か(nowとmaxで判定)
* 轟沈or大破でもtrueになるので注意
* @return {Boolean}
ShipHpDto.prototype.isHalfDamage = function () {
return / this.max <= 0.5
* 現在保持しているデータを元にコピーして返す
* @return {ShipHpDto}
ShipHpDto.prototype.copy = function () {
return new ShipHpDto(this.max, this.start,, this.end)
* HP[文字列]を返す
* @return {String}
ShipHpDto.prototype.toString = function () {
return "[" + + "/" + this.max + "]"
//#region API(Json)を解析する処理
* API(Json)を解析して既定のフォーマットに収めて返す
* @param {java.util.Date} date 日付
* @param {logbook.dto.MapCellDto} mapCell マップ
* @param {[logbook.dto.BattleExDto.Phase]} phaseList フェーズリスト(昼戦/夜戦)
* @param {Number} friendNum 自艦隊本隊数
* @param {Number} friendNumCombined 自艦隊随伴数
* @param {Number} enemyNum 敵艦隊本隊数
* @param {Number} enemyNumCombined 敵艦隊随伴数
* @param {0|1|2|3} friendCombinedKind 自軍側連合種別(0=なし,1=機動,2=水上,3=輸送)
* @param {Boolean} isEnemyCombined 敵軍は連合艦隊か
* @return {Battle} 既定のフォーマット
var parse = function (date, mapCell, phaseList, friendNum, friendNumCombined, enemyNum, enemyNumCombined, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined) {
var airDamagedFriendHp = new DamagedHpDto(Array.apply(null, { length: friendNum }).map(function (v) { return 0 }), Array.apply(null, { length: friendNumCombined }).map(function (v) { return 0 }))
var airDamagedEnemyHp = new DamagedHpDto(Array.apply(null, { length: enemyNum }).map(function (v) { return 0 }), Array.apply(null, { length: enemyNumCombined }).map(function (v) { return 0 }))
var supportDamagedFriendHp = new DamagedHpDto(Array.apply(null, { length: friendNum }).map(function (v) { return 0 }), Array.apply(null, { length: friendNumCombined }).map(function (v) { return 0 }))
var supportDamagedEnemyHp = new DamagedHpDto(Array.apply(null, { length: enemyNum }).map(function (v) { return 0 }), Array.apply(null, { length: enemyNumCombined }).map(function (v) { return 0 }))
var dayKind = null
var nightKind = null
var nightBattle1 = null
var nightBattle2 = null
var preAntiSubmarineAttack = null
var preTorpedoAttack = null
var dayBattle1 = null
var dayBattle2 = null
var dayBattle3 = null
var torpedoAttack = null
var nightBattle = null
var dayFormation = null
var nightFormation = null
var nightTouchPlane = null
var friendlyBattle = null
var radarShooting = null
// 航空戦フェーズ
phaseList.forEach(function (phase) {
// 航空戦全生成
var airBattleList = [
phase.airBaseInjection, // 基地航空隊(噴式)
phase.airInjection, // 噴式強襲航空戦
phase.air, // 航空戦1
phase.air2, // 航空戦2
{ atacks: (phase.supportType === '航空支援' ? : null) }, // 航空支援
].concat(Java.from(phase.airBase)) // 基地航空隊
// null除外
.filter(function (battle) { return battle && battle.atacks })
airBattleList.forEach(function (battle) {
battle.atacks.forEach(function (atack) {
Java.from(atack.damage).forEach(function (damage, i) {
if (atack.friendAtack) {
airDamagedEnemyHp[[i] < enemyNum ? 'main' : 'escort'][[i] % Math.max(6, enemyNum)] += damage
} else {
airDamagedFriendHp[[i] < friendNum ? 'main' : 'escort'][[i] % Math.max(6, friendNum)] += damage
// 支援砲雷撃フェーズ
phaseList.filter(function (phase) { return phase.supportType === '支援射撃' || phase.supportType === '支援長距離雷撃' }).map(function (phase) { return }).filter(function (support) { return support }).forEach(function (atacks) {
atacks.forEach(function (atack) {
Java.from(atack.damage).forEach(function (damage, i) {
if (atack.friendAtack) {
supportDamagedEnemyHp[[i] < enemyNum ? 'main' : 'escort'][[i] % Math.max(6, enemyNum)] += damage
} else {
supportDamagedFriendHp[[i] < friendNum ? 'main' : 'escort'][[i] % Math.max(6, friendNum)] += damage
// 砲撃戦フェーズ
var parseDay = function (phase, json) {
if (json) {
var result = []
for (var idx in json.api_at_eflag) {
var friendAttack = Number(json.api_at_eflag[idx]) === 0
var attackType = json.api_at_type[idx]
var showItem = json.api_si_list[idx]
result[idx] = []
for (var didx in json.api_df_list[idx]) {
var lastAttack = didx + 1 < json.api_df_list[idx].length ? Number(json.api_df_list[idx][didx + 1]) === -1 : true
if (Number(json.api_df_list[idx][didx]) !== -1) {
var attacker = function () {
switch (Number(attackType)) {
case 100: // Nelson Touch
return didx * 2
case 101: // 一斉射かッ…胸が熱いな!
case 102: // 長門、いい? いくわよ! 主砲一斉射ッ!
return Math.floor(didx / 2)
case 103: // Colorado 特殊攻撃
case 104: // 僚艦夜戦突撃
return didx
return json.api_at_list[idx]
var defender = json.api_df_list[idx][didx]
var damage = Math.floor(json.api_damage[idx][didx])
var critical = json.api_cl_list[idx][didx]
if (friendAttack) {
result[idx][didx] = new AttackDto(phase.kind, friendAttack, attacker < friendNum, attacker % Math.max(6, friendNum), defender < enemyNum, defender % Math.max(6, enemyNum), lastAttack, damage, critical, attackType, showItem, didx)
} else {
result[idx][didx] = new AttackDto(phase.kind, friendAttack, attacker < enemyNum, attacker % Math.max(6, enemyNum), defender < friendNum, defender % Math.max(6, friendNum), lastAttack, damage, critical, attackType, showItem, didx)
return result
return null
// 雷撃戦フェーズ
var parseTorpedo = function (phase, atacks) {
if (atacks) {
var result = { friend: [], enemy: [] }
var atackList = (atack) { return atack.friendAtack }))
Java.from(atackList.get(true)).forEach(function (atack, i) {
result.friend[i] = []
Java.from(atack.ot).forEach(function (x, j) {
result.friend[i][j] = new AttackDto(phase.kind, true, atack.origin[j] < friendNum, atack.origin[j] % Math.max(6, friendNum),[x] < enemyNum,[x] % Math.max(6, enemyNum), false, atack.ydam[j], atack.critical ? atack.critical[j] : 0, null, null, 0)
Java.from(atackList.get(false)).forEach(function (atack, i) {
result.enemy[i] = []
Java.from(atack.ot).forEach(function (x, j) {
result.enemy[i][j] = new AttackDto(phase.kind, false, atack.origin[j] < enemyNum, atack.origin[j] % Math.max(6, enemyNum),[x] < friendNum,[x] % Math.max(6, friendNum), false, atack.ydam[j], atack.critical ? atack.critical[j] : 0, null, null, 0)
return result
return null
// 夜戦フェーズ
var parseNight = function (phase, json, friendMainAttack) {
if (json) {
var result = []
for (var idx in json.api_at_eflag) {
var friendAttack = Number(json.api_at_eflag[idx]) === 0
var attackType = json.api_sp_list[idx]
var showItem = json.api_si_list[idx]
result[idx] = []
for (var didx in json.api_df_list[idx]) {
var lastAttack = didx + 1 < json.api_df_list[idx].length ? Number(json.api_df_list[idx][didx + 1]) === -1 : true
if (Number(json.api_df_list[idx][didx]) !== -1) {
var attacker = function () {
switch (Number(attackType)) {
case 100: // Nelson Touch
return didx * 2
case 101: // 一斉射かッ…胸が熱いな!
case 102: // 長門、いい? いくわよ! 主砲一斉射ッ!
return Math.floor(didx / 2)
case 103: // Colorado 特殊攻撃
case 104: // 僚艦夜戦突撃
return didx
return json.api_at_list[idx]
var defender = json.api_df_list[idx][didx]
var damage = Math.floor(json.api_damage[idx][didx])
var critical = json.api_cl_list[idx][didx]
if (friendAttack) {
result[idx][didx] = new AttackDto(phase.kind, friendAttack, friendMainAttack, attacker % Math.max(6, friendNum), defender < enemyNum, defender % Math.max(6, enemyNum), lastAttack, damage, critical, attackType, showItem, didx)
} else {
result[idx][didx] = new AttackDto(phase.kind, friendAttack, attacker < enemyNum, attacker % Math.max(6, enemyNum), defender < friendNum, defender % Math.max(6, friendNum), lastAttack, damage, critical, attackType, showItem, didx)
return result
return null
for (var idx in phaseList) {
var phase = phaseList[idx]
var json = phase.json
var formation = Java.from(json.api_formation).map(Number)
var activeDeck = json.api_active_deck
var touchPlane = json.api_touch_plane
var friendMainAttack = !(activeDeck && Number(activeDeck[0]) === 2
|| [BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_MIDNIGHT, BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_SP_MIDNIGHT].indexOf(phase.kind) >= 0)
if (!phase.isNight()) {
dayFormation = formation
dayKind = phase.kind
} else {
nightFormation = formation
nightKind = phase.kind
nightTouchPlane = json.api_touch_plane
// 払暁戦処理
if (phase.kind === BattlePhaseKind.NIGHT_TO_DAY || phase.kind === BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_EC_NIGHT_TO_DAY) {
dayFormation = nightFormation = formation
dayKind = nightKind = phase.kind
nightTouchPlane = json.api_touch_plane
// 夜戦(払暁戦)1巡目
nightBattle1 = nightBattle1 ? nightBattle1 : parseNight(phase, json.api_n_hougeki1, friendMainAttack)
// 夜戦(払暁戦)2巡目
nightBattle2 = nightBattle2 ? nightBattle2 : parseNight(phase, json.api_n_hougeki2, friendMainAttack)
// 開幕対潜
preAntiSubmarineAttack = preAntiSubmarineAttack ? preAntiSubmarineAttack : parseDay(phase, json.api_opening_taisen)
// 開幕雷撃
preTorpedoAttack = preTorpedoAttack ? preTorpedoAttack : parseTorpedo(phase, phase.opening)
// 砲撃戦1巡目
dayBattle1 = dayBattle1 ? dayBattle1 : parseDay(phase, json.api_hougeki1)
// 砲撃戦2巡目
dayBattle2 = dayBattle2 ? dayBattle2 : parseDay(phase, json.api_hougeki2)
// 砲撃戦3巡目
dayBattle3 = dayBattle3 ? dayBattle3 : parseDay(phase, json.api_hougeki3)
// 雷撃戦
torpedoAttack = torpedoAttack ? torpedoAttack : parseTorpedo(phase, phase.raigeki)
// 友軍艦隊
if (json.api_friendly_battle) {
friendlyBattle = friendlyBattle ? friendlyBattle : parseNight(phase, json.api_friendly_battle.api_hougeki, friendMainAttack)
// 夜戦
nightBattle = nightBattle ? nightBattle : parseNight(phase, json.api_hougeki, friendMainAttack)
// レーダー射撃
radarShooting = radarShooting ? radarShooting : parseDay(phase, json.api_hougeki1)
return new Battle(mapCell, dayKind, nightKind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, dayFormation, nightFormation, nightTouchPlane, airDamagedFriendHp, airDamagedEnemyHp, supportDamagedFriendHp, supportDamagedEnemyHp, nightBattle1, nightBattle2, preAntiSubmarineAttack, preTorpedoAttack, dayBattle1, dayBattle2, dayBattle3, torpedoAttack, nightBattle, friendlyBattle)
* 攻撃
* @param {logbook.dto.BattlePhaseKind} kind 戦闘の種類
* @param {Boolean} friendAttack 味方の攻撃か
* @param {Boolean} mainAttack 攻撃側が主力か
* @param {Number} attacker 攻撃側index
* @param {Boolean} mainDefense 防御側が主力か
* @param {Number} defender 防御側index
* @param {Boolean} lastAttack 最後の攻撃か(連撃2回目など)
* @param {Number} damage ダメージ
* @param {Number} critical クリティカル
* @param {Number} attackType 特殊攻撃フラグ
* @param {[Number|String]} showItem 表示装備
* @param {Number} attackNum 攻撃回数
var AttackDto = function (kind, friendAttack, mainAttack, attacker, mainDefense, defender, lastAttack, damage, critical, attackType, showItem, attackNum) {
this.kind = kind
this.friendAttack = friendAttack
this.mainAttack = mainAttack
this.attacker = attacker
this.mainDefense = mainDefense
this.defender = defender
this.lastAttack = lastAttack
this.damage = damage
this.critical = critical
this.attackType = attackType
this.showItem = showItem
this.attackNum = attackNum
* 戦闘
* @param {logbook.dto.MapCellDto} mapCell マップ
* @param {logbook.dto.BattlePhaseKind} dayKind 昼戦:戦闘の種類
* @param {logbook.dto.BattlePhaseKind} nightKind 夜戦:戦闘の種類
* @param {0|1|2|3} friendCombinedKind 自軍側連合種別(0=なし,1=機動,2=水上,3=輸送)
* @param {Boolean} isEnemyCombined 敵軍は連合艦隊か
* @param {[number,number,number]} dayFormation 昼戦[自軍陣形,敵軍陣形,交戦形態]
* @param {[number,number,number]} nightFormation 夜戦[自軍陣形,敵軍陣形,交戦形態]
* @param {[Number,Number]} nightTouchPlane 夜間触接
* @param {DamagedHpDto} airDamagedFriendHp 自艦隊が受けた全航空戦の被害Hp量
* @param {DamagedHpDto} airDamagedEnemyHp 敵艦隊が受けた全航空戦の被害Hp量
* @param {DamagedHpDto} supportDamagedFriendHp 自艦隊が受けた支援砲雷撃の被害Hp量
* @param {DamagedHpDto} supportDamagedEnemyHp 敵艦隊が受けた支援砲雷撃の被害Hp量
* @param {[AttackDto]} nightBattle1 夜戦1
* @param {[AttackDto]} nightBattle2 夜戦2
* @param {[AttackDto]} preAntiSubmarineAttack 先制対潜
* @param {[AttackDto]} preTorpedoAttack 先制雷撃
* @param {[AttackDto]} dayBattle1 砲撃戦1
* @param {[AttackDto]} dayBattle2 砲撃戦2
* @param {[AttackDto]} dayBattle3 砲撃戦3
* @param {[AttackDto]} torpedoAttack 雷撃戦
* @param {[AttackDto]} nightBattle 夜戦
* @param {[AttackDto]} friendlyBattle 友軍艦隊
var Battle = function (mapCell, dayKind, nightKind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, dayFormation, nightFormation, nightTouchPlane, airDamagedFriendHp, airDamagedEnemyHp, supportDamagedFriendHp, supportDamagedEnemyHp, nightBattle1, nightBattle2, preAntiSubmarineAttack, preTorpedoAttack, dayBattle1, dayBattle2, dayBattle3, torpedoAttack, nightBattle, friendlyBattle) {
this.mapCell = mapCell
this.dayKind = dayKind
this.nightKind = nightKind
this.friendCombinedKind = friendCombinedKind
this.isEnemyCombined = isEnemyCombined
this.dayFormation = dayFormation
this.nightFormation = nightFormation
this.nightTouchPlane = nightTouchPlane
this.airDamagedFriendHp = airDamagedFriendHp
this.airDamagedEnemyHp = airDamagedEnemyHp
this.supportDamagedFriendHp = supportDamagedFriendHp
this.supportDamagedEnemyHp = supportDamagedEnemyHp
this.nightBattle1 = nightBattle1
this.nightBattle2 = nightBattle2
this.preAntiSubmarineAttack = preAntiSubmarineAttack
this.preTorpedoAttack = preTorpedoAttack
this.dayBattle1 = dayBattle1
this.dayBattle2 = dayBattle2
this.dayBattle3 = dayBattle3
this.torpedoAttack = torpedoAttack
this.nightBattle = nightBattle
this.friendlyBattle = friendlyBattle
//#region 検知処理
* 検知処理
* 検知されなかった場合、Comparable[3]={null,null,null}を返す
* @param {java.util.Date} date 戦闘日時
* @param {Battle} battle 戦闘データ
* @param {FleetDto} friends 自艦隊情報
* @param {FleetDto} enemies 敵艦隊情報
* @param {FleetHpDto} friendHp 自艦隊Hp
* @param {FleetHpDto} enemyHp 敵艦隊Hp
* @return {java.lang.Comparable[]} 拡張版で表示する部分
var detectOrDefault = function (date, battle, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp) {
var ret = new ComparableArrayType(3)
var dayBattle = []
var torpedoAttack = []
var nightBattle = []
// 航空戦ダメージ処理
var airBattle = function () {
for (var i in battle.airDamagedFriendHp.main) {
friendHp.main[i].now -= battle.airDamagedFriendHp.main[i]
damageControl(friendHp.main[i], friends.main.get(i))
for (var i in battle.airDamagedFriendHp.escort) {
friendHp.escort[i].now -= battle.airDamagedFriendHp.escort[i]
damageControl(friendHp.escort[i], friends.escort.get(i))
// ダメコン処理は省略
for (var i in battle.airDamagedEnemyHp.main) {
enemyHp.main[i].now -= battle.airDamagedEnemyHp.main[i]
for (var i in battle.airDamagedEnemyHp.escort) {
enemyHp.escort[i].now -= battle.airDamagedEnemyHp.escort[i]
// 支援砲雷撃ダメージ処理
var supportAttack = function () {
for (var i in battle.supportDamagedFriendHp.main) {
friendHp.main[i].now -= battle.supportDamagedFriendHp.main[i]
damageControl(friendHp.main[i], friends.main.get(i))
for (var i in battle.supportDamagedFriendHp.escort) {
friendHp.escort[i].now -= battle.supportDamagedFriendHp.escort[i]
damageControl(friendHp.escort[i], friends.escort.get(i))
// ダメコン処理は省略
for (var i in battle.supportDamagedEnemyHp.main) {
enemyHp.main[i].now -= battle.supportDamagedEnemyHp.main[i]
for (var i in battle.supportDamagedEnemyHp.escort) {
enemyHp.escort[i].now -= battle.supportDamagedEnemyHp.escort[i]
// 友軍艦隊
var friendlyBattle = function () {
if (battle.friendlyBattle) {
battle.friendlyBattle.forEach(function (attacks) {
attacks.filter(function (attack) {
// ダメージ=0を判定しても無駄なので除外
return Math.floor(attack.damage) > 0
}).filter(function (attack) {
// 味方艦隊への誤爆排除
return attack.friendAttack
}).forEach(function (attack) {
var ship = getAtkDef(attack, friends, enemies)
var hp = getAtkDefHp(attack, friendHp, enemyHp)
processingShipHpDamage(ship.defender, hp.defender, attack.damage, attack.lastAttack) // ダメージ処理
var unexpected = getData("unexpected")
// 戦闘処理
switch (battle.dayKind) {
case BattlePhaseKind.BATTLE: // ・昼戦(通常vs通常,6対6)
case BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_BATTLE_WATER: // ・昼戦(水上vs通常,12対6)
case BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_EACH_BATTLE_WATER: // ・昼戦(水上vs連合,12対12)
airBattle() // ├航空戦
supportAttack() // ├支援砲雷撃
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.preAntiSubmarineAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, false, unexpected)) // ├先制対潜
Array.prototype.push.apply(torpedoAttack, detectTorpedoAttack(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.preTorpedoAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, unexpected)) // ├先制雷撃
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle1, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦1巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle2, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦2巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle3, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦3巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(torpedoAttack, detectTorpedoAttack(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.torpedoAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, unexpected)) // ├雷撃戦
friendlyBattle() // ├友軍艦隊
Array.prototype.push.apply(nightBattle, detectNightBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.nightKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.nightFormation, battle.nightTouchPlane, battle.nightBattle, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // └夜戦
case BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_EACH_BATTLE: // ・昼戦(機動or輸送vs連合,12対12)
airBattle() // ├航空戦
supportAttack() // ├支援砲雷撃
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.preAntiSubmarineAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, false, unexpected)) // ├先制対潜
Array.prototype.push.apply(torpedoAttack, detectTorpedoAttack(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.preTorpedoAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, unexpected)) // ├先制雷撃
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle1, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦1巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle2, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦2巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(torpedoAttack, detectTorpedoAttack(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.torpedoAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, unexpected)) // ├雷撃戦
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle3, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦3巡目
friendlyBattle() // ├友軍艦隊
Array.prototype.push.apply(nightBattle, detectNightBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.nightKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.nightFormation, battle.nightTouchPlane, battle.nightBattle, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // └夜戦
case BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_BATTLE: // ・昼戦(機動or輸送vs通常,12対6)
case BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_EC_BATTLE: // ・昼戦(通常vs連合,6対12)
airBattle() // ├航空戦
supportAttack() // ├支援砲雷撃
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.preAntiSubmarineAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, false, unexpected)) // ├先制対潜
Array.prototype.push.apply(torpedoAttack, detectTorpedoAttack(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.preTorpedoAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, unexpected)) // ├先制雷撃
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle1, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦1巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(torpedoAttack, detectTorpedoAttack(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.torpedoAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, unexpected)) // ├雷撃戦
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle2, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦2巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle3, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦3巡目
friendlyBattle() // ├友軍艦隊
Array.prototype.push.apply(nightBattle, detectNightBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.nightKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.nightFormation, battle.nightTouchPlane, battle.nightBattle, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // └夜戦
case BattlePhaseKind.NIGHT_TO_DAY: // ・払暁戦(通常vs通常,6対6)
case BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_EC_NIGHT_TO_DAY: // ・払暁戦(通常vs連合,6対12)
supportAttack() // ├支援砲雷撃
friendlyBattle() // ├友軍艦隊
Array.prototype.push.apply(nightBattle, detectNightBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.nightKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.nightFormation, battle.nightTouchPlane, battle.nightBattle1, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├夜戦1巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(nightBattle, detectNightBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.nightKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.nightFormation, battle.nightTouchPlane, battle.nightBattle2, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├夜戦2巡目
airBattle() // ├航空戦
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.preAntiSubmarineAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, false, unexpected)) // ├先制対潜
Array.prototype.push.apply(torpedoAttack, detectTorpedoAttack(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.preTorpedoAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, unexpected)) // ├先制雷撃
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle1, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦1巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(dayBattle, detectDayBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.dayBattle2, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // ├砲撃戦2巡目
Array.prototype.push.apply(torpedoAttack, detectTorpedoAttack(date, battle.mapCell, battle.dayKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.dayFormation, battle.torpedoAttack, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, unexpected)) // └雷撃戦
case BattlePhaseKind.LD_SHOOTING: // ・レーダー射撃戦(通常vs通常,6対6)
case BattlePhaseKind.COMBINED_LD_SHOOTING: // ・レーダー射撃戦(通常vs連合,12対6)
airBattle() // ├航空戦
Array.prototype.push.apply(nightBattle, detectRadarShooting(date, battle.mapCell, battle.nightKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.nightFormation, battle.radarShooting, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // └レーダー射撃
if (battle.nightKind === BattlePhaseKind.SP_MIDNIGHT) { // ・開幕夜戦(通常vs通常,6対6)
supportAttack() // ├支援砲雷撃
friendlyBattle() // ├友軍艦隊
Array.prototype.push.apply(nightBattle, detectNightBattle(date, battle.mapCell, battle.nightKind, battle.friendCombinedKind, battle.isEnemyCombined, battle.nightFormation, battle.nightTouchPlane, battle.nightBattle, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, true, unexpected)) // └夜戦
* 想定値誤差ソート用
* @param {DetectDto} data1 データ1
* @param {DetectDto} data2 データ2
function errorDescending(data1, data2) {
var armor1 = Math.max(data1.defender.soukou + getArmorBonus(, data1.mapCell, data1.attacker, data1.defender), 1)
var minDef1 = armor1 * 0.7
var maxDef1 = armor1 * 0.7 + Math.floor(armor1 - 1) * 0.6
var minDmg1 = Math.floor((data1.power[0] - maxDef1) * getAmmoBonus(data1.attacker,, data1.mapCell))
var maxDmg1 = Math.floor((data1.power[1] - minDef1) * getAmmoBonus(data1.attacker,, data1.mapCell))
var diff1 = Math.abs(data1.attack.damage - (data1.attack.damage < minDmg1 ? minDmg1 : maxDmg1))
var armor2 = Math.max(data2.defender.soukou + getArmorBonus(, data2.mapCell, data2.attacker, data2.defender), 1)
var minDef2 = armor2 * 0.7
var maxDef2 = armor2 * 0.7 + Math.floor(armor2 - 1) * 0.6
var minDmg2 = Math.floor((data2.power[0] - maxDef2) * getAmmoBonus(data2.attacker,, data2.mapCell))
var maxDmg2 = Math.floor((data2.power[1] - minDef2) * getAmmoBonus(data2.attacker,, data2.mapCell))
var diff2 = Math.abs(data2.attack.damage - (data2.damage < minDmg2 ? minDmg2 : maxDmg2))
return diff2 - diff1
setTmpData(date, [dayBattle, torpedoAttack, nightBattle])
setTmpData("unexpected", unexpected)
* 想定値誤差ソート用
* @param {DetectDto[]} logs データ1
function debugShowShip(logs) {
return logs.filter(function(log) {
return !log.attack.friendAttack
}).map(function(log) {
return log.attacker.friendlyName.replace(/\(.*\)$/, "")
}).filter(function (x, i, self) {
return self.indexOf(x) === i
ret[0] = debugShowShip(dayBattle)
ret[1] = debugShowShip(torpedoAttack)
ret[2] = debugShowShip(nightBattle)
// ret[0] = toDispString(dayBattle.sort(errorDescending)[0])
// ret[1] = toDispString(torpedoAttack.sort(errorDescending)[0])
// ret[2] = toDispString(nightBattle.sort(errorDescending)[0])
return ret
* 拡張版に表示用の文字列を返します。
* @param {DetectDto} data 検知
* @return {String} 表示用の文字列
function toDispString(data) {
if (data !== undefined) {
var armor = Math.max(data.defender.soukou + getArmorBonus(, data.mapCell, data.attacker, data.defender), 1)
var minDef = armor * 0.7
var maxDef = armor * 0.7 + Math.floor(armor - 1) * 0.6
var minDmg = Math.floor((data.power[0] - maxDef) * getAmmoBonus(data.attacker,, data.mapCell))
var maxDmg = Math.floor((data.power[1] - minDef) * getAmmoBonus(data.attacker,, data.mapCell))
var diff = (data.attack.damage < minDmg ? "" : "+") + (data.attack.damage - (data.attack.damage < minDmg ? minDmg : maxDmg))
return String((data.attack.attacker + 1) + ":" + data.attacker.friendlyName.replace(/\(.*\)$/, "") + "[HP:" + + "/" + data.attackerHp.max + "]→" + (data.attack.defender + 1) + ":" + data.defender.friendlyName.replace(/\(.*\)$/, "") + "[HP:" + + "→" + ( - data.attack.damage) + "/" + data.defenderHp.max + "] dmg:" + Math.floor(data.attack.damage) + " 理論値->" + minDmg + "~" + maxDmg + " 想定:" + diff)
return ""
* ダメコン処理
* 今のところ艦娘使用が前提のため装備削除はしていないが、
* 敵もしてくるようになったら削除予定
* @param {ShipHpDto} shipHp 艦Hp
* @param {logbook.dto.ShipDto|logbook.dto.EnemyShipDto} ship 艦ステータス
var damageControl = function (shipHp, ship) {
if (shipHp.isSunkDamage()) {
var items = getItems(ship)
items.some(function (item) {
switch (item.slotitemId) {
case 42: // 応急修理要員 = Math.floor(shipHp.max * 0.2)
return true
case 43: // 応急修理女神 = shipHp.max
return true
return false
* 検知
* @param {java.util.Date} date 戦闘日時
* @param {logbook.dto.MapCellDto} mapCell マップ
* @param {Number} phase 0:昼砲撃戦、1:昼雷撃戦、2:夜戦
* @param {AttackDto} attack 攻撃
* @param {[Number,Number]} power 火力
* @param {logbook.dto.ShipDto|logbook.dto.EnemyShipDto} attacker 攻撃艦
* @param {logbook.dto.ShipDto|logbook.dto.EnemyShipDto} defender 防御艦
* @param {ShipHpDto} attackerHp 攻撃艦Hp
* @param {ShipHpDto} defenderHp 防御艦Hp
* @param {logbook.dto.BattlePhaseKind} kind 戦闘の種類
* @param {0|1|2|3} friendCombinedKind 自軍側連合種別(0=なし,1=機動,2=水上,3=輸送)
* @param {Boolean} isEnemyCombined 敵軍は連合艦隊か
* @param {[number,number,number]} formation 昼戦[自軍陣形,敵軍陣形,交戦形態]
* @param {[Number,Number]} touchPlane 夜間触接
* @param {Boolean} shouldUseSkilled 熟練度を使用すべきか(default=true)
* @param {FleetDto} origins 攻撃側艦隊
* @param {Boolean} isRadarShooting レーダー射撃戦か(default=false)
* @param {{min: Number, max:Number, minEx:Number, maxEx:Number, date:Number}} inversion 逆算
var DetectDto = function (date, mapCell, phase, attack, power, attacker, defender, attackerHp, defenderHp, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, touchPlane, shouldUseSkilled, origins, isRadarShooting, inversion) { = date
this.mapCell = mapCell
this.phase = phase
this.attack = attack
this.power = power
this.attacker = attacker
this.defender = defender
this.attackerHp = attackerHp.copy()
this.defenderHp = defenderHp.copy()
this.kind = kind
this.friendCombinedKind = friendCombinedKind
this.isEnemyCombined = isEnemyCombined
this.formation = formation
this.touchPlane = touchPlane
this.shouldUseSkilled = shouldUseSkilled = origins
this.isRadarShooting = !!isRadarShooting
this.inversion = inversion
this.numOfAttackShips = origins[attack.mainAttack ? "main" : "escort"].length
* 砲撃戦検知
* @param {java.util.Date} date 戦闘日時
* @param {logbook.dto.MapCellDto} mapCell マップ
* @param {logbook.dto.BattlePhaseKind} kind 戦闘の種類
* @param {0|1|2|3} friendCombinedKind 自軍側連合種別(0=なし,1=機動,2=水上,3=輸送)
* @param {Boolean} isEnemyCombined 敵軍は連合艦隊か
* @param {[number,number,number]} formation 昼戦[自軍陣形,敵軍陣形,交戦形態]
* @param {[[AttackDto]]} attackList 攻撃リスト
* @param {FleetDto} friends 自艦隊データ
* @param {FleetDto} enemies 敵艦隊データ
* @param {FleetHpDto} friendHp 自艦隊Hp
* @param {FleetHpDto} enemyHp 敵艦隊Hp
* @param {Boolean} shouldUseSkilled 熟練度を使用すべきか(default=true)
* @param {{}} unexpected 異常ダメージデータ
* @return {[DetectDto]} 異常データ
var detectDayBattle = function (date, mapCell, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, attackList, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, shouldUseSkilled, unexpected) {
var result = []
if (attackList) {
attackList.forEach(function (attacks) {
attacks.filter(function (attack) {
// 攻撃ミスは除外
return (attack.critical | 0) > 0
}).forEach(function (attack) {
var ship = getAtkDef(attack, friends, enemies)
var numOfAttackShips = (attack.friendAttack ? friendHp : enemyHp)[attack.mainAttack ? "main" : "escort"].length
var hp = getAtkDefHp(attack, friendHp, enemyHp)
// 味方潜水への攻撃は検出対象から除外(敵対潜値が不明のため)
if (!(!attack.friendAttack && isSubMarine(ship.defender))) {
// 特殊攻撃は熟練度の対象から外す
var _shouldUseSkilled = shouldUseSkilled && attack.attackType < 100
var origins = attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies
var p = getDayBattlePower(date, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, numOfAttackShips, formation, attack, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker, _shouldUseSkilled, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies)
var power = p.getPostcapPower()
var armor = Math.max(ship.defender.soukou + getArmorBonus(date, mapCell, ship.attacker, ship.defender), 1)
var minDef = armor * 0.7
var maxDef = armor * 0.7 + Math.floor(armor - 1) * 0.6
var minDmg = Math.floor((power[0] - maxDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var maxDmg = Math.floor((power[1] - minDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var minPropDmg = Math.floor( * 0.06)
var maxPropDmg = Math.max(Math.floor( * 0.14 - 0.08), 0) // オーバーキル用
var minSunkDmg = Math.floor( * 0.5)
var maxSunkDmg = Math.floor( * 0.8 - 0.3)
var redCondDying = isHp1ReplacementShip(ship.defender, attack.defender === 0) && (( - attack.damage) === 1)
var covered = minPropDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxPropDmg || !attack.friendAttack && (minSunkDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxSunkDmg || redCondDying)
if (!(minDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxDmg || covered)) {
var ammoBonus = getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell)
var minPostcapPower = attack.damage / ammoBonus + minDef
var maxPostcapPower = (attack.damage + 1) / ammoBonus + maxDef
var inversion = {
min: minPostcapPower / power[1],
max: maxPostcapPower / power[0],
minEx: 0,
maxEx: 0,
// 熟練度
var skilled = getSkilledBonus(date, attack, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker)
if (!isSubMarine(ship.defender) && p.isAPshellBonusTarget() && isCritical(attack)) {
var power2 = p.getPostcapPower(true)
// [[[キャップ後攻撃力] * 弾着観測射撃 * 戦爆連合カットイン攻撃 * イベント特効 * 徹甲弾補正] * クリティカル補正]
inversion.minEx = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(minPostcapPower) / getCriticalBonus(attack)) / power2[1] / skilled[1]
inversion.maxEx = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(maxPostcapPower) / getCriticalBonus(attack)) / power2[0] / skilled[0]
} else if (!isSubMarine(ship.defender) && !p.isAPshellBonusTarget() || !isCritical(attack)) {
// [キャップ後攻撃力] * 弾着観測射撃 * 戦爆連合カットイン攻撃 * イベント特効
inversion.minEx = minPostcapPower / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = maxPostcapPower / power[0]
} else {
// [[キャップ後攻撃力] * 弾着観測射撃 * 戦爆連合カットイン攻撃 * イベント特効 * 徹甲弾補正]
// [[キャップ後攻撃力] * 弾着観測射撃 * 戦爆連合カットイン攻撃 * イベント特効 * クリティカル補正]
inversion.minEx = Math.ceil(minPostcapPower) / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = Math.ceil(maxPostcapPower) / power[0]
if ([0] >= 22 && attack.friendAttack) {
// 割合ダメージ等ではない&(敵が陸上型またはPT小鬼群または熟練度補正攻撃ではない)
if (!covered && !(isGround(ship.defender) || isPT(ship.defender) || skilled[0] > 1)) {
var maps = JSON.stringify(Java.from(
var index = ship.attacker.shipId + "_" + ship.attacker.friendlyName.replace(/\(.*\)$/, "") + "_" + ship.defender.shipId + "_" + ship.defender.friendlyName.replace(/\(.*\)$/, "")
if (!unexpected[maps]) {
unexpected[maps] = {}
if (!unexpected[maps][index]) {
unexpected[maps][index] = []
result.push(new DetectDto(date, mapCell, 0, attack, power, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker, hp.defender, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, [-1, -1], _shouldUseSkilled, origins, false, inversion))
processingShipHpDamage(ship.defender, hp.defender, attack.damage, attack.lastAttack) // ダメージ処理
return result
* 雷撃戦検知
* @param {java.util.Date} date 戦闘日時
* @param {logbook.dto.MapCellDto} mapCell マップ
* @param {logbook.dto.BattlePhaseKind} kind 戦闘の種類
* @param {0|1|2|3} friendCombinedKind 自軍側連合種別(0=なし,1=機動,2=水上,3=輸送)
* @param {Boolean} isEnemyCombined 敵軍は連合艦隊か
* @param {[number,number,number]} formation 昼戦[自軍陣形,敵軍陣形,交戦形態]
* @param {{friend:[AttackDto],enemy:[AttackDto]}} attackList 攻撃リスト
* @param {FleetDto} friends 自艦隊データ
* @param {FleetDto} enemies 敵艦隊データ
* @param {FleetHpDto} friendHp 自艦隊Hp
* @param {FleetHpDto} enemyHp 敵艦隊Hp
* @param {{}} unexpected 異常ダメージデータ
* @return {[DetectDto]} 異常データ
var detectTorpedoAttack = function (date, mapCell, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, attackList, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, unexpected) {
var result = []
if (attackList) {
// 仮作成(無理やり作成)
var fFriendHp = new FleetHpDto( (hp) { return new ShipHpDto(hp.max, hp.start, }), (hp) { return new ShipHpDto(hp.max, hp.start, }))
var fEnemyHp = new FleetHpDto( (hp) { return new ShipHpDto(hp.max, hp.start, }), (hp) { return new ShipHpDto(hp.max, hp.start, }))
var eFriendHp = new FleetHpDto( (hp) { return new ShipHpDto(hp.max, hp.start, }), (hp) { return new ShipHpDto(hp.max, hp.start, }))
var eEnemyHp = new FleetHpDto( (hp) { return new ShipHpDto(hp.max, hp.start, }), (hp) { return new ShipHpDto(hp.max, hp.start, }))
Array.prototype.concat.apply([], attackList.friend).filter(function (attack) {
// 攻撃ミスは除外
return (attack.critical | 0) > 0
}).forEach(function (attack) {
var ship = getAtkDef(attack, friends, enemies)
var numOfAttackShips = (attack.friendAttack ? friendHp : enemyHp)[attack.mainAttack ? "main" : "escort"].length
var hp = getAtkDefHp(attack, fFriendHp, fEnemyHp)
var power = getTorpedoPower(date, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, numOfAttackShips, formation, attack, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker).getPostcapPower()
var armor = Math.max(ship.defender.soukou + getArmorBonus(date, mapCell, ship.attacker, ship.defender), 1)
var minDef = armor * 0.7
var maxDef = armor * 0.7 + Math.floor(armor - 1) * 0.6
var minDmg = Math.floor((power[0] - maxDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var maxDmg = Math.floor((power[1] - minDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var minPropDmg = Math.floor( * 0.06)
var maxPropDmg = Math.max(Math.floor( * 0.14 - 0.08), 0) // オーバーキル用
var covered = minPropDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxPropDmg
if (!(minDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxDmg || covered)) {
var ammoBonus = getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell)
var minPostcapPower = attack.damage / ammoBonus + minDef
var maxPostcapPower = (attack.damage + 1) / ammoBonus + maxDef
var inversion = {
min: minPostcapPower / power[1],
max: maxPostcapPower / power[0],
minEx: 0,
maxEx: 0,
if (!isCritical(attack)) {
// [キャップ後攻撃力] * イベント特効
inversion.minEx = minPostcapPower / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = maxPostcapPower / power[0]
} else {
// [[キャップ後攻撃力] * イベント特効 * クリティカル補正]
inversion.minEx = Math.ceil(minPostcapPower) / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = Math.ceil(maxPostcapPower) / power[0]
if ([0] >= 22) {
// 割合ダメージ等ではない&(敵がPT小鬼群ではない)
if (!covered && !isPT(ship.defender)) {
var maps = JSON.stringify(Java.from(
var index = ship.attacker.shipId + "_" + ship.attacker.friendlyName.replace(/\(.*\)$/, "") + "_" + ship.defender.shipId + "_" + ship.defender.friendlyName.replace(/\(.*\)$/, "")
if (!unexpected[maps]) {
unexpected[maps] = {}
if (!unexpected[maps][index]) {
unexpected[maps][index] = []
result.push(new DetectDto(date, mapCell, 1, attack, power, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker, hp.defender, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, [-1, -1], false, friends, false, inversion))
processingShipHpDamage(ship.defender, hp.defender, attack.damage, false) // ダメージ仮処理
Array.prototype.concat.apply([], attackList.enemy).filter(function (attack) {
// 攻撃ミスは除外
return (attack.critical | 0) > 0
}).forEach(function (attack) {
var ship = getAtkDef(attack, friends, enemies)
var numOfAttackShips = (attack.friendAttack ? friendHp : enemyHp)[attack.mainAttack ? "main" : "escort"].length
var hp = getAtkDefHp(attack, eFriendHp, eEnemyHp)
var power = getTorpedoPower(date, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, numOfAttackShips, formation, attack, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker).getPostcapPower()
var armor = Math.max(ship.defender.soukou + getArmorBonus(date, mapCell, ship.attacker, ship.defender), 1)
var minDef = armor * 0.7
var maxDef = armor * 0.7 + Math.floor(armor - 1) * 0.6
var minDmg = Math.floor((power[0] - maxDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var maxDmg = Math.floor((power[1] - minDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var minPropDmg = Math.floor( * 0.06)
var maxPropDmg = Math.max(Math.floor( * 0.14 - 0.08), 0) // オーバーキル用
var minSunkDmg = Math.floor( * 0.5)
var maxSunkDmg = Math.floor( * 0.8 - 0.3)
var redCondDying = isHp1ReplacementShip(ship.defender, attack.defender === 0) && (( - attack.damage) === 1)
var covered = minPropDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxPropDmg || minSunkDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxSunkDmg || redCondDying
if (!(minDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxDmg || covered)) {
var minPostcapPower = attack.damage / ammoBonus + minDef
var maxPostcapPower = (attack.damage + 1) / ammoBonus + maxDef
var inversion = {
min: minPostcapPower / power[1],
max: maxPostcapPower / power[0],
minEx: 0,
maxEx: 0,
if (!isCritical(attack)) {
// [キャップ後攻撃力] * イベント特効
inversion.minEx = minPostcapPower / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = maxPostcapPower / power[0]
} else {
// [[キャップ後攻撃力] * イベント特効 * クリティカル補正]
inversion.minEx = Math.ceil(minPostcapPower) / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = Math.ceil(maxPostcapPower) / power[0]
result.push(new DetectDto(date, mapCell, 1, attack, power, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker, hp.defender, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, [-1, -1], false, enemies, false, inversion))
processingShipHpDamage(ship.defender, hp.defender, attack.damage, false) // ダメージ仮処理
Array.prototype.concat.apply([], attackList.friend.concat(attackList.enemy)).filter(function (attack) {
// ダメージ=0を判定しても無駄なので除外
return Math.floor(attack.damage) > 0
}).forEach(function (attack) {
var ship = getAtkDef(attack, friends, enemies)
var hp = getAtkDefHp(attack, friendHp, enemyHp)
processingShipHpDamage(ship.defender, hp.defender, attack.damage, false) // ダメージ本処理
// ダメコン処理
friendHp.main.forEach(function (hp, i) {
damageControl(hp, friends.main.get(i))
friendHp.escort.forEach(function (hp, i) {
damageControl(hp, friends.escort.get(i))
enemyHp.main.forEach(function (hp, i) {
damageControl(hp, enemies.main.get(i))
enemyHp.escort.forEach(function (hp, i) {
damageControl(hp, enemies.escort.get(i))
return result
* 夜戦検知
* @param {java.util.Date} date 戦闘日時
* @param {logbook.dto.MapCellDto} mapCell マップ
* @param {logbook.dto.BattlePhaseKind} kind 戦闘の種類
* @param {0|1|2|3} friendCombinedKind 自軍側連合種別(0=なし,1=機動,2=水上,3=輸送)
* @param {Boolean} isEnemyCombined 敵軍は連合艦隊か
* @param {[number,number,number]} formation 昼戦[自軍陣形,敵軍陣形,交戦形態]
* @param {[Number,Number]} touchPlane 夜間触接
* @param {[[AttackDto]]} attackList 攻撃リスト
* @param {FleetDto} friends 自艦隊データ
* @param {FleetDto} enemies 敵艦隊データ
* @param {FleetHpDto} friendHp 自艦隊Hp
* @param {FleetHpDto} enemyHp 敵艦隊Hp
* @param {Boolean} shouldUseSkilled 熟練度を使用すべきか(default=true)
* @param {{}} unexpected 異常ダメージデータ
* @return {[DetectDto]} 異常データ
var detectNightBattle = function (date, mapCell, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, touchPlane, attackList, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, shouldUseSkilled, unexpected) {
var result = []
if (attackList) {
attackList.forEach(function (attacks) {
attacks.filter(function (attack) {
// 攻撃ミスは除外
return (attack.critical | 0) > 0
}).forEach(function (attack) {
var ship = getAtkDef(attack, friends, enemies)
var numOfAttackShips = (attack.friendAttack ? friendHp : enemyHp)[attack.mainAttack ? "main" : "escort"].length
var hp = getAtkDefHp(attack, friendHp, enemyHp)
// 味方潜水への攻撃は検出対象から除外(敵対潜値が不明のため)
if (!(!attack.friendAttack && isSubMarine(ship.defender))) {
// 特殊攻撃は熟練度の対象から外す
var _shouldUseSkilled = shouldUseSkilled && attack.attackType < 100
var origins = attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies
var power = getNightBattlePower(date, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, numOfAttackShips, formation, touchPlane, attack, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker, _shouldUseSkilled, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies).getPostcapPower()
var armor = Math.max(ship.defender.soukou + getArmorBonus(date, mapCell, ship.attacker, ship.defender), 1)
var minDef = armor * 0.7
var maxDef = armor * 0.7 + Math.floor(armor - 1) * 0.6
var minDmg = Math.floor((power[0] - maxDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var maxDmg = Math.floor((power[1] - minDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var minPropDmg = Math.floor( * 0.06)
var maxPropDmg = Math.max(Math.floor( * 0.14 - 0.08), 0) // オーバーキル用
var minSunkDmg = Math.floor( * 0.5)
var maxSunkDmg = Math.floor( * 0.8 - 0.3)
var redCondDying = isHp1ReplacementShip(ship.defender, attack.defender === 0) && (( - attack.damage) === 1)
var covered = minPropDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxPropDmg || !attack.friendAttack && (minSunkDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxSunkDmg || redCondDying)
if (!(minDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxDmg || covered)) {
var ammoBonus = getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell)
var minPostcapPower = attack.damage / ammoBonus + minDef
var maxPostcapPower = (attack.damage + 1) / ammoBonus + maxDef
var inversion = {
min: minPostcapPower / power[1],
max: maxPostcapPower / power[0],
minEx: 0,
maxEx: 0,
if (!isCritical(attack)) {
// [キャップ後攻撃力] * イベント特効
inversion.minEx = minPostcapPower / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = maxPostcapPower / power[0]
} else {
// [[キャップ後攻撃力] * イベント特効 * クリティカル補正]
inversion.minEx = Math.ceil(minPostcapPower) / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = Math.ceil(maxPostcapPower) / power[0]
if ([0] >= 22 && attack.friendAttack) {
// 熟練度
var skilled = getSkilledBonus(date, attack, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker)
// 割合ダメージ等ではない&(敵が陸上型またはPT小鬼群または熟練度補正攻撃ではない)
if (!covered && !(isGround(ship.defender) || isPT(ship.defender) || skilled[0] > 1)) {
var maps = JSON.stringify(Java.from(
var index = ship.attacker.shipId + "_" + ship.attacker.friendlyName.replace(/\(.*\)$/, "") + "_" + ship.defender.shipId + "_" + ship.defender.friendlyName.replace(/\(.*\)$/, "")
if (!unexpected[maps]) {
unexpected[maps] = {}
if (!unexpected[maps][index]) {
unexpected[maps][index] = []
result.push(new DetectDto(date, mapCell, 2, attack, power, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker, hp.defender, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, touchPlane, _shouldUseSkilled, origins, false, inversion))
processingShipHpDamage(ship.defender, hp.defender, attack.damage, attack.lastAttack) // ダメージ処理
return result
* レーダー検知
* @param {java.util.Date} date 戦闘日時
* @param {logbook.dto.MapCellDto} mapCell マップ
* @param {logbook.dto.BattlePhaseKind} kind 戦闘の種類
* @param {0|1|2|3} friendCombinedKind 自軍側連合種別(0=なし,1=機動,2=水上,3=輸送)
* @param {Boolean} isEnemyCombined 敵軍は連合艦隊か
* @param {[number,number,number]} formation 昼戦[自軍陣形,敵軍陣形,交戦形態]
* @param {[[AttackDto]]} attackList 攻撃リスト
* @param {FleetDto} friends 自艦隊データ
* @param {FleetDto} enemies 敵艦隊データ
* @param {FleetHpDto} friendHp 自艦隊Hp
* @param {FleetHpDto} enemyHp 敵艦隊Hp
* @param {Boolean} shouldUseSkilled 熟練度を使用すべきか(default=true)
* @param {{}} unexpected 異常ダメージデータ
* @return {[DetectDto]} 異常データ
var detectRadarShooting = function (date, mapCell, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, attackList, friends, enemies, friendHp, enemyHp, shouldUseSkilled, unexpected) {
var result = []
if (attackList) {
attackList.forEach(function (attacks) {
attacks.filter(function (attack) {
// 攻撃ミスは除外
return (attack.critical | 0) > 0
}).forEach(function (attack) {
var ship = getAtkDef(attack, friends, enemies)
var numOfAttackShips = (attack.friendAttack ? friendHp : enemyHp)[attack.mainAttack ? "main" : "escort"].length
var hp = getAtkDefHp(attack, friendHp, enemyHp)
// 味方潜水への攻撃は検出対象から除外(敵対潜値が不明のため)
if (!(!attack.friendAttack && isSubMarine(ship.defender))) {
// 特殊攻撃は熟練度の対象から外す
var _shouldUseSkilled = shouldUseSkilled && attack.attackType < 100
var origins = attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies
var power = getRadarShootingPower(date, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, numOfAttackShips, formation, attack, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker, _shouldUseSkilled, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies).getPostcapPower()
var armor = Math.max(ship.defender.soukou + getArmorBonus(date, mapCell, ship.attacker, ship.defender), 1)
var minDef = armor * 0.7
var maxDef = armor * 0.7 + Math.floor(armor - 1) * 0.6
var minDmg = Math.floor((power[0] - maxDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var maxDmg = Math.floor((power[1] - minDef) * getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell))
var minPropDmg = Math.floor( * 0.06)
var maxPropDmg = Math.max(Math.floor( * 0.14 - 0.08), 0) // オーバーキル用
var minSunkDmg = Math.floor( * 0.5)
var maxSunkDmg = Math.floor( * 0.8 - 0.3)
var redCondDying = isHp1ReplacementShip(ship.defender, attack.defender === 0) && (( - attack.damage) === 1)
var covered = minPropDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxPropDmg || !attack.friendAttack && minSunkDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxSunkDmg || redCondDying
if (!(minDmg <= Math.floor(attack.damage) && Math.floor(attack.damage) <= maxDmg || covered)) {
var ammoBonus = getAmmoBonus(ship.attacker, attack.friendAttack ? friends : enemies, mapCell)
var minPostcapPower = attack.damage / ammoBonus + minDef
var maxPostcapPower = (attack.damage + 1) / ammoBonus + maxDef
var inversion = {
min: minPostcapPower / power[1],
max: maxPostcapPower / power[0],
minEx: 0,
maxEx: 0,
if (!isCritical(attack)) {
// [キャップ後攻撃力] * イベント特効
inversion.minEx = minPostcapPower / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = maxPostcapPower / power[0]
} else {
// [[キャップ後攻撃力] * イベント特効 * クリティカル補正]
inversion.minEx = Math.ceil(minPostcapPower) / power[1]
inversion.maxEx = Math.ceil(maxPostcapPower) / power[0]
result.push(new DetectDto(date, mapCell, 2, attack, power, ship.attacker, ship.defender, hp.attacker, hp.defender, kind, friendCombinedKind, isEnemyCombined, formation, [-1, -1], _shouldUseSkilled, origins, true, inversion))
processingShipHpDamage(ship.defender, hp.defender, attack.damage, attack.lastAttack) // ダメージ処理
return result
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