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Last active June 30, 2023 20:39
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Mastodon RSS Generator
javascript:(function() {
/*Create a new bookmark in your web browser.
Edit the bookmark and replace the URL with the generated JavaScript code above.
Save the bookmark.
Navigate to the Mastodon feed page for which you want to extract the RSS URL.
Click on the bookmark you just created.*/
var feedUrl = window.location.href;
if (feedUrl.includes("/@")) {
var server = feedUrl.split("/@")[0];
var usernameAndServer = feedUrl.split("/@")[1];
var username = usernameAndServer.split("@")[0];
var serverPart = usernameAndServer.split("@")[1] || server;
if (!serverPart.startsWith("http://") && !serverPart.startsWith("https://")) {
serverPart = "https://" + serverPart;
var rssUrl = serverPart + "/@" + username + ".rss";
window.location.href = rssUrl;
} else {
alert("Invalid Mastodon feed URL!");
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