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Last active May 25, 2020 21:27
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VS Code Snippets
"Wrap Error": {
"prefix": "wrap",
"body": [
"errors.Wrap(err, \"could not $1\")",
"description": "Wrap an error using pkg/errors"
"Validate interface": {
"prefix": "valint",
"body": [
"// we make sure the struct implements the interface",
"var _ ${1:InterfaceName} = (*${2:StructName})(nil)",
"description": "Add a line to validate an interface has been correctly implemented"
"Test Driver Table": {
"prefix": "tdt",
"body": [
"func Test$1(t *testing.T) {",
"\ttestCases := []struct {",
"\t\tdesc string",
"\tfor i, tc := range testCases {",
"\t\ttc := tc",
"\t\ti := i",
"\t\tt.Run(fmt.Sprintf(\"%d/%s\", i, tc.desc), func(t *testing.T) {",
"description": "Insert a tdt test"
"Parallel Test Driver Table": {
"prefix": "ptdt",
"body": [
"func Test$1(t *testing.T) {",
"\tt.Run(\"Parallel\", func(t *testing.T) {",
"\t\ttestCases := []struct {",
"\t\t\tdesc string",
"\t\tfor i, tc := range testCases {",
"\t\t\ttc := tc",
"\t\ti := i",
"\t\t\tt.Run(fmt.Sprintf(\"%d/%s\", i, tc.desc), func(t *testing.T) {",
"description": "Insert a parallel tdt test"
"Parallel Test": {
"prefix": "ptest",
"body": [
"func Test$1(t *testing.T) {",
"\tt.Run(\"Parallel\", func(t *testing.T) {",
"\t\tt.Run(\"$2\", func(t *testing.T) {",
"description": "Insert a parallel test"
"subtest": {
"prefix": "run",
"body": [
"t.Run(\"$1\", func(t *testing.T) {",
"description": "Insert a subtest test"
"parallel Subtest": {
"prefix": "prun",
"body": [
"t.Run(\"$1\", func(t *testing.T) {",
"description": "Insert a subtest test"
"Mock": {
"prefix": "mock",
"body": [
"mockctrl := gomock.NewController(t)",
"defer mockctrl.Finish()",
"description": "Insert new mock"
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