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Created November 2, 2021 08:59
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  • Save NiyongaboEric/d6a8423382e9f34e870d78da20b7da2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NiyongaboEric/d6a8423382e9f34e870d78da20b7da2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert sequerize model generated in JavaScript (.js) into Typescript (ts)
const fs = require ('fs');
const path = require ('path');
const saveApiModelsPath = 'src/database/models'; // Path to your JS models folder
const saveDatabaseModelsPath = 'src/database/models_ts'; // Path to your TS models folder
const matchDataTypes = {
BOOLEAN: 'boolean',
BIGINT: 'number',
INTEGER: 'number',
DECIMAL: 'number',
DOUBLE: 'number',
FLOAT: 'number',
SMALLINT: 'number',
DATE: 'Date',
STRING: 'string',
TEXT: 'string',
JSONB: 'string',
ARRAY: [],
ENUM: '',
const dataTypesList = [
'DataTypes.BOOLEAN', 'DataTypes.BIGINT', 'DataTypes.INTEGER',
'DataTypes.DECIMAL', 'DataTypes.STRING', 'DataTypes.DATEONLY',
'DataTypes.DATE', 'DataTypes.DOUBLE', 'DataTypes.TEXT',
'DataTypes.FLOAT', 'DataTypes.SMALLINT', 'DataTypes.JSONB',
const filesIgnore = ['index.js'];
const generateMainFileTemplate = (
) => {
const output = `
import { Model, DataTypes, Association } from 'sequelize';
import { sequelize } from './connection';
* ${className} Class Model
class ${className} extends Model {
public readonly created_at!: Date;
public readonly updated_at!: Date;
public static associations: {
export default ${className};
return output;
const saveTemplateAsFile = (dirPath, filename, fileContent) => {
* If directory path not exist create it
* src/database/models_ts
if (!fs.existsSync(dirPath)){
fs.writeFile(`${dirPath}/${filename}`, fileContent, (err) => {
if (err) throw error
* Read Save API V3 models
fs.readdirSync(saveApiModelsPath).map(fileNameModels => {
* Read a content inside each file name module
* Ignore config files
if (!filesIgnore.includes(fileNameModels)) {
const pathToEachFileModel = path.join(saveApiModelsPath, fileNameModels)
pathToEachFileModel, {
((err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;
* Update Save Database model
* Create a file or update current file or overwite existing file
let modelAssociationList;
let associationModelAsList;
let className;
let tableInfo;
let modelAttributes;
let generatedTypesPlainText = '';
let relationshipKeyText = '';
let associationObjectText = '';
let modelAssociationImportText='';
const findClassName = data.replace(/\s\s+/g, '').match(/(?<=sequelize\.define\().+?(?=\,)/g);
if (findClassName) {
className = findClassName[0].replace(/['"]+/g, '');
* Grab Save api attributes
* Parse it with JSON.parse
* Convert result with JSON.stringfy
* Generates types
const findAttributeData = data
.replace(/\/\/.*/g, '')
.replace(/\"/g, "'")
.replace(/\s+/g, '').match(/(?<=sequelize.define\('\S+',).*(?=,{tableName)/g)
const findAttributesText = findAttributeData ? findAttributeData[0] : '';
if (findAttributesText) {
const attributesTextFormatedKeys = findAttributesText.replace(/(?<=[{,])[a-zA-Z_]*(?=\:)/g, (matched) => {
return `"${matched}"`
const attributesTextFormatedType = attributesTextFormatedKeys.replace(/(DataTypes)\.(BOOLEAN|BIGINT|INTEGER|DECIMAL|STRING|DATEONLY|DATE|DOUBLE|TEXT|FLOAT|SMALLINT|JSONB)/g, (matched) => {
return `"${matched}"`
.replace(/(?<="get").*(?=;})/g, '')
.replace(/"get";}/g, '')
.replace(/DataTypes\.ARRAY\("DataTypes\.STRING"\)/g, '"DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING)"')
.replace(/DataTypes\.ARRAY\("DataTypes\.BIGINT"\)/g, '"DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.BIGINT)"')
.replace(/,}/g, '}')
.replace(/'/g, '"')
.replace(/DataTypes\.ENUM\("blocked","unblocked"\)/g, '"DataTypes.ENUM(\'blocked\',\'unblocked\')"')
.replace(/moment\("\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"\)\.format\(\)/g, null)
.replace(/moment\(\).format\(\)/g, null)
.replace(/uuid\.v4\(\)/g, null)
.replace(/DataTypes\.ENUM\("deactivated","activated"\)/g, '"DataTypes.ENUM(\'deactivated\',\'activated\')"')
const attributesObject = JSON.parse(attributesTextFormatedType.replace(',}', '}'));
modelAttributes = JSON.stringify(attributesObject, undefined, 2);
.forEach((item) => {
let foundType;
let actualType;
let listType
* id
if (item[0] === 'id') {
generatedTypesPlainText += `\tpublic id!: number;\n`;
* DataTypes.*(type)
if (dataTypesList.includes(item[1])) {
foundType = item[1].split('.')[1];
actualType = matchDataTypes[foundType]
generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${actualType};\n`;
* Object
* { type: DataTypes.*(type) }
if (typeof item[1] === 'object' && item[0] !== 'id') {
foundType = item[1].type.split('.')[1];
actualType = matchDataTypes[foundType];
if (actualType) {
generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${actualType};\n`
* DataTypes ARRAYS || ENUM
* DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.(type))
const dataTypeSub = /(DataTypes\.ARRAY)|(DataTypes\.ENUM)/
const findTypeArray = new RegExp(dataTypeSub);
if(typeof item[1] === "string" && findTypeArray.test(item[1])) {
listType = item[1].match(/(.*?)(?=\()/)[0];
if (listType === 'DataTypes.ARRAY') {
foundType = item[1].match(/(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))/g)[0].split('.')[1];
actualType = matchDataTypes[foundType];
generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${actualType}[];\n`;
if (listType === 'DataTypes.ENUM') {
foundType = item[1].match(/(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))/g)[0].replace(/\,/g, '|');
generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${foundType};\n`;
* DataTypes ARRAYS || ENUM || ANY
* { type: DataTypes.*(type) }
if (typeof item[1] === 'object' ) {
listType = item[1].type.match(/(.*?)(?=\()/);
const isType = listType ? listType[0] : '';
if (isType === 'DataTypes.ARRAY') {
foundType = item[1].type.match(/(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))/g)[0].split('.')[1];
actualType = matchDataTypes[foundType];
generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${actualType}[];\n`;
if (isType === 'DataTypes.ENUM') {
foundType = item[1].type.match(/(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))/g)[0].replace(/\,/g, '|');
generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${foundType};\n`;
* Find associations used in save-api-v3
* Generate import
const findModelToImport = data.replace(/\s+/g, '').match(/(?<=models\.).*?(?=\,|\.)/g);
if (findModelToImport) {
const removeModuleDuplicate = new Set(findModelToImport);
for (let item of removeModuleDuplicate) {
modelAssociationImportText += `import ${item} from './${item}';\n`;
* Copy information of table
* Paste it
const findtableInfo = data.replace(/\s+/g, '').match(/(\{tableName\:).+?(\}\))/g);
if (findtableInfo) {
tableInfo = findtableInfo[0].replace(/\)/g, '');
* Find associations and relationship used in save-api-v3
* Removed "models."
* Paste it
const findModelAssociation = data
.replace(/\/\/.*/g, '')
if (findModelAssociation) {
const RemoveModelDot = findModelAssociation[0].replace(/(models\.)/g, '');
modelAssociationList = RemoveModelDot;
} else {
modelAssociationList = '';
* Find Model key used
* Find foreign key used
const findAssociationUsed = data
.replace(/\s\s+/g, '')
if (findAssociationUsed) {
associationModelAsList =, index) => {
const result = {};
const findModel = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/.*?(?=\,)/g)[0];
const findAsKey = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/(as:.*?(\w+))/)[2];
const findForeignKey = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/(foreignKey:.*?(\w+))/)[2];
const targetKey = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/(targetKey:.*?(\w+))/)
const throughKey = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/(through:.*?(\w+))/)
result['findModel'] = findModel;
result['findAsKey'] = findAsKey;
result['findForeignKey'] = findForeignKey;
relationshipKeyText += `\tpublic readonly ${findAsKey}?: ${findModel};\n`;
if (index !== 0) {
associationObjectText += `\t\t${findAsKey}: Association<${findModel}, ${className}>;`;
if (targetKey) {
if (throughKey) {
return result;
const modelFilename = `${className}.ts`;
const outputMainFile = generateMainFileTemplate(
modelAssociationImportText, className,
generatedTypesPlainText, relationshipKeyText,
associationObjectText, modelAttributes, tableInfo,
saveTemplateAsFile(saveDatabaseModelsPath, modelFilename, outputMainFile);
* InterventionAread Model
* JS file
* Example
'use strict';
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const InterventionArea = sequelize.define('InterventionArea', {
id: {
allowNull: false,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true,
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
resource_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
resource: DataTypes.STRING,
province: DataTypes.STRING,
districts: DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING),
sectors: DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING),
cells: DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING),
villages: DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING)
}, {
tableName: 'intervention_areas',
underscore: true,
timestamp: true,
createdAt: 'created_at',
updatedAt: 'updated_at',
InterventionArea.associate = function (models) {
InterventionArea.belongsTo(models.Organization, {
foreignKey: 'resource_id',
as: 'organization'
InterventionArea.belongsTo(models.Project, {
foreignKey: 'resource_id',
as: 'project'
return InterventionArea;
* InterventionAread Model
* TS file
* Generated Example
import { Model, DataTypes, Association } from 'sequelize';
import { sequelize } from './connection'; // Your connection
import Organization from './Organization'; // Association models used
import Project from './Project'; // Association models used
* InterventionArea Class Model
class InterventionArea extends Model {
public id!: number;
resource_id!: number;
resource!: string;
province!: string;
districts!: string[];
sectors!: string[];
cells!: string[];
villages!: string[];
public readonly created_at!: Date;
public readonly updated_at!: Date;
public readonly organization?: Organization;
public readonly project?: Project;
public static associations: {
organization: Association<Organization, InterventionArea>;
project: Association<Project, InterventionArea>;
id: {
allowNull: false,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true,
type: 'DataTypes.INTEGER',
resource_id: 'DataTypes.INTEGER',
resource: 'DataTypes.STRING',
province: 'DataTypes.STRING',
districts: 'DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING)',
sectors: 'DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING)',
cells: 'DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING)',
villages: 'DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING)',
tableName: 'intervention_areas',
underscore: true,
timestamp: true,
createdAt: 'created_at',
updatedAt: 'updated_at',
InterventionArea.belongsTo(Organization, {
foreignKey: 'resource_id',
as: 'organization',
InterventionArea.belongsTo(Project, {
foreignKey: 'resource_id',
as: 'project',
export default InterventionArea;
Copy link

const fs = require ('fs');
const path = require ('path');

const saveApiModelsPath = 'src/database/models';
const saveDatabaseModelsPath = 'src/database/models_ts';

const matchDataTypes = {
	BOOLEAN: 'boolean',
	BIGINT: 'number',
	INTEGER: 'number',
	DECIMAL: 'number',
	DOUBLE: 'number',
	FLOAT: 'number',
	SMALLINT: 'number',
	DATEONLY: 'Date',
	DATE: 'Date',
	STRING: 'string',
	TEXT: 'string',
	JSONB: 'string',
	ARRAY: [],
	ENUM: '',

const dataTypesList = [
	'DataTypes.BOOLEAN', 'DataTypes.BIGINT', 'DataTypes.INTEGER',
	'DataTypes.DECIMAL', 'DataTypes.STRING', 'DataTypes.DATEONLY',
	'DataTypes.DATE', 'DataTypes.DOUBLE', 'DataTypes.TEXT',
	'DataTypes.FLOAT', 'DataTypes.SMALLINT', 'DataTypes.JSONB',

const filesIgnore = ['index.js'];

const generateMainFileTemplate = (
	) => {

	const output = `
import { Model, DataTypes, Association } from 'sequelize';
import { sequelize } from './connection';


* ${className} Class Model
class ${className} extends Model {

	public readonly created_at!: Date;
	public readonly updated_at!: Date;


	public static associations: {



export default ${className};

	return output;

const saveTemplateAsFile = (dirPath, filename, fileContent) => {
	 * If directory path not exist create it 
	 * src/database/models_ts
	if (!fs.existsSync(dirPath)){
	fs.writeFile(`${dirPath}/${filename}`, fileContent, (err) => {
		if (err) throw error

 * Read Save API V3 models

fs.readdirSync(saveApiModelsPath).map(fileNameModels => {
	 * Read a content inside each file name module
	 * Ignore config files
	if (!filesIgnore.includes(fileNameModels)) {
		const pathToEachFileModel = path.join(saveApiModelsPath, fileNameModels)
			pathToEachFileModel, {
			((err, data) => {
				if (err) throw err;
				 * Update Save Database model
				 * Create a file or update current file or overwite existing file

				let modelAssociationList;
				let associationModelAsList;
				let className;
				let tableInfo;
				let generatedTypesPlainText = '';
				let relationshipKeyText = '';
				let associationObjectText = '';
				let modelAssociationImportText='';
				let modelAttributesText = '{\n';
				const findClassName = data.replace(/\s\s+/g, '').match(/(?<=sequelize\.define\().+?(?=\,)/g);
				if (findClassName) {
					className = findClassName[0].replace(/['"]+/g, '');
				 * Grab Save api attributes
				 * Parse it with JSON.parse
				 * Convert result with JSON.stringfy
				 * Generates types
				const findAttributeData = data
					.replace(/\/\/.*/g, '')
					.replace(/\"/g, "'")
					.replace(/\s+/g, '').match(/(?<=sequelize.define\('\S+',).*(?=,{tableName)/g)
				const findAttributesText = findAttributeData ?  findAttributeData[0] : '';
				if (findAttributesText) {
					const attributesTextFormatedKeys = findAttributesText.replace(/(?<=[{,])[a-zA-Z_]*(?=\:)/g, (matched) => {
						return `"${matched}"`
					const attributesTextFormatedType = attributesTextFormatedKeys.replace(/(DataTypes)\.(BOOLEAN|BIGINT|INTEGER|DECIMAL|STRING|DATEONLY|DATE|DOUBLE|TEXT|FLOAT|SMALLINT|JSONB)/g, (matched) => {
						return `"${matched}"`
						.replace(/(?<="get").*(?=;})/g, '')
						.replace(/"get";}/g, '')
						.replace(/DataTypes\.ARRAY\("DataTypes\.STRING"\)/g, '"DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.STRING)"')
						.replace(/DataTypes\.ARRAY\("DataTypes\.BIGINT"\)/g, '"DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.BIGINT)"')
						.replace(/,}/g, '}')
						.replace(/'/g, '"')
						.replace(/DataTypes\.ENUM\("blocked","unblocked"\)/g, '"DataTypes.ENUM(\'blocked\',\'unblocked\')"')
						.replace(/moment\("\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"\)\.format\(\)/g, null)
						.replace(/moment\(\).format\(\)/g, null)
						.replace(/uuid\.v4\(\)/g, null)
						.replace(/DataTypes\.ENUM\("deactivated","activated"\)/g, '"DataTypes.ENUM(\'deactivated\',\'activated\')"')
					const attributesObject = JSON.parse(attributesTextFormatedType.replace(',}', '}'));

						.forEach((item) => {
							let foundType;
							let actualType;
							let listType;
							let updateDataType;
							 * id
							if (item[0] === 'id') {
								generatedTypesPlainText += `\tpublic id!: number;\n`;
								foundType = item[1].type;
								updateDataType = JSON
									.replace(/("\DataTypes).*(?=\})/g, foundType);
								modelAttributesText += `${item[0]}: ${updateDataType},\n`;
							 * DataTypes.*(type)
							if (dataTypesList.includes(item[1])) {
								foundType = item[1].split('.')[1];
								actualType = matchDataTypes[foundType]
								generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${actualType};\n`;
								modelAttributesText += `${item[0]}: ${item[1]},\n`;
							 * Object 
							 * { type: DataTypes.*(type) }
							if (typeof item[1] === 'object' && item[0] !== 'id') {
								foundType = item[1].type.split('.')[1];
								actualType = matchDataTypes[foundType];
								if (actualType) {
									generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${actualType};\n`;
									updateDataType = JSON
										.replace(/(\"DataTypes\.)(.*?)(\")+/g, item[1].type);
									modelAttributesText += `${item[0]}: ${updateDataType},\n`;
							 * DataTypes ARRAYS || ENUM
							 * DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.(type))
							const dataTypeSub = /(DataTypes\.ARRAY)|(DataTypes\.ENUM)/
							const findTypeArray = new RegExp(dataTypeSub);
							if(typeof item[1] === "string" && findTypeArray.test(item[1])) {
								listType = item[1].match(/(.*?)(?=\()/)[0];
								if (listType === 'DataTypes.ARRAY') {
									foundType = item[1].match(/(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))/g)[0].split('.')[1];
									actualType = matchDataTypes[foundType];
									generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${actualType}[];\n`;
									modelAttributesText += `${item[0]}: ${item[1]},\n`;
								if (listType === 'DataTypes.ENUM') {
									foundType = item[1].match(/(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))/g)[0].replace(/\,/g, '|');
									generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${foundType};\n`;
									modelAttributesText += `${item[0]}: ${item[1]},\n`;
							 * DataTypes ARRAYS || ENUM || ANY
							 * { type: DataTypes.*(type) }
							if (typeof item[1] === 'object' ) {
								listType = item[1].type.match(/(.*?)(?=\()/);
								const isType = listType ? listType[0] : '';
								if (isType === 'DataTypes.ARRAY') {
									foundType = item[1].type.match(/(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))/g)[0].split('.')[1];
									actualType = matchDataTypes[foundType];
									generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${actualType}[];\n`;
									updateDataType = JSON
										.replace(/("\DataTypes.ARRAY).*(\")/g, item[1].type);
									modelAttributesText += `${item[0]}: ${updateDataType},\n`;
								if (isType === 'DataTypes.ENUM') {
									foundType = item[1].type.match(/(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))/g)[0].replace(/\,/g, '|');
									generatedTypesPlainText += `\t${item[0]}!: ${foundType};\n`;
									updateDataType = JSON
										.replace(/("\DataTypes.ENUM).*(\")/g, item[1].type);
									modelAttributesText += `${item[0]}: ${updateDataType},\n`;
					modelAttributesText += '\n}';
				 * Find associations used in save-api-v3
				 * Generate import
				const findModelToImport = data.replace(/\s+/g, '').match(/(?<=models\.).*?(?=\,|\.)/g);
				if (findModelToImport) {
					const removeModuleDuplicate =	new Set(findModelToImport);
					for (let item of removeModuleDuplicate) {
						modelAssociationImportText += `import ${item} from './${item}';\n`;
				 * Copy information of table
				 * Paste it
				const findtableInfo = data.replace(/\s+/g, '').match(/(\{tableName\:).+?(\}\))/g);
				if (findtableInfo) {
					tableInfo = findtableInfo[0].replace(/\)/g, '');
				 * Find associations and relationship used in save-api-v3
				 * Removed "models."
				 * Paste it
				const findModelAssociation = data
					.replace(/\/\/.*/g, '')
				if (findModelAssociation) {
					const RemoveModelDot = findModelAssociation[0].replace(/(models\.)/g, '');
					modelAssociationList = RemoveModelDot;
				} else {
					modelAssociationList = '';

				 * Find Model key used
				 * Find foreign key used
				const findAssociationUsed = data
					.replace(/\s\s+/g, '')
				if (findAssociationUsed) {
					associationModelAsList =, index) => {
						const result = {};
						const findModel = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/.*?(?=\,)/g)[0];
						const findAsKey = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/(as:.*?(\w+))/)[2];
						const findForeignKey = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/(foreignKey:.*?(\w+))/)[2];
						const targetKey = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/(targetKey:.*?(\w+))/)
						const throughKey = item.replace(/\)/g, '').match(/(through:.*?(\w+))/)
						result['findModel'] = findModel;
						result['findAsKey'] = findAsKey;
						result['findForeignKey'] = findForeignKey;
						relationshipKeyText += `\tpublic readonly ${findAsKey}?: ${findModel};\n`;
						if (index !== 0) {
						associationObjectText += `\t\t${findAsKey}: Association<${findModel}, ${className}>;`;
						if (targetKey) {
						if (throughKey) {
						return result;
				const modelFilename = `${className}.ts`;
				const outputMainFile = generateMainFileTemplate(
					modelAssociationImportText, className,
					generatedTypesPlainText, relationshipKeyText,
					associationObjectText, modelAttributesText, tableInfo,
				saveTemplateAsFile(saveDatabaseModelsPath, modelFilename, outputMainFile);

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