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Created May 23, 2023 11:19
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How to generate keystore, generate a CSR and import certificate using keytool
#Note the commands below should be run on the server that hosts the application or website
# Create a keystore with an entry of a privatekeyentry
#replace <keystore.jks> with a keystore name (i.e., opencalenderkeystore.jks) and alias with a alias for your key (i.e.,
keytool -genkeypair -keystore <keystore.jks> -alias <alias> -keyalg RSA -validity 365 -keysize 2048
#first and last name - I recommend using the domain name (
#OU - IT or Software Dev or Deployment
#Check the privatekeyentry and its alias
keytool -list -v -keystore <keystore>
#Create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
keytool -certreq -alias <alias> -keystore <keystore> -file <filename.csr>
#Export the CSR
#Here is an example using SCP
#On your local machine windows/mac/linux
#Upload the CSR to the necessary SSL provider
scp <filename.csr> root@ipaddress:/<csr directory>
#Import the certificate
#Note the alias should be the same as the key alias provided above
#This ensures the certificate has well been imported to the right key
keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore <keystore.jks> -file <certificate.crt>
#Note this error would probably be raised
#keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply
#If the CA (Certificate Authority) provided a ca_bundle.crt file,
#append it to the end of the certificate.crt file
cat ca_bundle.crt >> certificate.crt
#Then import the certificate
keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore <keystore.jks> -file <certificate.crt>
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