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Last active October 25, 2015 03:10
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open Core.Std;;
type car_query =
| And of car_query * car_query
| Or of car_query * car_query
| Term of string * string
let cons_exn arg =
let cons_term_exn item =
match String.split item '=' with
| tag :: param :: [] -> Term (tag, param)
| _ -> invalid_arg "format is 'tag=param'!"
let rec loop prev = function
| [] -> prev
| "or" :: r :: tl -> loop (Or (prev, cons_term_exn r)) tl
| "and" :: r :: tl -> loop (And (prev, cons_term_exn r)) tl
| _ :: _ ->
let () = Printf.printf
"error:Maybe you mistyped the number of arg, I'll return a result so far..."
match arg with
| [] -> invalid_arg "there is no argment"
| hd :: tl -> loop (cons_term_exn hd) tl
let make_table size record_list =
let table = String.Table.create () ~size:size in
List.iter record_list (fun (key, data) -> Hashtbl.set table ~key ~data);
let tag_to_idx = make_table 7 [("buying", 0); ("maint", 1); ("doors", 2); ("persons", 3); ("luggage", 4); ("safety", 5); ("eval", 6)]
let match_query_exn query record =
let rec loop = function
| And (st, nd) -> loop st && loop nd
| Or (st, nd) -> loop st || loop nd
| Term (tag, param) ->
let idx = Hashtbl.find_exn tag_to_idx tag in
(List.nth_exn record idx) = param
loop query
let () =
let csv = In_channel.create "car.csv" in
let (_ :: query_src) = Array.to_list Sys.argv in
let rate_table = make_table 4 [("unacc", 0); ("acc", 0); ("good", 0); ("vgood", 0)] in
let delim = String.split ~on:',' in
let eval = match_query_exn (cons_exn query_src) in
let update record = Hashtbl.change rate_table (List.nth_exn record 6)
(function Some count -> Some (count + 1) | None -> Some 0)
let update_if_match record = if eval record then update record in
In_channel.iter_lines csv (fun line -> delim line |> update_if_match);
Hashtbl.iter rate_table (fun ~key ~data -> Printf.printf "%s = %d, " key data);
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