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Created July 13, 2015 19:00
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Command line pastebin
import sys, os
import urllib, urllib2
Highlights = {
'bash' : ['*.sh','*.bash'],
'php' : ['*.php'],
'python' : ['*.python'],
'rails' : ['*.rb'],
'ruby' : ['Gemfile'],
'python' : ['*.py'],
'cpp' : ['*.cpp'],
'c' : ['*.c'],
'yaml' : ['*.yaml'],
'ini' : ['*.ini','*.cfg'],
'javascript' : ['*.js'],
'java' : ['*.java'],
'json' : ['*.json'],
'dos' : ['*.bat','*.cmd'],
'asm' : ['*.asm'],
'actionscript' : ['*.as'],
'actionscript3' : ['*.as3']
class PastePrivacy():
Public = 0
Unlisted = 1
Privacy = 2
dict = {'public' : 0, 'unlisted' : 1, 'privacy' : 2}
class ArgType():
Extension = 0
Privacy = 1
Expires = 2
Path = 3
Error = 999
def getFormatedDictionary(input):
dictionary = {}
for key, values in input.iteritems():
for id, ext in enumerate(values):
dictionary[ext] = key
return dictionary
def getArgumentType(string):
if string.upper() in Expires: return ArgType.Expires
if string.lower() in Extensions.values(): return ArgType.Extension
if string.lower() in PastePrivacy.dict: return ArgType.Privacy
if os.path.isfile(string): return ArgType.Path
return ArgType.Error
Extensions = getFormatedDictionary(Highlights)
Expires = [ 'N', '10M', '1H', '1D', '1W', '2W', '1M' ]
def file_get_contents(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
def IntToEnum(Class, search):
for key, value in Class.__dict__.iteritems():
if value == search:
return Class.__name__ + "." + key
return "NULL"
def CmdHelp():
print "patebincom <PATH> [EXPIRES] [PRIVACY] [HIGHLIGHT]"
print "EXPIRES: " + ", ".join(Expires)
print "PRIVACY: " + ", ".join(PastePrivacy.dict)
print "HIGHLIGHT: " + ", ".join(Extensions.values())
def MakePaste(path, privacy, expires, highlight):
api_key = '038888494b3ed5d3d1817de4cd363afc';
url = ''
data = {
'api_option' : 'paste',
'api_dev_key' : api_key,
'api_paste_private' : PastePrivacy.dict[privacy],
'api_paste_name' : path,
'api_paste_format' : highlight,
'api_paste_expire_date' : expires,
'api_user_key' : '',
'api_paste_code' : file_get_contents(path)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1))
req = urllib2.Request(url, urllib.urlencode(data))
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
if __name__ == '__main__':
expires = "N"
privacy = "public"
highlight = "text"
path = ""
if len(sys.argv) < 2: CmdHelp()
for id, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
if (id == 0): continue
type = getArgumentType(arg)
if type == ArgType.Privacy: privacy = arg.lower()
if type == ArgType.Expires: expires = arg.upper()
if type == ArgType.Extension: highlight = arg.lower()
if type == ArgType.Path: path = arg
if path == "":
print "There is no path was specefied..."
MakePaste(path, privacy, expires, highlight)
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