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Created August 29, 2016 19:56
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Python solution to Cracking the Coding Interview Question 17.25 - Word Rectangle
### Python solution to Cracking the Coding Interview's question 17.25
### Noah Nelson
### The problem:
### Given a dictionary or list of words, return the largest rectangle you can
### form out of those words where every row and every column is a valid word.
### All of the rows have to have the same length, and all of the columns,
### but the width and height may be different. The largest rectangle is the
### one with the largest area.
import sys
from math import ceil, sqrt
### Prefix Tree classes
class TreeNode:
A node in a prefix tree. Has a letter, as well as a dictionary of child
letters mapped to the treenodes they represent.
def __init__(self, letter, endsWord=False):
self.letter = letter
self.children = {}
# endsWord indicates if this node is the end of a word, not just
# an orphaned prefix.
self.endsWord = endsWord
def addChild(self, child):
Adds the given child to this treenode, if there isn't already a child
tree for its letter.
if child.letter not in self.children:
self.children[child.letter] = child
def addWord(self, word):
Adds a word to this tree node by recursively adding the tail of the
word to the appropriate child node.
if len(word) == 0:
self.endsWord = True
head = word[0]
tail = word[1:]
def searchPrefix(self, prefix):
Searches the given word recursively to see if the entire prefix is in
the tree rooted at this node. Expects the prefix as some type
that supports slicing, list or string.
if len(prefix) == 0:
return True
head = prefix[0]
tail = prefix[1:]
return head in self.children and\
def searchWord(self, word):
Searches the given word recursively to see if the word is in the tree
rooted at this node. Only differs from searchPrefix in the recursive
base case - empty word is valid only if this node represents the end
of the word. An example: If your tree contained just "dog", then "do"
is a valid prefix but not a valid word.
if len(word) == 0:
return self.endsWord
head = word[0]
tail = word[1:]
return head in self.children and self.children[head].searchWord(tail)
class PrefixTree:
A dictionary of valid words represented as a prefix tree.
Checks if a string is a prefix of any valid word in O(k) time where
k is the length of the prefix - bounded by a constant for English and
probably any reasonable language, even German.
def __init__(self, words=[]):
"""Create a prefix tree containing all the words in the iterator."""
self.root = TreeNode(None) # Special root treenode with no letter
for word in words:
def addWord(self, word):
"""Adds a given word and all of its prefixes to the tree."""
def isPrefix(self, prefix):
Check if a given prefix is a valid prefix to any words in the
dictionary this prefix tree represents.
return self.root.searchPrefix(prefix)
def isWord(self, word):
Check if a given word is a valid word.
This is different from isPrefix, for example because "kn" is the
prefix to the word "know" but is not a word itself, depending on your
words file.
return self.root.searchWord(word)
### Rectangle class
### Used to hide implementation details from rectangle searching functions,
### because I experimented with tons of different implementations of this
### class.
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self, length):
"""Create an empty rectangle of the given length."""
self.words = []
self.length = length
self.width = 0
def addWord(self, word):
"""Add the given word as the next row in this rectangle."""
assert(len(word) == self.length)
self.width += 1
def removeWord(self):
"""Remove the last row of the rectangle."""
self.width -= 1
def columns(self):
"""Returns a generator of the columns of the rectangle."""
return ([word[j] for word in self.words] for j in range(self.length))
def prettyPrint(self):
"""Print this prettily."""
for word in self.words:
def _validRectangle(predicate):
Returns a function to check a rectangle's validity according to a given
predicate. This is used to create the partial and full rectangle validity
functions with respect to some prefix tree.
Only checks if the rectangle's columns all satisfy the predicate, since
rows are always assumed to be valid words.
def valid(rect):
# Assume valid rows and just form all column words
return all((predicate(col) for col in rect.columns()))
return valid
### makeRectangle function
### The main important function - recrusive DFS through possible rectangles.
def makeRectangle(width, fullPred, partialPred, words, rect):
Attempt to make a rectangle with the given length and width, using
a given list of words of the rectangle's length.
Recursive, so we pass in a partially complete rectangle object.
width: target width of the rectangle.
fullPred: predicate which returns true iff the rectangle is fully valid
partialPred: predicate which tells if the partial rectangle is valid so far
words: a sequence of words that are the same length as the rectangle
rect: a partially complete rectangle object to build from
a rectangle object with the given width and the length of the rect passed
in, or None if none exists using the given words.
if rect.width == width:
if fullPred(rect):
return rect
return None
for word in words:
# Try adding each word to the end, then recursing on the result.
if not partialPred(rect):
# Adding that word created an invalid partial column. Try next word
thatRect = makeRectangle(width, fullPred, partialPred, words, rect)
if thatRect:
return thatRect
# Remove this failed word so we can try the next word.
# If all those fail, it's impossible.
return None
def largestRectangle(words):
Get the largest rectangle that can be formed with the given list of
words. Returns either a rectangle object, or None if none could be
formed with those words.
This function groups the words by length, then walks down the possible
areas we could achieve, checking if each one has a rectangle with that
# Process the words to split them up by length.
# Build the prefix tree at the same time so we only go through the
# words generator once.
tree = PrefixTree()
lengthTable = {}
for word in words:
length = len(word)
if length in lengthTable:
lengthTable[length] = [word]
longestWord = max(lengthTable.keys())
# Predicates for if a rectangle is partially or fully valid are with
# reference to the prefix tree we created.
fullRect = _validRectangle(tree.isWord)
partialRect = _validRectangle(tree.isPrefix)
# Note: an improvement could be made to reduce redundant searches.
# When we attempt to form a 10x10 rectangle, we're also trying 10x8
# and 10x9 and all the way down sizes. So we could get the information
# about whether there's a 10x9 rectangle when we search the tree of
# possible 10x10 rectangles.
# Now, walk backwards, attempting to form a rectangle of each area.
targetArea = longestWord * longestWord
while targetArea > 0:
for l in reversed(range(ceil(sqrt(targetArea)), longestWord+1)):
if targetArea % l == 0 and targetArea / l <= longestWord:
#print("Looking for a {l} x {w} rectangle...".format(
# l=l, w=targetArea // l))
words = lengthTable[l] if l in lengthTable else []
rect = makeRectangle(targetArea // l,
fullRect, partialRect, words, Rectangle(l))
if rect:
return rect
targetArea -= 1
# If we haven't returned, we found nothing.
return None
### Main entry point.
usageString = """
Usage: {} <words file | -t>
Attempt to form the largest possible crossword rectangle with the words in a
given file, or just run some simple tests if the -t argument is supplied.
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
if sys.argv[1] == "-t":
print("Running the simple tests of the PrefixTree object.")
words = ['noah', 'nelson', 'noble', 'james', 'tim', 'time', 'jonny',
'ian', 'jonni']
t = PrefixTree(words)
for prefix in ['no', 'yes', 'ti', 'jonn', 'jonnh', 'x', 'jam']:
print("expected T, F, T, T, F, F, T")
for word in ['noah', 'noble', 'nobility', 'brogogog', 'x', 'jon']:
print("exprected T, T, F, F, F, F")
filename = sys.argv[1]
rect = largestRectangle(word[:-1] for word in open(filename, 'r'))
if rect:
print("found a rectangle of area {}".format(rect.length * rect.width))
print("No valid rectangle found. :(")
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