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Created November 9, 2022 20:58
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DAO DAO UI V2 Translation Updates
// Added 270:
"key": "button.addCollection",
"value": "Add collection"
"key": "button.addMembers",
"value": "Add members"
"key": "button.claimNumTokens",
"value": "Claim your {{amount}} ${{tokenSymbol}}"
"key": "button.clickHereToProposeAdding",
"value": "Click here to propose adding it."
"key": "button.clickToCopyAddress",
"value": "Click to copy address"
"key": "button.copyAddressToClipboard",
"value": "Copy address to clipboard"
"key": "button.copyDaoAddress",
"value": "Copy DAO address"
"key": "button.copyToClipboard",
"value": "Copy to clipboard"
"key": "button.createSubDao",
"value": "Create SubDAO"
"key": "button.deleteDraft",
"value": "Delete draft"
"key": "button.deposit",
"value": "Deposit"
"key": "button.deselectAllNfts",
"value": "Deselect all {{count}} NFTs"
"key": "button.follow",
"value": "Follow"
"key": "button.following",
"value": "Following"
"key": "button.goBack",
"value": "Go back"
"key": "button.goToDaoPage",
"value": "Go to DAO page"
"key": "button.import",
"value": "Import"
"key": "button.loadDraft",
"value": "Load draft"
"key": "button.manageStake",
"value": "Manage your ${{tokenSymbol}} stake"
"key": "button.newSubDao",
"value": "New SubDAO"
"key": "button.numProposalsInInbox_one",
"value": "{{count}} Proposal in Inbox"
"key": "button.numProposalsInInbox_other",
"value": "{{count}} Proposals in Inbox"
"key": "button.numProposalsInInbox_zero",
"value": "Proposal Inbox"
"key": "button.openInChainExplorer",
"value": "Open in chain explorer"
"key": "button.openInDestination",
"value": "Open in {{destination}}"
"key": "button.proposeUpgrade",
"value": "Propose upgrade"
"key": "button.publish",
"value": "Publish"
"key": "button.resetQuestion",
"value": "Reset?"
"key": "",
"value": "Save"
"key": "button.saveDraft",
"value": "Save draft"
"key": "button.searchDaos",
"value": "Search DAOs"
"key": "button.selectAllNfts",
"value": "Select all {{count}} NFTs"
"key": "button.setDisplayName",
"value": "set display name"
"key": "button.stakeOrUnstake",
"value": "Stake or unstake"
"key": "button.stakeTokenSymbol",
"value": "Stake ${{tokenSymbol}}"
"key": "button.stakingMode",
"value": {
"claim": "Claim tokens",
"stake": "Stake tokens",
"unstake": "Unstake tokens"
"key": "button.toggleTheme",
"value": "Toggle theme"
"key": "button.unfollow",
"value": "Unfollow"
"key": "button.withDecodedModuleMessages",
"value": "with Decoded Module Messages"
"key": "daoCreationAdapter",
"value": {
"CwdProposalSingle": {
"advancedWarning": "These are advanced features. Threshold and quorum can interact in counterintuitive ways. If you configure them without fully understanding how they work, you can lock your DAO, making it impossible for proposals to pass."
"CwdVotingCw20Staked": {
"description": "Fluid organization with many members who can join and leave as they wish. Members can alter their governance power and participation by exchanging tokens.",
"membership": "By staking tokens",
"name": "Token-based DAO",
"supplies": "Tokens"
"CwdVotingCw4": {
"description": "Small organization with a few members who are likely to stick around. Members can be added and removed by a vote of existing members.",
"membership": "By invitation",
"name": "Membership DAO (Multisig)",
"supplies": "None"
"key": "depositRefundPolicy",
"value": {
"always": "Always",
"never": "Never",
"only_passed": "Only passed proposals"
"key": "emoji.deposit",
"value": "Deposit"
"key": "",
"value": "Family"
"key": "emoji.megaphone",
"value": "Megaphone"
"key": "error.daoFeatureUnsupported",
"value": "{{name}} does not support {{feature}} yet."
"key": "error.descriptionTooLong",
"value": "A DAO's description must be less than or equal to {{max}} characters long."
"key": "error.insufficientWalletBalance",
"value": "Insufficient wallet balance (total: {{amount}} ${{tokenSymbol}})."
"key": "error.invalidMessage",
"value": "Invalid message"
"key": "error.invalidProposalActions",
"value": "Invalid proposal actions."
"key": "error.missingGovernanceTokenAddress",
"value": "Missing governance token address."
"key": "error.nameIncorrectLength",
"value": "A DAO's name must be between {{min}} and {{max}} characters."
"key": "error.noClaimsAvailable",
"value": "No claims available."
"key": "error.noNftsSelected",
"value": "No NFTs selected."
"key": "error.pfpkStargazeReopenModal",
"value": "Failed to connect to Stargaze. Reopen the modal to try again."
"key": "error.subDaoAlreadyExists",
"value": "SubDAO already exists."
"key": "form.addAnImage",
"value": "Add an image"
"key": "form.address",
"value": "Address"
"key": "form.cw20Token",
"value": "CW20 Token"
"key": "form.daoDescriptionPlaceholder",
"value": "Give your DAO a description..."
"key": "form.daoName",
"value": "Name"
"key": "form.daoNamePlaceholder",
"value": "Give your DAO a name"
"key": "form.image",
"value": "Image"
"key": "form.maxCharacters",
"value": "Max of {{max}} characters"
"key": "form.percentOfTotalSupply",
"value": "Percent of total token supply"
"key": "form.percentOfTotalSupplyTooltip",
"value": "{{weight}} of the total token supply will be split evenly among all of the members in this tier. Want to add members with different voting power? Add another tier."
"key": "form.proposalsDescriptionPlaceholder",
"value": "Give your proposal a description..."
"key": "form.proposalsName",
"value": "Proposal's name"
"key": "form.proposalsNamePlaceholder",
"value": "Give your proposal a name"
"key": "form.refundPolicyTitle",
"value": "Once a proposal completes, when should deposits be refunded?"
"key": "form.showAdvancedSettings",
"value": "Show advanced settings"
"key": "form.subDaosToRecognize",
"value": "SubDAOs to recognize"
"key": "form.subDaosToRemove",
"value": "SubDAOs to remove"
"key": "form.symbol",
"value": "Symbol"
"key": "form.tokenDefinition",
"value": "Token definition"
"key": "form.unstakingDurationDescription",
"value": "In order to vote, members must stake their tokens with the DAO. Members who would like to leave the DAO or trade their governance tokens must first unstake them. This setting configures how long members have to wait after unstaking their tokens for those tokens to become available. The longer you set this duration, the more sure you can be sure that people who register their tokens are keen to participate in your DAO's governance."
"key": "form.unstakingDurationTitle",
"value": "Unstaking period"
"key": "form.updateProposalSubmissionConfigDescription",
"value": "This will update the proposal submission configuration for this DAO. A bad configuration can lock the DAO. Take care. If you have questions, please feel free to ask in the <2>DAO DAO Discord</2>."
"key": "form.updateProposalSubmissionConfigTitle",
"value": "Update Proposal Submission Config"
"key": "form.votingWeightPerMember",
"value": "Voting weight per member"
"key": "form.votingWeightPerMemberTooltip",
"value": "Each member of this tier will receive {{weight}} voting power. Want to add members with different voting power? Add another tier."
"key": "format.time",
"value": "{{value}} {{unit}}"
"key": "format.timeAgo",
"value": "{{value}} {{unit}} ago"
"key": "format.timeLeft",
"value": "{{value}} {{unit}} left"
"key": "format.token",
"value": "{{amount}} ${{symbol}}"
"key": "format.tokenApprox",
"value": "~{{amount}} ${{symbol}}"
"key": "info.addCw20ToTreasuryActionDescription",
"value": "Display the DAO's balance of a CW20 token in the treasury view."
"key": "info.addCw721ToTreasuryActionDescription",
"value": "Display the NFTs owned by the DAO from a CW721 NFT collection in the treasury view."
"key": "info.andNumMore",
"value": "and {{count}} more"
"key": "info.areTheyMissingQuestion",
"value": "Are they missing?"
"key": "info.availableBalance",
"value": "Available balance"
"key": "info.chooseNftProfilePictureSubtitle",
"value": "Use one of your Stargaze NFTs to represent your identity on DAO DAO. Your Keplr profile image will be used as a backup if available."
"key": "info.connectYourWallet",
"value": "Connect your wallet"
"key": "info.copiedAddressToClipboard",
"value": "Copy address to clipboard"
"key": "info.copiedDaoAddress",
"value": "Copied DAO address"
"key": "info.copiedLinkToClipboard",
"value": "Copied link to clipboard."
"key": "info.copiedToClipboard",
"value": "Copied to clipboard."
"key": "info.createADaoDescription",
"value": "Create a new project, organization, or community organized the way you want."
"key": "info.createFirstOneQuestion",
"value": "Create the first one?"
"key": "info.createStep1",
"value": "Pick a DAO type and name it"
"key": "info.createStep2",
"value": "Governance configuration"
"key": "info.createStep3",
"value": "Voting configuration"
"key": "info.createStep4",
"value": "Review and approve"
"key": "info.customActionDescription_dao",
"value": "Perform any custom action a wallet can."
"key": "info.customActionDescription_wallet",
"value": "Perform any custom action."
"key": "info.daoCreationProcessExplanation",
"value": "Creating your DAO has never been this easy:"
"key": "info.daodaoWithVersion",
"value": "DAO DAO v{{version}}"
"key": "info.depositFromStargazeQuestion",
"value": "Deposit NFTs from Stargaze?"
"key": "info.depositNftsModalSubtitle",
"value": "Select the NFTs you want to deposit into {{daoName}} from your Stargaze wallet."
"key": "info.depositTokenSubtitle",
"value": "Tokens will be sent from your wallet."
"key": "info.draftSavedAtTime",
"value": "Draft saved at {{time}}."
"key": "info.draftSaving",
"value": "Draft saving..."
"key": "info.draftStillSaved",
"value": "The draft will still be saved."
"key": "info.easilyShareLink",
"value": "Easily share a link by copying it below."
"key": "info.enterNameBeforeSavingDraft",
"value": "Enter a name before saving a draft"
"key": "info.executeSmartContractActionDescription",
"value": "Execute a message on a smart contract."
"key": "info.fetchedAtTime",
"value": "Fetched at {{time}}"
"key": "info.getTokensOn",
"value": "Get tokens on {{name}}."
"key": "info.goToParent",
"value": "Go to parent DAO"
"key": "info.inboxDescription",
"value": "Open proposals for your DAOs."
"key": "info.instantiateSmartContractActionDescription",
"value": "Instantiate a smart contract."
"key": "info.manageMembersActionDescription",
"value": "Add, update, or remove members from the DAO."
"key": "info.manageSubDaosActionDescription",
"value": "Recognize or remove SubDAOs from the DAO."
"key": "info.membershipDaoNotMemberInfo_dao",
"value": "You are not a member of {{daoName}}. To become a member, existing members must vote to add you."
"key": "info.membershipDaoNotMemberInfo_proposal",
"value": "You were not a member of {{daoName}} when this proposal was created, so you cannot vote on it."
"key": "info.migrateSmartContractActionDescription",
"value": "Migrate a CosmWasm contract to a new code ID."
"key": "info.mintActionDescription",
"value": "Mint new governance tokens."
"key": "info.newMemberExplanation",
"value": "To add a new member, the DAO must pass a proposal."
"key": "info.nftImage",
"value": "NFT image"
"key": "info.noDaosPinnedYet",
"value": "You have not yet pinned any DAOs."
"key": "info.noDisplayName",
"value": "no display name"
"key": "info.noNftsYet",
"value": "No NFTs to appreciate yet."
"key": "info.noProposalsYet",
"value": "No proposals to vote on yet."
"key": "info.noSubDaosYet",
"value": "No SubDAOs yet."
"key": "info.numNftsSelected_one",
"value": "{{count}} NFT selected"
"key": "info.numNftsSelected_other",
"value": "{{count}} NFTs selected"
"key": "info.numSelected_one",
"value": "{{count}} selected"
"key": "info.numSelected_other",
"value": "{{count}} selected"
"key": "info.openProposalsInInbox_one",
"value": "There is {{count}} open proposal in your inbox."
"key": "info.openProposalsInInbox_other",
"value": "There are {{count}} open proposals in your inbox."
"key": "info.pending",
"value": "Pending"
"key": "info.pendingRewards",
"value": "Pending rewards"
"key": "info.proposalStatus",
"value": {
"notOpen": "This proposal is no longer open for voting. {{turnoutPercent}} of all votes were cast, and {{turnoutYesPercent}} of them were 'Yes'.{{extra}}",
"willFail": "If the current vote stands, this proposal will fail.",
"willFailBadQuorum": "If the current vote stands, this proposal will fail due to a lack of voter participation.",
"willFailBadThreshold": "If the current vote stands, this proposal will fail because insufficient 'Yes' votes have been cast.",
"willPass": "If the current vote stands, this proposal will pass."
"key": "info.recognizeSubDaoDescription",
"value": "Recognizing {{name}} as a SubDAO will display it inside the SubDAOs tab."
"key": "info.refund",
"value": "Refund"
"key": "info.removeCw20FromTreasuryActionDescription",
"value": "Stop displaying the DAO's balance of a CW20 token in the treasury view."
"key": "info.removeCw721FromTreasuryActionDescription",
"value": "Stop displaying the NFTs owned by the DAO from a CW721 NFT collection in the treasury view."
"key": "info.reviewYourProposal",
"value": "Review your proposal..."
"key": "info.reviewYourTransaction",
"value": "Review your transaction..."
"key": "info.searchActionPlaceholder",
"value": "Find an action..."
"key": "info.searchDraftPlaceholder",
"value": "Find a draft..."
"key": "info.searchNftsPlaceholder",
"value": "Find an NFT..."
"key": "info.spendActionDescription_dao",
"value": "Spend native or CW20 tokens from the treasury."
"key": "info.spendActionDescription_wallet",
"value": "Spend native tokens from your wallet."
"key": "info.stakeActionDescription",
"value": "Manage native token staking."
"key": "info.stakeYourTokensToJoin",
"value": "Stake your ${{tokenSymbol}} tokens to become a member of {{daoName}}."
"key": "info.staked",
"value": "staked"
"key": "info.stakes",
"value": "Stakes"
"key": "info.subDaoExplanation",
"value": "SubDAOs are children DAOs that help manage groups within your DAO."
"key": "info.subDaoNeedsAdding",
"value": "{{parent}} has not yet recognized {{child}} as a SubDAO."
"key": "info.submitUpgradeProposal",
"value": "Submit a proposal to upgrade the DAO?"
"key": "info.supportsMarkdownFormat",
"value": "Supports Markdown format"
"key": "",
"value": "today"
"key": "info.tokenDaoNotMemberInfoProposal",
"value": "You were not a member of {{daoName}} when this proposal was created, so you cannot vote on it. You will be able to vote on future proposals as long as you have ${{tokenSymbol}} staked at the time those proposals are created."
"key": "info.totalHoldings",
"value": "Total holdings"
"key": "info.unstakingDurationExplanation",
"value": "It takes {{duration}} to unstake tokens."
"key": "info.unstakingDurationNoneExplanation",
"value": "Your tokens will unstake immediately."
"key": "info.unstakingStatus",
"value": {
"claimed": "Claimed",
"readyToClaim": "Ready to claim",
"unstaking": "Unstaking"
"key": "info.updateContractAdminActionDescription",
"value": "Update the CosmWasm level admin of a smart contract."
"key": "info.updateInfoActionDescription",
"value": "Update your DAO's name, image, and description."
"key": "info.updateProposalSubmissionConfigActionDescription",
"value": "Update the proposal submission paramaters for your DAO."
"key": "info.updateVotingConfigActionDescription",
"value": "Update the voting paramaters for your DAO."
"key": "info.votingPowerAtCreationTooltip",
"value": "This was your voting power at the time of proposal creation."
"key": "info.whatAreYouLookingForPrompt",
"value": "What are you looking for?"
"key": "info.wouldYouLikeToSearchQuestion",
"value": "Would you like to search for a DAO?"
"key": "",
"value": "Single Choice"
"key": "proposalModuleLabel.cwd-proposal-multiple",
"value": "Multiple Choice"
"key": "proposalModuleLabel.cwd-proposal-single",
"value": "Single Choice"
"key": "proposalStatusTitle",
"value": {
"closed": "Closed",
"executed": "Executed",
"execution_failed": "Execution failed",
"open": "Open",
"passed": "Passed",
"rejected": "Rejected"
"key": "proposalVoteTitle",
"value": {
"abstain": "Abstain",
"no": "No",
"none": "None",
"pending": "Pending",
"yes": "Yes"
"key": "splash.footerBeta",
"value": "DAO DAO is currently in beta. Please let the developers know if you encounter any issues."
"key": "success.depositedTokenIntoDao",
"value": "Deposited {{amount}} ${{tokenSymbol}} into the {{daoName}} treasury."
"key": "success.transactionExecuted",
"value": "Transaction executed successfully."
"key": "title.actions",
"value": "Actions"
"key": "title.advancedConfiguration",
"value": "Advanced configuration"
"key": "title.balance",
"value": "Balance"
"key": "title.balances",
"value": "Balances"
"key": "title.chooseNftProfilePicture",
"value": "Choose NFT Profile Picture"
"key": "title.collection",
"value": "Collection"
"key": "title.congratsOnDao",
"value": "Congrats on your DAO!"
"key": "title.congratsOnProposal",
"value": "Congrats, {{name}} is out!"
"key": "title.congratsOnSubDao",
"value": "Congrats on your SubDAO!"
"key": "title.contributions",
"value": "Contributions"
"key": "title.createASubDao",
"value": "Create a SubDAO"
"key": "title.createProposal",
"value": "Create proposal"
"key": "title.created",
"value": "Created"
"key": "title.creator",
"value": "Creator"
"key": "title.daoCreationProcess",
"value": "DAO Creation Process"
"key": "title.daoNotFound",
"value": "DAO Not Found"
"key": "title.daosAddress",
"value": "DAO's address"
"key": "title.deposit",
"value": "Deposit"
"key": "title.depositNfts",
"value": "Import NFTs"
"key": "title.depositRefunds",
"value": "Deposit refunds"
"key": "title.depositToken",
"value": "Deposit ${{tokenSymbol}}"
"key": "title.discord",
"value": "Discord"
"key": "title.distribution",
"value": "Distribution"
"key": "title.existingToken",
"value": "Existing token"
"key": "title.expires",
"value": "Expires"
"key": "title.featuredDaos",
"value": "Featured DAOs"
"key": "title.floorPrice",
"value": "Floor price"
"key": "title.following",
"value": "Following"
"key": "title.governanceConfiguration",
"value": "Governance configuration"
"key": "",
"value": "Holdings"
"key": "title.inbox",
"value": "Inbox"
"key": "title.inboxWithCount",
"value": "Inbox ({{count}})"
"key": "title.lastUpdated",
"value": "Last updated"
"key": "title.manageStaking",
"value": "Manage staking"
"key": "title.manageSubDaos",
"value": "Manage SubDAOs"
"key": "title.memberOfDao",
"value": "Member of {{daoName}}"
"key": "title.membership",
"value": "Membership"
"key": "title.navigation",
"value": "Navigation"
"key": "title.newDao",
"value": "New DAO"
"key": "title.newMember",
"value": "New member"
"key": "title.newProposal",
"value": "New proposal"
"key": "title.newProposalTo",
"value": "New proposal to..."
"key": "title.newSubDao",
"value": "New SubDAO"
"key": "title.nfts",
"value": "NFTs"
"key": "title.noHistory",
"value": "No history"
"key": "title.nobody",
"value": "Nobody"
"key": "title.notAMember",
"value": "Not a Member"
"key": "title.numMembers_one",
"value": "{{count}} member"
"key": "title.numMembers_other",
"value": "{{count}} members"
"key": "title.numNfts_one",
"value": "{{count}} NFT"
"key": "title.numNfts_other",
"value": "{{count}} NFTs"
"key": "title.numOpenProposals_one",
"value": "{{count}} Open Proposal"
"key": "title.numOpenProposals_other",
"value": "{{count}} Open Proposals"
"key": "title.numProposals_one",
"value": "{{count}} Proposal"
"key": "title.numProposals_other",
"value": "{{count}} Proposals"
"key": "title.numSubDaos_one",
"value": "{{count}} SubDAO"
"key": "title.numSubDaos_other",
"value": "{{count}} SubDAOs"
"key": "title.numTasks_one",
"value": "{{count}} task"
"key": "title.numTasks_other",
"value": "{{count}} tasks"
"key": "title.percentTurnout",
"value": "{{value}} turnout"
"key": "title.pinned",
"value": "Pinned"
"key": "title.proposalCreationInfo",
"value": "Proposal creation info"
"key": "title.proposalNotFound",
"value": "Proposal Not Found"
"key": "title.proposalsCreated",
"value": "Proposals created"
"key": "title.recognizeSubDao",
"value": "Recognize {{name}} SubDAO"
"key": "title.revoting",
"value": "Revoting"
"key": "title.sortBy",
"value": "Sort by"
"key": "title.stakedTo",
"value": "Staked to..."
"key": "title.subDaos",
"value": "SubDAOs"
"key": "",
"value": "Supplies"
"key": "title.threshold",
"value": "Threshold"
"key": "title.tierNum",
"value": "Tier {{tier}}"
"key": "title.token",
"value": "Token"
"key": "title.transaction",
"value": "Transaction"
"key": "title.twitter",
"value": "Twitter"
"key": "title.unstaking",
"value": "Unstaking"
"key": "title.unstakingTokens",
"value": "Unstaking tokens"
"key": "title.voter",
"value": "Voter"
"key": "title.votesCast",
"value": "Votes cast"
"key": "title.wallet",
"value": "Wallet"
"key": "title.when",
"value": "When"
"key": "title.yourMembership",
"value": "Your membership"
"key": "unit.months",
"value": "Months"
"key": "unit.months_one",
"value": "Month"
"key": "unit.months_other",
"value": "Months"
"key": "unit.years",
"value": "Years"
"key": "unit.years_one",
"value": "Year"
"key": "unit.years_other",
"value": "Years"
// Removed 139:
// Modified 19:
"key": "button.addMember",
"old": "Add member",
"new": "Add a member"
"key": "button.addTier",
"old": "Add tier",
"new": "Add a tier"
"key": "error.noMembers",
"old": "You haven't added any members to your DAO",
"new": "You haven't added any members to your DAO."
"key": "form.governanceTokenNamePlaceholder",
"old": "A token name (e.g., \"DogDAO token\")",
"new": "Longer name of your token (e.g. \"Dog Dao token\")"
"key": "form.governanceTokenSymbolPlaceholder",
"old": "An alphanumeric symbol (e.g., \"DOG\")",
"new": "An alphanumeric symbol (e.g. \"DOG\")"
"key": "form.imageURLTooltip",
"old": "A link an image. For example:",
"new": "A link to an image. For example:"
"key": "form.proposalDepositDescription",
"old": "The number of governance tokens that must be deposited to create a proposal. Setting this may deter spam, but setting it too high may limit broad participation.",
"new": "The number of tokens that must be deposited to create a proposal. Setting this may deter spam, but setting it too high may limit broad participation."
"key": "info.available",
"old": "Available",
"new": "available"
"key": "info.configureWalletModalExplanation",
"old": "You have Keplr installed, but it doesn't seem like you've set up a wallet. To continue, open the Keplr extension and set up a wallet.\nTo open the Keplr extension press the puzzle icon in the top right of your browser and then press the Keplr button. Once you've done that, a new page will open where you'll be able to create a new account. Configure your wallet to continue",
"new": "You have Keplr installed, but it doesn't seem like you've set up a wallet. To continue, open the Keplr extension and set up a wallet.\nTo open the Keplr extension, press the puzzle icon in the top right of your browser and then press the Keplr button. Once you've done that, a new page will open where you'll be able to create a new account. Configure your wallet to continue."
"key": "info.govTokenAddress",
"old": "Gov Token",
"new": "Governance Token"
"key": "info.proposalAllAbstainClarification",
"old": "When all abstain, a proposal will fail",
"new": "When all voters abstain, a proposal will fail."
"key": "info.stakingAddress",
"old": "Staking",
"new": "Staking Contract"
"key": "info.unstakingMechanics",
"old": "If you unstake now, it will take {{humanReadableTime}} until they are available to you. During that time, you will not receive staking rewards. You will not be able to cancel the unbonding.",
"new": "It will take {{humanReadableTime}} from the time you unstake your tokens before they are able to be redeemed by you. During that time, you will not receive staking rewards. You will not be able to cancel the unbonding."
"key": "info.walletConnectMobileLimitations",
"old": "Please feel free to explore the UI. Due to current limitations in WalletConnect, you will not be able to connect your mobile wallet to the {{chain}} chain.",
"new": "Feel free to explore the UI. Due to current limitations in WalletConnect, you will not be able to connect your mobile wallet to the {{chain}} chain."
"key": "success.proposalExecuted",
"old": "Executed successfully.",
"new": "Executed successfully. Refreshing page..."
"key": "title.500",
"old": "500: Internal Server Error",
"new": "500: Error"
"key": "title.chooseTokenAmount",
"old": "Choose number of tokens",
"new": "Choose token amount"
"key": "title.proposalAllAbstain",
"old": "All abstain",
"new": "All abstain clarification"
"key": "title.votingPower",
"old": "Voting Power",
"new": "Voting power"
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