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package chapter9;
* @author renli
public class problem2 {
package chapter9;
* @author renli
public class problem1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
package chapter5;
* @author renli
public class problem8 {
5.7 An array A contains all the integers from 0 through n, except for one number
which is missing. In this problem, we cannot access an entire integer in A with a single operation.
The elements of A are represented in binary, and the only operation we can use to access them is "fetch the jth bit of A[i],"
which takes constant time. Write code to find the missing integer. Can you do it in 0(n) time?
package chapter5;
package chapter5;
* @author renli
public class problem6 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
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package chapter5;
/*5.3 Given a positive integer, print the next smallest and the next largest number
that have the same number of 1 bits in their binary representation.*/
package chapter5;
* @author renli
public class problem3 {
5.2 Given a real number between 0 and 7 (e.g., 0.72) that is passed in as a double,
print the binary representation. If the number cannot be represented accurately
in binary with at most 32 characters, print "ERROR."
package chapter5;
import java.util.ArrayList;
*5.1 You are given two 32-bit numbers, N andM, and two bit positions, i and j.
Write a method to insert M into Nsuch that M starts at bit j and ends at bit i.
You can assume that the bits j through i have enough space to fit all ofM. That is,
ifM= 10011, you can assume that there are at least 5 bits between j and i. You would not,
for example, have j-3 and i=2, because M could not fully fit between bit 3 and bit 2.
Input: N = 16000000000, M = 10011, i = 2, j = 6
Output: N = 10001001100
4.9 You are given a binary tree in which each node contains a value.
Design an algorithm to print all paths which sum to a given value.
The path does not need to start or end at the root or a leaf.
package chapter4;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;