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import java.util.Arrays;
// Board
final int BoardMargin = 50;
final int BoardX = BoardMargin;
final int BoardY = BoardMargin;
final int BoardWidth = 400;
final int BoardHeight = 400;
import os
# リネーム後のラベル
label = "label";
# 指定されたフォルダのパス
folder_path = 'C:\\Users\\example\\Documents\\files'
# フォルダ内のファイル名を取得
file_names = os.listdir(folder_path)
(function (global)
var expr = function (n)
var utilities = {
"+": function (a) { return function(b){ return a + b; } },
"-": function (a) { return function(b){ return a - b; } },
"*": function (a) { return function(b){ return a * b; } },
"/": function (a) { return function(b){ return a / b; } }


(This is a Google translation of the original Japanese sentence.)

In recent years, the number of OSS communities expressing #BlackLivesMatter has increased in connection with the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Some may argue that OSS has such a political opinion. However, what I would like to pay attention to here, and what I would like to point out is to delete the website page of the document and replace it with the content of #BlackLivesMatter's assertion. For example, it happened with webpack. webpack/

Let me be frank with you. it's awful.

Official website pages should be written about the content of their OSS products, not as a place of voice. The user did not come to see a statement of political opinion, but came to know the contents of the OSS product. It cuts off such user experiences and imposes their political opinions. it's awful.

class Number {}
class Zero : Number {}
class Succ<N:Number> : Number {}
typealias One = Succ<Zero>
typealias Two = Succ<Succ<Zero>>
typealias Three = Succ<Succ<Succ<Zero>>>
class Eq<S: Number, T: Number> {}
class Add<S: Number, T:Number> : Number {}
object Main extends App{
class Hoge
def createValue : Hoge = new Hoge
implicit def toInt(x:Hoge) : Int = 3
implicit def toString(x:Hoge) : String = "pa"
val a : Int = createValue
val b : String = createValue
object Main extends App{
trait Addable[T] {
def add(a:T) : T
implicit object CreatableInt extends Addable[Int]{
def add(a:Int) : Int = a + 3
implicit object CreatableString extends Addable[String] {
trait Creatable[T] {
def create : T
object Main extends App{
implicit object CreatableInt extends Creatable[Int] {
def create : Int = 3
class Symbol
def method_missing(name, *args)
puts :hello.start_with "he"
class CFizzBuzz{
public static function main(){
macro public static function fizzbuzz(){
var fizzbuzzText : String = "\n";
for( i in 1...100 ){
fizzbuzzText += if( i % 15 == 0 ){
"FizzBuzz ";