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Last active May 9, 2019 21:25
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  • Save NocSchecter/ea28e0f9a744b493ba5f6bc26df864e9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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using UnityEngine;
public class ClippableObject : MonoBehaviour
//only 3 clip planes for now, will need to modify the shader for more.
private int _clipPlanes = 4;
public Material[] _materials;
public GameObject _planeX;
public GameObject _planeXnegative;
public GameObject _planeY;
public GameObject _planeZ;
public void Update()
Vector3 positionX = _planeX.transform.position;
Vector3 normalX = _planeX.transform.up;
Vector3 positionY = _planeY.transform.position;
Vector3 normalY = _planeY.transform.up;
Vector3 positionZ = _planeZ.transform.position;
Vector3 normalZ = _planeZ.transform.up;
Vector3 positionXnegative = _planeXnegative.transform.position;
Vector3 normalXnegative = _planeXnegative.transform.up;
if ( _materials != null )
for ( int i = 0; i < _materials.Length; i++ )
if ( _materials[i] == null )
switch ( _clipPlanes )
case 0:
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_ONE" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_TWO" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_THREE" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_FOUR" );
case 1:
_materials[i].EnableKeyword( "CLIP_ONE" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_TWO" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_THREE" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_FOUR" );
case 2:
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_ONE" );
_materials[i].EnableKeyword( "CLIP_TWO" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_THREE" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_FOUR" );
case 3:
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_ONE" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_TWO" );
_materials[i].EnableKeyword( "CLIP_THREE" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_FOUR" );
case 4:
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_ONE" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_TWO" );
_materials[i].DisableKeyword( "CLIP_ THREE" );
_materials[i].EnableKeyword( "CLIP_FOUR" );
//Pasa los planos al shader si es necesario.
if ( _clipPlanes >= 1 )
_materials[i].SetVector( "_planePos", positionX );
//plano vector normal es el vector 'arriba' girado.
_materials[i].SetVector( "_planeNorm", normalX );
if ( _clipPlanes >= 2 )
_materials[i].SetVector( "_planePos2", positionY );
_materials[i].SetVector( "_planeNorm2", normalY );
if ( _clipPlanes >= 3 )
_materials[i].SetVector( "_planePos3", positionZ );
_materials[i].SetVector( "_planeNorm3", normalZ );
if ( _clipPlanes >= 4 )
_materials[i].SetVector( "_planePos4", positionXnegative );
_materials[i].SetVector( "_planeNorm4", normalXnegative );
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