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Conversation with Chat-GPT 3.5 about monads, category theory, and OOP


I have some questions about monads, and functors, can you help answer them?


Sure, I'll do my best to help.
What specifically would you like to know about monads and functors?


To start with, let us concisely define what a functor is.


Certainly! A functor is a mapping between categories. Specifically, it's a
mapping that preserves structure between categories. In other words, if we have
two categories A and B, and a functor F that maps objects and morphisms from A
to B, then F must preserve the composition of morphisms in A and B, as well as
the identity morphisms in both categories. This means that if we compose two
morphisms in A and then apply the functor F, we should get the same result as
if we apply the functor F to each morphism separately and then compose them in


what is the difference between an object herein described and a morphism?


In category theory, an object is an element or entity in a category, while a
morphism is a structure-preserving map between objects in a category.

To put it more formally, in a category C, we have a collection of objects
(denoted by Obj(C)) and a collection of morphisms (denoted by Hom(C)). Each
morphism f in Hom(C) has a domain object (denoted by dom(f)) and a codomain
object (denoted by cod(f)).

So, while an object is a "thing" in a category, a morphism is a "relationship"
between objects. For example, in the category of sets, an object might be a set
such as {1, 2, 3}, while a morphism might be a function that maps elements from
one set to another, such as a function that maps {1, 2, 3} to {a, b, c}.


So a morphism is a function, in essence a transformation of value which preserves relational structure?


Yes, in a sense, a morphism can be thought of as a function between objects in a
category that preserves the structure of the category.

To be more precise, a morphism is a mapping between objects that preserves the
structure of the category, which may include properties such as composition and
identity. For example, in the category of sets, a morphism is a function
between sets that preserves the set structure, meaning that it maps elements
from one set to another while preserving relationships such as equality, subset
inclusion, and set operations like union and intersection.

In general, a morphism doesn't necessarily have to be a function in the usual
sense; it could be a transformation, a relation, a homomorphism, or some other
kind of structure-preserving map. But the idea of a morphism being a function
is a common and useful way to think about it, especially in concrete categories
like sets, groups, and topological spaces.


So then what is the difference between a morphism defined as such above, and a functor?


A functor is a mapping between categories that preserves structure, while a
morphism is a mapping between objects in a single category that preserves

To be more precise, a functor is a mapping F between two categories A and B that
preserves the structure of both categories. This means that F maps objects in A
to objects in B, and morphisms in A to morphisms in B, in such a way that it
preserves the composition of morphisms and the identity morphisms in both
categories. In other words, if we have two morphisms in A that can be composed,
and we apply F to the composite, we get the same result as if we apply F to
each morphism separately and then compose the results in B.

A morphism, on the other hand, is a mapping between two objects in a single
category that preserves the structure of the category. This means that if we
have two objects A and B in a category, a morphism f from A to B preserves the
composition of morphisms and the identity morphisms in the category. In other
words, if we have two morphisms g and h that can be composed to form a third
morphism k, then the composition of f with k should be the same as the
composition of f with g followed by f with h.

So, while both functors and morphisms preserve structure, the difference is that
functors are mappings between categories, while morphisms are mappings between
objects in a single category.


I see, so a morphism is concerned intra-category (within the category itself) while a functor is concerned with inter-category (between categories). Is this the essence of the difference?


Yes, that's a good way to think about it. A morphism is a structure-preserving
map between objects within a single category, while a functor is a
structure-preserving map between categories themselves.

To expand on this a bit more, a morphism preserves the internal structure of a
category, while a functor relates the structure of two different categories.
For example, a morphism in the category of sets is a function between two sets
that preserves set-theoretic structure, while a functor from the category of
sets to the category of groups is a mapping that relates the structure of sets
to the structure of groups, preserving the relevant structure in both
categories (such as the binary operation, identity element, and inverse).

In summary, a morphism is concerned with preserving structure within a single
category, while a functor is concerned with relating the structure of different


Thank you for the definitional foundation, now can you tell me what an endofunctor is in this context?


An endofunctor is a functor that maps a category to itself. In other words, an
endofunctor is a functor F that takes a category C and maps its objects and
morphisms to new objects and morphisms in the same category C.

More formally, we say that an endofunctor F on a category C consists of two

one that maps each object X in C to a new object F(X) in C, and one that maps
each morphism f in C to a new morphism F(f) in C, such that the following
conditions hold: 

F preserves composition: 

for any two morphisms f and g in C, F(fg) = F(f)F(g) F preserves identity: 

for any object X in C, F(id_X) = id_{F(X)} In other words, an endofunctor is a
functor that operates within a single category, transforming its objects and
morphisms while preserving the category's structure. Examples of endofunctors
include the power set functor in the category of sets, which maps a set to its
power set, and the identity functor, which maps each object to itself and each
morphism to itself.


What is an adjoint functor then?


An adjoint functor is a pair of functors that are related in a particular way.
Specifically, if we have two categories C and D, and two functors F: 

C → D and G: 

D → C, then F and G are said to be adjoint if there is a natural isomorphism
between the hom-sets Hom(F(X), Y) in D and Hom(X, G(Y)) in C, for all objects X
in C and Y in D.

To put it more simply, if F and G are adjoint functors, then for any two objects
X in C and Y in D, there is a one-to-one correspondence between morphisms from
F(X) to Y in D, and morphisms from X to G(Y) in C. This correspondence is
natural, meaning it is compatible with the category structure and does not
depend on any arbitrary choices.

The adjunction between F and G can be written as F ⊣ G, and we say that F is the
left adjoint of G and G is the right adjoint of F. Adjunctions are a powerful
tool in category theory, as they allow us to relate different categories and
study their properties in a systematic way. They also provide a way to
construct new functors from existing ones, by using the adjunction to transfer
information between the categories.


So then a monad is an endofunctor which means a monad is a structure preserving transformation within a category. Is this correct?


Yes, that's correct! In category theory, a monad is an endofunctor on a
category, which means it is a functor that maps the category to itself. More
specifically, a monad is an endofunctor T on a category C, together with two
natural transformations: 

the unit η: 

Id_C → T, and the multiplication μ: 

T² → T, such that the following conditions hold: 


the composition of the two multiplication maps μ_T and Tμ : 

T³ → T is equal to the single multiplication map μ : 

T² → T. Left unit: 

the composition of the unit map η and the left multiplication map Tη : 

T → T² is equal to the identity map on T. Right unit: 

the composition of the unit map η and the right multiplication map η_T : 

T → T² is equal to the identity map on T. Intuitively, a monad can be thought of
as a way to capture a certain kind of algebraic structure within a category, by
specifying a way to "wrap" objects in the category and compose morphisms
between them in a certain way. The unit map η corresponds to a way to "inject"
objects into this wrapped structure, while the multiplication map μ corresponds
to a way to "flatten" the wrapped structure by composing morphisms.

Monads are used in many areas of mathematics and computer science, including
functional programming, where they provide a way to encapsulate side effects
and other impure operations in a pure functional setting.


Can a class in OOP be likened to a category?


Yes, it is possible to view a class in object-oriented programming (OOP) as
analogous to a category in category theory.

In OOP, a class defines a set of objects that share a common structure and
behavior. The objects of a class are instances of that class, and they inherit
properties and methods from the class definition. This can be seen as a kind of
categorization, where the class represents a category, and the objects
represent the objects in that category.

Similarly, in category theory, a category consists of a collection of objects
and morphisms between them, which satisfy certain axioms. We can think of the
objects in a category as being similar to the instances of a class in OOP, and
the morphisms between objects as being similar to the methods or operations
that can be performed on those objects.

However, it is important to note that there are also significant differences
between the two concepts. For example, a category in category theory is an
abstract mathematical object, while a class in OOP is a concrete programming
construct. Additionally, while a category is defined by its objects and
morphisms, a class in OOP is defined by its properties and methods. Despite
these differences, the analogy between classes in OOP and categories in
category theory can still be a useful way to understand the concepts.


If we take this analogy further, what would the closest equivalent to a morphism be inside an OOP class? Would it be a private method? or something else?


In OOP, a method can be seen as a kind of operation or function that acts on the
data or state of an object. Therefore, we can think of a method in a class as
being analogous to a morphism in a category, which maps between the objects in
the category while preserving the structure of the category.

However, not all methods in a class are equivalent to morphisms in a category.
In particular, public methods in a class are generally visible and accessible
from outside the class, while private methods are only visible and accessible
within the class itself. This makes private methods more similar to internal
transformations within a category, rather than morphisms that map between
objects in the category.

Therefore, if we want to find an equivalent to a morphism in a category within
an OOP class, we would generally look for a public method that performs a
mapping or transformation between objects in the class. This could be a method
that takes one or more objects as input and returns a new object that
represents the result of some operation or computation.

Of course, this analogy is not perfect, as there are many differences between
the two concepts. For example, a morphism in a category is a mathematical
abstraction that satisfies certain axioms, while a method in an OOP class is a
concrete piece of code that performs a specific computation. Nevertheless, the
analogy between the two concepts can be a useful way to understand the
similarities and differences between them.


Would public methods represent the closest analogy to functors then? What would be the analogical counterpart to a functor (transformation between categories) in OOP?


While public methods in a class can be seen as analogous to morphisms in a
category, they may not be the closest analogy to functors in OOP. A functor in
category theory is a structure-preserving map between categories, which means
that it maps objects and morphisms in one category to objects and morphisms in
another category, while preserving the composition of morphisms and the
identity morphisms in both categories.

In OOP, there are several constructs that could be seen as analogous to functors
in category theory. One possible analogy is to view interfaces or abstract
classes as representing categories, and classes that implement or extend those
interfaces as representing functors between those categories.

For example, suppose we have an interface or abstract class that defines a set
of operations or methods that can be performed on a certain type of object. We
can think of this interface or abstract class as representing a category, and
the classes that implement or extend it as representing functors that map
objects and operations from one category to another. These functors preserve
the structure of the original category, in the sense that they preserve the
behavior and semantics of the original operations and methods.

Of course, this analogy is not perfect, and there are many differences between
the two concepts. For example, functors in category theory are mathematical
abstractions that satisfy certain axioms, while classes in OOP are concrete
programming constructs. Nevertheless, the analogy between the two concepts can
be a useful way to understand the similarities and differences between them.


Yes, we are temporarily glossing over the mathematically described axioms which define functors for now in thought exercise aimed at exposing possible similarities between OOP classes and categories, OOP methods and morphisms, and so on.


Understood. In that case, we can think of public methods in OOP as analogous to
morphisms in a category, and interfaces or abstract classes as analogous to

Furthermore, we can think of a class that implements an interface or extends an
abstract class as analogous to a functor in category theory. Specifically, the
class maps objects and operations from one category (the interface or abstract
class) to another category (the class itself), while preserving the structure
of the original category. This is similar to how a functor in category theory
maps objects and morphisms from one category to another, while preserving the
structure of both categories.

Of course, as you mentioned, there are many differences between OOP and category
theory, and the analogy between the two is not perfect. Nevertheless, viewing
OOP constructs through the lens of category theory can be a useful way to
understand the concepts and relationships involved, and to explore new ways of
thinking about software design and development.

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