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Created February 25, 2022 07:59
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A gist showing the full updated helper for subscription.php
* @package Joomla
* @subpackage Membership Pro
* @author Tuan Pham Ngoc
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 Ossolution Team
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
use chillerlan\QRCode\QRCode;
use chillerlan\QRCode\QROptions;
use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\Plugin\PluginHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\Table\Table;
use Joomla\Registry\Registry;
class OSMembershipHelperSubscription
* Calculate recurring subscription fees based on input parameter
* @param OSMembershipTablePlan $rowPlan the object which contains information about the plan
* @param MPFForm $form The form object which is used to calculate extra fee
* @param array $data The post data
* @param MPFConfig $config
* @param string $paymentMethod
* @return array
public static function calculateRecurringSubscriptionFee($rowPlan, $form, $data, $config, $paymentMethod = null)
$numberDecimals = (int) $config->get('decimals') ?: 2;
$replaces = ['PLAN_PRICE' => $rowPlan->price, 'SETUP_FEE' => $rowPlan->setup_fee];
$feeAmount = $form->calculateFormFee($replaces);
$noneTaxableFee = max($replaces['none_taxable_fee'], 0);
$fees = [];
$coupon = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'getSubscriptionCoupon', [$rowPlan, $data, &$fees]);
$taxRate = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculateSubscriptionTaxRate', [$rowPlan, $data, &$fees]);
$action = $data['act'];
if ($action != 'renew')
$setupFee = $rowPlan->setup_fee;
$setupFee = 0;
$fees['setup_fee'] = $setupFee;
$customFeeBehavior = $config->get('custom_fee_behavior', 2);
if ($action == 'upgrade')
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('id = ' . (int) $data['upgrade_option_id']);
$upgradeOption = $db->loadObject();
$regularAmount = $upgradeOption->price + $feeAmount;
if ($upgradeOption->upgrade_prorated == 2)
$regularAmount -= OSmembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculateProratedUpgradePrice', [$upgradeOption, (int) Factory::getUser()->id]);
$regularAmount = $rowPlan->price + $feeAmount;
if ($regularAmount < 0)
$regularAmount = 0;
$regularDiscountAmount = 0;
$regularTaxAmount = 0;
$trialDiscountAmount = 0;
$trialTaxAmount = 0;
$trialAmount = 0;
$trialDuration = 0;
$trialDurationUnit = '';
// Simple support for fixed payment day every month. In case fixed payment day is set for the plan, we will ignore any trial duration setting
if ($rowPlan->payment_day > 0 && $rowPlan->subscription_length == 1 && $rowPlan->subscription_length_unit == 'M')
$todayDate = Factory::getDate('now', Factory::getApplication()->get('offset'));
$todayDay = (int) $todayDate->format('d', true);
$numberDaysInMonth = (int) $todayDate->format('t', true);
$priceEachDay = round($rowPlan->price / 30, 2);
if ($todayDay == $rowPlan->payment_day)
$trialDuration = 0;
$trialAmount = 0;
$trialDurationUnit = 'D';
elseif ($todayDay > $rowPlan->payment_day)
$trialDuration = $numberDaysInMonth - $todayDay + $rowPlan->payment_day;
$trialAmount = $trialDuration * $priceEachDay;
$trialDurationUnit = 'D';
$trialDuration = $rowPlan->payment_day - $todayDay;
$trialAmount = $trialDuration * $priceEachDay;
$trialDurationUnit = 'D';
elseif ($rowPlan->trial_duration || $setupFee > 0 || (!empty($coupon) && $coupon->apply_for == 1))
// There will be trial duration
if ($rowPlan->trial_duration)
if (in_array($customFeeBehavior, [0, 2]))
$trialAmount = $rowPlan->trial_amount + $feeAmount + $setupFee;
// Fee amount was added to regular amount before, and it need to be removed in case fee amount is configured for first payment only
if ($customFeeBehavior == 0)
$regularAmount = max($regularAmount - $feeAmount, 0);
$trialAmount = $rowPlan->trial_amount + $setupFee;
if ($trialAmount < 0)
$trialAmount = 0;
$trialDuration = $rowPlan->trial_duration;
$trialDurationUnit = $rowPlan->trial_duration_unit;
elseif ($setupFee > 0)
$trialAmount = $regularAmount + $setupFee;
// Fee amount was added to regular amount before, and it need to be removed in case fee amount is configured for first payment only
if ($customFeeBehavior == 0)
$regularAmount = max(0, $regularAmount - $feeAmount);
elseif ($customFeeBehavior == 1)
$trialAmount = max(0, $trialAmount - $feeAmount);
if ($trialAmount < 0)
$trialAmount = 0;
$trialDuration = $rowPlan->subscription_length;
$trialDurationUnit = $rowPlan->subscription_length_unit;
$trialAmount = $regularAmount + $setupFee;
if ($trialAmount < 0)
$trialAmount = 0;
$trialDuration = $rowPlan->subscription_length;
$trialDurationUnit = $rowPlan->subscription_length_unit;
if ($coupon)
if ($coupon->coupon_type == 0)
$trialDiscountAmount = $trialAmount * $coupon->discount / 100;
if ($coupon->apply_for == 0)
$regularDiscountAmount = $regularAmount * $coupon->discount / 100;
$trialDiscountAmount = min($coupon->discount, $trialAmount);
if ($coupon->apply_for == 0)
$regularDiscountAmount = min($coupon->discount, $regularAmount);
if ($taxRate > 0)
if ($rowPlan->trial_duration)
$trialTaxAmount = round(($trialAmount - $trialDiscountAmount - $noneTaxableFee) * $taxRate / 100, $numberDecimals);
$trialTaxAmount = round(($trialAmount - $trialDiscountAmount) * $taxRate / 100, 2);
$regularTaxAmount = round(($regularAmount - $regularDiscountAmount - $noneTaxableFee) * $taxRate / 100, $numberDecimals);
$trialGrossAmount = $trialAmount - $trialDiscountAmount + $trialTaxAmount;
$regularGrossAmount = $regularAmount - $regularDiscountAmount + $regularTaxAmount;
$fees['trial_payment_processing_fee'] = 0;
$fees['regular_payment_processing_fee'] = 0;
if ($trialGrossAmount > 0)
$trialPaymentProcessingFee = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculatePaymentProcessingFee', [$paymentMethod, $trialGrossAmount]);
$fees['trial_payment_processing_fee'] = round($trialPaymentProcessingFee, $numberDecimals);
$trialGrossAmount += $fees['trial_payment_processing_fee'];
if ($regularGrossAmount > 0)
$regularPaymentProcessingFee = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculatePaymentProcessingFee', [$paymentMethod, $regularGrossAmount]);
$fees['regular_payment_processing_fee'] = round($regularPaymentProcessingFee, $numberDecimals);
$regularGrossAmount += $fees['regular_payment_processing_fee'];
$fees['trial_amount'] = $trialAmount;
$fees['trial_discount_amount'] = $trialDiscountAmount;
$fees['trial_tax_amount'] = $trialTaxAmount;
$fees['trial_gross_amount'] = $trialGrossAmount;
$fees['regular_amount'] = $regularAmount;
$fees['regular_discount_amount'] = $regularDiscountAmount;
$fees['regular_tax_amount'] = $regularTaxAmount;
$fees['regular_gross_amount'] = $regularGrossAmount;
$fees['trial_duration'] = $trialDuration;
$fees['trial_duration_unit'] = $trialDurationUnit;
if ($fees['regular_gross_amount'] > 0)
$fees['show_payment_information'] = 1;
$fees['show_payment_information'] = 0;
$replaces = [];
$replaces['[REGULAR_AMOUNT]'] = OSMembershipHelper::formatCurrency($fees['regular_gross_amount'], $config, $rowPlan->currency_symbol);
$replaces['[REGULAR_DURATION]'] = static::getDurationText($rowPlan->subscription_length, $rowPlan->subscription_length_unit);
$replaces['[NUMBER_PAYMENTS]'] = $rowPlan->number_payments;
$replaces['[TOTAL_PAYMENT_AMOUNT]'] = OSMembershipHelper::formatCurrency($rowPlan->number_payments * $fees['regular_gross_amount'], $config, $rowPlan->currency_symbol);
if ($trialDuration > 0)
$replaces['[TRIAL_DURATION]'] = static::getDurationText($trialDuration, $trialDurationUnit);
if ($fees['trial_gross_amount'] > 0)
$replaces['[TRIAL_AMOUNT]'] = OSMembershipHelper::formatCurrency($fees['trial_gross_amount'], $config, $rowPlan->currency_symbol);
if ($rowPlan->number_payments > 0)
$paymentTerms = Text::_('OSM_TERMS_TRIAL_AMOUNT');
if ($rowPlan->number_payments > 0)
$paymentTerms = Text::_('OSM_TERMS_FREE_TRIAL');
if ($rowPlan->number_payments > 0)
$paymentTerms = Text::_('OSM_TERMS_EACH_DURATION');
foreach ($replaces as $key => $value)
$paymentTerms = str_replace($key, $value, $paymentTerms);
$fees['payment_terms'] = $paymentTerms;
return $fees;
* Calculate onetime fees based on input parameter
* @param OSMembershipTablePlan $rowPlan the object which contains information about the plan
* @param MPFForm $form The form object which is used to calculate extra fee
* @param array $data The post data
* @param MPFConfig $config
* @param string $paymentMethod
* @return array
public static function calculateOnetimeSubscriptionFee($rowPlan, $form, $data, $config, $paymentMethod = null)
$user = Factory::getUser();
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$nullDate = $db->getNullDate();
$numberDecimals = (int) $config->get('decimals') ?: 2;
$replaces = ['PLAN_PRICE' => $rowPlan->price, 'SETUP_FEE' => $rowPlan->setup_fee];
$feeAmount = $form->calculateFormFee($replaces);
$noneTaxableFee = max($replaces['none_taxable_fee'], 0);
$fees = [];
$coupon = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'getSubscriptionCoupon', [$rowPlan, $data, &$fees]);
$taxRate = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculateSubscriptionTaxRate', [$rowPlan, $data, &$fees]);
$action = $data['act'];
if ($action != 'renew')
$setupFee = $rowPlan->setup_fee;
$setupFee = 0;
$fees['payment_processing_fee'] = 0;
$fees['setup_fee'] = $setupFee;
$discountAmount = 0;
$taxAmount = 0;
if ($action == 'renew')
$renewOptionId = (int) $data['renew_option_id'];
if ($renewOptionId == OSM_DEFAULT_RENEW_OPTION_ID)
$amount = $rowPlan->price;
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('id = ' . $renewOptionId);
$amount = $db->loadResult();
// Get renewal discount
$renewalDiscount = static::getRenewalDiscount((int) $user->id, $rowPlan->id);
if ($renewalDiscount)
if ($renewalDiscount->discount_type == 0)
$amount = round($amount * (1 - $renewalDiscount->discount_amount / 100), $numberDecimals);
$amount = $amount - $renewalDiscount->discount_amount;
elseif ($action == 'upgrade')
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('id = ' . (int) $data['upgrade_option_id']);
$upgradeOption = $db->loadObject();
$amount = $upgradeOption->price;
if ($upgradeOption->upgrade_prorated == 2)
$amount -= OSmembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculateProratedUpgradePrice', [$upgradeOption, (int) Factory::getUser()->id]);
elseif (in_array($upgradeOption->upgrade_prorated, [4, 5]))
$amount = OSmembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculateProratedUpgradePrice', [$upgradeOption, (int) Factory::getUser()->id]);
$amount = $rowPlan->price;
if ($rowPlan->expired_date && $rowPlan->expired_date != $nullDate && $rowPlan->prorated_signup_cost)
$expiredDate = Factory::getDate($rowPlan->expired_date, Factory::getApplication()->get('offset'));
$date = Factory::getDate('now', Factory::getApplication()->get('offset'));
$expiredDate->setTime(23, 59, 59);
$date->setTime(23, 59, 59);
if ($rowPlan->subscription_length_unit == 'Y')
$subscriptionLengthYears = $rowPlan->subscription_length;
$subscriptionLengthYears = 1;
$expiredDate->setDate($date->year, $expiredDate->month, $expiredDate->day);
if ($date > $expiredDate)
$expiredDate->modify("+ $subscriptionLengthYears years");
$expiredDate->modify("+ " . ($subscriptionLengthYears - 1) . " years");
$diff = $expiredDate->diff($date, true);
if ($rowPlan->prorated_signup_cost == 1)
$numberDays = $subscriptionLengthYears * 365;
$amount = $amount * ($diff->days + 1) / $numberDays;
elseif ($rowPlan->prorated_signup_cost == 2)
$numberMonths = $subscriptionLengthYears * 12;
$amount = $amount * ($diff->y * 12 + $diff->m + 1) / $numberMonths;
$amount += $feeAmount;
if ($coupon)
if ($coupon->coupon_type == 0)
$discountAmount = ($amount + $setupFee) * $coupon->discount / 100;
$discountAmount = min($coupon->discount, $amount + $setupFee);
if ($taxRate > 0)
$taxAmount = round(($amount + $setupFee - $discountAmount - $noneTaxableFee) * $taxRate / 100, $numberDecimals);
$grossAmount = $setupFee + $amount - $discountAmount + $taxAmount;
if ($grossAmount > 0)
$paymentProcessingFee = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculatePaymentProcessingFee', [$paymentMethod, $grossAmount]);
$fees['payment_processing_fee'] = round($paymentProcessingFee, $numberDecimals);
$grossAmount += $fees['payment_processing_fee'];
$fees['amount'] = $amount;
$fees['discount_amount'] = $discountAmount;
$fees['tax_amount'] = $taxAmount;
$fees['gross_amount'] = $grossAmount;
if ($fees['gross_amount'] > 0)
$fees['show_payment_information'] = 1;
$fees['show_payment_information'] = 0;
$fees['payment_terms'] = '';
return $fees;
* Method to get the coupon code use for the subscription
* @param OSMembershipTablePlan $rowPlan
* @param array $data
* @param array $fees
* @return mixed|null
public static function getSubscriptionCoupon($rowPlan, $data, &$fees)
$user = Factory::getUser();
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$nullDate = $db->getNullDate();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$couponValid = 1;
$coupon = null;
$action = isset($data['act']) ? $data['act'] : '';
$couponCode = isset($data['coupon_code']) ? $data['coupon_code'] : '';
if ($couponCode)
$currentDate = $db->quote(Factory::getDate('now', Factory::getApplication()->get('offset'))->toSql(true));
->where('published = 1')
->where($db->quoteName('access') . ' IN (' . implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()) . ')')
->where('code = ' . $db->quote($couponCode))
->where('(valid_from = ' . $db->quote($nullDate) . ' OR valid_from <= ' . $currentDate . ')')
->where('(valid_to = ' . $db->quote($nullDate) . ' OR valid_to >= ' . $currentDate . ')')
->where('(times = 0 OR times > used)')
->where('(user_id = 0 OR user_id =' . $user->id . ')')
->where('(plan_id = 0 OR id IN (SELECT coupon_id FROM #__osmembership_coupon_plans WHERE plan_id = ' . $rowPlan->id . '))');
if ($action)
$query->where('(subscription_type = "" OR subscription_type = ' . $db->quote($action) . ')');
$coupon = $db->loadObject();
if (!$coupon)
$couponValid = 0;
elseif ($coupon && $coupon->max_usage_per_user > 0 && $user->id > 0)
// Check to see how many times this coupon was used by current user
->where('user_id = ' . $user->id)
->where('coupon_id = ' . $coupon->id)
->where('(published IN (1,2) OR (published = 0 AND payment_method LIKE "%os_offline"))');
$total = $db->loadResult();
if ($total >= $coupon->max_usage_per_user)
$couponValid = 0;
$coupon = null;
$fees['coupon_id'] = $coupon->id;
$fees['coupon_valid'] = $couponValid;
return $coupon;
* Calculate tax rate for the subscription
* @param OSMembershipTablePlan $rowPlan
* @param array $data
* @param array $fees
* @return float
public static function calculateSubscriptionTaxRate($rowPlan, $data, &$fees)
$config = OSMembershipHelper::getConfig();
$country = isset($data['country']) ? $data['country'] : $config->default_country;
$state = isset($data['state']) ? $data['state'] : '';
$countryCode = OSMembershipHelper::getCountryCode($country);
if ($countryCode == 'GR')
$countryCode = 'EL';
$vatNumberValid = 1;
$vatNumber = '';
$viesRegistered = 0;
// Calculate tax
if (!empty($config->eu_vat_number_field) && isset($data[$config->eu_vat_number_field]))
$vatNumber = $data[$config->eu_vat_number_field];
if ($vatNumber)
// If users doesn't enter the country code into the VAT Number, append the code
$firstTwoCharacters = substr($vatNumber, 0, 2);
if (strtoupper($firstTwoCharacters) != $countryCode)
$vatNumber = $countryCode . $vatNumber;
if ($vatNumber)
$valid = OSMembershipHelperEuvat::validateEUVATNumber($vatNumber);
if ($valid)
$taxRate = OSMembershipHelper::calculateTaxRate($rowPlan->id, $country, $state, 1);
$viesRegistered = 1;
$vatNumberValid = 0;
$taxRate = OSMembershipHelper::calculateTaxRate($rowPlan->id, $country, $state, 0);
$taxRate = OSMembershipHelper::calculateTaxRate($rowPlan->id, $country, $state, 0);
$fees['tax_rate'] = $taxRate;
$fees['country_code'] = $countryCode;
$fees['vatnumber_valid'] = $vatNumberValid;
$fees['vies_registered'] = $viesRegistered;
if (OSMembershipHelperEuvat::isEUCountry($countryCode))
$fees['show_vat_number_field'] = 1;
$fees['show_vat_number_field'] = 0;
return $taxRate;
* Get payment processing fee for a payment method
* @param string $paymentMethod
* @return array
public static function getPaymentProcessingFee($paymentMethod)
$paymentFeeAmount = 0;
$paymentFeePercent = 0;
if ($paymentMethod)
$method = OSMembershipHelperPayments::loadPaymentMethod($paymentMethod);
$params = new Registry($method->params);
$paymentFeeAmount = (float) $params->get('payment_fee_amount');
$paymentFeePercent = (float) $params->get('payment_fee_percent');
return [$paymentFeeAmount, $paymentFeePercent];
* Calculate payment processing for a payment method base on the given amount
* @param string $paymentMethod
* @param float $amount
public static function calculatePaymentProcessingFee($paymentMethod, $amount)
if ($paymentMethod)
$method = OSMembershipHelperPayments::loadPaymentMethod($paymentMethod);
$params = new Registry($method->params);
$paymentFeeAmount = (float) $params->get('payment_fee_amount');
$paymentFeePercent = (float) $params->get('payment_fee_percent');
if ($paymentFeeAmount != 0 || $paymentFeePercent != 0)
return round($paymentFeeAmount + $amount * $paymentFeePercent / 100, 2);
return 0;
* Check to see if a payment method has payment processing fee enabled
* @param string $paymentMethod
* @return bool
public static function hasPaymentProcessingFee($paymentMethod)
$method = OSMembershipHelperPayments::loadPaymentMethod($paymentMethod);
if ($method)
$params = new Registry($method->params);
$paymentFeeAmount = (float) $params->get('payment_fee_amount');
$paymentFeePercent = (float) $params->get('payment_fee_percent');
if ($paymentFeeAmount != 0 || $paymentFeePercent != 0)
return true;
return false;
* Method to get duration text from duration length and unit
* @param string $unit
* @param int $length
* @return string
public static function getDurationText($length, $unit)
switch ($unit)
case 'W':
if( $length == 0 || $length == 1)
return Text::_('OSM_WEEK');
else if ( $length > 1)
return $length . ' ' . Text::_('OSM_WEEKS');
case 'M':
if( $length == 0 || $length == 1)
return Text::_('OSM_MONTH');
else if ( $length > 1)
return $length . ' ' . Text::_('OSM_MONTHS');
case 'Y':
if( $length == 0 || $length == 1)
return Text::_('OSM_YEAR');
else if ( $length > 1)
return $length . ' ' . Text::_('OSM_YEARS');
if( $length == 0 || $length == 1)
return Text::_('OSM_DAY');
else if ( $length > 1)
return $length . ' ' . Text::_('OSM_DAYS');
* Method to check if there is coupon code available for plan
* @param int $planId
* @param string $action
* @return bool
public static function isCouponAvailableForPlan($planId, $action = "")
$user = Factory::getUser();
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$nullDate = $db->quote($db->getNullDate());
$currentDate = $db->quote(Factory::getDate('now', Factory::getApplication()->get('offset'))->toSql(true));
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('published = 1')
->where($db->quoteName('access') . ' IN (' . implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()) . ')')
->where('(valid_from = ' . $nullDate . ' OR valid_from <= ' . $currentDate . ')')
->where('(valid_to = ' . $nullDate . ' OR DATE(valid_to) >= ' . $currentDate . ')')
->where('(times = 0 OR times > used)')
->where('(user_id = 0 OR user_id =' . (int) $user->id . ')')
->where('(plan_id = 0 OR id IN (SELECT coupon_id FROM #__osmembership_coupon_plans WHERE plan_id = ' . (int) $planId . '))');
if ($action)
$query->where('(subscription_type = "" OR subscription_type = ' . $db->quote($action) . ')');
$total = (int) $db->loadResult();
return $total > 0;
* Get membership profile record of the given user
* @param int $userId
* @return object
public static function getMembershipProfile($userId)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('a.*, b.username')
->from('#__osmembership_subscribers AS a ')
->leftJoin('#__users AS b ON a.user_id =')
->where('is_profile = 1')
->where('user_id = ' . (int) $userId)
->order(' DESC');
return $db->loadObject();
* Try to fix ProfileID for user if it was lost for some reasons - for example, admin delete
* @param $userId
* @return bool
public static function fixProfileId($userId)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$userId = (int) $userId;
->where('user_id = ' . $userId)
->order('id DESC');
$id = (int) $db->loadResult();
if ($id)
// Make this record as profile ID
->set('is_profile = 1')
->set('profile_id =' . $id)
->where('id = ' . $id);
// Mark all other records of this user has profile_id = ID of this record
->set('profile_id = ' . $id)
->where('user_id = ' . $userId)
->where('id != ' . $id);
return true;
return false;
* Get active subscription plan ids of the given user
* @param int $userId
* @param array $excludes
* @return array
public static function getActiveMembershipPlans($userId = 0, $excludes = [])
$activePlans = [0];
if (!$userId)
$userId = (int) Factory::getUser()->get('id');
if ($userId > 0)
$config = OSMembershipHelper::getConfig();
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$gracePeriod = (int) $config->get('grace_period');
->from('#__osmembership_plans AS a')
->innerJoin('#__osmembership_subscribers AS b ON = b.plan_id')
->where('b.user_id = ' . $userId)
->where('b.published = 1');
if ($gracePeriod > 0)
$gracePeriodUnit = $config->get('grace_period_unit', 'd');
switch ($gracePeriodUnit)
case 'm':
$query->where('(a.lifetime_membership = 1 OR (from_date <= UTC_TIMESTAMP() AND DATE_ADD(b.to_date, INTERVAL ' . $gracePeriod . ' MINUTE) >= UTC_TIMESTAMP()))');
case 'h':
$query->where('(a.lifetime_membership = 1 OR (from_date <= UTC_TIMESTAMP() AND DATE_ADD(b.to_date, INTERVAL ' . $gracePeriod . ' HOUR) >= UTC_TIMESTAMP()))');
$query->where('(a.lifetime_membership = 1 OR (from_date <= UTC_TIMESTAMP() AND DATE_ADD(b.to_date, INTERVAL ' . $gracePeriod . ' DAY) >= UTC_TIMESTAMP()))');
$query->where('(a.lifetime_membership = 1 OR (from_date <= UTC_TIMESTAMP() AND to_date >= UTC_TIMESTAMP()))');
if (count($excludes))
$query->where(' NOT IN (' . implode(',', $excludes) . ')');
$activePlans = array_merge($activePlans, $db->loadColumn());
return $activePlans;
* Get information about subscription plans of a user
* @param int $profileId
* @return array
public static function getSubscriptions($profileId)
$config = OSMembershipHelper::getConfig();
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('profile_id = ' . (int) $profileId)
if (!$config->get('show_incomplete_payment_subscriptions', 1))
$query->where('(published != 0 OR gross_amount = 0 OR payment_method LIKE "os_offline%")');
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
$rowSubscriptions = [];
foreach ($rows as $row)
$rowSubscriptions[$row->plan_id][] = $row;
$planIds = array_keys($rowSubscriptions);
if (count($planIds) == 0)
$planIds = [0];
->where('id IN (' . implode(',', $planIds) . ')');
// Translate plan title
$fieldSuffix = OSMembershipHelper::getFieldSuffix();
if ($fieldSuffix)
OSMembershipHelperDatabase::getMultilingualFields($query, ['title', 'description'], $fieldSuffix);
$rowPlans = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($rowPlans as $rowPlan)
$isActive = false;
$isPending = false;
$isExpired = false;
$subscriptions = $rowSubscriptions[$rowPlan->id];
$lastActiveDate = null;
$subscriptionId = null;
$recurringCancelled = 0;
foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription)
if ($subscription->published == 1)
$isActive = true;
$lastActiveDate = $subscription->to_date;
elseif ($subscription->published == 0)
$isPending = true;
elseif ($subscription->published == 2)
$isExpired = true;
if ($subscription->recurring_subscription_cancelled)
$recurringCancelled = 1;
if ($subscription->subscription_id && !$subscription->recurring_subscription_cancelled && $subscription->payment_method)
$method = OSMembershipHelperPayments::getPaymentMethod($subscription->payment_method);
if ($method && method_exists($method, 'supportCancelRecurringSubscription') && $method->supportCancelRecurringSubscription())
$subscriptionId = $subscription->subscription_id;
$recurringCancelled = 0;
$rowPlan->subscriptions = $subscriptions;
$rowPlan->subscription_id = $subscriptionId;
$rowPlan->subscription_from_date = $subscriptions[0]->from_date;
$rowPlan->subscription_to_date = $subscriptions[count($subscriptions) - 1]->to_date;
$rowPlan->recurring_cancelled = $recurringCancelled;
if ($isActive)
$rowPlan->subscription_status = 1;
$rowPlan->subscription_to_date = $lastActiveDate;
elseif ($isPending)
$rowPlan->subscription_status = 0;
elseif ($isExpired)
$rowPlan->subscription_status = 2;
$rowPlan->subscription_status = 3;
return $rowPlans;
* Get upgrade rules available for the current user
* @param int $userId
* @param int $fromPlanId
* @return array
public static function getUpgradeRules($userId = 0, $fromPlanId = 0)
if (OSMembershipHelper::isMethodOverridden('OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription', 'getUpgradeRules'))
return OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription::getUpgradeRules($userId);
$user = Factory::getUser();
if (empty($userId))
$userId = (int) $user->get('id');
$config = OSMembershipHelper::getConfig();
// Get list of plans which users can upgrade from
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->select('DISTINCT plan_id')
->where('user_id = ' . $userId);
if ($config->get('allow_upgrade_from_expired_subscriptions'))
$query->where('published IN (1, 2)');
$query->where('published = 1');
if ($fromPlanId > 0)
$query->where('plan_id = ' . $fromPlanId);
$planIds = $db->loadColumn();
if (!$planIds)
return [];
$activePlanIds = static::getActiveMembershipPlans($userId);
->from('#__osmembership_upgraderules AS a')
->where('from_plan_id IN (' . implode(',', $planIds) . ')')
->where('a.published = 1')
->where('to_plan_id IN (SELECT id FROM #__osmembership_plans WHERE published = 1 AND access IN (' . implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()) . '))')
if (count($activePlanIds) > 1)
$query->where('to_plan_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $activePlanIds) . ')');
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($rows as $row)
// Adjust the upgrade price if price is pro-rated
if (in_array($row->upgrade_prorated, [2, 4, 5]))
if ($row->upgrade_prorated == 2)
$row->price -= OSmembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculateProratedUpgradePrice', [$row, $userId]);
$row->price = OSmembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Subscription', 'calculateProratedUpgradePrice', [$row, $userId]);
return $rows;
* Get Ids of the plans which is renewable
* @param int $userId
* @param int $forPlanId
* @return array
public static function getRenewOptions($userId, $forPlanId = 0)
if (OSMembershipHelper::isMethodOverridden('OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription', 'getRenewOptions'))
return OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription::getRenewOptions($userId);
$config = OSMembershipHelper::getConfig();
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$activePlanIds = static::getActiveMembershipPlans($userId);
$exclusivePlanIds = static::getExclusivePlanIds($userId);
// Get list of plans which the user has upgraded from
->from('#__osmembership_subscribers AS a')
->where('a.user_id = ' . $userId)
->where('a.published IN (1, 2)')
->where('from_plan_id > 0');
$upgradedFromPlanIds = $db->loadColumn();
->select('DISTINCT plan_id')
->where('user_id = ' . $userId)
->where('published IN (1, 2)');
if ($forPlanId > 0)
$query->where('plan_id = ' . $forPlanId);
$query->where('plan_id > 0');
if (count($upgradedFromPlanIds))
$query->where('plan_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $upgradedFromPlanIds) . ')');
$planIds = $db->loadColumn();
$todayDate = Factory::getDate();
for ($i = 0, $n = count($planIds); $i < $n; $i++)
$planId = $planIds[$i];
->where('id = ' . $planId);
$row = $db->loadObject();
if (!$row->enable_renewal)
if (in_array($row->id, $exclusivePlanIds) && !in_array($row->id, $activePlanIds))
// If this is a recurring plan and users still have active subscription, they can't renew
if ($row->recurring_subscription && in_array($row->id, $activePlanIds))
// Check payment method, if it's not offline payment, then disable renewal
->where('plan_id = ' . $row->id)
->where('user_id = ' . $userId)
->order('id DESC');
if (strpos($db->loadResult(), 'os_offline') === false)
if ($config->number_days_before_renewal > 0)
//Get max date
->where('user_id=' . (int) $userId . ' AND plan_id=' . $row->id . ' AND (published=1 OR (published = 0 AND payment_method LIKE "os_offline%"))');
$maxDate = $db->loadResult();
if ($maxDate)
$expiredDate = Factory::getDate($maxDate);
$diff = $expiredDate->diff($todayDate);
if (($expiredDate > $todayDate) && ($diff->days > $config->number_days_before_renewal))
if (count($planIds))
->where('plan_id IN (' . implode(',', $planIds) . ')')
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
$renewOptions = [];
foreach ($rows as $row)
$renewalDiscountRule = static::getRenewalDiscount($userId, $row->plan_id);
if ($renewalDiscountRule)
if ($renewalDiscountRule->discount_type == 0)
$row->price = round($row->price * (1 - $renewalDiscountRule->discount_amount / 100), 2);
$row->price = $row->price - $renewalDiscountRule->discount_amount;
if ($row->price < 0)
$row->price = 0;
$renewOptions[$row->plan_id][] = $row;
return [
return [
* Get max renewal discount rule
* @param $userId
* @param $planId
* @return stdClass
public static function getRenewalDiscount($userId, $planId)
static $renewalDiscounts = [];
if (!isset($renewalDiscounts[$planId]))
// Initial value
$renewalDiscounts[$planId] = '';
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('user_id = ' . $userId)
->where('plan_id = ' . $planId)
->where('published IN (1, 2)')
->order('to_date DESC');
$row = $db->loadObject();
if ($row)
$todayDate = Factory::getDate();
$expiredDate = Factory::getDate($row->to_date);
$diff = $todayDate->diff($expiredDate);
// The subscription is active, we should check for early renewal discount
if ($row->published == 1 && $expiredDate >= $todayDate)
->where('plan_id IN (0, ' . $planId . ')')
->where('number_days <= ' . $diff->days)
->where('published = 1')
->order('discount_amount DESC');
$db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
$renewalDiscounts[$planId] = $db->loadObject();
elseif ($todayDate > $expiredDate)
// This is expired subscription, we can check for late renewal discount
$diff = $todayDate->diff($expiredDate);
$numberDays = -1 * $diff->days;
// Get the renewal discount object with max discount amount
->where('plan_id IN (0, ' . $planId . ')')
->where('number_days <= ' . $numberDays)
->where('published = 1')
->order('discount_amount DESC');
$db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
$renewalDiscounts[$planId] = $db->loadObject();
return $renewalDiscounts[$planId];
* Get subscriptions information of the current user
* @return array
public static function getUserSubscriptionsInfo()
if (OSMembershipHelper::isMethodOverridden('OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription', 'getUserSubscriptionsInfo'))
return OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription::getUserSubscriptionsInfo();
static $subscriptions;
if ($subscriptions === null)
$user = Factory::getUser();
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$now = Factory::getDate();
$nowSql = $db->quote($now->toSql());
$query->select('plan_id, MIN(from_date) AS active_from_date, MAX(DATEDIFF(' . $nowSql . ', from_date)) AS active_in_number_days')
->from('#__osmembership_subscribers AS a')
->where('user_id = ' . (int) $user->id)
->where('DATEDIFF(' . $nowSql . ', from_date) >= 0')
->where('published IN (1, 2)')
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
$subscriptions = [];
foreach ($rows as $row)
$subscriptions[$row->plan_id] = $row;
return $subscriptions;
* Get subscription status for a plan of the given user
* @param int $profileId
* @param int $planId
* @return int
public static function getPlanSubscriptionStatusForUser($profileId, $planId)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where('profile_id = ' . $profileId)
->where('plan_id = ' . $planId)
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
$isActive = false;
$isPending = false;
$isExpired = false;
foreach ($rows as $subscription)
if ($subscription->published == 1)
$isActive = true;
elseif ($subscription->published == 0)
$isPending = true;
elseif ($subscription->published == 2)
$isExpired = true;
if ($isActive)
return 1;
elseif ($isPending)
return 0;
elseif ($isExpired)
return 2;
return 3;
* Upgrade a membership
* @param OSMembershipTableSubscriber $row
public static function processUpgradeMembership($row)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
/* @var OSMembershipTableSubscriber $rowSubscription */
$rowSubscription = Table::getInstance('Subscriber', 'OSMembershipTable');
->where('id = ' . $row->upgrade_option_id);
$planId = (int) $db->loadResult();
$row->from_plan_id = $planId;
->where('plan_id = ' . $planId)
->where('profile_id = ' . $row->profile_id)
->where('published = 1');
$subscriberIds = $db->loadColumn();
$mainSubscription = null;
foreach ($subscriberIds as $subscriberId)
$rowSubscription->to_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$rowSubscription->published = 2;
$rowSubscription->first_reminder_sent = 1;
$rowSubscription->second_reminder_sent = 1;
$rowSubscription->third_reminder_sent = 1;
if ($rowSubscription->subscription_id && $rowSubscription->payment_method &&
$mainSubscription = $rowSubscription;
//Trigger plugins
Factory::getApplication()->triggerEvent('onMembershipExpire', [$rowSubscription]);
// Move group members to new plan
$rowPlan = OSMembershipHelperDatabase::getPlan($row->plan_id);
if ($rowPlan->number_members > 0 && $row->user_id > 0)
// Move all group members from old plan to new upgraded plan
->set('plan_id = ' . $row->plan_id)
->set('from_date = ' . $db->quote($row->from_date))
->set('to_date = ' . $db->quote($row->to_date))
->where('group_admin_id = ' . $row->user_id)
->where('plan_id = ' . $row->from_plan_id);
if ($mainSubscription)
JLoader::register('OSMembershipModelRegister', JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_osmembership/model/register.php');
/**@var OSMembershipModelRegister $model * */
$model = new OSMembershipModelRegister;
catch (Exception $e)
// Ignore for now
* Modify subscription duration based on the option which subscriber choose on form
* @param JDate $date
* @param array $rowFields
* @param array $data
public static function modifySubscriptionDuration($date, $rowFields, $data)
// Check to see whether there are any fields which can modify subscription end date
for ($i = 0, $n = count($rowFields); $i < $n; $i++)
$rowField = $rowFields[$i];
if (!empty($rowField->modify_subscription_duration) && !empty($data[$rowField->name]))
$durationValues = explode("\r\n", $rowField->modify_subscription_duration);
$values = explode("\r\n", $rowField->values);
$values = array_map('trim', $values);
$fieldValue = $data[$rowField->name];
$fieldValueIndex = array_search($fieldValue, $values);
if ($fieldValueIndex !== false && !empty($durationValues[$fieldValueIndex]))
$modifyDurationString = $durationValues[$fieldValueIndex];
if (!$date->modify($modifyDurationString))
Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(sprintf('Modify duration string %s is invalid', $modifyDurationString), 'warning');
* Get plan which the given user has subscribed for
* @param int $userId
* @return array
public static function getSubscribedPlans($userId = 0)
if ($userId == 0)
$userId = (int) Factory::getUser()->get('id');
if ($userId > 0)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('DISTINCT plan_id')
->where('user_id = ' . $userId)
->where('published IN (1, 2)');
return $db->loadColumn();
return [];
* Get subscription from ID
* @param string $subscriptionId
* @return OSMembershipTableSubscriber
public static function getSubscription($subscriptionId)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where('subscription_id = ' . $db->quote($subscriptionId))
return $db->loadObject();
* Calculate prorated upgrade price for an upgrade rule
* @param $row
* @param $userId
* @return float|int
public static function calculateProratedUpgradePrice($row, $userId)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$todayDate = Factory::getDate('now');
->where('published = 1')
->where('plan_id = ' . (int) $row->from_plan_id)
->where('user_id = ' . (int) $userId);
$fromPlanSubscriptionEndDate = $db->loadResult();
if ($fromPlanSubscriptionEndDate)
$fromPlanSubscriptionEndDate = Factory::getDate($fromPlanSubscriptionEndDate);
if ($fromPlanSubscriptionEndDate > $todayDate)
$diff = $todayDate->diff($fromPlanSubscriptionEndDate);
// Get price of the original plan
if ($row->upgrade_prorated == 2)
->where('id = ' . (int) $row->from_plan_id);
$fromPlan = $db->loadObject();
$fromPlanPrice = $fromPlan->price;
elseif ($row->upgrade_prorated == 4)
->where('id = ' . (int) $row->from_plan_id);
$fromPlan = $db->loadObject();
$fromPlanPrice = $fromPlan->price;
elseif ($row->upgrade_prorated == 5)
->where('id = ' . (int) $row->to_plan_id);
$fromPlan = $db->loadObject();
$fromPlanPrice = $fromPlan->price;
return 0;
switch ($fromPlan->subscription_length_unit)
case 'W':
$numberDays = $fromPlan->subscription_length * 7;
case 'M':
$numberDays = $fromPlan->subscription_length * 30;
case 'Y':
$numberDays = $fromPlan->subscription_length * 365;
$numberDays = $fromPlan->subscription_length;
return $fromPlanPrice * ($diff->days + 1) / $numberDays;
return 0;
* Get Ids of the plans which current users is not allowed to subscribe because exclusive rule
* @param int $userId
* @return array
public static function getExclusivePlanIds($userId = 0)
if (!$userId)
$userId = Factory::getUser()->id;
$activePlanIds = static::getActiveMembershipPlans($userId);
if (count($activePlanIds) > 1)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->from('#__osmembership_categories AS a')
->innerJoin('#__osmembership_plans AS b ON = b.category_id')
->where('a.published = 1')
->where('a.exclusive_plans = 1')
->where(' IN (' . implode(',', $activePlanIds) . ')');
$categoryIds = $db->loadColumn();
if (count($categoryIds))
->where('category_id IN (' . implode(',', $categoryIds) . ')')
->where('published = 1');
return $db->loadColumn();
return [];
* Cancel recurring subscription
* @param int $id
public static function cancelRecurringSubscription($id)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where('id = ' . (int) $id);
$row = $db->loadObject();
if ($row)
// The recurring subscription already cancelled before, no need to process it further
if ($row->recurring_subscription_cancelled)
->set('recurring_subscription_cancelled = 1')
->where('id = ' . $row->id);
$config = OSMembershipHelper::getConfig();
OSMembershipHelperMail::sendSubscriptionCancelEmail($row, $config);
// Mark all reminder emails as sent so that the system won't re-send these emails
if ($row->user_id > 0 && $row->plan_id > 0)
->set('first_reminder_sent = 1')
->set('second_reminder_sent = 1')
->set('third_reminder_sent = 1')
->set('offline_recurring_email_sent = 1')
->where('plan_id = ' . (int) $row->plan_id)
->where('user_id = ' . (int) $row->user_id);
Factory::getApplication()->triggerEvent('onAfterCancelRecurringSubscription', [$row]);
* Synchronize profile data for a subscriber
* @param OSMembershipTableSubscriber $row
* @param array $fields
public static function synchronizeProfileData($row, $fields)
if ($row->profile_id == 0)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$data = [];
$fieldNames = [];
foreach ($fields as $field)
$fieldNames[] = $field->name;
->where('profile_id = ' . (int) $row->profile_id)
->where('id !=' . (int) $row->id);
if ($row->user_id > 0)
$query->where('user_id = ' . $row->user_id);
$subscriptionIds = $db->loadColumn();
if (count($subscriptionIds))
if ($row->user_id && OSMembershipHelper::isUniquePlan($row->user_id))
$planId = $row->plan_id;
$planId = 0;
$rowFields = OSMembershipHelper::getProfileFields($planId);
for ($i = 0, $n = count($rowFields); $i < $n; $i++)
$rowField = $rowFields[$i];
if (!in_array($rowField->name, $fieldNames))
if ($rowField->is_core)
$data[$rowField->name] = $row->{$rowField->name};
// Store core fields data
foreach ($subscriptionIds as $subscriptionId)
$rowSubscription = Table::getInstance('Subscriber', 'OSMembershipTable');
if (count($rowFields))
$fieldIds = [];
foreach ($rowFields as $rowField)
$fieldIds[] = $rowField->id;
// Delete old data
->where('subscriber_id IN (' . implode(',', $subscriptionIds) . ')')
->where('field_id IN (' . implode(',', $fieldIds) . ')');
foreach ($subscriptionIds as $subscriptionId)
$sql = " INSERT INTO #__osmembership_field_value(subscriber_id, field_id, field_value)"
. " SELECT $subscriptionId, field_id, field_value FROM #__osmembership_field_value WHERE subscriber_id = $row->id AND field_id IN (" . implode(',', $fieldIds) . ")";
* Method to check and disable free trial for recurring plan if needed
* @param OSMembershipTablePlan $plan
* @return void
public static function disableFreeTrialForPlan($plan)
if (OSMembershipHelper::isMethodOverridden('OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription', 'disableFreeTrialForPlan'))
// If this is a free trial plan and the current user subscribed for it before, we will disable free trial
$user = Factory::getUser();
if ($user->id && $plan->recurring_subscription && $plan->trial_duration > 0)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where('user_id = ' . $user->id)
->where('plan_id = ' . $plan->id)
->where('published IN (1,2)');
if ($count = $db->loadResult())
$plan->trial_duration = 0;
* Generate member card for the given user
* @param OSMembershipTableSubscriber $item
* @param MPFConfig $config
* @return string
public static function generateMemberCard($item, $config)
if (OSMembershipHelper::isMethodOverridden('OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription', 'generateMemberCard'))
return OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription::generateMemberCard($item, $config);
$options = [
'PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION' => $config->get('card_page_orientation'),
'PDF_PAGE_FORMAT' => $config->get('card_page_format'),
'bg_image' => $config->card_bg_image,
'bg_left' => $config->get('card_bg_left', ''),
'bg_top' => $config->get('card_bg_top', ''),
'bg_width' => $config->get('card_bg_width', 0),
'bg_height' => $config->get('card_bg_height', 0),
'type' => 'member_card',
'title' => 'Member Card',
$replaces = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Helper', 'buildTags', [$item, $config]);
$subscriptions = static::getSubscriptions($item->profile_id);
$replaces['subscriptions'] = OSMembershipHelperHtml::loadCommonLayout('emailtemplates/tmpl/subscriptions.php', ['subscriptions' => $subscriptions, 'config' => $config]);
$replaces['register_date'] = $replaces['created_date'];
$replaces['name'] = trim($item->first_name . ' ' . $item->last_name);
// Get latest subscription
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('published IN (1,2)')
->where('user_id = ' . (int) $item->user_id)
->order('id DESC');
$latestSubscription = $db->loadObject();
if (!$latestSubscription)
$latestReplaces = $replaces;
$latestReplaces = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Helper', 'buildTags', [$latestSubscription, $config]);
$output = $config->card_layout;
foreach ($replaces as $key => $value)
$key = strtoupper($key);
$output = str_ireplace("[$key]", $value, $output);
foreach ($latestReplaces as $key => $value)
$key = strtoupper('latest_' . $key);
$output = str_ireplace("[$key]", $value, $output);
$output = OSMembershipHelperHtml::processConditionalText($output);
$filePath = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/com_osmembership/membercards/' . $item->username . '.pdf';
OSMembershipHelperPdf::generatePDFFile($output, $filePath, $options);
return $filePath;
* Generate member card for the given user
* @param OSMembershipTableSubscriber $item
* @param MPFConfig $config
* @return string
public static function generatePlanMemberCard($item, $config)
if (OSMembershipHelper::isMethodOverridden('OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription', 'generatePlanMemberCard'))
return OSMembershipHelperOverrideSubscription::generatePlanMemberCard($item, $config);
$plan = OSMembershipHelperDatabase::getPlan($item->plan_id);
$options = [
'PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION' => $config->get('card_page_orientation'),
'PDF_PAGE_FORMAT' => $config->get('card_page_format'),
'bg_image' => $plan->card_bg_image ?: $config->card_bg_image,
'bg_left' => $config->get('card_bg_left', ''),
'bg_top' => $config->get('card_bg_top', ''),
'bg_width' => $config->get('card_bg_width', 0),
'bg_height' => $config->get('card_bg_height', 0),
'type' => 'member_card',
'title' => 'Member Card',
$replaces = OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('Helper', 'buildTags', [$item, $config]);
$replaces['register_date'] = $replaces['created_date'];
$replaces['name'] = trim($item->first_name . ' ' . $item->last_name);
if (OSMembershipHelper::isValidMessage($plan->card_layout))
$output = $plan->card_layout;
$output = $config->card_layout;
$replaces['plan_subscription_from_date'] = HTMLHelper::_('date', $item->plan_subscription_from_date, $config->date_format);
$replaces['plan_subscription_to_date'] = HTMLHelper::_('date', $item->plan_subscription_to_date, $config->date_format);
$subscriptions = static::getSubscriptions($item->profile_id);
$replaces['subscriptions'] = OSMembershipHelperHtml::loadCommonLayout('emailtemplates/tmpl/subscriptions.php', ['subscriptions' => $subscriptions, 'config' => $config]);
foreach ($replaces as $key => $value)
$key = strtoupper($key);
$output = str_ireplace("[$key]", $value, $output);
// Generate QRCODE and have it displayed
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0', '>=') && strpos($output, '[QRCODE]') !== false
&& $item->subscription_code)
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_osmembership/libraries/vendor/autoload.php';
$filePath = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/com_osmembership/qrcodes/' . $item->subscription_code . '.jpg';
if (!file_exists($filePath))
$version = (int) $config->get('qrcode_size', 4) ?: QRCODE::VERSION_AUTO;
$qrOptions = new QROptions([
'version' => $version,
'outputType' => QRCode::OUTPUT_IMAGE_JPG,
(new QRCode($qrOptions))->render($item->subscription_code, $filePath);
$imgTag = '<img src="media/com_osmembership/qrcodes/' . $item->subscription_code . '.jpg" border="0" alt="QRCODE" />';
$output = str_ireplace("[QRCODE]", $imgTag, $output);
$output = OSMembershipHelperHtml::processConditionalText($output);
$filePath = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/com_osmembership/membercards/' . $item->username . '_' . $item->plan_id . '.pdf';
OSMembershipHelperPdf::generatePDFFile($output, $filePath, $options);
return $filePath;
* Method to get allowed actions for a subscription plan
* @param OSMembershipTablePlan $item
* @return array
public static function getAllowedActions($item)
if (!OSMembershipHelper::callOverridableHelperMethod('helper', 'canSubscribe', [$item]))
return [];
static $activePlanIds, $exclusivePlanIds;
if ($activePlanIds === null)
$activePlanIds = static::getActiveMembershipPlans();
if ($exclusivePlanIds === null)
$exclusivePlanIds = static::getExclusivePlanIds();
$user = Factory::getUser();
// If user does not have subscribe access, he is not allowed to subscribe or upgrade to the plan
if (property_exists($item, 'subscribe_access') && !in_array($item->subscribe_access, $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()))
return [];
$config = OSMembershipHelper::getConfig();
$actions = [];
// Only show subscribe/renew button if the plan is not in exclusive or if it's in exclusive plans, it needs to be current active plan
if ((!in_array($item->id, $exclusivePlanIds) || in_array($item->id, $activePlanIds))
&& (empty($item->upgrade_rules) || !$config->get('hide_signup_button_if_upgrade_available')))
if ($item->recurring_subscription && in_array($item->id, $activePlanIds))
// This is a recurring plan, so we only allow renew if the active subscription is offline payment
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('plan_id = ' . $item->id)
->where('user_id = ' . $user->id)
->order('id DESC');
if (strpos($db->loadResult(), 'os_offline') !== false)
$actions[] = 'subscribe';
$actions[] = 'subscribe';
if (!empty($item->upgrade_rules))
$actions[] = 'upgrade';
return $actions;
* Method to check if the current user can download member card
* @param int $planId
* @return bool
public static function canDownloadMemberCard($planId)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('a.*, b.username')
->from('#__osmembership_subscribers AS a')
->innerJoin('#__users AS b ON a.user_id =')
->where('a.user_id = ' . Factory::getUser()->id)
->where('a.plan_id = ' . $planId)
->where('published IN (1, 2)')
$item = $db->loadObject();
return $item ? true : false;
* Method to get user groups related to the field value
* @param stdClass $rowField
* @param mixed $fieldValue
* @return array
public static function getUserGroupsFromFieldValue($rowField, $fieldValue)
$groups = [];
$fieldValues = explode("\r\n", $rowField->values);
$groupIds = explode("\r\n", $rowField->joomla_group_ids);
if (is_string($fieldValue) && is_array(json_decode($fieldValue)))
$selectedValues = json_decode($fieldValue);
$selectedValues = [$fieldValue];
$selectedValues = array_filter($selectedValues);
foreach ($selectedValues as $selectedValue)
$valueIndex = array_search($selectedValue, $fieldValues);
if ($valueIndex !== false)
$groupId = (int) $groupIds[$valueIndex];
if ($groupId)
$groups[] = $groupId;
return $groups;
* Method to accept privacy consent for a subscription
* @param OSMembershipTableSubscriber $row
public static function acceptPrivacyConsent($row)
if (!$row->user_id)
$db = Factory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where('user_id = ' . (int) $row->user_id)
->where('subject = ' . $db->quote('PLG_SYSTEM_PRIVACYCONSENT_SUBJECT'))
->where('state = 1');
// User consented, do not process it further
if ($db->loadResult())
Factory::getLanguage()->load('plg_system_privacyconsent', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $row->language);
$params = new Registry($row->params);
// Create the user note
$privacyConsent = (object) [
'user_id' => $row->user_id,
'body' => Text::sprintf('PLG_SYSTEM_PRIVACYCONSENT_BODY', $params->get('user_ip'), $params->get('user_agent')),
'created' => Factory::getDate()->toSql(),
$db->insertObject('#__privacy_consents', $privacyConsent);
catch (Exception $e)
* Method to get duration text from duration length and unit
* @param string $unit
* @param int $length
* @return string
public static function getDurationText($length, $unit)
switch ($unit)
case 'W':
if( $length == 0 || $length == 1)
return Text::_('OSM_WEEK');
else if ( $length > 1)
return $length . ' ' . Text::_('OSM_WEEKS');
case 'M':
if( $length == 0 || $length == 1)
return Text::_('OSM_MONTH');
else if ( $length > 1)
return $length . ' ' . Text::_('OSM_MONTHS');
case 'Y':
if( $length == 0 || $length == 1)
return Text::_('OSM_YEAR');
else if ( $length > 1)
return $length . ' ' . Text::_('OSM_YEARS');
if( $length == 0 || $length == 1)
return Text::_('OSM_DAY');
else if ( $length > 1)
return $length . ' ' . Text::_('OSM_DAYS');
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