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Last active November 12, 2018 22:20
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
* Planned mission: burn time not exact, but good start
* rocket parameters (wikiepdia is outdated/wrong)
* Live webcast: audio info + estimated info from the video
* Lots of fidling with Cd and Pitch over maneuver
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Simple math helper
class Vector(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def init_from_magangle(magnitude, angle): # angle: deg
angle *= np.pi/180
return Vector(magnitude*np.cos(angle), magnitude*np.sin(angle))
def magnitude(self):
return np.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)
def __add__(self, other):
return Vector(self.x+other.x, self.y+other.y)
def __sub__(self, other):
return Vector(self.x-other.x, self.y-other.y)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Vector(%.2f %.2f)' % (self.x, self.y)
# Rocket related objects
m_payload = 160
m_s2_dry_mass = 250
m_s2_fuel = 2500
m_s1_dry_mass = 950
m_s1_fuel = 9250
print('Rocker mass: %.3f t' % (sum((
class StageS1(object):
Variable thrust motor (due to varying atmospheric density)
def __init__(self):
self.fuel = m_s1_fuel # Kg
self.dry_mass = m_s1_dry_mass + m_s2_fuel + m_s2_dry_mass + m_payload
def get_thrust(self, h):
sl_thrust = 15.65*9.81*1000 # N
vac_thrust = 18.82*9.81*1000 # N
rho = 1.3 * np.e ** ( -h / 7000 )
d_thrust = (vac_thrust-sl_thrust)/1.3 # kN
thrust = vac_thrust - d_thrust*rho
return thrust # N
def get_fc(self, h):
return m_s1_fuel/153
#rho = 1.3 * np.e ** ( -h / 7000 )
#d_fc = (64.59-54.50)/1.3
#fc = 64.59 - d_fc*rho
#return fc # Kg/s
def jettison(self):
return self.fuel < 0
class StageSeparationS12(object):
0 N thrust motor to simulate a 6 sec ballistic flight between MECO and 2nd stage ignition
def __init__(self):
self.fuel = 6/10**6
self.dry_mass = m_s2_fuel + m_s2_dry_mass + m_payload
def get_thrust(self, h):
return 0
def get_fc(self, h):
return 1/10**6
def jettison(self):
return self.fuel < 0
class StageS2(object):
def __init__(self):
self.fuel = m_s2_fuel # Kg
self.dry_mass = m_s2_dry_mass + m_payload # Kg
def get_thrust(self, h):
return 2.27*9.81*1000 # 22 269 N
def get_fc(self, h):
return m_s2_fuel/380 # Kg/s
def jettison(self):
return self.fuel < 0
# Rocket definition
# TODO: refactor this
# None = follow ideal angle
[90] * 10
+ [65] * (160-10)
# stage sep
+ [0] * 140
# 200 km
+ [None] * 240
max_angle = 20
cd = 0.3
# Main functions
def fly_rocket():
s1 = StageS1()
s12 = StageSeparationS12()
s2 = StageS2()
stages = [s1, s12, s2]
s1_dv = 9.81*303*np.log((s1.dry_mass+s1.fuel)/s1.dry_mass)
s2_dv = 9.81*333*np.log((s2.dry_mass+s2.fuel)/s2.dry_mass)
print('Rocket calculated dv: %d + %d = %d m/s' % (s1_dv, s2_dv, s1_dv+s2_dv))
angle = 90
ts = [0] # time
accs = [Vector(0, 0)]
vels = [Vector(0, 0)]
poss = [Vector(0, 0)]
dps_p = [0] # dynamic pressure - pascal
dps_n = [0] # dyn pre - newton
drag_losses = [0]
g_losses = [0]
_thrust = 0
_cent = 0
# Simulate flight
for i, stage in enumerate(stages):
print('=== Stage %d (t=%d) ===' % (i+1, ts[-1]))
while not stage.jettison():
thrust = stage.get_thrust(poss[-1].magnitude()) # N = Kg*m/s**2
mass = stage.fuel + stage.dry_mass # Kg
t = ts[-1] + 1
# compute acceleration
am_thrust = thrust/mass # m/s**2
am_drag = -dps_n[-1]/mass # m/s**2
am_g = -9.81 # m/s**2
am_c = vels[-1].x**2 / (6371000 + poss[-1].y)
# Pitch over
angle = ANGLES[ts[-1]]
if angle is None: # ideal angle
_a = 180/np.pi*np.arcsin(- (am_g + am_c) / am_thrust)
angle = min(_a, max_angle)
av_thrust = Vector.init_from_magangle(am_thrust, angle)
av_drag = Vector.init_from_magangle(am_drag, angle)
av_g = Vector.init_from_magangle(am_g, 90)
av_centrifugal = Vector.init_from_magangle(am_c, 90)
_thrust += am_thrust
_cent += am_c
a = av_thrust + av_drag + av_g + av_centrifugal
# compute other params
v = vels[-1] + a # m/s
p = poss[-1] + v # m
rho = 1.3 * np.e ** ( -p.magnitude() / 7000 ) # kg/m**3
dp_p = rho * v.magnitude()**2 / 2 # pascal = kg/m**3 * (m/s)**2
dp_n = dp_p * np.pi*0.6**2 * cd
t_spent = av_thrust.magnitude()
t_actual = (av_thrust + av_g).magnitude()
g_loss = t_actual - t_spent
# save for next iteration and for plotting
# dont forget to actually burn fuel
stage.fuel -= stage.get_fc(poss[-1].magnitude())
#print('%3d %5.1f %6.1f %8.1f' % (t, a.magnitude(), v.magnitude(), p.magnitude()))
print('=== Burn out (t=%d)' % ts[-1])
assert ts[-1] == len(ANGLES), '%d == %d is False' % (ts[-1], len(ANGLES))
# Print info
print('Simulation results:')
print('\tAltitude at t=100 sec: %.3f km' % (poss[100].y/1000))
print('\tTraveled downrange %6d km' % (poss[-1].x/1000))
print('\tFinal altitude %6d km' % (poss[-1].y/1000))
print('\tFinal speed %6d m/s' % (vels[-1].magnitude()))
print('\tDrag losses %6d m/s' % sum(drag_losses))
print('\tGravity losses %6d m/s' % sum(g_losses))
print('Rocket dv: %d m/s' % _thrust)
print('Rocket simulated dv: %d - %d - %d - %d = %d m/s' % (
vels[-1].magnitude(), sum(drag_losses), sum(g_losses), _cent,
(vels[-1].magnitude() - sum(drag_losses) - sum(g_losses) - _cent),
Er = 6371000
mu = 3.986004418*10**14
e = v.magnitude()**2/2 - mu/(Er+p.y)
print('Energy: %10.3f*10**6 (final e = [-29.55 ; -29.66]*10**6)' % (e/10**6))
a = 1/( 2/(Er+poss[-1].y) - vels[-1].magnitude()**2/mu )
T = 2*np.pi*np.sqrt(a**3/mu)
n = 2*np.pi / T # mean motion
v = vels[-1].magnitude()
dr = vels[-1].y
r = Er + poss[-1].y
for true_anomaly in np.linspace(0, np.pi, T/2): # we are rising (dr > 0) <=> after periapsis and before apoapsis <=> v in [0 ; pi]
# Solve for e
# e**2 + r*cos(true_anomaly)/a * e + r/a - 1 = 0
_b = r/a*np.cos(true_anomaly)
_c = r/a - 1
e_squared = (_b/2)*(_b/2 - 1) - _c
if e_squared < 0:
e = np.sqrt(e_squared)
r0 = a * (1-e**2) / (1*e*np.cos(true_anomaly))
r1 = a * (1-e**2) / (1*e*np.cos(true_anomaly + 2*np.pi/T))
if abs(dr - (r1-r0)) > 50:
rp = a * (1-e**2) / (1+e*np.cos(0))
ra = a * (1-e**2) / (1+e*np.cos(np.pi))
#if rp < Er+100*1000 or ra < Er+100*1000:
# continue
#print('%.2f %.2f' % (true_anomaly, e))
print('%.2f %.2f -> %.2f %.2f' % (true_anomaly, e, dr, r1-r0))
print('\t\t\t%d %d' % ((rp-Er)/1000, (ra-Er)/1000))
Ariane A-44L: Gravity Loss: 1576 m/s Drag Loss: 135 m/s
Atlas I: Gravity Loss: 1395 m/s Drag Loss: 110 m/s
Delta 7925: Gravity Loss: 1150 m/s Drag Loss: 136 m/s
Shuttle: Gravity Loss: 1222 m/s Drag Loss: 107 m/s
Saturn V: Gravity Loss: 1534 m/s Drag Loss: 40 m/s (!!)
Titan IV/Centaur: Gravity Loss: 1442 m/s Drag Loss: 156 m/s
# Plot data
def iterx(array):
return [a.x for a in array]
def itery(array):
return [a.y for a in array]
def itermag(array):
return [a.magnitude() for a in array]
plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plt.plot(ts, iterx(accs))
plt.plot(ts, itery(accs))
plt.plot(ts, itermag(accs))
plt.hlines([9.81*i for i in range(6)], ts[0], ts[-1])
plt.legend(['Horizontal', 'Vertical', 'Magnitude'])
plt.title('Acceleration (m/s**2)')
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plt.plot(ts, iterx(vels))
plt.plot(ts, itery(vels))
plt.plot(ts, itermag(vels))
plt.legend(['Horizontal', 'Vertical', 'Magnitude'])
plt.title('Velocity (m/s)')
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plt.plot(ts, iterx(poss))
plt.plot(ts, itery(poss))
plt.legend(['Downrange (horiz)', 'Altitude (vert)'])
plt.title('Position (m)')
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
plt.plot(ts, dps_p)
plt.plot(ts, dps_n)
plt.plot(ts, drag_losses)
plt.legend(['Pressure (Pascal = kg/(m*s**2))', 'Force (Newton = Kg/(m*s**2))', 'Loss (m/s**2)'])
plt.title('Dynamic Pressure (Aerodynamic Drag)')
#plt.xlim((45, 110))
#plt.ylim((10000, 25000))
plt.suptitle("Rocket Lab's Electron launch 2018-11-11")
# optimal pitch over angle
#plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
#plt.plot(ts, itermag(accs))
#plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
#plt.plot(ts, 180/np.pi*np.arcsin(1.2 / (1+np.array(itermag(accs)))))
def print_info():
def calc_speed(h): # altitude (km)
Er = 6371000
mu = 3.986004418 * 10**14
r = Er + h*1000
a = (Er+h*1000 + Er+500*1000)/2
return np.sqrt(mu*(2/r - 1/a))
print('Known or estimated info on the launch:') # from press kit / mission or live info / webcast
# based on Rocket Lab webcast and Gmaps, estimated distance, adding ~2 mn at
# end of burn traveling at orbital speed
# 9 cm on map / 200 km scale * 1.5 cm scale + 120 sec*8km/s
downrange = 9*200/1.5 + 120*8
print('\tAltitude at t=100 sec: 20.000 km')
50 sec dyn pres = 50 % * max
1mn20 = 80 sec max dyn press +/- 3 sec
1mn35 = 95 sec altitude 20 km
1mn45 = 105 sec dy press = 50 %
3mn30 = 210 sec speed 2.5 km/s
4mn50 = 290 sec speed 3 km/sec
5mn = 300 sec altitude 200 km
print('\tTraveled downrange: %d km' % downrange)
print('\tFinal periapsis: [200 ; 250] km')
print('\tSpeed at periapsis: [%d ; %d] m/s' % (calc_speed(200), calc_speed(250)))
print('\tFinal apoapsis: 500 km')
def main():
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