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Last active May 10, 2024 01:44
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Save NoelFB/778d190e5d17f1b86ebf39325346fcc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ugly C# .ase (aseprite) parser
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Text;
// File Format:
// Note: I didn't test with with Indexed or Grayscale colors
// Only implemented the stuff I needed / wanted, other stuff is ignored
namespace Example
public struct Color
public byte R;
public byte G;
public byte B;
public byte A;
public Color(int r, int g, int b, int a)
R = (byte)r;
G = (byte)g;
B = (byte)b;
A = (byte)a;
// this premultiplies the alpha ...
// depending on your use-case, you may not want this
public static Color FromNonPremultiplied(int r, int g, int b, int a)
return new Color(
(r * a / 255),
(g * a / 255),
(b * a / 255),
public struct Point
public int X;
public int Y;
public Point(int x, int y) { X = x; Y = y; }
public class Aseprite
public enum Modes
Indexed = 1,
Grayscale = 2,
RGBA = 4
private enum Chunks
OldPaletteA = 0x0004,
OldPaletteB = 0x0011,
Layer = 0x2004,
Cel = 0x2005,
CelExtra = 0x2006,
Mask = 0x2016,
Path = 0x2017,
FrameTags = 0x2018,
Palette = 0x2019,
UserData = 0x2020,
Slice = 0x2022
public readonly Modes Mode;
public readonly int Width;
public readonly int Height;
public readonly int FrameCount;
public List<Layer> Layers = new List<Layer>();
public List<Frame> Frames = new List<Frame>();
public List<Tag> Tags = new List<Tag>();
public List<Slice> Slices = new List<Slice>();
public Aseprite(Modes mode, int width, int height)
Mode = mode;
Width = width;
Height = height;
#region .ase Parser
public Aseprite(string file, bool loadImageData = true)
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(file))
var reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
// wrote these to match the documentation names so it's easier (for me, anyway) to parse
byte BYTE() { return reader.ReadByte(); }
ushort WORD() { return reader.ReadUInt16(); }
short SHORT() { return reader.ReadInt16(); }
uint DWORD() { return reader.ReadUInt32(); }
long LONG() { return reader.ReadInt32(); }
string STRING() { return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BYTES(WORD())); }
byte[] BYTES(int number) { return reader.ReadBytes(number); }
void SEEK(int number) { reader.BaseStream.Position += number; }
// Header
// file size
// Magic number (0xA5E0)
var magic = WORD();
if (magic != 0xA5E0)
throw new Exception("File is not in .ase format");
// Frames / Width / Height / Color Mode
FrameCount = WORD();
Width = WORD();
Height = WORD();
Mode = (Modes)(WORD() / 8);
// Other Info, Ignored
DWORD(); // Flags
WORD(); // Speed (deprecated)
DWORD(); // Set be 0
DWORD(); // Set be 0
BYTE(); // Palette entry
SEEK(3); // Ignore these bytes
WORD(); // Number of colors (0 means 256 for old sprites)
BYTE(); // Pixel width
BYTE(); // Pixel height
SEEK(92); // For Future
// temporary variables
var temp = new byte[Width * Height * (int)Mode];
var palette = new Color[256];
IUserData last = null;
// Frames
for (int i = 0; i < FrameCount; i++)
var frame = new Frame(this);
if (loadImageData)
frame.Pixels = new Color[Width * Height];
long frameStart, frameEnd;
int chunkCount;
// frame header
frameStart = reader.BaseStream.Position;
frameEnd = frameStart + DWORD();
WORD(); // Magic number (always 0xF1FA)
chunkCount = WORD(); // Number of "chunks" in this frame
frame.Duration = WORD(); // Frame duration (in milliseconds)
SEEK(6); // For future (set to zero)
// chunks
for (int j = 0; j < chunkCount; j++)
long chunkStart, chunkEnd;
Chunks chunkType;
// chunk header
chunkStart = reader.BaseStream.Position;
chunkEnd = chunkStart + DWORD();
chunkType = (Chunks)WORD();
if (chunkType == Chunks.Layer)
// create layer
var layer = new Layer();
// get layer data
layer.Flag = (Layer.Flags)WORD();
layer.Type = (Layer.Types)WORD();
layer.ChildLevel = WORD();
WORD(); // width (unused)
WORD(); // height (unused)
layer.BlendMode = WORD();
layer.Alpha = (BYTE() / 255f);
SEEK(3); // for future
layer.Name = STRING();
last = layer;
else if (chunkType == Chunks.Cel)
// create cel
var cel = new Cel();
// get cel data
cel.Layer = Layers[WORD()];
cel.X = SHORT();
cel.Y = SHORT();
cel.Alpha = BYTE() / 255f;
var celType = WORD(); // type
if (loadImageData)
if (celType == 0 || celType == 2)
cel.Width = WORD();
cel.Height = WORD();
var count = cel.Width * cel.Height * (int)Mode;
// RAW
if (celType == 0)
reader.Read(temp, 0, cel.Width * cel.Height * (int)Mode);
using var deflate = new DeflateStream(reader.BaseStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true);
int readBytes;
var totalBytesRead = 0;
readBytes = deflate.Read(buffer, totalBytesRead, buffer.Length - totalBytesRead);
totalBytesRead += readBytes;
} while (readBytes > 0);
cel.Pixels = new Color[cel.Width * cel.Height];
BytesToPixels(temp, cel.Pixels, Mode, palette);
CelToFrame(frame, cel);
else if (celType == 1)
// not gonna worry about it
last = cel;
else if (chunkType == Chunks.Palette)
var size = DWORD();
var start = DWORD();
var end = DWORD();
SEEK(8); // for future
for (int p = 0; p < (end - start) + 1; p++)
var hasName = WORD();
palette[start + p] = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE());
if (IsBitSet(hasName, 0))
else if (chunkType == Chunks.UserData)
if (last != null)
var flags = (int)DWORD();
// has text
if (IsBitSet(flags, 0))
last.UserDataText = STRING();
// has color
if (IsBitSet(flags, 1))
last.UserDataColor = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE());
// TAG
else if (chunkType == Chunks.FrameTags)
var count = WORD();
for (int t = 0; t < count; t++)
var tag = new Tag();
tag.From = WORD();
tag.To = WORD();
tag.LoopDirection = (Tag.LoopDirections)BYTE();
tag.Color = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE(), 255);
tag.Name = STRING();
else if (chunkType == Chunks.Slice)
var count = DWORD();
var flags = (int)DWORD();
DWORD(); // reserved
var name = STRING();
for (int s = 0; s < count; s++)
var slice = new Slice();
slice.Name = name;
slice.Frame = (int)DWORD();
slice.OriginX = (int)LONG();
slice.OriginY = (int)LONG();
slice.Width = (int)DWORD();
slice.Height = (int)DWORD();
// 9 slice (ignored atm)
if (IsBitSet(flags, 0))
// pivot point
if (IsBitSet(flags, 1))
slice.Pivot = new Point((int)DWORD(), (int)DWORD());
last = slice;
reader.BaseStream.Position = chunkEnd;
reader.BaseStream.Position = frameEnd;
#region Data Structures
public class Frame
public Aseprite Sprite;
public int Duration;
public Color[] Pixels;
public List<Cel> Cels;
public Frame(Aseprite sprite)
Sprite = sprite;
Cels = new List<Cel>();
public class Tag
public enum LoopDirections
Forward = 0,
Reverse = 1,
PingPong = 2
public string Name;
public LoopDirections LoopDirection;
public int From;
public int To;
public Color Color;
public interface IUserData
string UserDataText { get; set; }
Color UserDataColor { get; set; }
public struct Slice : IUserData
public int Frame;
public string Name;
public int OriginX;
public int OriginY;
public int Width;
public int Height;
public Point? Pivot;
public string UserDataText { get; set; }
public Color UserDataColor { get; set; }
public class Cel : IUserData
public Layer Layer;
public Color[] Pixels;
public int X;
public int Y;
public int Width;
public int Height;
public float Alpha;
public string UserDataText { get; set; }
public Color UserDataColor { get; set; }
public class Layer : IUserData
public enum Flags
Visible = 1,
Editable = 2,
LockMovement = 4,
Background = 8,
PreferLinkedCels = 16,
Collapsed = 32,
Reference = 64
public enum Types
Normal = 0,
Group = 1
public Flags Flag;
public Types Type;
public string Name;
public int ChildLevel;
public int BlendMode;
public float Alpha;
public string UserDataText { get; set; }
public Color UserDataColor { get; set; }
#region Blend Modes
// Copied from Aseprite's source code:
private delegate void Blend(ref Color dest, Color src, byte opacity);
private static Blend[] BlendModes = new Blend[]
// 0 - NORMAL
(ref Color dest, Color src, byte opacity) =>
int r, g, b, a;
if (dest.A == 0)
r = src.R;
g = src.G;
b = src.B;
else if (src.A == 0)
r = dest.R;
g = dest.G;
b = dest.B;
r = (dest.R + MUL_UN8((src.R - dest.R), opacity));
g = (dest.G + MUL_UN8((src.G - dest.G), opacity));
b = (dest.B + MUL_UN8((src.B - dest.B), opacity));
a = (dest.A + MUL_UN8((src.A - dest.A), opacity));
if (a == 0)
r = g = b = 0;
dest.R = (byte)r;
dest.G = (byte)g;
dest.B = (byte)b;
dest.A = (byte)a;
private static int MUL_UN8(int a, int b)
var t = (a * b) + 0x80;
return (((t >> 8) + t) >> 8);
#region Utils
/// <summary>
/// Converts an array of Bytes to an array of Colors, using the specific Aseprite Mode & Palette
/// </summary>
private void BytesToPixels(byte[] bytes, Color[] pixels, Aseprite.Modes mode, Color[] palette)
int len = pixels.Length;
if (mode == Modes.RGBA)
for (int p = 0, b = 0; p < len; p++, b += 4)
pixels[p].R = (byte)(bytes[b + 0] * bytes[b + 3] / 255);
pixels[p].G = (byte)(bytes[b + 1] * bytes[b + 3] / 255);
pixels[p].B = (byte)(bytes[b + 2] * bytes[b + 3] / 255);
pixels[p].A = bytes[b + 3];
else if (mode == Modes.Grayscale)
for (int p = 0, b = 0; p < len; p++, b += 2)
pixels[p].R = pixels[p].G = pixels[p].B = (byte)(bytes[b + 0] * bytes[b + 1] / 255);
pixels[p].A = bytes[b + 1];
else if (mode == Modes.Indexed)
for (int p = 0, b = 0; p < len; p++, b += 1)
pixels[p] = palette[bytes[b]];
/// <summary>
/// Applies a Cel's pixels to the Frame, using its Layer's BlendMode & Alpha
/// </summary>
private void CelToFrame(Frame frame, Cel cel)
var opacity = (byte)((cel.Alpha * cel.Layer.Alpha) * 255);
var blend = BlendModes[cel.Layer.BlendMode];
for (int sx = 0; sx < cel.Width; sx++)
int dx = cel.X + sx;
int dy = cel.Y * frame.Sprite.Width;
for (int i = 0, sy = 0; i < cel.Height; i++, sy += cel.Width, dy += frame.Sprite.Width)
blend(ref frame.Pixels[dx + dy], cel.Pixels[sx + sy], opacity);
private static bool IsBitSet(int b, int pos)
return (b & (1 << pos)) != 0;
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marpe commented Jul 12, 2022

Was having an issue where larger sprites were being cut off and it turns out that deflate.Read() doesn't necessarily read the number of bytes you tell it to. Modified L233 with this which fixed the issue:

using var deflate = new DeflateStream(reader.BaseStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true);
int readBytes;
var totalBytesRead = 0;
    readBytes = deflate.Read(buffer, totalBytesRead, buffer.Length - totalBytesRead);
    totalBytesRead += readBytes;
} while (readBytes > 0);

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Reading indexed should look like this:

            else if (mode == Modes.Indexed)
                for (int p = 0, b = 0; p < len; p++, b += 1)
                    pixels[p] = palette[bytes[b]];

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NoelFB commented Apr 22, 2024

thanks, I've updated it with the fixes above!

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I've also noticed an issue with the blending function on some layers.

Here's a fixed method:

      private static Blend[] BlendModes = new Blend[]
          // 0 - NORMAL
          (ref Color dest, Color src, byte opacity) =>
              int r, g, b, a;

              if (dest.A == 0)
                  r = src.R;
                  g = src.G;
                  b = src.B;
                  a = src.A;
              else if (src.A == 0)
                  r = dest.R;
                  g = dest.G;
                  b = dest.B;
                  a = dest.A;
                  a = (dest.A + MUL_UN8(src.A - dest.A, opacity));

                  if (a != 0)
                      r = (dest.R + MUL_UN8(src.R - dest.R, opacity));
                      g = (dest.G + MUL_UN8(src.G - dest.G, opacity));
                      b = (dest.B + MUL_UN8(src.B - dest.B, opacity));
                      r = g = b = 0;

              dest.R = (byte)r;
              dest.G = (byte)g;
              dest.B = (byte)b;
              dest.A = (byte)a;


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Aseprite v1.3.5 writes the Old palette chunk (0x0004) chunk if the palette doesn't have alpha channel and contains 256 colors or less.

So you need to process the old palette chunk

                        // OLD PALETTE CHUNK
                        else if (chunkType == Chunks.OldPaletteA)
                            var packetCount = WORD();
                            for (int p = 0; p < packetCount; p++)
                                var skip = BYTE();
                                var count = BYTE();

                                for (int c = 0; c < (count == 0 ? 256 : count); c++)
                                    Palette[skip + c] = Color.FromRgbaNonPremultiplied(BYTE(), BYTE(), BYTE(), 255);

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