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Last active November 7, 2022 07:19
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Simple C++ Coroutine using a switch statement internally
#pragma once
namespace YourNamespace
struct Routine
// Current "waiting time" before we run the next block
float wait_for = 0;
// Used during `rt_for`, which repeats the given block for X time
float repeat_for = 0;
// Current block of the routine
int at = 0;
int constexpr rt_hash(const char* name)
unsigned int hash = 5381;
for (int i = 0; name[i] != '\0'; i++)
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + name[i];
return hash;
#define DELTA_TIME Time::delta
// Begins the Coroutine, location 0
// `routine` is a reference to a Routine struct which holds the state
#define rt_begin(routine) \
if (routine.wait_for > 0) \
routine.wait_for -= DELTA_TIME; \
else \
{ \
auto& __rt = routine; /* routine ref */ \
auto __mn = true; /* move-next */ \
switch ( \
{ \
case 0: { \
// Waits until the next frame to begind the following block
#define rt_step() \
} if (__mn) = __LINE__; \
break; \
case __LINE__: { \
// Same as `rt_step` but can be jumped
// to by using rt_goto(name)
#define rt_label(name) \
} if (__mn) = rt_hash(name); \
break; \
case rt_hash(name): { \
// Repeats the following block for the given amount of time
#define rt_for(time) \
rt_step(); \
if (__rt.repeat_for < time) { \
__rt.repeat_for += DELTA_TIME; \
__mn = __rt.repeat_for >= time; \
if (__mn) __rt.repeat_for = 0; \
} \
// Repeats the following block while the condition is met
#define rt_while(condition) \
} if (__mn) = __LINE__; \
break; \
case __LINE__: if (condition) { \
__mn = false \
// Waits until the condition is met
#define rt_until(condition) \
} if (__mn) = ((condition) ? __LINE__ : -__LINE__); \
break; \
case -__LINE__: \
if (condition) = __LINE__; \
break; \
case __LINE__: { \
// Waits a given amount of time before beginning the following block
#define rt_wait(time) \
} if (__mn) { \
__rt.wait_for = time; \ = __LINE__; \
} \
break; \
case __LINE__: { \
// Ends the Coroutine
#define rt_end() \
} if (__mn) = -1; \
break; \
} \
} \
goto rt_end_of_routine; \
rt_end_of_routine: \
// Flow Statements:
// These can be used anywhere between rt_begin and rt_end,
// including if statements, while loops, etc.
// Repeats the block that this is contained within
// Skips the remainder of the block
#define rt_repeat() \
goto rt_end_of_routine \
// Goes to a given block labeled with `rt_label`
#define rt_goto(name) \
do { \ = rt_hash(name); \
goto rt_end_of_routine; \
} while(false) \
// Restarts the entire Coroutine;
// Jumps back to `rt_begin` on the next frame
#define rt_restart() \
do { \ = 0; \
__rt.wait_for = 0; \
__rt.repeat_for = 0; \
goto rt_end_of_routine; \
} while(false) \
// Example:
// // Assuming you have a `routine` variable stored somewhere
// rt_begin(routine);
// {
// // stuff that happens frame 1
// }
// rt_wait(1.0f);
// {
// // after 1.0s, this block runs
// }
// rt_for(0.25f);
// {
// // this block repeats for 0.25s
// }
// rt_step();
// {
// // the following frame, this block is run
// }
// rt_label("ABC");
// {
// if (something)
// rt_repeat();
// // not run if rt_repeat() was called
// something_else();
// }
// rt_step();
// {
// if (another) rt_goto("ABC"); // jumps to "ABC"
// if (another2) rt_restart(); // jumps to rt_begin
// // otherwise the next block will be run next frame
// }
// rt_while(condition_is_true);
// {
// // this is repeated until condition_is_true is false
// }
// rt_end();
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