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Last active December 26, 2016 00:52
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Implement of tim's compile time regex ->
#include <functional>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
enum ExprType {
struct Expr {
Expr(ExprType et) : _et(et) { }
Expr(ExprType et, Expr* lt, Expr* rt) : _et(et), left(lt), right(rt) { }
Expr(ExprType et, Expr* sub) : _et(et), sub_expr(sub) { }
Expr(ExprType et, char c) : _et(et), ch(c) { }
ExprType _et;
union {
struct { Expr* left, *right; };
struct { Expr* sub_expr; };
struct { char ch; };
~Expr() {
delete left;
delete right;
delete sub_expr;
bool RegexMatchImpl(const Expr* expr, const char* target,
const std::function<bool(const char* rest)>& cont) {
switch(expr->_et) {
case EpsilonExpr: {
return cont(target);
case MatchExpr: {
return *target && *target == expr->ch && cont(target + 1);
case ConcatExpr: {
return RegexMatchImpl(expr->left, target, [cont, expr](const char* rest) -> bool {
return RegexMatchImpl(expr->right, rest, cont);
case AltExpr: {
return RegexMatchImpl(expr->left, target, cont) ||
RegexMatchImpl(expr->right, target, cont);
case RepeatExpr: {
return RegexMatchImpl(expr->sub_expr, target,
[target, cont, expr](const char* rest) -> bool {
return target < rest &&
RegexMatchImpl(new Expr(RepeatExpr, expr->sub_expr), rest, cont);
}) || cont(target);
bool RegexMatch(const Expr* expr, const char* target) {
return RegexMatchImpl(expr, target, [](const char* rest) -> bool { return *rest == '\0'; });
int main() {
assert(RegexMatch(new Expr(ConcatExpr,new Expr(MatchExpr, 'a'), new Expr(MatchExpr,'b')), "ab"));
assert(RegexMatch(new Expr(AltExpr, new Expr(MatchExpr, 'a'), new Expr(MatchExpr, 'b')), "a"));
assert(RegexMatch(new Expr(AltExpr, new Expr(MatchExpr, 'a'), new Expr(EpsilonExpr)), ""));
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