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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save Nogamara/e1673a266d23281a50a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Nogamara/e1673a266d23281a50a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A small wrapper of GameLib functions for Character Stats in WildStar
-- NogaCharLib v0.3 @ APIVersion 8
-- by Nogamara on EU-Lightspire
-- armagonlive at googlemail dot com
-- placed in the public domain
-- How to use:
-- - place into YourAddon/Libs (or wherever you want)
-- - add this to toc.xml:
-- <Script Name="Libs/NogaCharLib.lua"/>
-- - add this to your addon:
-- local NogaCharLib = _G["NogaCharLib"]
-- local currency = NogaCharLib:GetCurrency()
-- local base = NogaCharLib:GetBaseStats()
-- local misc = NogaCharLib:GetMiscStats()
-- local all = NogaCharLib:GetAll()
require "GameLib"
require "Money"
local NogaCharLib = {
gameDefs = {
-- GameLib.GetPlayerUnit:GetFaction()
mappingFactions = {
[166] = "Dominion",
[167] = "Exile",
-- GameLib.GetPlayerUnit:GetGender()
mappingGenders = {
[0] = "Male",
[1] = "Female",
-- GameLib.CodeEnumClass.XXX
codeEnumClass = {
[1] = "Warrior",
[2] = "Engineer",
[3] = "Esper",
[4] = "Medic",
[5] = "Stalker",
[7] = "Spellslinger",
-- GameLib.CodeEnumRace.XXX
codeEnumRace = {
[1] = "Human",
[3] = "Granok",
[4] = "Aurin",
[5] = "Draken",
[12] = "Mechari",
[13] = "Chua",
[16] = "Mordesh",
-- GameLib.CodeEnumZonePvpRules.XXX
codeEnumZonePvpRules = {
[0] = "None",
[1] = "ExileStronghold",
[2] = "DominionStronghold",
[3] = "Sanctuary",
[4] = "Pvp",
[5] = "ExilePVPStronghold",
[6] = "DominionPVPStronghold",
-- GameLib.CodeEnumItemSlots.XXX
codeEnumItemSlots = {
[1] = "Chest",
[2] = "Legs",
[3] = "Head",
[4] = "Shoulder",
[5] = "Feet",
[6] = "Hands",
[7] = "Tool",
[20] = "Weapon",
[43] = "Shields",
[46] = "Gadget",
[57] = "Attachment",
[58] = "System",
[59] = "Augment",
[60] = "Implant",
-- GameLib.CodeEnumPetStance.XXX
codeEnumPetStance = {
[0] = "Assist",
[1] = "Stay",
[2] = "Passive",
[3] = "Defensive",
[4] = "Aggressive",
fooDefs = {
baseCallables = {
GetClassId = "n",
GetGender = "n",
GetFaction = "n",
GetGuildName = "s",
GetGuildType = "n",
GetId = "n",
GetLevel = "n",
GetLevelString = "s",
GetName = "s",
GetPlayerPathType = "n",
GetRaceId = "n",
GetRank = "n",
GetType = "n",
GetTitle = "s",
GetTitleOrName = "s",
miscCallables = {
GetAbsorptionMax = "n",
GetAbsorptionValue = "n",
GetAffiliationName = "s",
GetAssaultAndSupportPowerSoftcap = "n",
GetAssaultPower = "n",
GetBaseLifesteal = "n",
GetCooldownReductionModifier = "n",
GetCritChance = "n",
GetCritSeverity = "n",
GetDeflectChance = "n",
GetDeflectCritChance = "n",
GetHealth = "n",
GetIgnoreArmorBase = "n",
GetIgnoreShieldBase = "n",
GetInterruptArmorMax = "n",
GetInterruptArmorValue = "n",
GetMagicMitigation = "n",
GetMana = "n",
GetManaCostModifier = "n",
GetManaRegenInCombat = "n",
GetManaRegenNonCombat = "n",
GetMaxHealth = "n",
GetMaxMana = "n",
GetMaxResource = "n",
GetPhysicalMitigation = "n",
GetPvPDefensePercent = "n",
GetPvPDefenseRating = "n",
GetPvPOffensePercent = "n",
GetPvPOffenseRating = "n",
GetResource = "n",
GetResourceConversions = "n",
GetShieldCapacity = "n",
GetShieldCapacityMax = "n",
GetShieldRebootTime = "n",
GetShieldRegenPct = "n",
GetShieldTickTime = "n",
GetSpellMechanicId = "n",
GetSpellMechanicPercentage = "n",
GetStrikethroughChance = "n",
GetSupportPower = "n",
function NogaCharLib:GetCurrency()
local currency = {}
currency.Credits = {}
local credits = GameLib.GetPlayerCurrency(Money.CodeEnumCurrencyType.Credits):GetAmount() --
currency.BaseCredits = credits
currency.Credits.Copper = credits % 100
credits = (credits - currency.Credits.Copper) / 100
currency.Credits.Silver = credits >= 100 and (credits % 100) or credits
credits = (credits - currency.Credits.Silver) / 100
currency.Credits.Gold = credits >= 100 and (credits % 100) or credits
credits = (credits - currency.Credits.Gold) / 100
currency.Credits.Plat = credits >= 100 and (credits % 100) or credits
currency.ElderGems = GameLib.GetPlayerCurrency(Money.CodeEnumCurrencyType.ElderGems):GetAmount()
currency.Prestige = GameLib.GetPlayerCurrency(Money.CodeEnumCurrencyType.Prestige):GetAmount()
currency.Renown = GameLib.GetPlayerCurrency(Money.CodeEnumCurrencyType.Renown):GetAmount()
currency.CraftingVouchers = GameLib.GetPlayerCurrency(Money.CodeEnumCurrencyType.CraftingVouchers):GetAmount()
currency.GroupCurrency = GameLib.GetPlayerCurrency(Money.CodeEnumCurrencyType.GroupCurrency):GetAmount()
return currency
function NogaCharLib:GetBaseStats(unit)
local pUnit = unit and unit or GameLib.GetPlayerUnit()
local mt = getmetatable(pUnit)
local stats = {}
for func, type in pairs(NogaCharLib.fooDefs.baseCallables) do
if func then
stats[func:gsub("^Get", "")] = mt[func](pUnit)
stats.ClassString = stats.ClassId and NogaCharLib.gameDefs.codeEnumClass[stats.ClassId] or ""
stats.RaceString = stats.RaceId and NogaCharLib.gameDefs.codeEnumRace[stats.RaceId] or ""
stats.FactionString = stats.Faction and NogaCharLib.gameDefs.mappingFactions[stats.Faction] or ""
stats.GenderString = stats.Gender and NogaCharLib.gameDefs.mappingGenders[stats.Gender] or ""
stats.Realm = GameLib.GetRealmName()
stats.GearScore = GameLib.GetGearScore()
return stats
function NogaCharLib:GetMiscStats(unit)
local pUnit = unit and unit or GameLib.GetPlayerUnit()
local mt = getmetatable(pUnit)
local stats = {}
for func, type in pairs(NogaCharLib.fooDefs.miscCallables) do
if func then
stats[func:gsub("^Get", "")] = mt[func](pUnit)
return stats
function NogaCharLib:GetAll(unit)
local data = {}
data.Base = NogaCharLib:GetBaseStats(unit)
data.Misc = NogaCharLib:GetMiscStats(unit)
data.Currency = NogaCharLib:GetCurrency()
return data
Apollo.RegisterPackage(NogaCharLib, "NogaCharLib", 2, {})
-- NogaCharLib = nil
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