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Last active August 14, 2023 21:32
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Unreal Paragon Asset Consolidation
import unreal
# For Texture2D, Material and TextureCube
# BEFORE - 72.8 GB
# AFTER - 49.0 GB, deleted 6869 duplicate files
# 22GB savings of data in /Game/Content
# Regarding MaterialFunctions, there are over 3200 of them, unfortunately the editor crashes when
# processing these, and the crash results in your character no longer having a material
# you could try adding MaterialFucntion to classesOfInterest array, but do make a backup of your project first
# Change this as you like, this is the new location for all consolidated global files
newGlobalPath = "/Game/ParagonGlobal"
# If your system does not have a lot of memory, run this script once per array item (make the array have only 1 class)
classesOfInterest = ['Texture2D', 'Material', 'TextureCube']
searchPaths = ['/Characters/Global/','/FX/']
dupesProcessed = []
dupeCount = 0
registry = unreal.AssetRegistryHelpers.get_asset_registry()
lib = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary()
assets = registry.get_assets(unreal.ARFilter(class_names=classesOfInterest, recursive_paths=True))
def is_in_path(obj):
return (searchPaths[0] in str(obj.object_path) or searchPaths[1] in str(obj.object_path))
def has_same_parent(obj1, obj2):
return str(obj1.object_path).split('/')[-2] == str(obj2.object_path).split('/')[-2]
# TO DO: ideally Advanced Search would be nice, it would simplify this code imensly if I could search by "asset_name"
for outter in assets:
if is_in_path(outter) and str(outter.object_path) not in dupesProcessed:
dupesOfOutter = []
for inner in assets:
if (is_in_path(inner) and # only the assets that would have dupes
inner.asset_name == outter.asset_name and # the asset name must match
inner.asset_class == outter.asset_class and # the asset class must match
inner.object_path != outter.object_path and # must not be the same as outter asset
has_same_parent(outter, inner) and # must have same parent directory name (edge cases for /rubber/ and /steel/
str(inner.object_path) not in dupesProcessed): # since we are changing the contents of the obj we are iterating
if (len(dupesOfOutter) > 0):
dupeCount += 1
source = str(outter.object_path)
destination = newGlobalPath
if "/FX/" in source:
destination += '/FX' + source.split('/FX')[1]
destination += source.split('/Characters/Global')[1]
# Move to a new top level global
if not lib.do_assets_exist([destination]):
result = lib.rename_asset(source, destination)
print("### Move Success" if result else "### Move Fail")
print('#### DUPES FOUND FOR : ' + str(outter.asset_class) + ' - ' + str(outter.object_path))
dupeObjects = []
for dupe in dupesOfOutter:
if lib.do_assets_exist([dupe]):
print('#### ' + dupe)
# Do the consolidation
if (len(dupeObjects) > 0):
newAsset = lib.load_asset(destination)
result = lib.consolidate_assets(newAsset, dupeObjects)
lib.save_loaded_asset(newAsset) # if we don't do this, and there is a crash, were fucked
print("### Consolidate Success" if result else "### Consolidate Fail")
print("### " + str(dupeCount) + " newly sourced global files, consolidated " + str(len(dupesProcessed)) + " duplicated files.")
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