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Created May 21, 2022 19:18
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SCC Article Full TF
# Service account that will be the identity of our GCF
resource "google_service_account" "sa_gcf" {
account_id = "gcf-golden-image-scanner"
display_name = "Google Cloud Function that runs the golden image scanner"
resource "google_organization_iam_member" "org_scc_findings" {
org_id = var.org_id
role = "roles/securitycenter.findingsEditor"
member = "serviceAccount:${}"
resource "google_organization_iam_member" "org_scc_assets" {
org_id = var.org_id
role = "roles/securitycenter.assetsViewer"
member = "serviceAccount:${}"
# Security Command Center Source
resource "google_scc_source" "custom_source" {
display_name = "Golden Image Scanner"
organization = var.org_id
description = "Creates findings when disks are not using the latest golden image within a family"
# Google Cloud Function
resource "google_cloudfunctions_function" "scanner" {
name = "Golden-Image-Scanner"
description = "GCF to run daily that scans for disks using out of date golden images"
runtime = "python39"
region = var.region
available_memory_mb = 128
trigger_http = true
timeout = 60
ingress_settings = "ALLOW_ALL"
entry_point = "scan"
service_account_email =
source_repository {
url = var.gcf_git_url
# Cloud Scheduler
data "google_compute_default_service_account" "default" {
resource "google_cloud_scheduler_job" "job" {
name = "Golden-Image-Scanner"
description = "A job that scans the image family ${var.image_family}"
region = var.region
schedule = "0 1 * * *" # daily at 1am
time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles"
attempt_deadline = "320s"
retry_config {
retry_count = 1
http_target {
http_method = "POST"
uri = google_cloudfunctions_function.scanner.https_trigger_url
body = base64encode("{\"org_id\":\"${var.org_id}\",\"scc_source_name\":\"${}\",\"image_family\":\"${var.image_family}\"}")
headers = tomap({
Content-Type = "application/json"
oidc_token {
service_account_email =
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