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Created August 4, 2023 11:36
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private fun parseMarkdown(
markdown: String,
typography: Typography,
headingColor: Color
): AnnotatedString {
val parser = Parser.builder().build()
val document = parser.parse(markdown)
val annotatedString = buildAnnotatedString {
visitMarkdownNode(document, typography, headingColor)
return annotatedString.trim() as AnnotatedString
private fun AnnotatedString.Builder.visitMarkdownNode(
node: Node,
typography: Typography,
headingColor: Color
) {
when (node) {
is Heading -> {
val style = when (node.level) {
in 1..3 -> typography.titleLarge
4 -> typography.titleMedium
5 -> typography.bodySmall
else -> typography.bodySmall
withStyle(style.toParagraphStyle()) {
withStyle(style.toSpanStyle().copy(color = headingColor)) {
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
is Paragraph -> {
if (node.parents.any { it is BulletList || it is OrderedList }) {
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
} else {
withStyle(typography.bodyLarge.toParagraphStyle()) {
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
is Emphasis -> {
withStyle(SpanStyle(fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic)) {
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
is StrongEmphasis -> {
withStyle(SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold)) {
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
is Text -> {
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
is SoftLineBreak -> {
append(" ")
is HardLineBreak -> {
is ThematicBreak -> {
withStyle(ParagraphStyle(textAlign = TextAlign.Center)) {
withStyle(SpanStyle(letterSpacing = 0.sp)) {
is OrderedList -> {
withStyle(ParagraphStyle(textIndent = TextIndent(firstLine = 10.sp, restLine = 20.sp))) {
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
is BulletList -> {
withStyle(ParagraphStyle(textIndent = TextIndent(firstLine = 10.sp, restLine = 20.sp))) {
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
is ListItem -> {
if (node.parents.any { it is BulletList }) {
append("• ")
} else if (node.parents.any { it is OrderedList }) {
val startNumber = (node.parents.first { it is OrderedList } as OrderedList).startNumber
val index = startNumber + node.previousSiblings.filterIsInstance<ListItem>().size
append("$index. ")
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
is Document -> {
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
else -> {
Log.e("MarkdownText", "Traversing unhandled node: $node")
visitChildren(node, typography, headingColor)
private fun AnnotatedString.Builder.visitChildren(
node: Node,
typography: Typography,
headingColor: Color
) {
var child = node.firstChild
while (child != null) {
visitMarkdownNode(child, typography, headingColor)
child =
private val Node.parents: List<Node> get() {
val list = mutableListOf<Node>()
var current = this
while (true) {
current = current.parent ?: return list
list += current
private val Node.previousSiblings: List<Node> get() {
val list = mutableListOf<Node>()
var current = this
while (true) {
current = current.previous ?: return list
list += current
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